Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1939, p. 4

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Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have (omplied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 8th day of August, 1939, the List of all xersons entitled to vote in the said‘ Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- :‘pection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- “9ch according to law. The last day for filing appeals is September!” 7th, 1939. Dated at Maple, Aug. 8th, 1939. The List of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes in the Towns-hip orf Vaughan was published in the On- tario Gazette on tPie 5th day of Auâ€" gust, 1939. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had‘ in 1he Office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario. Notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of taxes and' costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the lands on the day and at the place named in such List pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette. The date of sale named in said List is the 8th day of November, 1939, at 10 am. The sale will take place at the Township Hall, Vellm‘e. Dated at Maple, this 4th day August, 1939. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN VOTER’S’IIST, 1939 TOW NSHIP 0F VAUGHAN TAX SALE NOTICE J. M. MCDONALD. Clerk of Vaughafi Township. County of York PAGE FOUR J. M. MCDONALD. Treasurer. of For sale by tender: One frame building 20 by 50 ft., known as St. John’s Church Parish Hall, Schom- berg Junction. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Sep- tember lst, 1939. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. TENDERS WANTED Successorjo J. J. Deane Dfipctor of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE NELLlE NAUGHTON. B.A. Elgin Mills, Ont. Phone Richmond Hill 127 Home Portraits A picture of the family circle is something you will cherish. Price very rea- sonable. Wedding pic- tures, passport and driv- ers’ license ‘shots’ made to your taste or money re- funded. Junior and Honour Matriculation Languages & Mathematics Small classes or individual tutoring Open September 5th, 1939 RICHMOND HILL 1951'6 Private School Wiifrid R. Scott rCapt. S. C. Snively, R.R. No. 2, Aurora John Chatterley, Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Rowthorne and two sons of Port Arthur visited Mrs. Rowthorne’s father, Mr. H. Ashby last week. ' MiSS, Stephenson and Miss Blockly of MOntreal spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn. Ringwood on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and‘ family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenney of Toronto spent Saturday afternoon at Wood- land Park, Markham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone spent Sun- day with friends at Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bone of De- troit visited Miss A. Bone last week. Mr. Walter Baker spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cleâ€" ment at Elgin Mills. Miss Audrey Fullerton of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt Mrs. E. Durie. Mr. and Mrs. Burton, Betty, Bon- nie, Carol and Gary Burton visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burton at Mayor J. M. Walton of Aurora is lodging a complaint with the attoro ney general’s department demanding an investigation into the alleged ‘speed trap’ operated in the town. Mayor Walton claimed that Richâ€" mond Hill and Newmarket had far more convictions in Newmarket court than Aurora had. A decputa- tion of the Aurora board of trade visited the Motor League depart- ment this week demanding a retracâ€" tion of statements ‘untrue and de- famatory to the town of Aurora’. ‘ iceman. Verhat d'oes wyour father do?” Dorothy Bentley: “Whatever m0â€"' ther tells him.” in the bottom of a 36nfoot well last Friday. J. Breeden, a co-worker, heard his cry on the surface and attempted to rescue him. Aid and medical attention was then sumâ€" moned. I Herbert Gil-bank of Woodlbridge is recovering from partial esphyxiaâ€" tion caused when he was stranded Gwen BaEEI: “My father is 2" p‘OI' CARRVILLE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Laskay Field Day and Old Boys reunion, an annual event which nev- er loses its popularity, was held last Saturday and attracted a large crowd of over one thousand in the afternoon and about eight hundred took in the dance