Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO I If the people tru~t him with} publici hel this spltcs, he woy k power, and uses power to proves himself unworthy of trust. private 0000,6315“: “R-'I” TIRE 0 It’s a big mileage tire from the word G0! “R-l". has a tough, heavy, centre- traction diamond tread for greater safety . . . a resilient Supertwist cord body for maximum blow- out protection. Its LOW PRICE is grand news to any tire buyer. Let us show you “R-l" today! Young’s Service Station YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL of grains and proteins. save grain. ement: supp! Days on Daily Gain ........................... Grain eaten production apply. to serving your district, per 100 lbs. gain... .. Cost of Hog per 100 lbs. gain ................................. The feeding of Protein Supplements saved 219 to 290 lbs. of Grain, or from $2.48 to $2.82 per 200 lb. Hogs. THE BALANCED RATION GAVE THESE HOGS THE OPPORTUNITY TO PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR FEEDâ€"â€"AND THEY PAID IT! The Dominion Experimental Farms from coast to coast, 'raise and feed hogs to obtain unbiased breeding and feeding facts. For information on hog feeding and the Superintendent of the Dom1n1on Experimental Farm or direct to: Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. UNIONVIEE School Services- ard Sunday inu. The annual Festival of Stptember 17th. CENTRAL I'NITED (‘III'RCII l Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen Daylight Savingr Time 10.30 a.m.â€"(‘hurch School. illjiii a.m.A<“Are You Afra'd God?" 'No Evening Service. of EBENEZER I'NITED CHURCH Standard Time 1.30 p.11].-â€"(‘hlll‘£‘ll School. 2.730 11,111.7“Are You Afraid God?" of Building in East York is room-led as being: the highest in ten years. There are 3.005 nrimary schoOI teachers in Ontario drawmcr salaries of $600 a year or less ( l WOULD YOU LIKE T0 | i - PLAY A BAND OR [ i‘ [ORCHESTRAL i INSTRUMENT? I know of no thorough sys- tem of music teaching so rapid as my own and yet so reasonable in cost. Write to l PERCY A. DRURY l R.R. N0. 2, Maple l Bandmaster in lchthcsda Lutheran Church will meet fat the usual hour on Sunday morn- the 'kurvest v.-ill be held on Sunday. Thornhill Raina News Mrs. Henry Ilarpcr will celebrate . 11mm.“ sva.‘ {uswn‘ er 01st birthday on Wednesday. \‘0- “11.1 Duncan )1”. Raw. iAug‘LJsL Zili'd and will he “At Home" » . .1. was a member of the United it.» her friends from two to six. (lunch and a devoted \\'o!l<er in the ‘ ILST‘ I 1‘» organizatiors. The Liberal i At a met-ting: of the d rectors 05 extcnls sympathy to Mr. {owlwttom lihe Horticultural Society, held Mon: 1:25 i‘am‘ly in their sorrow. ‘day right at the lumv of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor (lraine'er and 1,[~~.-, .l. A. Thompson it was decided family and Mr. and Mrs. Billina's gto hold the annual fall show on Sat- H" in l this \vtck l‘l'4 in a holiday lurday. August ioth in the l.-".\\‘i‘t'1‘."|' t‘ at North Bay. i)leinorial Hall. I! to 9.30. I’l'i'te list Ii. 1‘}. and Mrs. l‘Ua'slv-y of imay be procured from Mr. Bie‘ntll. Yonge St. Misses Mrriel S'mpson and Amy Ball are spending“ two weeks vac.â€" .tion in Haliburton. Miss Ruby .Ii‘ffrics lweekâ€"end ir Muskoka. ‘ Mr. Neil McDonald and family atâ€" tendcd the Tlh annual reunion pic< inic of the McDonald Clan. held at Bc-wmanville recently. spent the ‘ Rev. Norman and Mrs. La Marsh. of Baltimore visited on Monday with .Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smellie and Mr. lJ. E. and Miss Lillian Francis. Anne Bray. beloved wife of George Rowbottom. passed away at her home on Bayview Ave. Thornhill. August 10th in her 74th year. The funeral was held on Saturday afâ€" ternoon and was. in charge of Rev. LE. B. Cooke. assisted by Rev. Burnâ€" side of Toronto. an old friend of Mr. and Mrs. Rombottom. Mr. Floyd Davies sang one of the deceased favâ€" orite hymns, “0 love that will not let me and was accompanied by Mrs. Davies at the piano. Mrs. Rowlbottom was one who could alâ€" ways “trace the rainbow through the rain". The pallbearers were old friends and neie'hlbors, Messrs. N. a, .. ,0 BACON IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT Wéen a 712/1122 FE E DS yeah to a #07 do SELLS 4’2th to that #07 722 {/07 PAYS in park... AND THE HOG PAYS WELL! Properly fed, 350 lbs. of grain makes 100 lbs. of pork. Rail-grade prices are based on dressed weight . . . so well-fed hogs when Rail-Graded, pay the highest prices for their feed. But "well-fe ” does not mean over-fed. Good feeding calls for a balanced ration Grain, by itself, is not suflicient to develop and bring you hogs to market requirements economically. Proteins of ammal or1g1n, such as skim milk and tankage, are of equal importance. Proteins promote growl/2 and This representative Feeding Trial, with three lots of 21 pigs eachnshows how grain may be saved and cost of production lowered by feeding protem Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot Grain 8: Grain 8.: Grain Protein Protein alone Supple- Supple- ment "A" .. .................................. 