Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Sep 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘_"_____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" “Did I tread on your toes as I! Mr. Price and his wife w€re reâ€" turning to their seats in the theatre after the interval: W i i . - deed/sacs, 4.» Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET went out?" Mr. Pi’ice asked a man at. the end of a row of seats. “You did." replied the latter. ox- pecting some apology. Mr. Price turned to his wife. It's all rig‘lit; this is our row." Liberal Classified Ads. bring quick results. Top Coats TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE FROM THE FINEST MATERIALS OBTAINABLE We offer to the district an unexcelled cleaning and pressing service. Phone and our driver will call, or take advantage of our attractive Cash and Carry Prices- RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE Highest Quality Tailoring For Men and Ladies PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. DWELLING, LOT, FURNITURE NARDWARl-i AND TlNSMllH ’T0(_ll_S The Valuable Property of D. ROSE, S. ROSE & B. ROSE Corner Keele and Richmond Sts., Maple Saturday, September 16th, ’39 COMMENCING AT 1 RM. STANDARD TIME 1 Foot Squaring Shears, 36 in. 1 milk can 1 SheEt Iron F01del‘. 3’0 in- long 5 Wood Sheaves to fit 5 and 6 in. .‘11 iormingiflRoller, 11‘%ldby 30 in. long Hay Fork pulleYs djusta‘ e Bar <0 er, 20 in. - - . i I Stove Pipe Crimper and Beader 100 lbs. Fireline stove lining 1 Groovi‘ng Machine 1 only 7 ll". galvanized T for furnace 1 Double Seamiglg d 1 C-lgiQJSrsolitépg/izl ton truck in first- P " B ‘ ' . l ‘ . i Efilow aficglchigms’ 8 m ba 6 3 Hemlock planks 10” wide by 18' 7 ed h. 1 Hemlock plank 10” wide by 16’ 1 Encas Bull Mac ine . ,, ., , 1-on1y’square Head Stake 1 Pine plank 10 Wlds by 16 v 17 only Hatchet Stake i Heiénlock plank 12 Wide by 16 I No. 4 Double Sheaming Stake 1 gggd 33:30,,“wa $11510: §5cgm1§fnnglofggzri stake 13gft. of 11/.» in. galvanized water 0. an e on i a e - I No. 9' Creasing Stake . plpe o I Cast Iron Stake. 28 in. long ft’ 5/16 iron rod - - 1 R0 nd He ded Stak 8/). ft. of 2 in. galvanized pipe 1. Négdle Caa Stake 9 41/2 ft. of 1 in._ galvanized pipe . C d ' _Se k 31/2 ft. of 11/4 in, galvanized pipe 1 Bogkufitgll 53% 12 ft. of 11/. lin._ black pipe 1 Settf 13" I aMe h. 10-1/2 ft. of 11/4. in. black pipe elm: rim“ ac "1° 1 only Stove Pipe Riveting Stake 2 Rammg ammers A quantity of Wallpaper Paste 1 Hand Groover A quantity of White Ochre _ 1 Sqllare Pal“ Turner Asbestos Paper for Furnace Pipes 3; 11:“? @091) e Cuge‘fi. t S ta Quantity Happy Thought Clay Bricks 1 wall," TEE)? Former we 9 * A quantilt‘ylmetal suitalble for grain- . , . . ery ining I Esiiif‘fdstgl‘élgz“ Machmev Wlth A small quantity of Sulphur and ' ' . . Blue-Stone 1 Eggziefrd'rume" MaChmev wlth Light 2â€"horse wagon, carry 1500 lbs. 1 Double Seamine: Stake. with '4 heads 1 millage? (ligfiévfgggforcream sep‘ %0 Ogl'bfsgo‘i': P3129 t?;::% 1 only Egipire 6 hole Range, round - _ - ~- ire ox i3 21;, g Ii? (3:.- 1 onéy Quebec Heater in good con- ‘ - .' " . ‘ition g; 3% i g? 2333333: 33;; 2 only Coal on Ranges, 3 burner, .- - new 3 91“.“- COWLUCttOI" hfii‘dds 1 only: 18 in. Pipe Wrench 1 0:17;- 4903‘ Ilia?“ “Slate: cut off Quantity Coopers Warble Fly Powder ' ' -, , ‘ of :1 Cash Register i 13:12 is: .13.: 5.33.2212: 1 A . g on 1 ove , i 1:1; 1:110ch Eager 1 Haligppy Thought hRange with 2 Oil 1 only side wall register, 10x12 1 (poigufiugtntaaaefge i only 51:9 “71:1 Teg'lSEF-‘Tv ‘1 Simmtans Bed Spring and Mattress, on y si e \va regis er. x 2 i goo as new 1 only 13 dice ceiling ventilator ’7" , 1 8-day clock with chimes 1 pilpe B H d d d A ‘1 )‘Iahoiaiiy Dresser and Washstand. on y u - 0g ies an sto '. goo threads from 1f.) to 2 in.. Ostei‘ 1 Hall Rug. 4%» ft. by TIL) ft.. good Mfg. ‘1 Verandah Couch on stand. good 1 Louden Junior Hay Car. good as ‘1 Pair Leather Leggings. new new . 1 Whaley Royce Silver Cornet 1 Louden Junior large sling car 1 Electric DeForest Crosley Cabinet with locking pulley Radio. 8 tube Dwelling is Brick Veneer. Steel Roof. 2“: Storey. 