DI: OgOEOgOBO Royal TOUR Movies Adults 750. HOT ll o I] o Fowl Supper fl WWOWWW PAGE FOUR "“ HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM RICHMOND HILL Saturday, Oct. 14th I'D IS REQUESTED THAT AS MANY SCHOOL CHILDREN AS POSSIBLE AT- TEND THE FIRST SHOWING , with Plum Pudding Parish Hall, KETTLEBY ORCHESTRA 1N ATTENDANCE After the supper Lloydtown Dramatic Club wi Present the three act play “Mama’s Baby Boy†The Toronto Daily Star UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE RICHMOND HILL RED CROSS SOCIETY SILVER COLLECTION Supper served from 5.30 to 8 pm. WORTH DRIVING MILES FOR TWO SHOWINGS â€"- 7.30 and 9 p.m. WILL BE SHOWN IN THE ouoz===o=o Children 50c. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong of Edgeley spent Monday with Mr. and‘ Mrs. W. Bone. Miss Alexander stpent the week- end at her home at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vanderberg and family spent. Thanksgiving with‘ 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderbeng. [Misses Betty and Bonnie Burton' spent Sunday with their aunt and‘ uncle Mr. and Mrs. F. Fiske in T0- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn and famâ€" ily spent Monday evening with Mrs. Holme‘stead of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and son Kenneth spent Thanksgiving with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craigie at Rich- mond Hill. ‘ ‘Mr. J. Baker and Mr. W. Reaman attended Markham Hair Saturday afternoon. Mr. a 41‘ Mrs. S. Wark and son‘ Murray and Mr. J. Bovair spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark. Mr. E. Durie, fonmefly of Weston Bakeries is now the Watkins repre- sentative for this district. A little city boy who had been to the country was describing to another boy friend the big pig he had seen. “It. was in a pen,†he said, “and it was afraid of the little pigs. They would chase the big pig around the pen and after he fell down with exhaustion, the little pigs pounced upon the big pig and ate the 'butâ€" tons off his vest.†CARRVILLE THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO .96....OOA .OOOOOOOO, .0990... .00.... ,0... .39, v0.9... 6066... w 00... YO...‘ v0.0.0 .09.... ,9900990090009000 9009999009090909. 700000000000000'0 .0000000000000000. Anniversary services will be ob- served at: Edgeley United Church Sunday, October 15th with special services at 11 a.m. and 7 11.111. Rev. H. S. Levering, a foumer pastor, will have charge of both services and at 11 am. the Maple United Church Choir will assist and in the evening there will be special music by Thomâ€" hill‘ United Choir. Tuesday, October 17 “Earth’s New Mom", a three. act play written by Rev. Lo'ver'mg' will be presented in the Maple Community Hall by the members of Mr. Lovering’s Trafal- agar congregation. The play, writ- ten around the romance of a young rural couple has been presented many times to large audiences andl has evoked most favorable comment from the press. It is a study of social conditions and‘ envisages man's great destiny. It ‘5, a play well worth seeing and a large at; tend‘ance is expected. Adults 25c" children 15c. A Scotsman was about to start a round of golrf and‘ was looking for a caddy. At length he picked out one who seemed to have the qual- ities he required, and he asked him, “Are ye guid at findin’ balls?†“Yes,†answered the boy. “Then find‘ one, an‘ we’ll begin,†commanded theh Scot. Byâ€"Law Number 470 duly passed lby the Council of the Village of Richmond Hill and dealing with Con- nection to Storm Sewers and the Construction of Septic Tanksz in the Village enacts as follows: THAT no person or persons wheâ€" ther land owners, tenants, or other- wise, shall change, improve, repair, widen, alter, divert or in any man- ner deal with any drain, or waterg course which is now connected with the «storm sewers of the said\ Mun- icipality withOut first advising the Corporation of intention to do so and furnishing- particulars of the proposed changes or alterations or as the case may be, and obtaining [the approval of the Coimcil of the ‘Conponation and a permit from the ,Corporation Signed ‘by the Clerk, permitting and approving of the saici