Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1939, p. 4

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Dated at Maple this Blst day of August, 1939. “ Feed Service”L ANGSTAF F The regular September meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore Vaughan Council TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th 11 A.M. for the transaction of General Business Phone Thornhil] 7211 1 DIRECTIONS: To obtain Grade A Large Eggs Turn this advertisement upside dowu 'Kmenb an o1 SA‘ed 11 'afiepe p[0 aq1 Aldmgs s; 11 'pan 1V apmg) mm; 5.8.89 1V apmg) pue pea; .Iood 1110.1; 5339 100d 1aedxa o1 elqeuos 429.1 10u 11 SI 'pea; mm} apem 0.112 5:333 'spead PAGE FOUR REEVES 'C) 'V '0 Bugsn JO Muse}; mp, sfifig p003 DSH}GOOD BAD EGG THIRD PRIZE AT “BX” Richmond Hill Horticultufial So- ciety won third prize at the O.N.E, this week in the class for a display of seas-enable flowers, open to Hortâ€" icultural Societies of Ontario. WE DELIVER SPECIALS Collection of perennials, Mrs. James; gladioli, 12 named, Mrs. H. Smith, Mr. T. Walker; asters, vase of 12, Mr. J. Martin, Mrs. Beresford; zinnias, basket of pom-poms, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Chas. Graham; zin- nias, 10 giants, Miss Anderson, Mrs. ford; black-eyed! susan, Mrs. E ter, Mrs. Hume; heliopsis, James; sta‘tice, Mr. Jas. Ellis, James. Verbenas, Mr. J. Jarvis, Mr's. Bereszford; snapdragons, Miss Ha- worth, Miss K. Ball; nasturtiums, Mrs. Hume, Miss V. Mason; phlox, perennial, Miss Anderson, Mr. A. Hawkes; phlox, annual, Mrs. Beres- ford; gladioli, F. E. Sims, A. E. Plewman. Larkspur, Miss Haworth, Mrs. Plewman; salniglossis, Mrs. Beresâ€" ford, Miss Haworth; marigoldis, Frentch, Mrs. Chas. Graham; mari- golds, Scotch, Mr. A. Hawkes, Mr. Zinnias, large, Mr. Jas. Ellis, Mrs. Beresford; zinnias, pom-pom, Mr. A. Hawkes, Miss Anderson; scabiosa, Mr. J. Jarvis; celosia, Mrs. Beres- J. Martin; marigolds, African, Miss Haworth, Mrs. Berestrd; gail'lardia, double, Miss Andersen; gaillardia, perennial, Mrs. Beresrford. Asters, single, Miss HaWOrth, Mrs. Beresford; asters, double, Miss Haworth, Mrs. Beresford; sweet peas, Mrs. Beresgford; dahlias, Miss Hawor'th, Mrs. Beresford; petunias, Miss Haworth, Mr. J. Martin; stocks, Mr. J. Jarvis; mignonetke, Mrs. C. Graham. ' There was a fine exhibit of flow- ers at the annual fall flower show bf the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society held Wednesday. The Show was one of the finest ever held by the local Society and particularly pleasing to the officers and directors was the increase in the number of bouquets. A large crowd of visitors enjoyed the display in the evening. The prize winners were as follows: Richmond Hill Flower Show Held Wednesday Fine Success THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Car- Mrs. Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. P. C. Waters, Mrs. Galbfbit; juvenile exhibits, Mr. C. R. James; juvenile gardens, Messrs. James Skeele, T. H. Trench. Any prize winner whose name is omitted‘ or to whom the wrong- prize it attributed kindly notify the secre- tary at once. MARKHAM SOCIETY WON FIRST Markham Agricultural Society won first prize for grain in the sheaf exhibit .at the C.N.E. this week in competition with other Agricultural Societies. After .two months delightful holi- day the school popula‘tion goes back to work Tuesday. All schools open Tuesday, September 5th at 9 a.m. Bird house, Chas. Srigley, Nor- man Tyndall; miniature gardens, Lolu Sanders, Eunice Sanders, Betty Smith; bird bath, Chas. Srigley (boy's’ prize), Betty Smith (:girls’ prize). SCHOOL BELL RINGS TUESDAY SATURDAY, SEPT. 16THâ€"Auction sale of fine residence in the village of Maple, also a quantity of tin- smith tools and equipment, the