“Feed Service†LANGSTAFF Annual Show GORDON YOUNG Limited L. F. Bevan W. R. Dean FOR FULL INFORMATION PHONE OR WRITE; C. L. Higgs Chas. Ellis NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN CONDITION FOR THE WINTER! PHONE ADelaide 3636 - 166 Keating St.. TORONTO Commercial Displays Auction Sale of High Class Poultry Lucky Attendance Draws EACH EVENING Market prices paid for worn-out live Horses Delivered Our Plant Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge PAGE FOUR POULTRY, PIGEONS, DUCKS and PETSTOCK North York Township Poultry Association SEPTEMBER 22â€"23, 1939 WILLOWDALE ARENA STOP 6A YONGE STREET HORSES " Telephone Thornhill 72-r-11 ADMISSION FREE Thornhill P.O. - Thornhill 14. R. 1-1 - Thornhill P.0. - Thornhill 54 516 Perth Ave.. Toronto - LL. 3313 Finch Ave. E. - Willowdale 962 Talbot Rd. - “'illowdale 236 to be held at COURTESY There is a Findlay furnace for every type of fuel and to suit every budget. If you are going to need a new furnace we will make you a special allowance on your old one during the month of September. We recommend and install the FINDLAY. Come in and let us explain why. R. H. KANE RICHMOND HILL The North York Horticultural So- ciety held its monthly meeting last Monday evening. The guest speak- er was Mr. ‘Cruickshank of Toronto. There was a very splendid display in the monthly flower show and was jugged by Mr. Pencv Bone of Thorn‘ Newtonbrook United Church was the scene of an early autumn wedd- ing when Dorothy Winnifred, eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Duggan of Connaught Ave., NewtOn. brook ‘became the bride of John Mcâ€" Math, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Math, Toronto. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of ivory em- bossed taffeta and full length veil carried‘ by her youngest sister Ruth who wore pale yellow flowered or- gand-y. The bridesmaid, Miss vail Skelly. was gowned in violet chiffon with flowered doll hat to match and carried yellow roses and' bouval‘dia. The bride carried! pale pink roses, lily of the valley and, 'bOuvardia. During the signing of the registerl Mr. Ernest Wallington sang “Oh Promise Meâ€. Miss Bertha Smith played the wedding- music and the ceremony was performed 1)" Rev. A. H. Halbert. Mr. James McMath was his brother’s groomsman and the ushers were William Duggan. broth- er of the bride, and John Robertson, brother-in-law of the groom. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride's mother received in a naVv ‘blue cos- tume with corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother wore a nurple gown with corsage of roses and fern. The happy young coupze left by mot- or for a honeymoon in Bala, Mus‘ koka, the bride travelling in a lilac costume with short gray fuv jacket and black accessoï¬es. On their re- turn they will reside on Homewood Ave, Newtonbrook. hill On [ NEWTONBROOK The death of Mr. Gordon Hurd occurred last Friday evening in the General Hospital, Toronto, in his 48th year, after a linxrei‘ing' illness. He was a veteran of the Great War of 1914-1918 and for some time has suffered from its effects. The fun- eral service was held last Monday from Consul Funeral Home with Rev. A. H. Halbert officiating to West- minster Memorial Cemetery with the members of Legion 66 taking part and sounding the last post at the graveside. He leaves to mourn his loss a. widow and five children, Viola (Mrs. Carmen Lockyer), Dorâ€" othy, Rita, Gordon and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd and‘ family of Buffalo, N.Y. attended the funeral of the former’s brother, Gordon HuI'd last, Monday. ' Sept. 17th. Harvest Thanksgiving 11 a.m.â€"â€"Holv Communion. 091e- brant. The Rector. 7.30 p.111.â€"Evensong. Preacher, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McDonald of Maple called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Campbell and famin have returned home from a two months holiday to the Pacific Coast. The death of Mrs. R. Baker of Petawawa Ave. occurred after a major operation from which she lingered for a short time. She was in her 35th year and leaves to mourn her loss her husband and two small children. We extend deepest sym- pat_hâ€"y to Mr. Baker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonardi Hahbert were guests this week of Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbel‘t. Rev. Egerton Young arrived here last Thursday from God’s Lake, Manitoba. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Egerton Young Jr. is recover- ing from her recent illness. The W.M.S. execwtive met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. W. Galbra'th 'to make plans for the fall work. Rév. D . Cropper and Mrs. Cropâ€" per of British Guiana were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells last Sun- day. A meeting of Cross will be held 15th.at 2.30 p.nr Mrs. R. E. Bales The Woman’s Association is hold- ing their September meeting today at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wells, Yonge St. Rally Day will be celebrated next Sunday. The Sunday School will meet in the School Room at 10.45 for registration etc. and will join in the worship service at 11 am. Rev. A. H. Halbert will give the address. It is desired that every member will be present next Sunday morning and the parents Aare_specially invited. _ A Song Service Wlll precede the regular evening service. If you have a favorite hymn you would llke sung, hand it to the pastor or organist. Strangers will be made very wel- come. The United Church choir was en- tertalned last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Glen Shaw. After practise all enjoyed 3 Corn Roast on the lawn. There was a large atâ€" tendance presen_t_. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold its opening meeting for the fall season next Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 2.30 p.111. at the home of Mrs. James Murray, Hudson Ave. and will be in charge of the Strangers and Assoâ€" ciate Helpers secretaries assisted by the presxdent. Strangers and new comers will be honored guests at this meeting and each member is asked to bring a friend along. Cars will be at the corner of Finch Ave. and Yonge St. at 2.15 p.m. to convey the ladies to the meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all. W Wils ST. JOHN’S S'I‘. STEPHEN’S. MAPLE n. S.T.â€"â€"P1‘eacher, Mr. C} F. Wrixon t at both half-hem Iur “L S AINTS, KING THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO of the Canadian Red held next Friday, Sept. p.m. at the home of at services, Mr. Wm after OAK RIDGES 3 Harvest Serv Egular servxce Servlce 31' Sunda A physician, attended by a num- ber of medical students, was mak- ing the round of his ward, and stopped beside a bed whereon lay a man \v’th a _very prominent ~ths’c: The physician, having; elicited from the sick man the fact that he was in the habit of playing a wind instrument, went on: lvrés; alrlï¬the puffing and qtraining is mest dangerous to the lungs. most dangerOUs. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be aceepted. J. Archie Fleming, R.R., Unionville, Ont, Chainman of Board. Tenders will be received by either of the undersigned, up to and inâ€" cluding Monday, Sept. 25th, for the purchase of Melville United Church shed, situated on 6th Concession of Markham (3/4 mile north of Cashel). Building is heavy frame 80 x 50 ft.; posts 23 ft. and 8 ft. 4 inches; six bents. ' . Envelopes should be sealed and marked “Tender for Buildingâ€. “Whm wind Msh‘ument used you to nlav." he asked. addressing the natient. To the huge delight of the student=. the r‘atient replied: “The concertina, 531'.†I. D. Ramer & 'Son will carry a full line of Quaker: feeds including- all Quaker feeds for horses, cows, calves, pigs, sheep, foxes and poul- try. As a special feature of their introductory sale, every customer will be given free, on request a copy of the new 64 page book “The Proâ€" fitable Care and Feeding of Poultry and Livestockâ€. And at all times Mr. Rainer will be glad to obtain for his customers expert advice and- in-formation on the latest Quaker methods of livestock and poultry care Because the Quaker Oats Com- pany is the largest of all cereal millers in the British Empire, it is able to include even the mostï¬ostly ingredients in Quaker Livestock and Fï¬ll-O-Pep Poultry Feeds, and still offer these feeds at a cost that re- presents outstanding economy. The Quaker Oats Company call their well-known feeding plan the “Ful-O-Pep†Plan, after the famous feeds of that name. This Fulâ€"O- Pep feeding plan has already been proven exceptionally profitable both by experiment and scientific re- search, and by the practical use of tens of thousands of poultrymen who have had success With it. And Quaâ€" ker livestock feeds are the result of similar scientific research and experiment. Typical of the results of experi- ments in poultry care and feeding conducted on Quaker’s huge poultry farm, is the discovery that a defin- ite plan of feeding balanced feeds, under a strict rationing system, can greatly increase the laying power, lengthen the profitable laying life, and improve the marketing quality ‘of hens. At the same time, this scientific feeding actually decreases feed bills. Of interest to all who raise live- stock and poultry, is the remark- able progress made during the past few years in discovering and im- proving feeds and feeding methods. 0n the huge experimental farms of the Quaker Oats Company, and in the highly scientific Quaker IabOra- tories, the care and feeding of live- stock and poultry has been im- mensely improved. New feeds, new methods, new breeds, and new prac- tical knowledge have all vastly in- ‘creased the possible economy and' profit in livestock raising and have helped to advance poultry-raising from a sideline to' a major farm industry. TENDERS WANTED The Quaker Oats Company an- nounce I. D. Ramer & Son exclusive dealer in Richmond Hill and sur- rounding district, for the famous Quaker Livestock Feeds, and Quaker Ful-O-Pep Poultry Feeds. I. D. Ramer & Son Quaker FeedséDealer Cider Mill Wilfred Bowes of Concord announces that his Cider Mill will be open every ev- ening during the Fall. Lot 11, Con. 3. Vaughan About 1 mile north of Alex. D. Bruce, ’R.R., Unionville, Ont, Secretary of Board Phone Maple 568 No. 7 Highway WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27â€"Auction sale of‘household furniture etc. the propertv of the estate of the late Sarah Gorman, east side of Yonge St. iust north of Summit Golf. Sale conducted by Public Trustees. Sale at 1.15 p.m. standard time. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. sale of registered, fully accredited herd of Jerseys, the property of John S. Henry, lot 26, concession 8‘ Vaughan, near Klein-burg. Sale at‘ VOTERS’ LIST, 1939 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM 1 p.m. Standard Time. No reserve as Mr. Henry is going out of the' milk business. Terms cash. J. Car! Saigeos, auctioneer. Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. And I‘hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to’ have any errors or omissiOns cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeals being the 27th day of Septembex, 1939. SATURDAY, SEPT. 231‘dâ€"Auction Notice is hereby giver. that I have complied with section of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Unionville on the 5th day of September, 1939, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the sale of Dwelling, Lot, Furniture, Hardware and Tinsmith Tools, the property of D. Rose, S. Rose and 'B. Rose, Maple. The fine dwelling will be offered for sale at 2.30 p.m. standard time. The complete list if the sale appears on bills and in the adv. which appeared in last week’s paper. Sale starts 1 p.m. sharp. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. said»Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. Dated this 6th 61 1939. THREE LOTS on North side of Rosevi‘ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 'ONE PAIR men’s black riding boots, (Dack), size 10C, with shoe trees and leg stretchers, in good condi- 'tion, reasonable. Donald J. Smellie, phone 42J. Thornhill. HONEY in customer’s containers, any kind, mixed clover and dande- lion honey, 8c. lb. net. Abram, 2 miles north east of Richmond Hill, phone 45113. RYE for sale. Telephone Maple 541'11. worker. Apply Walter Paxton, Oak Ridges. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 -â€"7 Auction BAY HORSE, 9 years old, good 1930 FORD TUDOR, nice condition throughout, 8150.00. Applxy S‘tan. Leno, Richmond Hill, phone 211. TRACTOR and TRACTOR PLOW in THREE PURE BRED young York- shire boars for sale. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., Stop 23, Yonge St., phone Maple 764. GOOD VEALING CALF 5 days old; also registered Suffolk Ram 3 years old. Apply De La Salle Farm, Au- rora, opposite CFRB Station. various sizes stone crooks, greatly, reduced; marmalade jars; cot; lawr seat; 2 pairs child’s rulbber boots Telephone Richmond Hill 145. QUEBEC HEATER with Sterling Oil Burner complete with pipes. Tele- phone Ri'chmond Hill 256. Will’ deliver. C. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. perfect condition. Will sellv chea for quick sale. Apply Charles G1 ner, 'Oak Ridges. ENGLISH TOILET CORN, about four acres standing. Apply J. E. Baker, Concord, lot 8 and 9, con. 3 Vaughan. 100 CHOICE LEGHORNS laying THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. _ Classified Advs. um Sale Register FOR SALE CHARLES HOOVER, Township Clerk m Woc ieor 11 assembled 2 School this was headed Jack McC SET, 8 pieceé; crooks, greatly jars; cot; lawn of September, rd'bl'id THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 1939. : the week the (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) EXPERIENCED farm hand, age 40 to 60, married, no children, two horses one cow kept, 17 acres. Terms: house free, electric light, telephone, milk, vegetables, every second Sunday off, permanent posi- tion, good wages, no work required from wife. B. T. Riordan, John St., Thornhill, telephone 90. Used Cars 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE PANEIJ DELIVERY â€" Like New. Little Brothers WELL Charges reasonable, work guaran- teed. Joe Moore, 5 Lorne Avenue, formerly Trench Work Shop, Rich» mond Hi1]. 1929 FORD FORDORâ€"Good Value. tems Maple, PAINTING & DECORATING done by experiented workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond EXPERT SHO E REPAIRING. FARM, 200 acres, lot 24, con. 4, North York, Hydro, milk cooler. Apply Stong Brother's, 266 Queen’s Drive, Weston. HOUSE T0 RENT with Hydro on corner of No. 7 Highway 21/2 miles east from Langstaff. Apply W. C. Gohn, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, Ont. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLL'XE SEDANâ€" Hill. chard and Shade trees, 1/2 acre, Water in house, bathroom. At Stop 24 Yonge Street. Apply E. B. Sharp- less, 46 Jedburg Road, North Tor- onto. BOARDER WANTED. Have room for Boarder, either lady or gentle- man, comfortable room. Apply Lib- eral Office. '1932 FORD 4 CYLINDER DeLUXB ‘ SEDANâ€"Excellent ConditJon. BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given 73. 1937 FORD V8 2 TON TRUCK â€" Stake Body. Tires and Motor ex- cellent. Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W SIX _ROO_MED BRICK HOUSE, or- .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hi“ Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Splendid condition. 1929 DODGE COUPE â€" Nice. MISCELLANEOUS TUBES TESTED FREE DRILLING and Water Sys- installed. Bert Jackson, telephone Maple 577. $125.00 $275.00 $375.00 TO RENT $140.00 $650.00 WANTED 700.00 Phone Thornhifl