changes or alterations. AND IT is further enactedi that no person or persons shall hereafter construct any septic tank, cellar, sink, privy vault, privy, cesspool or water closet without first surbrmitt- ing a plan thereof with the manner of dvraining‘ to the Corporation and' obtaining the consent and approval of the Conporation and a permit signed by the Clerk thereof. AND IT is further enacted that! the Corporation may make any reg- ulations for sewerage or drainage in regard to any of the things 01‘ matters mentioned or contained in this By-law as it s‘hal} deem expedi- ent for :sanitavy punposes ami such regulations when made may be ob- tained from the Clerk of the Mun- icipality. A fee of $1.00 shall he ,‘charged ‘by the C’lenk of the Mun- ;‘cipahty for issuing: the Consent re- auiretd 'by this Byâ€"law. 1, u. ANY penson or persons who corn- travein‘eys the requirements of this \By-law may be fined, under the Pro- rvisions of The Summary Convictions 'Act uipron conviction, in the sum of not Less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00. ' E’ASSED at the Village of Rich ‘mond Hm, this 28th day of Septem: 'ber AD. 1939. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL 'Hill, this AD. 1939 TO BUiY TEN or fiifteen ton of hay. Apply W. Mathews, Mill St, Rich- mond Hill. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND gamed immediately, good wages. C. E. Wal‘king’ton, King, telephone King 4213. STEADY RELIABLE MAN needs employment, good driver, take anyâ€" thing. References. Apply to BOX 52 The Liberal Office. MARRIED MAN wants work on farm. Fully experienced> in mixed and dairy farming, qualified to take charge if necessary, separate house preferred. Apply to Box 92 The Liberal Officg. T0 FARMERS Special price on Gluten. Car of Gluten Feed arrived at elevator Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. Dated a ed at the Village of Richmond this! 28th day of September" EDGELEY WANTED J. A. GREENE. Reeve A. J. HUME, Clerk s. C. King eeds anyâ€" Box on nixed take ous e Th e FARM, 100 acres of good land, 1011 340, east 1/2 con. 3, Vaughan twp. known as 'Jones estate. GoodI buildL ings, a brick veneer 7 roomed dtwell- ing with an outer summer kitchen. A [bank barn 40x60, pig pen with stalling complete, hen house, colony house and driving shed. A never failing well. This farm is fenced‘ into 12 acre fields with 6 acres of bush, 2 acres of young orchard, a good variety; 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 acres of fall rve, the balance ploughed. The buildings are beau- tifully surmunded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn. The build- ings are equipped with DeIco lights. This farm is situated one mile east n+‘ nnvwi- road. Must be sold to CONTENTS OF HOME, privately. Apply 20 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. NO HUNTING signs. Ready any time. The Liberal Orifice, Rlchmond Hill. OIL BURNERS, twin seven, com- plete with 46 gal. oil drum, cheap. Apply Liberal Orifice. 20 FIGS, weigh .around 60 lbs. Ap- ply Ellmer Orr, R.R. No. 2, Maple. Phone Maple 54113. BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, mowern conveniences. Good garden. Apply 17 Richmond1 St, Richmond Hill. FRAME BUILDING 40‘ ft. by 18 ft. two storey high on cement foundaâ€" tion. For particulars phone Maple FORD COACH, 1930, heater, good condition $125.00. Apply David‘ Mcâ€" Gibbon, Yonge and wale Sideroad, Richmond Hill. . THREE LOTS on North side of Rosevi‘ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., flange Street, Richmond Hill. COAL AND WOOD STOVE, Crown Huron No. 9, 20 inch oven, high closet, in fair condition. A bargain at, $8.00. J. A. Rose, Maple. 1‘00 CHOICE LEGHORN PULLE’I‘S and‘ yearlings, bargain or would ex- change for old fat hens. C. Bower- ba11i1k, Stop 17A, Yonge St., Thorn- hi . 10>0 ACRE FARM for sale, all level, rich clay loam, fair buildings, 20 miles north of Toronto, at a big‘ bargain, $4250. Apply H. MdMillan, Richmond Hill. ‘bergs, Tolman Sweets, Russets, etc. Price reasonable. We deliver. A‘pâ€" I'ply Henry Winger, Maple, Ontario. Phone Muapfle 281'3. 