at night. There was keen competition in the many sporting and athletic events and the program was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number of s'pectatOrs. The whole affair was a credit to the com- munity and) reflects credit on the hard work of the committee in charge. ' ' The $25 cash prize for tfie lucky draw was won by Duncan Toombs of To'ronto, 2nd of $15 went to Bob Julian of Woodlbridge and third of $10 to Mrs. H. Hollingshead of King. The old time dance contest was won 'by Donald Gillies and' Mrs. Bob Julian. Largest family on grounds, Len. Robb, King, 9, bbl. flour; Jack Bo-w- en, Richmond Hill, 7, 1/2 bibl. flour. Oldest married‘ couple on grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacMurchy, King. Horseshoes, McEachei‘n and1 Hamilton, Woodbridge; Malloy sand' Connors, Oak Ridges. Tap Dancing, Gwennie Robb, Woodbrid‘ge; Miss McGowan, Toronto. LASKAY FIELD DAY ATTRACTS RECORD CROWD Softball tournaments were populér features, Lindsay winning the girls’ tournament with Agincourt “econd, and Thornhill anti Unionvil'e winning first and second respectively in the men's. ‘ » Foot Racesâ€"Girls 10 and under, Doris Jewitt, King; Mary Park, Maple; Jean Bryson. Woodlbrid‘ge. Boys 10 and under, Jack Campbell, Kleinburg; Graham McCutcheon, Eric Hadrwen. Girls 12 and under, Norma McGowan, Jean Rattle, Audâ€" rey Burnfield. Boys 12 and underh John Rolfe, Russel Brown, Ervin Cooper. Girls 16 and under, Isatbell McKean, Marian Rattle, Aileen Feii‘. Boys 16 and under, Bruce Davis, Roy Smith, J. Witherspoon. Orr. Married women’s race, 25 yrs. and over, Mrs. Rise‘brough, Mrs. Cal Miller, Mrs. B. Lloyd. Human wheel- barrow race, Hemingway and Doris Clark, L. Jewitt and V. Jewitt, Howâ€" ard Folliott and Isabelle Walking- ton. Obstacle race, open to King and Vaughan. Gordon Orr, Billie Kerr. Chas. Gates and Bill Taylor. Other prize winners were as fol- lows: 100 yds. dash open to King and Vaughan only, Gordon Orr, cup by Miss F. Kemp. 75 yds. open, King and Vaughan only, Doris Clark, Mar- garet Riddell, Florence Hanlon. Men’s 100 yd. open dash, Howard Folliott, Harry Cooper, Gordon Orr. 75 yds., open to ladies, Janet Ella- cott, Aileen Feir, Doris Clark. Mar- ried men’s race, 60 years and over, Albert Williams, 66 years; Tom Ezard, 60 years. Fat men’s race, 200 lbs, Cliff Folliott, Link Fengu- son, J. P. Jefferson. Married wo- men’s race, 40 years and over, Mrs. Elmer Orr, Mrs. Mizen:, Mrs. Wm. Swimsâ€"Boys 10 years and under, Paul Clement, Graham McCutcheon, Arthur Ross. Girls 12 years and under, 50 yards, Susan Clement, Audrev Burnfield. Boys 12 and un- der, 50 yards, Russel Brown, Bill Laurie, Bill'e Ham. Boys 14 years and‘ under. 75 yards. David Witherâ€" snoon, Clarence Arlo-w, Ronald Mc- Farland. Girls 14 years and under, 75 yards. Susan Clement, Ada Miz- en, Ladies’ open swim, 100 yards, Heather iM'z-en, Margaret Rasch, Susan Clement. Men’s open, 200 yards, B'll Wesley, Murray Ezard, Cam Cody. Men’s pillow fight on pole, Cam Cody, J. Driver. Boys’ pillow fight on pole, 16 and under, Bill Cull, Norman Wood. Bucksaw_ ing contest, 1 little pig, Del Patton (40 seconds). Wrestling, Bill Sewâ€" chuk, Maple; Bill Collins, Kirkland Lake. srBoys’ wrestling, Bill Cull, Toronto; Billie Ham, King. Boxing, Ron Gunther, King; Johnny O’Con- nor, Newmarket. There will be a McCormickâ€"Deer: in‘g Harrow Plow demonstrator at R: E. Perkins farm on the 4th conces- sion of Markham Friday afternoon; August 25th. Everybody interested is cordially invited to see this new type plow. 1 TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps B‘arn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F FILOYD R. PERKINS, Agent NOTICE ‘. H. KANE lQUANTITY USED WIRE FENCE; iCedar Posts 5 inch 250., 6 inch 30c. Norman Bone, telephone Richmond Hill 38. 9‘0 BARRED ROCK PULLETS hatch- ed 'March lst. Phone Agincourt 53J11. NUMBER YOUNG GEESE. Apply Liberal Office. D6UBLE DISC PLOUGH, nearly new. Frank Burry, Lot 20, Con. 4, Markham. N‘AJS‘H CAvR in good running condi- tion. Apply J. H. Jackson, Maple, phone 18W. HOUSE AND STORE on No. 7 Highway, Concord. Apply Mr. Rdb-‘ ertson, Concord. ‘ BED, DRESSER and Wash-stand in' light oak, cheap; also- extension talble. Apply Liberal Office. THREE PURE BREID young York- M.â€"H. TRACTOR PLOW, two fur- rrows, good as new; good sewing ma-‘ chine; belts and; saw. Apply S. T. Bone, Maple, phone Maple 42W. LEATHER RO'C‘KIN‘G CHAIR, and Occasional Chair, 3 chairs suitable for bedroom, all in good condition. shire boars for sale. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., Step 23, Yonge St., phone Maple 764. LAYING HENS, Geese, Poultry nett. ing, Stoves and' Pipes. Aprply R. Quinn, Brooksid-e Road, Opposite L. T. B. &‘ 0. Home. Apply Hill. 100 ACRE FARM, 35 miles from Toronto, all level, bush, good build- ings, good rich loam, $4,200. Small cash payment. Good terms. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. HONEY in customer’s containers, any kind, mixed clover and dande- lion honey, 8c. lb. net. Abram, 2 miles north east of Richmond Hill, phone 45r13. SEED WHEAT, Dawson‘s Golden Chaff 61, No. 1 Gov’t. test 49-200, grown from Reg. seed, 75c. per bus. cash. Clark Young, Milliken, phone Agincourt 45‘W‘11. FLOCK OF GEESE; Horse; Hens (year old); Incubator; modern Coal Heater, excellent condition; Player Piano (cheap). Steve Turkewich, first road east of Wright and Tayâ€" lor’s, fifth house past railroad, Rich- mond Hill. THREE LOTS on North side of Rosevi‘ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all con- veniences, excellent location in Rich- mond Hill; price right. J. R. Herr- ington, Real Estate and' Insurance, Richmond Hill CHICKS that average 17%r ounces at 5 weeks of age have been pro- duced on STARTWELL CHICK MASH. Another lot averaged‘ 1 lb. 5.8 ounced at 6 weeks. For parti- culars and prices write or phone Wesley Clark, RR. No. 2 Gormley or phone Richmond Hill 4704. vvu, l affice One 15-30 TRACTOR, completely ov- erhauled; one 13-hoe M.â€"H. fertilizer drill, good as new; one 12A McCorâ€"‘ mick-Deering ensilage cutter, 3 yrs; old; one McCormick-Deming walk: ing plow; one McCormick-Deering 9 point stiff tooth cultivator, good as new; o‘ne 1/2 ton Dodge panel truck; 1931 model. F. R. Perkins, 'Church‘ Street, Richmond Hill. ‘I12 YOUNG PIGS wanted, approxi- mately 6 weeks old. Phone Maple 34911. GOOD ALL ROUND MAN for Dairy Farm. Must be good clean milker. Good home for right party. Also youth willing and good milker. A194 ply to Box 43, Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND would like work by day. Telephone Meredith'136r21, Richmond Hill. ROOMS SUITABLE for part time dental office, central location, use of phone, water, heated. Apply Dr. H. Morris, corner St. Clair and WychJ Wood, Toronto, or at The Liberal THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, ‘25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs‘. 28 Yonge Street, Richmond: FOR SALE WANTED THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1939. ONE ACRE good garden land in Vaughan Township close to Yonge Street, known as 101: 34 Maple Ave- nue, near Jefferson. Well fenced and well cultivated. Will sell cheap. Apply to P. Ingles, Jefferson. WELL BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc- Estimates given. Phone Thornhin 73. tems Maple, .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. WELLS dug, drilled, screened and' repaired. Repairs to pumps, windb- mills and pressure systems. Estio mates given. Apply P. Wallace, Oak Ridges, phone Kin-g 3r15. 4 GEESE strayed on Friday from premises of H. C. Bennett, Victoria Square. Finder kindly notify H. C. Bennett, phone Stouffville 6114. HOUSE to rent corner No. 7 High- way and 3rd Concesslon Markham, electric. Apply W. C. Gohn on premises, phone Unionville 3015. APARTMENT, possession October 1. Apply A. G. Savage, 80 Yonge St, 6 ROOMED HOUSE to rent. Apply Wilbert Bone, 15 Centre Street East Richmond Hill, phone 38. HOUSE and 4 acres ground in gOOd condition. Possession September 1. On request will lease. Apply A. Het- any, Rumvble Ave., Richmond Hill. LOSTâ€"In Richmond Hill twelve dollars in bills. Finder kindly ad- vise The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill TUBES TESTED FREE ' 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Used Cars k Little Brothers (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER De- LL'XE COACH- Hot water heatcr. 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE PANEL‘ DELIVERY â€"â€" Like New. 1937 FORD V8 2 TON TRUCK -â€" 1929 FORD FORDORâ€"Good Value. Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS LOST and FOUND Stake BOdy. Tires and Man ex- cellent. 1929 DODGE COUPE â€" Nice. DRILLING and Water Sys-' installed. Bert Jackson,‘ telephone Maple 577. TU RENT $725.00 $125.00 $6 75.00 $125.00 700.00

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