Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1939, p. 5

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The executive of the Horticultural I Society of Unionville have decided' ‘to cancel the Fall Show, and will1 hold' a public meeting in the near- future at which premiums will be- given to all members, peony room and tulips have been chOSen, and it_ is desired that members plan to be in attendance as this will be perhaps ' the only opportunity to secure them. 'An explanation is given in regard to-1 vacant station beds. The committee“ 1 l l The quilting team of the local' Ibranch oi the Women’s Institute is all set to enter the C.N.E. quilting com-petition. Fiftyâ€"two entries are in competition and this event bids fair to be most popular. Good luck to our team! May they bring home the twenty-five dollars. In appreciation of Mr. A. M. Hill’s‘ services 'as Scout Master in connec-' tion with the local Bull Dog Troop, 'the Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary pre-‘ 'sented Mr. Hill with fifteen Sllvel“ dollars at a Scout special event held’ ‘at the home of Mrs. Sabiston on :Wednesday last. Mr. Hill has been in association with the troop since its organization fifteen years ago and through his persistent interest' the troop has been a popular asset' to the community. ‘ Mrs. Taylor, the daughter of the late John and Mrs. Trudgeon, was born at Victoria Square sixty-seven" years ago, and at the time of her marriage lived in Headford. She' was a member of Central United'} Church and always took an active" interest in all affairs of interest. A‘! generous and sympathetic neighlbor, she will [be greatly missed by a host of friends. ' A resident of Unionville for thirty years, Mrs. John Taylor passed a- way at her home, South Main St: on Tuesday last following an illness of four years duration. The services will be held at the family residence, South Main St. on' Friday afternoon, Rev. A. E. Owen' officiating. ‘ Surviving her are her husband; three sons, Harry, Lorne and Russ: ell of Albany, New York; three daughters, Mrs. Olive Booth, Sylvan' Lask, Alberta, Mrs. Harold Harper; Cashel, Gertrude and Marjorie at home. Also three sisters, Mrs. Law-' rie, Guelph, Mrs. Shank, Detroit an‘d' Mrs. Ellis, Tor-onto. ' The pallbearers will be B. Gayman, A. L. Brown, W. Noble, R. Dufcfield,‘ E. Ratcliffe. Interment in Victoria Square cemetery. ‘ THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1939. r W O .WWOW. ; RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB WWWWNW WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNiONVILLE DISTRICT (Demonstration on request) Be sure and try the new Co-op before you buy a tractor CO-OP ' Tractors Sales and ServiCe Used tractors to suit your need at reasonable prices Repairs to all makes of tractors USED TRACTORS Internationals Wallis Fordson ACME Service Station Stop 24A Yonge St. (Just south of Richmond Hill) 'A'nfnual BASKET PICNIC and DANCE ROSELAWN PARK. Stop 23A Yonge Street FRIDAY AFTERNOON 8; EVENING. AUGUST 25th Royal Arcadian Dance Band Billy Hole, Floor Mgr. Dancing 9 pm. to 1 am. Proceeds for Christmas Tree See the bargains at - Races, Games, Baseball All school children of Richvale School Section free ADULTS 25c.. including dance Telephone 241 Standard Time 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"“England‘before and af- last year‘s unsatisfactory experience did not warrant planting this year. However, plans are being made t!- put beds in good‘ planting condition: So; watch them next year! Popularity of lawn bowling con- tinues with many interesting events' on the 10ml green. The management are to be congratulated upon the splendid schedule of events planned, and the coâ€"operating interest of the. members has made the Club a lively did not feel justified in planting them as soil requires fertiLizer and‘ Master Jack Watson suffered an arm injury on Wednesday last when tongs lifting a bale of hay made Um'omn'Ue Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen Daylight Saving Time 10.30 a.m.â€"Church School. 11.30 a.m.