2, 3 AND 4 GAL. CROIC-KS, 25, 35' and 40 cents; garden bench, chair; 50 cents each; finest cut glass Wat- er set; exclusive articles. Phone Richmond Hill 145. (GURNEY QUEBEC RANGE, large warming oven, white enamel trim, exceptionally good condition. Eureka \Garden Seeder with all attachments, use-d one season. Cheap. Taylor’s 'Rad‘ixo Sales &| Service, Phone 226, ‘127 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. INCUBA‘T‘OR for 100 eggs; 1 Swiss goat; six room house with one acre of land for sale or rent. J. Brown, ‘R.R. No. 1 York Mills, Stop 13, Steele’s Ave. West, second‘ house from Yonge. APPLES, McIntosh Reds, Spitzen- WESTINGHOUSE Eï¬ectric Refrig- erator, electric range, washing maâ€" chine and radio at. bargain prices. Terms if necessary. Moving; to city. B. R. Leech, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south pf No. 7 Highway. BOYS’ LEATHER COAT, one pair memhrey breeches with re-enforcecï¬ seat and knees, to fit boy of 12, one pair high boots‘ size 7. Amply Mrs. APPLES, MacIntOSh, Snows, Greenâ€" ings, Baldwins, excellent sample, tree run or No. 1 at very low prices. Wm. Vanda-bent. RR. 2. Germ-ley. Telephone Thornhill 1812.1. White, DARWIN TULJP BULBS, mixed, good colors, 5 (102. for $1.00; also some good two year Columlbia Rasp- berry plants, (lpurple). Nelson J. Smellie, phone 42.], Thornhill. MARKET GARDEN, two acres bhoice market garden land in excelâ€" '1em: condition, s‘mall fruit, frame cottage, chicken hlouse, garage, lo- cated in outskirts of Barrie. Town water. Must be sold to close estate. A reab buy at $2500. Apply Box 73 The L Hill]. tifully surI'Ounded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn. The build- ings are equipped with DeIco lights. This farm is situated one mile east of paved road. Must be sold to close the estate. For further infor- mation anplv to administrators, Geo. McNair. R.R. 27Magle, gr L. H. Cle- Rau‘tfliiéhmond Hi1] THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISKNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"-Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE '26 Mill St., Richmond. Hill i’beral Office, Richmond! good ‘land‘ 10v phone 176 THURSDAY, QCTOBER 12th, 1939. PERCHERO‘N MARE, 5 years; Pep- cheron mare, 10 years. Apply C. E. Walkington, King, phone Kimg 421'3. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. Phone Thornhi‘fl 73. BULLS FOR SERVICE, available for their keep. Any breeds. L. H. Clement, Richmoncb Hill. TURNIP AND POTATO BUYER. Also well digging dOne by Frank York, R.R. NO. 1, Maple. WELL tems Maple, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned and repair- ed, drains renewed. Wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingleg, Jefferson. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices reaâ€" sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping d-One by machine. ‘Sm‘geon, successor to Dr. D. H. Pinkerton of King City. Calls promptly answered. Phone 2300, King City. TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge 81.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonabie. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerer, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. DR. F. c. BRIDG‘MANLVebefinagy SEVEN ROOIM HOUSE in: Richmond Hill, all modern convenriemces. Also ï¬ve room house, all modern corr- veniences. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, Ontario. HOUSE, 14 Arnold Street. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmomf Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) FIVE ROOM HOUSE, 29 Roseview' Ave., Richmond Hill. Apply J. A. Monkman, Richmond Hill. 3 ROOMED APARTMENT furnish- ed, all conveniences, electric, heat. Apply Mrs. Warwick, Stop 22A, Yonge Street. Used Cars 1939 MERCURY DeLUXE SEDANâ€"â€" Demomstmtor. Only fomr tho'usllld miles. Substantial reduction. 1937 FORD V8 2 TON TRUCK â€"â€" 1931 FORD VICTORIAâ€"Th r Reconditioned. 0 mg“! 1935 PONTIAC COACHâ€"A1 Condi- 1932 FORD 4 CYLINDER 'DeLUXE ‘ SEDANâ€"Excellent Condluom Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS Stake BOdy. 'ï¬res and Motor ex- cellent. DRILLING and Water Sys- installed. Bert Jackson, telephone Maple 577. TO RENT $450.00 $275.00 $650.00 $175.00