1191/ 129 214 """ 1.31 ibs. 1.24 lbs. .74 lbs. 321.63 392.76 611.84 $6.14 $5.97 $7.38 Marketing Ser1.'1'ce, DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister. ment "B" (‘aittnu'ton and formerly of Thorna hill spending: montl‘. of August in Toronto and at- tindci the funtral of the late Mrs.- iRm‘flmttnm last Saturday. Miss Mary Dean. John St. left ion Saiuiday on a two weeks” motor trip to New York and Lake Placid. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. G. H. Rasher “Parsonae'i‘” are ard daughters of Langstaff are ispending a vacation at Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Harold Rowswell and rlfilgh- ter Miss Mary Rowswell of Thorn- hnill are spending a vacation at their summer home at Lake Joseph. Mus- koka. ‘ Mr. John Ellacott spent last week- end at Balm Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Francis and family of Toronto and Miss Lillian Francis of Thornhill. .spending a few days visiting with :her sister Mrs.‘Wisner of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keffer and Mr. R. K. O’Dell of Concord spent the wetk_end at Priceville at their parents home Mr. and Mrs. A. 0'- Dell. who were celebrating their 40th anniversary. Other members of the family who attended: the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Hornsiby, Miss Doris O‘Dell. Miss Callie O'Dell of Toronto and Mr. Albert O'Dell. Mr. Robert O‘Dell and Mr. Alfred O’Dell of Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. O'Dell were married in England. came to Canada 25 years ago. They first settled in King two. later moving to Priceville. The family presented their proud parents with a table lamp. Mrs. Johns of Thornhill is spend- ing a vacation at Huntsville. Mrs. N. Weeds and son of Thorn- hill are spending a vacation at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffman and son of Kenmore. N.Y. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson, Thornhill. ‘Mr. and Mrs. E. Qellately and son David of King spent Sunday visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Walter How- ell. Thornhill. Miss Eva Simpkins of Thornhill is spending a vacation with Miss Audrey Parkhill of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tamblyn. Miss Jean Cowan and Mrs. H. W. Tamb- lyn of Toronto visited with Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Marwood. Thornhill. Miss Lora Tremble of 7_ Toronto spent last week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Findlay, Thornhill. Members of the Patterson Lodge met at the home of Mr. E. Francis, Thornhill. last week under the di- rection of the new master, Mr. Allen Francis of Toronto to arrange varI- ous committees for the coming sea- son. Mr. George Clayton of Langstaff has returned home after spending- a vacation at Bobcayg-eon. lMrs. Holland and Mrs. Arnott of Preston have returned home after spending a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacques, Thornhill. Mrs. W. R. Wesley and family of Thornhill have returned home after spending a vacation at Mrs. Wesâ€" ley’s parents at Trenton. is spending a vacation at Muskoka. We are glad to hear that Miss Audrey Oke of Colhourn St, Thorn- lhill is, progressing favourably after ‘ an appendix operation. Mr. W. B. Oke of Colbourn St., Thornhill, formerly of the Robert Simpson C0,, is now connected with Rishardson Radio Co.. Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Folly of Toâ€" ronto have recently taken up resi- dence in Thornhill on Colbourn St. Mrs. Blackburn of the La Grove beauty parlours will be away all ‘next week at Brook‘s Beach near ‘Stayner. Thornhill girls played softball at Newmarket last night. Liberal results. R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING i Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment i 74 Yonge Street ' Phone 92F advertisements give good the 1 1 Mrs. A. Brillinger of Thornhill is‘ Miss Muriel Simpson of Thornhill/ i NEWTONBROOK l Mr. and. Mrs. W. T. \Vt-lls attendâ€" led a picnic of the Gardeners- Asso-‘ ciation at "l’arkww‘d" the lovely home of Mr. ard Mrs. R. S. Mt“ Laue‘hlin if Oshawa last Saturday ‘ afternoon, ‘ Rev. Eaton the st'l'Vli't‘ next Sunday. August 20 at H a.m. in Newtonbrook I'nitcd Church. in the abscme of the pastor who i\' on his holidays. School Selby Jefferson 1‘ Sunday meets Sunâ€" a' 1.0 eye ry day l .wirh of Timothy" Mcmor'al ('hurch will conduct‘ TIIL'RSDAY. AUGUST 17th. 1939. crown of \\l‘..'