prop- erty of James A. Rose and family. Owing to lateneSS of the hour these items were not sold in “he salealast week. Further particulars in next week’s Liberal. J. C. Saigeon, auc- tionoer. Arrangement of fruit and vege- tables, Mr. T. H. Trench, Miss An- Individual bloomsâ€"(a) rose, Miss Haworth, Mr. J. Martin; (b) aster, Miss Haworth; (c) giant zinnia, Misg Madeline Rumble, Miss Hawoflth; (d) gladiolus, Mrs. H. Smith; (e) dahlia, cactus, Miss Haworth; (f) d‘ahlia, decorative, Miss Hawor‘th; (g) snapdragon, Miss Haworth. Gar-dens, Verna Musson, Lorne Musson, Florence Allen, AEileen Cook, Arthur Barraclough, Allan Horwood; annuals, Jean Baker, Florence Allen, Lorna Baker, Verna Musson; vegetables, Lorne Musson, Verna Musson, Peter Kanis, Willy Kanis; bouquet of flowers, Jean Baker, AEileen Cook, Chas. Srigley, Lolu Sanders. derson, Mrs. H. Smith; display in small containers by man, Mr. A. J. Hume, Mr. C. R. James; display of cut flowers covering 6 ft. on ,table, Mr. A. Hawkes, Miss Anderson, Miss Haworth. Nasturtiums, Verna Musson, Eun- ice Sanders, Lolu Sanders, Hazel Rees-or; pom-pom zinni-as, Eric nCruickshank, AEileen Cook, Alvel‘na Smith, Florence Allen; larkspur, Norman Tyndall, Hazel Reesor, Jean Baker, Peter K-anis; s‘calbiosa, AEi- leen Cook, Hazel Reesor, Janet At- kinson, Peter Kanis; asters, Alverna Smith, Jim Hicks, Janet A’tkinson, Eunice Sanders. SOY) Basket of flowers for living room, Mrs. Paris, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Beresford; bowl or vase of flowers for living room, MiSS Anâ€" derson, Mr. R. D. Little, Miss Ha- ‘worth, Mrs. Beresford; vase of flow- ers for sick room, Mrs. Chas. Graâ€" ham, Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mrs. Beresâ€" ford, Miss Anderson; collection of annuals, Mr. J. Martin, Miss Ander- JUVENILE PRIZE LIST Tomatoes, Eric Cruickshank, Willy Kanis, AE‘ileen Cook, Joyce Barra- c’l-owgh; carrots, Janet Atkinson, Sheila Hamilton, Norman Tyndall, Willy Kanis; beets, Alverna Stmith, Sheila Hamilton, Eunice Sanders, Dick Baker; beans, AEileen Cook, Lorna Baker, Verna Musson, Lorne Musson; corn, AEileen Cook, Sheila Hamilton, Dick Baker, Florence Al- len. Beresford. Bouquet of white flowers, Mrs. Barles, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Charles Graham; bouquet of flowers of 2 colours only, Mrs. Beresford, Miss HaWorth, Mr. J. A. Bales; table dec- oragion, roses, Miss Haworth, Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mr. J. Martin, Mr. A. Hawkes; table decOration, other than roses, Miss Anderson, Mrs. H. Smith, Miss Haworth, Mrs. Beres- ford. TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATE-NG Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet Phone 92F .00. Richmonâ€"d . WW Mr. McVVhil‘ter: “If from 94 what’s the c' Frances say! Bonney: Who cares.” u Sale Register R. H. KANE SPECIALS JUDGES CHICKS that averagé 17% ounces at 5 weeks of age have been pro- duced on STARTWELL CHICK MASH. Another lot averaged 1 lb. 5.8 ounced at 6 weeks. For partiâ€" culars and prices write or phone Wesley Clark, R.R. No. 2 Gormley or nhone Richmond Hill 4704. 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all con- veniences, excellent location in Rich- mond Hill; price right. J. R. Herr- ing'to-n, Real Estate and' Insurance, Rich-mond Hill. z . “’2 §Wm Votes W s OzOOOOOOOOA THREE LOTS on North side of Rosevi'ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. OOOOO{ Special This Week Complete Lubrication and Check-up $1.00 SEED WHEAT, Dawson’s Golden Chaff 61, No. 1 Gov’t. test 49-200, grown from Reg. seed, 750. per bus; four months old Maple 28r11. cas‘h. Clark Young, Milliken, phone Agincourt 45W11. THIRTY-FOUR PIGS, ten weeks to old. H. Summerfeldt, Lot 23, Con 6, Markham. SILO 14x32 ft., good as new. Apply Porter Bros., Thornhill, phone Thornhill 97r22. 