10 Rooms and Attic. Is in First-Class Condition. Also adjoining Lot approximately 50 ft. by 70 ft. TERMS :-‘â€"â€"Furniture. Hardware and Tinsmith Tools cash. Prop- erty 10% on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Possession to purchaser Oct. 1st. 1939. Properties to be sold subject to reserve bid. J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer. l l THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO News and Information For the Busy Farmersi Ontario Potatoes of Better yuan states J. T. Cassin. potato ex- :ir.. Ontario Iieit. of Agriculture. “The qual'ty of the Ontario poâ€" tato crop is much better than last year. Batur seed ltas been used in all potato growingr districts of the provinc; and growing conditions bu'n more favorable, particuâ€" larly in the last two weeks," states J. T. Cassin, potato expert of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, who lli‘s' just completed an extensive tour of provincial potato fields. During June and July the moisture supply was not sufficient to produce a heavy crop of early potatoes. The old crop was completely cleaned up and there was a strong demand all over the provincc for new potatoes. This resulted in steady prices and liavo ‘there was no glut or surplus. Mr. Cassin believes the lilii‘l‘m’llllâ€"l ate crop. now in the process of digg- ing, will have a steady demand until late potatoes are available. There has been no change in acreage from? last year, he states. “A number of growers and farm- ers were careless last year. They (Ill‘din’t plant certified seed and they didn’t spray as carefully as they should. This. of course, resulted in poor and diseased creps. However, it taught them a lesson and this year.” said Mr. Classin, “they planted certified seed and as a result there is little disease." He warned that there is a danger. of late blight and advises that plants ‘ with BOT- in wet, should be wellâ€"covered dleaux mixture. especially rainy periods. The \Veed 0f the \Veekâ€"Toad Flax Toad Flax. sometimes known as Wild Snvapdragon and “Butter and Eggs" is another Ontario weed that should be eradicated at this time of the year, says John D. ‘M'acLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, On- tario Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Toad Flax is a dleepsrooted, perâ€" sistent perennial with erect wiry stems. The leaves are stalkless. linear, without teeth or divisions. The flowers are about one inch long, pale yellow, in erect, dense clusters. The weed propagates Iby seeds and rootstalks and, is general throughout the province, especially on light, shallow soils, meadows, pastures. roadsides and occasionally in grain fields. It ‘spireadls rapidly and comâ€" plete eradication is imperative. Badly infested pastures and mea- dioms should be broken up and a short rotation with deep, thorough cultivation, followed by a ho-ed crop. smother crop or grain crop. Do not reseed until this weed is eradicated. If proper cultivation is followed, it should [be possible to kill this weed without the loss of a crop. Chemical spraying is recommended where cultivation is impossible. See your district weed inspector or write the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture for furth- er information. Save Coupons, win valuable cash prizes. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Rich- mond Hill dated the 1st day of Au- gust 1939 and to me directed, com- manding me to proceed with the col- lection of arrears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being published In the On- tario Gazette under the dates of September 28th, October 28th and November 5th, 1939, and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and. cOsts are sooner paid, I shall, on the 18th day of December 1939 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes charges thereon. The sale will be held on the abov: date at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said list may be had at my office. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer. Dated at Richmond Hill, August 10th, 1939. R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F Quality , Snow grin improvement over last. and the ‘ The regular met-ting of the ("\‘lll‘i-i ,c. of the turporat on of the Tonn- rilip of King. was held at Sutton‘s respective names. and that the seal GENERAL At‘li‘UUNTS Arthur \Velcsley. “Ted Inspector, $22.20: (lus Farquhar. constable ser- i\‘i('L>‘. Sil.:':0;_ Maurice Hayward, , constable scrvces. $17.90: II. G. Rose. 13 rths. Deaths, Marriages, 83; Mary Sparks. 82.0 00: Department of llealth. re Insulin. 83.21; McDonald .8: ("iltixjiaiiyx re suppliers, 89.85; P. M. Thompson, io funcral re Dunham, $30.00; Whillici‘ & Company. re sup- ipi'ies. $40.33; North York Registry office. re registrations. S493; House of Providence. re C. Leguilloux, $1.20: Geo, McCubbin, re blue prints. 