WMOOMWW THURSDAY, AUGUST 3lst, WOOOOOOOO: WOMWWOOWOOOMOOOMO. WNOâ€WOM 6000†ï¬du-4».o.o.o.o.v.<.o.o-‘M.« a §.__-_-_.-._-\____ _ l Prize Awards . ’ RICHMOND HILL “LIBERAL†Renewal Subscriptions Dated from Aug. 151:, 1939 Each Year . . . . . . . . . . Arrears Subscriptions Prior to Aug. lst, 1939 Each Year . . . . . . . . . . New Subscriptions, Not on Present Mailing List Each Year . . . . . . . . . . 1 How to get Big Votes Schedule of Votes Given an Subscriptions GOOD=WILL SHOPPING CLUB 3000 Votes 5000 Votes 1000 Yotos 1939 ENTER THE CONTEST TO-DAY Fresh and Cooked Meats iPhone 3 Richmond Hill Alex Kerr 1 [ BUTCHER [Phone 117, Richmond Hill Phone 33 Richmond Hill ‘ Brathwaite Hardware Everything in Hardware \Phone 18 Richmond Hill Phone Thornhill 33 The Store with a Stock Yonge St. Thornhill Drugs, Stationery, School Supplies Etc. Phone 71 Richmond Hill Glenn’s Drug Store General Store P. W. WILLOWS, Prop. lâ€"This Contest is open to any BOY or GIRL, MAN or WO- MAN residing in Richmond Hill or surrounding district. 2â€"â€"â€"Etmp19yees of The Liberal, all club merchants, their em-' ployees or their immediate families are not eligible to enter this Contest. This does not apply to newspaper correspon- dents or part-time employees. . . 3â€"173ntriesï¬may be made on Entry Blank, or in writing- to 4â€"Vote coupons must be deposited at THE office. Name of contestant must be plainly written on each to insure proper credit. 5â€"Coupons, once deposited in favor of any one contestant, cannot ‘be transferred to another. 6â€"Contestants will not be allowed to solicit votes in or directly outside of Club Merchants’ stores, nor to buy or sell votes or to accept purchased coupons, under penalty of disqual- ification. 7â€"‘Cash must accompany all subscriptions Where credits are desired. Each contestant is an authorized agent of this newspaper and it is distinctly understood that EACH mem- ber will be RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY and remit amount in full to cluitii‘headquarters. W. Lauder Glass Victoria Square Phone Stouffville 7508 A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED to the MEN, WOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS of RICHMOND HILL and SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES to share in this big event. You can win a valuable cash prize for you spare time in the next few weeks. Secure new, renewal and: arrears subscriptions and receive vote credits on payment of subscription accounts. The largest total vote secures the first award, the next number of votes the second :prize, and so on until the grand prizes are awarded. Those contestants who do not share in the grand prize awards will receive a cash commission cheque on all sui - scriptions turned: in throughout the entire campaign, provided a minimum of $25.00 is secured. Victoria Square TO THE BUYING PUBLIC 0F RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL, MAPLE, LANGSTAFF, ELGIN MILLS, VICTORIA SQUARE & Surrounding District 20 Valuable Cash" Prizes THE LIBERAL VOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS To Be GIVEN Away FREE H. F. Austin DRUGGIST Thornhill Hardware SALES AND SUBCRIPTION CAMPAIGN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR PHONE CLUB HEADQUARTERS THE LIBERAL, R. L. Taylor, Club Manager RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONTEST ‘ Richmond Hill Dairy Geo. S. Walwin, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Groceries and Provisions Richvale Phone Richmond Hill 1r21 White Rose Service Station Yonge St. Richmond Hill Men’s and Boys’ Wear Boots and Shoes Yonge St. Richmond Hill Coal and Wood Builders’ Supplies Phone 10 Richmond Hill Fresh and Cooked Meats Phone. 1 Thornhill I. D. Ramer & Son General Store Elgin Mills Phone Richmond Hill 129 George Allison Cecil Mabley R. J. Craigie Thornhill Meat Market Joe Webber THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO v Adanac Store and Service Station Yonge and N0. 7 Highway Langstaff Kerr Brothers Bakery and Grocery Phone 77 Richmond Hill G. A. Donnelly Radial Station -â€"- Lunches Groceries & Confectionery Phone 177, Richmond Hill A. J. Mansbridge Your Family Butcher Phone 97 Richmond Hill Paris Auto Supply J. PARISI. Prop. Phone 86 Richmond Hill Vaughan Garage » Service Station No. 7 Highway. Thornhill Store Phone 119, Richmond Hill Davies’ Dry Goods cash 10â€"Fina1 11â€"This James C. Young 9â€"In B.A. Service Station Richmond Hill A numlber of “Club†merchants are joining to co. operate in this distribution in an effort to encourage more 10cal patronage and to stimulate cash purchasing; Contestants and their supporters who patronize these stores will receive coupons on the following basis: 1â€"One unit of 25 votes given with each 25 cent cash purchase, or in the same ratio. 2â€"Votes will also be allowed on payment of current and outstanding accounts. 3â€"Any Clulb Merchant will be allowed to offer addi- tional votes at his, own discretion. 4â€"Subscription votes and votes on cash purchases from CluJb Merchants are of equal value, and will the combined on total votes. The first 10 Contestants having largest tal votes on closing date shall constitute the Grand Prize Awards in the order of ing. Final count -will be supervised by a Special Committee; -This newspaper reserves the right to offer special cred- its at any time during the competition and to correct typographical errors that may occur ir. any of its an- nouncements. reg N. D. Hicks Als AND FOR CASH PURCHASES is understood that the interpretation of the rules and lgulations and any other questions pertaining to the mpetition, will be decided by the Club Manager and. ,at his decision will be accepted as final. 1 becoming a member or participating in this compeâ€" tion. contestants agree to abide by the above condi- the event of a tie for any of the awards, prizes will given on an equal_ basis to each tying club member. 0 we‘reserve the right to substitute any prize with a h commission of not less than 50 per cent of total h subscription returns. Phone 49J, Richmond Hill Arthur A. Eden Groceries and Provisions Richmond Hill Phone 8 Genéral Store Phone 23 Phone 12 Richmond Hill Phone 13 Ford Sales & Service Phone 174w Richmond Hill Andrew E. Snider Richmond Tailors J.A.GREENE Garage M. P. MALTBY, Prop. General Store Victoria Square Phone Stouffville 4012 Mortson’s Store E. W. Grainger Barber, Tobacco, etc. Richmond Hill Groceries,_ Dry Goods Flour & Feed Cities Service F. Charlton Little Bros. est number of to- ute the winners of of the final stand- Thornhill Maple {OOOOOONOOWNOMW Woooomomomm .09“..me 3009060â€..me -0- . -v----p.o-o-<mo:o Second Prize $50.00 CAS H PAGE SEVEN 00â€. l A A