100 ACRE FARM, 35 miles from Toronto, all level, bush, good buildâ€" ings, good rich loam, $4,200. Small cash payment. Good terms. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. HONEY in customer’s containers, any kind, mixed clover and dande- lion honey, 8c. lrb. net. Abram, 2 miles north east of Richmond Hill, phone 45r13. ENGLISH TOILET SET, 8 pieces, Rose and Blue Bird design; 18 quart sealers, marmalade and pickle jars, all perfect. Several stone crocks. Phone Richmond Hill 145. springing, registered and accredit- ed. Apply Alex. Forest, Maple, phone 3062. TWO-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS, fresh and springing; also young Bulls. Herd fully accredited and blood test- ed. R. E. Sanderson, East Lot 24, Con. 4, Markham. ‘ 1930 NASH COU‘PE, good condition. A. Newell, Mill Road, Stop 23B, Yonge Street. ' 3O YEARLING White Leghorn hens. Apply Herman Mortson, telephone Stouffville 40‘13. EIGHT PIGS 2 months old. Apply Will Rodick, Hagerman, Kennedy Rd., phone Agincourt 51J2. NUMBER H‘OLSTEIN HEIFERS, THREE PURE BRED young York- shire boars for sale. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., Stop 23, Yonge St., phone Maple 764. 8 PIGS 8 weeks old. Apply Mrs. Howard Smith, Edgeley, telephone Maple 2970. t 17 FINE YOUNG PIGS, 9 weeks COOK STOVE, firs“: class condition. Apply Higgins, Yongehurst Avenue, stop 24 Yonge St., Richvale. Street ‘5 LAYING KENS, 2 Geese, 1 Gand- r, ‘some chicken coops, wire. Apply L. Quinn, Brookside Road, opposite .. T. B. & 0. Home, north Yonge White Rose Service Station North Yonge Street Richmond Hili phone Richmond Hill THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISiNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. C. C. MABLEY Classified Advs. See us for Quality Dunlop Tires FOR SALE Apply telephone If I subtract 26‘ difference?” “That’s what I‘ THURSDAY, AUGUST Slst, 1939. [1929 FORD FORDORâ€"Good Value. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars Little Brothers 1938’ CHEVROLET MASTER De- LL'XE COACH- Hot water heater. 1937 FORD V8 2 TON TRUCK â€" Stake Body. Tires and Mom:- 0!- cellent. Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE PANEU DELIVERY â€" Like New. Dean of Menâ€"Well madam, some- times I think he merely hangs his hat on it. _ Anxious Motherâ€"What does the average college man do with his weekâ€"end? PENSIONER Wants to rent house with large lot or acreage, some buildings. Possession October lat. Steady income, rent assured. Refer- ences. Apply Box 90, Libeval Off- Ice. WELL EXPERIENCED FARM HAND would like work by day. Telephone Meredith 1361‘21, Richmond Hill. tems Maple, FARM, 200 acres, lot 24, con. 4, North York, Hydro, milk cooler. Apply Stong Brothers, 266 Queen’s Drive, Weston. - BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea. sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. Wilbert Bone, 15 Centre Street East Richmond Hill, phone 38. Estimates given 73. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. 6 ROO’MED HOUSE to rent. Apply EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING. Charges reasonable, work guaran- teed., Joe Moore, 5 Lorne Avenue, formerly Trench Work Shop, Ritch- mond Hill. ‘ WELLS dug, drilled, screened and repaired. Repairs’ to pumps, winds- mills and pressure systems. Esti- mates given. Apply P. Wallace, Oak Ridges, phone Kin-g 3r15. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios 1929 DODGE COUPE â€" Nice. MISCELLANEOUS DRILLING and Water Sys.‘ installed. Bert Jackson; telephone Maple 577. $700.00 $125.00 $725.00 $125.00 $650.00 TO RENT A REFLECTION WANTED Phone Thornhifl

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