3S: Hairy Kitchtn. re P.V.S.. sun- plies. $3.90: Jrhn Millett. re P.V.S., isupplies, S4; Thos. ,postage .iirl phone bill. $8.11; J00 Sutton. re rent for room for coun- icil. $5; Nobleton Postmaster. re postage. $9. Relief voucher, $137.21; iRoad Voucher No. 19. $889.29. RESOLUTIONS Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by W. E. Barker. that whereas a idispute has arisen re sub-division assessment and taxes. And whereas heretofor this prop- erty has been assessed yearly to one 1H. W. Egan en bloc instead of the intiiiv'dual owners of the 70 Lots which constitute this subâ€"division. Therefore be it resolv€d that in the future and commencing with the 1940 assessment the Assessor for that year be instructed to asseess these Lots as per registered plan in the Noitli York Registry Office to ‘the several Owners seal of the corporatiOn be attached to this, resolution. Carried. Moved by Burnel Graham, second- ed by E. M.‘Legge, that the treas- ui'er be authorized to pay to Mr. D. Sipezialie the sun of 52c. same being overpayment as made by him on his 1938 taxes. and that the seal of the ,corporation be attached to this reso- lution. Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Win. E. Barker, as per agree- ment and understandmg with the Township of West Gwillimlbury re | Bradford Marsh Maintenance ac- 5 count. Th 5 council herelby in- ' structs the Treasurer to issue cheque for $26.28 and $947.92 to the Treasurer of the above Township in order that our account in this con- nection shall be paid up to date, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Burnel Graham, that the Clerk be instructed to write the Depart- ment of Public Welfare of the City ’of Toronto re John and Herminia Phillips relief account and them that this council entertains no liability in this case. That he further inform them that payment of this account can be had by either getting in touch with Phil. lips himself or the German Consul- late as this council w.ll absolutely refuse payment of any charges on their account. Carried. > .Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Wm. E. Barker, that the treas- urer be instructed to issue a cheque f0r $70.00 for Compensation Insurâ€" ‘ance on all truck drivers in the employ of this township (i.e. $2000 ‘at $35.00 per M) the cheque to be hnade payable to Mr. John McAllis- ’ter, King, Ontario and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to' this resolution. Carried. ’ Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Wm. E. Barker, that the Reeve, Clerk and Solicitor be and are here- by empowered to take up the matter ’of $1600 mortgage of Messrs. H. ’Mack and P. Bahry in favour of the Township School Funds and so- arâ€" range all the necessary agreements, ‘Deeds, Discharges in connection therewith. In order that P. Bahry ‘may pay off his portion of the Mort- gage and thus get a clear deed for his property and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by L. B. Goodf-ellow, sec- l'onded by Burnel Graham, that the treasurer be authorized to issue a bheque to the following re sheep blaims: Mr. Jacob Gould, $6.00; Mr. 'Geo. Hulse, $23.00; Mr. A. Bennett, $158.00, a total of $187.00 as per sheep valuators certificate now on file. Carried. ‘ BYâ€"LAWS PASSED ‘By-Law Number 703 ‘ A By-Law to appoint a collector of taxes and to govern the method ‘of collections of the same, was read “three times and passed. The meeting then adjourned to ‘meet at. the Parish Hall, Kettleby, ‘Ontario on Saturday, September 30, '1939 at 9 a.m. Sale Register SATURDAY, SEPT. 16THâ€"Auction sale of fine residence in the village of Maple, also a quantity of tin- smith tools and equipment, the propâ€" erty of James A. Rose and family. Owing to lateness of the hour these iitems were not sold in "he sale last week. Further particulars in next week's Liberal. J. C. Saigeon, auc- tioneer. How generous people are! When a great man fails. they attribute it to hidden causes instead of plain l. J ignorance. hotel. on Saturday, August 20, 1939 a: 9 am. All members present. August Ziith, 1939. Move-l by I.. B. tinidteliow, sec-i ended by E. )I. 1.;gge, the council lll committee of the whole on no- i\' nuts and bills. B. Graham in the ‘ chair. Iii-swivel that the following ac- counts lie :ippi'ovul and paid and that the Ti‘t‘ihlll't‘l' be hereby au- thoriZml to new issue his order in payiiiutt for same to the parties for the amount set opposite their rf the corpui’ation be attached toi th's i'esoliit:<‘>r. Carried. Thos. )Iacihlui'ehy. Reeve. General News 8.; Views King Twp. Council 1 Thi.‘ \urk \\'1- were treated to our f.rst lilrlt‘ of real tall weather. Sep‘enilivr iird now rates with Au- gust 41b of lll>ltil_\'. as one if the fateful days Once again We :il'e reniindtd that as Canadians have a lot to be thankful for. \\' L‘ , Don't let the war get you down. Don't allow your ear to lieconit- too tightly glued to your of fateful Sunday. Septemâ€" apart from the time spent 'in church we sat listening to a serâ€" radio, )lost her fii'd ‘Canadian Institute for the Blind. re ‘ ,Earl Haig staff left last week MaCMlll'Cl‘ly, re l 7 on Part of Lot 18, Concession 6 re‘ l A petition seeking the legal salel and that the‘ inform . ie< of news bulletins and I‘L‘nlOl‘S. ‘.»