â€"“Eng1a.nd before and af- The proposal adrvanced‘ at last meeting to collect taxes through the treasurer’s office was laid .over for a month owing to lack of time to deal with the matter. R. E. Rat- cliff, collector last year, offered to take on the job agam at a salary of $200, a reduction of $100, proâ€" vided the council would furnish postage and allow the bills to be delivered through the mail. I. A. Bracey complained against the operation of motofiboats on Lake Wilcox in the presence of large crowds of people, especially on Sun- days. The council will advise the constable to warn all operators of such boats. Constables will also be asked to investigate a cOmplaint a- gain nude bathing at Haines Lake; one an Lnderarni cut. Medical aid was! administered and Jack is progress- ing favorably. ter Wesley.” No Evening Service R. E. Andrew presented the and- itor’s report, which was accepted by council. The auditor stated‘ that the books of the clerk and treasurer are in good order, clean and accurate. “I do not think the work c0u1d' be done properly at the township offâ€"' ice,” said Mr. Ratcliff in presenting his offer. ' Considerable irritation was ex- pressed over the net outcome of court action taken against a number of ratepayers who neglected to pay their dogâ€"tax. The information was advanced by the clerk that half a dozen have never yet paid, despite being fined. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th â€"â€" Im- portant Auction sale of dwelling, hardware store and lot, Hardware stock, furniture from dwelling, etc., the valuable property of J. A. Rose and family, Keele St., Maple, will be held Saturday, August 26th com- mencing at 11 am. Standard Time. Further panticulars in next issue of The Liberal. J. C. Saigeon, Auc- tioneer. “We’ll have to keep on barking at them,” said Deputyâ€"Reeve Cook amidst laughter. F. C. Cummings was granted $85 for collecting dog taxes when making his assessment. He gathered in}, over $1000 at that time. Messrs. Leary and Cook moved the following resolution, which was carried: “Following a request by the Musselman‘s Lake Ratepayers Association that council prohi’bit dancing on Sunday in all dance halls in the township, therefore this coun- cil goes on record' as being opposed to dancing on Sundays, and inâ€" structs the constables to enforce the prohibition of dancing on Sundays in all halls in the townsh'p. ter Wesley.” EBEN EZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH WHITCHURCH COUNCIL Sale Register Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of Jefferson spent Sund'ay with Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Macdowell, Aurora. Miss Margaret Henricks of Nap- anee is spending holidays with Mrs. George Wilson, Don Head Farms. Miss ‘M. H. Connor returned home on Wednesday from two weeks holi- days in London, Kitchener and Ham' ilton. Mrs. G. Walwin and family re- turned home on Tuesday from 1101i- days at their cottage, Lake Scugog'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hillaby and Eric; Miss Daisy Hart are holidaying this’ week at Balsam Lake. Miss Mary Donnelly returned to- day after spending a week with friends at Wasaga Beach. ‘ !Mr. and' Mrs. Edgar Gibson reâ€" turned to Montreal on Sunday afteu~ spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angle and family. Mrs. John Sheardown is holid ing with relatives ‘n Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott left on‘ Monday for a two weeks motor trip through the Maritzimes to Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. R. Casement, Phyllis and Clifford visited friends at Frankford and S’tfrling, Ontario the past week. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brillinger., Miss Marie Brillinger, and Misses Janet Brown any Myrtle Burr of Buttonville are spending this week at Mid‘land. Mr. and Mrs. James Pollard andl Jimmie, Elgin Barrow, Misses Eva Tracy and‘ Muriel Barrow have reâ€" turned from two weeks holidays in the North Bay district. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Teetzel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall, Mrs. Lewis Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke and‘ Alex are spending two weeks holidays at West Lake, Prince Edward County. A Supper will be served by the W.A. of the Presbyterian Church on‘ Tuesday, September 5th. Kindly re- serve the date. Further announce: ment later. ' Miss Myrtle Smith, with Miss Marguerite Brown and her mother of Toronto, left on Saturday by boat for Montreal to join the SS. Riche- lieu for a week’s cruise on the lower St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers. A dinner is being held in Eaton Auditorium on Ffiday, September 1,, for Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, Comâ€" mitteemen of Boy Scouts in honour of Sir Percy Everett, Denuty Com- missioner of Imperial Headquarters, England. Richmond Hill Presbyterian Young People’s Society held a successful corn and weiner roast- at Mackie’s flats on Tuesday night. More fihan thirty young people attended the social and had an enjoyable time. s Messrs. M. Kyle and Jack Hart of Richmond Roses received severe lburns about the arms last Friday' 'when a pail of hot tar fell on them‘ as they were repairing the green-' houses. They are recovering fav-' oura-bly. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett. B.D., Pastor Sunday, August 27 ' 11 a.m.#Pu:blic worship. Guest speaker, Rev. J. W. McIntosh, B.D., of Toronto. During the month of August the Primary Sunday School wilil retire at the'usual time of 11.30. The rest of the school will worship with the congregation. There will be no classes for sen- iors and juniors during the month of August. Sociai and Personal hearty welcome to our morning worship. I know of no thorough sys- tem of music teaching so rapiH as my own and yet so reasonable in cost. WOULD YOU LIKE TO ‘ PLAY A BAND OR ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENT? Write to Bandmaster PERCY A. DRURY R.R. N0. 2. Maple THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ANNUAL FALL FLO‘VER SHO‘V Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety twentyafifth annual Fall Flow- er Show will :be held in the Arena on Wednesday, August 30th. Memâ€" bers are urged to make exhibits. l R. Harry Minlken, age 29, was Vound dead in his home on his 47 here farm on the fifth concession bf Markham south of number 7 \highway Sunday morning. Robert lLowrie of Unionvllle called at Mini- (ken‘s home to buy some corn and he lfoundlhe door locked. He looked lin the window and saw Miniken dead lin bed with a rifle-on his chest: (Constable Ben Gayman of Markham Sand Sgt. of detectives Sydney Barra-‘ iclough were summoned. v AND IT HADN’T A girl went swimming in the raw in a secluded mill pond. ,Along came From a long list in general prizes and attractive specials surely some section is open to all. Study the prize list and make entries early. The public is cordially invited to visit, the show in the evening. Adv‘ mission free. Mrs. Percy Waters; Florist of Danforth Ave., and the- proprietress of the “Violet Shop",- will 'be the judges. ' a little boy who started to tie knots in her clothes. She flopped around, found an old washtunb, held it in front of herself and marched toward the little Iboy saying: “You little brat, do you know what I’m thinkâ€" ing?" “Sure,” said the little brat, “you thank that tub has a bottom in it."- 'THtE WEED OF THE WEEK Common St; John’s Wort The Common St. John’s Wort is a persistent perennial weed which is rapidly {becoming established! throughout Ontario on roadsides, old meadows and rpastures, states John D. MacLeod, weed expert, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. The weed is propagated by mean-s of seed and slender, creeping, under- ground rootstalks. The stems are clustered, with wood at the base, and one to two feet high; leaves, without stems, are, opposite; flow- ers, yellow in loose clusters, the petals having black dots on the margin. No difficulty is experienced with ‘8‘; John’s Wort on land which is thoroughly cultivated and which is kept under a short rotatiOn of crops. Break any Ibad'ly infested [pasture fields and cultivate thor- oughly. Do not reseed to any cro-p until this weed‘ has been eradicatâ€" ed, advises Mr. MacLeod. Prevent seed production by smud- ding scatteredl plants or mowing or spraying. Experience has proven that this weed will spread rapidly and smother out all other vegeta- tion. Insist on h‘aving adjoining [property and roadsides cleaned up. Spraying with chemicals has proven effective. Weedv inspectors will give information on the proper use of chemicals. The Wood‘bridge Village Council met accordmg to adjournment in the Town Hall on Tuesday, August, 8th at 8 p.m. Present were N. George Wallace, reeve; Councillors John Watson, A. B. Cousins, John Dalziel, and Arthur G. Banks. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the following accounts were laid before council: Woodlbrldge Hydro Electric Com- mission, July street lighting, $82.16; George Scott, salary and court ap- pearances, $28.00; N. Maynard, painting town hall, 64 hours at 45c., $28.80; Woodlbridige Hardware, paint for town hall, $31.70; James Dow, repairs to town hall, $1.75; Charles White, 24 hours cutt:ng weeds, $7.20; William Huson, 11 hours cutting weeds, $3.20; Township of Vaughan, 10 hours scarlfying streets, $30.00; Thomas Harris, 24 hours cutting: weeds, $7.20; Les Wallace, 2 loads gravel, $3.00: Robb Bros., 4 hours with team, $3.00. Waterworks Dept. Woodbridge Hydro Electric Com- mission,’ power and light, $52.91; George Scott, salary, $25.00; N. May- nard, painting, fire plugs, $5.85. Moved by A. G. Banks, seconded by John Dalziel, that the treasurer be authorized to pay the accounts as read. Carried. Moved- by A. B. Cousins, seconded ’by John Watson, that Ed. W. Br0wn be given the Firemen's Insurance in the Globe Indemnity Co. at a prem- ium of $102.00. _Carried. Woodbridge Council August Meeting Moved by A. G. Banks. seconded by John Watson. that James Mitchell be given the Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance in the British American Insurance Co. at a oremium of $131.19. Carried. Moved by John Dalziel. seconded by Arthur G. Banks, that We do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 5th at. 8 p.m. Carried. Mr. Pugh: “I Shall have to give' you zero in your examination,’ Rhoda.” ‘ thoda Shrive: “That means noth-‘ ing‘ to me.” ~ Richmond Hill took part in a lad- ies’ and men‘s mixed doutbles tennis tournament with Aurora on MOnday evening in Aurora. The result was Richmond Hill won 7 matches td Aurora's 12. The local players put) in fine effort in their first year to enter any tournament and Aurora congratulated them on their play-' IJCrown Dominion “ SerVICe Statlon QHOI mgfi {=01 9=0=10= Phone 49J °=O=O=Ol flSummer Suits Eféfi iii/1:8“ SHOWS START AT 8 p.m. & 10 p.m. SATURDAYS & HOLIDAYS 7-30 & 9.30 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME WALT. WHITE [1 Another great air drama. It is a two hour film that g'rips you and keeps you trembling on the edge of your chair. For the air~minded the picture packs a thrill a minute. You shouldn’t miss seeing it This is aniexcellent mtgder mystery, with Bulldog Drummomk de- livering thrills. ‘ FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 - 26 TWO FEATURES GENE AUTRY - SMILEY BURNE’I'I'E in ‘ “ BLUE MONTANA SKIES ” Srwell Autry musical western melodrama. Lots‘ of thrill and action Also JOHN HOWARD . HEATHER ANGEL in ‘ “ BULLDOG DRUMMOND SECRET POLICE ” Its brilliantly Van Dyke paced comedy in the hands of ‘C‘ollbert telescopes laugh upon laugh until it gets to Another “It Happened One Night.” \VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 - 31 WALLACE BEERY, LIONEL BARRYMORE, JACKIE COOPER in “ TREASURE ISLAND ” Cleaning and Pressing RICHMOND TAILORS TENNIS TOURNAMENT We offer to the district an unexcelled cleaning and pressing service. Phone and our driver will call, or take advantage of our attractive Cash and Carry Prices- Tailorgd to your measure from choicest new fabrics Dressy Flannels for Sports Wear Announce the opening of the garage with a gov- emment licensed tractor and car expert at your Call in and see us and be convinced of the moderate cost of made-to-measure clothing service. A telephone call will bring him to your troubles with a high power service truck and com- plete equipment. We also carry a full line of Fuel Oil, Distilate, Coal Oil, Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. A telephone call or post card will bring our de- livery truck to your door. We loan containers for any period of time required. delightful adventure picture. Grand entertaifiment for all J. A. GREENE Highest Quality Tailoring For Men and Ladies MONDAY & TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 - 29 JAMES STEWART . CLAUDE'I‘TE COLBER’P in “ IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD ” TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 262 ! m=o=o=o=o=o=o=o TODAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 CARY GRANT - JEAN ARTHUR in “ ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS ” 0:0 Ask Anyone 0:0] 0:0 (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, hm Choir Leader: Richard Edmqu Organist: Miss L. Yerax Sunday, August 27 11 a_m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Sunday School thildren in- vited to this service. No evening service during Angst. ST. MARY’S CHURCH Richmond Hill =ouom 0:0] PAGE FIVE Stewart and be a habit.

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