.c satin made on prin- with train and finger tip veil and t‘lll’l‘.k'\l a bouquet of Amer- icar. Beauty roses. lily of the valley and _ firn. Mrs. Eric Charity. matron of honor, wore turâ€" quoise blue blue taffeta pink trimmings and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Eileen .‘vlarseil also attended the bride wear. in}: peach net over taffeta with tur- quoise blue trimming and carried a. ccss llllt". manic-rim 1‘ lane over .lwi.ili‘.t-t of Talisman roses. baby's breath anl ft-rn. \Villiam Jack was ‘hzs brithci's gioomsman. lid. Jones ‘ At the Sunlay School sission last ‘ ‘Sunday morr'n;r M'ss Velma Carson, ard (lilocrt .lark \vcic Ushers. About scvtntyâ€"txc attended the reception hell afterwards at. the hrfile's homo, .lfls l’rankln .â€"\vc.. Lansing“. among: l l ‘dauuhtcr ‘ I'.S.A. i one of the S. S, it‘lichvl‘s was pre- lsentcd with a Bible. Mr. M'. T.. .erls. asst. Supt. made the presen- ’iiliiull on luhalf of the Sunday ‘ School. i A mi.-ccllanrous shower was held ,recently at the Parsonage for Miss ‘\'elma Cursor. bride of this week. ‘and was largely attended. A wagon. prtttily decorated in p nk and white was drawn into the living room by Betty Moore laden w'th gifts. The Girls‘ Mission Circle also presented Miss Carson the same evening with a China Tea Set in the Rnsedale pattern. Miss Carson made a fitting ?1'eply'. A dainty luncheon was serv- cd and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Rev, and Mrs. A. H. Halbert reâ€" turned for short time this week and made some calls on Wednesday. Jack-Batchelor Newtonbrook United Church, beau- tifully decorated with Boston ferns. white hydrangea. orchid phlox and pink larkspur. was the scene of a pretty wedding when Alice Lillian. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Batchclor. Lansing. became the ibride of Thomas George Jack. son of Mr. .nd Mrs. Thomas Jack. iDrcwry Ave.. Newtonbrook. Rev. A. H. Halbert officiated and Miss Bertha Smith played the wedding ’music. Given in marriage by her father the bride looked lovely in a a whom \has Mrs. Evan Davis from Newcastle. Mrs. J. Y. Batchelor wore of navy and white and a corsafze of American Beauty r0585 and fern. Mrs. Thomas Jack wore a black sheer costume with black hat. silver fox fur and corsage of roses and fern. The happy young couple left later on a honeymoon t0 Hart Lodge. Mountain Lake, Haliâ€" burton. the bride travelling in a green pr'nted dress with white ac- cessories ar-d leghorn hat. They will reside in Oshawa, Ont. and Penn. a costume Erection of at least 100 new homes anticipated in Burlington this year. is TAXES The Second Instalment of the current year's Taxes is due AUGUST 1st Pay promptly and avoid the penalty of 4 per cent which must be imposed after AUGUST 20th Richmond Hill. July 27. 1939. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer. money can buy. Phone Thornhill 72r11 ualit When you buy a bag of O.A.C. Cafeteria feed you can rest assured that it is the best that your 0.C.A. Cafeteria feeds have been worked out and developed right in the heart of Ontario and are adapted to Ontario’s climate and soil conditions. You cannot go wrong when you use Monarch and O.A.C. Cafeteria Feeds SOLD BY “Feed Service” LANGSTAFF WE DELIVER ParisAutoSupply JOS. PARISI, Prop. Yonge Street - Phone 86 - Richmond Hill (FORMERLY OPERATED AS RICHMOND HILL MOTORS) SPECIALS 1932 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . $110.00 1929 WHIPPET ROADSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 32x6 Truck Tires, slightly used, each . . . . . . $18.00 New Ford Model A Carburetors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Complete Stock of New and Used Auto Parts, Accessories and Tires for all makes of cars and trucks LETTERING ON ERECTED STONE S RIVERCOURT MEMORIALS 300 O’CONNOR DRIVE FORMERLY DON MILLS ROAD DESIGNS AND PRICES GIVEN ON REQUEST Agent â€" K. BENTLEY, Richvale. Ont.

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