\s a result bedtime found us with l ragged jittery nerves. Ono regu- lar newscast at 11 o’clock gave all the information we had gleaned ‘ all day. US )I‘ss J. .I. McCullough, a former member of the Richmond Hill High School staff and later a member of to take up teaching duties in Kent. Eng- } land. l North York Township‘s building lboom still continues along its stu- lpcndous scale, to top 32,486,174 mark [for the first eight months of 1939. This is $959,303.00 more than thé complete 1938 total which stood at i 81.526.870.00. of beer and the re-Opening of a licensed hotel in Beeton has been .signed by more than the i‘equired lnumlber of voters (25 per cent) and. lwe understand, the question will be decided by a vote of the people on October 11. The only hotel in town that survived the ‘dry’ era has been iclosed for many months, during ,which, many business men claim, the ilack of accommodation to the travâ€" Nelling public has been a great detri- ment to the business interests and twelfare of the village. â€" Beeton iWorld. Kenneth Duncan who lives near Harriston, Ontario is sure pleased that he chose the right stook, Work- ing on his father’s farm a thunder shower came up and he too-k refuge from the rain under a freshly erect- ed stook, just before a bolt of light- ning hit three stocks nearby. settâ€" ing them all on fire. Two of them were completely consumed, but the 1third was mostly saved when he suc- 1ceeded in smothering the fire. He said it sounded, when the lightning struck, as though something had hit on metal very hard. He congratu- Ilates himself that he was not under one of the stocks that was hit by the bolt. # TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TAX SALE NOTICE copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had in the Office of the Treasurer, J. M. ‘McDonald, Maple, Ontario. The List of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes in the Township of 'Vaughan was published in the On- tario Gazette on the 5th day of Au- gust, 1939. Notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the lands on the day and at the place named in such List pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette. The date of sale named in said List is the 8th day of November, 1939, at 10 a.m. The sale will take place at the Township Hall, Vellore. Dated at Maple, this 4th day of August, 1939. J. M. McDONALD, Treasurer. _____-â€"â€"â€"__.____ Phone 12 1 Quit Your Skidding G O O D R I C H SAFETY SILVERTOWNS ‘" Give You QUICKER Non-Skid Stops Come in for a Convincing Demonstration of the SUPERIOR NON-SKID TIRE Cities Service Garage 29 Yonge Street THI'RSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7th. 1939. At Maple Freight Sheds FIRST CLASS BIREAD FLOUR iLSO MONARCH PASTRI FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. Formula SALT Prices as follows: ‘FINE SALT. 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . 65c. COARSE SALT. 100 lbs. . . . . . 80c. IOI)IZED SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . . 85¢. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c BLOCKS IODIZED, each . . . . . 40c. i -â€" Also â€"- CAR MILL FEED Priced as follows: BRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt. . SHORTS . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 per cwt. ‘ MIDDLINGS . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. I ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE l9\V 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1. foot lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25â€"330 cents each ' i Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy. Service and n to All C. E. SMITH Fair Deal Phone Stouffville 7813 Gormley RR. 1 BALING Hay & Straw Having taken over Moore Bron. baling business I am pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for ’ moving outfit. PERCY COBER Successor to Moore Bros. EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€" i GLASSES FITTED i DR. P. P. SMYTH GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 Pl. J.FOX ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages. Roofing Jobbing Promptlv Attended to Established 1880 3 i Real Estate â€" Insurance Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected J. R. Herrington 93 Yonge St. Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office OW C M 0”...“000“ 2. Richmond Hill ”

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