The Com-t will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 8‘ o’clock p.m., and all whom it may†concern are requested to gOvel'n‘ themselves accordingly. PASSED at the Village of Rich.- ‘mlond Hfll, this 28th day of Septem4 ‘ber AD. 1939. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill will hold its‘ First Sitting for the current year on Monday, October 30th, 1939, for the purpose of healing complaints and appeals against the assessment of the said village. A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, October 12th, 1939. COURT OF REVISION ANY person or persons who con:- travenes the requirements of this ‘By-law may be fined, under the Pro- visions of The Summary Convictions Act upon conviction, in the sum of not Less than $1100 nor more than AND IT is further enacted thatf the Corporation may make any reg- ulations for sewerage or drainage in regard to any of the things 01J mattems mentioned or contained in‘ this By-law as it shall deem expedi- em; for [sanitary purposes andl such’ regulations when made may be ob- tained from the Clerk of the Mun- icipality. A fee of $1.00 shall be charged ‘by the Olenk of the Mun- {ci‘pality for issuing the Consent re- ‘iuired 'by this Bxy-law. $50.00. Dated at the Village of Richmond "Hill, this 28th day of Septemibex" AD. 1939. AND IT is further enactedI that no person or persons shall hereafter construct any septic tank, cellar, sink, privvy vault, privy, cesspool or water closet without first submitt- ing a plan thereof with the manner of draining to the Corporation and’ obtaining the consent and approval of the Conporation and: a permit signed! by the Clerk thereof. THAT no person or persons whe- ther land ownens, tenants, or other- wise, shall change, improve, repair, widen, alter, divert or in any man- ner deal with any drain, or water- course which is now connected with the atom sewers of the said Mun- icipality without first advising the Corporation of intention to do so and furnishing particulars of the proposed changes or alterations or as the case may be, and obtaining {he approval of the Council of the Conponation and a permit from the Corporation signed *by the Clark, permitting and approving of the said changes or alterations. Byâ€"Law Number 470 duly passed by the Council of the Village of Richmond Hill and dealing with Con- nection to Storm Sewers and the Construction of Septic 'Danks in the Village enacts as fovlflows: 00» NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Double Votes on Everything up Until Saturday Night Presenting Our Finest Values in Fall and Winter Clothing PUBLIC NOTICE PAGE FOUR Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty J. A. GREENE, Reeve A. J. HUME, Clerk Yonge Street Our large stock purchased before the war and which we are definitely selling at Pre-War prices offers to you an unexcelled opportunity to secure clothing of high quality at a moderate cost. We invite you to visit our store and see the fine selection of choicest cloth from leading mills of the world. A wide variety in most modern colors and designs and hand tailored to your measure with the most expert. workmanship. ALWAYS IN STOCK A CHOICE LINE OF MEN’S FURNISHINGS Richmond Tailors Mrs. Annie Mortson and son Gor- d‘on, accompanied by Miss Mabel Sanderson spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong of Edgeley and in the evening attended the anniversary services at Ed‘geley. Rev. Lovering of Trafalgar was the minister with Thornhill choir leading in song. Altogether it was a splen- did service and much enjoyed'. Perhaps those who have roots still in the field1 would not be very pleas- ed with the weather last week-end, but it’s an ill wind that lblows nobody good, and so the wheat and seed farmers were very pleased to have the showers to produce more foliage and thereby be able to stand the winter better. Winter! Yes, after all it is only 65 days until Xmas. Congratulations to Mr. GeOrge Carson and his bride Iho were unit- ed in marriage at the parsonage this last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaw and fam- ily of Sarnia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forster over the week- end. They had tea on Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rid- ley. Mr. John Snider was demonstrat- ing his coâ€"op tractor again this year at the International Plowing Match at Brockville. On Sunday evening the topic’ at the Y.P.U. meeting was taken by Miss Bacon, teacher of the 3rd school. Those who don’t attend the Y.P.U. these Sunday evenings are missing some good services. The younger members of the executire are to be congratulated on the new speakers they are securing. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avison and daughter Viola motored with Mrs. Millicent Avison and three children to Orangeville on Saturday to spend the week-end with relatives there}. A n,,,,1,,, ,, .A L, ;A___ 'Mexcrs. Alvin ‘Caseley, Douglas Gee, Fraser Gee, Cecil Nichols and‘ Melville Wellman of this community motored to Brockville to attend the International Plowing Match Thurs- day last. Mr. E. Lofkrantz of King City had tea with his son Eric at Ml‘. Bert Sanderson’s on Saturday. We are glad Mrs. Pullan is on the mend from a heart 'attack. Hope she will soon be herself again. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker on the birth of a daughter (nee Aura Klinck). l There were 32 present at the W. M. S. Autumn Thank-offering last Thursday evening. Miss Haig gave a very interesting talk on her work in Japan. After her talk there were a few questions asked, one being, what did she think abOut boycotting the Jap silk stocking. Her answer was that the individual farmer would feel it first before it would have any effect on the war situation. If we wanted to help straighten out the war problem, the best we could do would be to stop sending Japan any- thing that could 'be turned into ammunition. The 5010 selections rendered- by Miss Burwash and Miss Doreen Klinok were much enjoyed by all. J. A. GREENE Victoria Square News Phone 49J An impressive and lasting trilbute was .paid to the memory of the late James Simpson, Mayor of Toronto in 1936, by the Toronto Fire Fight- ers‘ Association, when its members attended the morning service of Howard Park United' Church on Sunday. A (beautiful tahlet was un- veiled by Fire Chief Geo. Sinclair and R.J.Heslop, Pres. of T.F.F.A. as a “lasting appreciation of his ser- vices to our organizationâ€. After the service the firemen rparadedi past a reviewing stand where members of the city council took the salute. The inscription on the tablet is as follows: In loving memory of James Simpson, Mayor of Toronto, 1935, died September 24th, 1938, a faith- ful member of Howard‘ Park United Church whose life was devoted in a Christlike manner estalblishing high- er standards of life with social and economic justice. As a tribute to his memory and lasting apprecia- tion of his services to our organiza- tion this talblet is erected by the To- ronto Fire Fighters Association Oc- tober 1939. Mr. Richard Simpson, 'Thornhill, is the only surviving broth-er. Wmooooooomomu Mr. Martin’s new home is about completed in Newmarket and will be ready to use November lst. Our church attendance was very low on Sunday owing to a number frem here attending- the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Ratcliffe. The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Mr. Ratcliffe and family in their sad bereavement. Don‘t forget to keep your pet chicken shut up this Friday and Satâ€" urday if you don’t want some pheaâ€" sant hunter accidentally to put it in the bag by mistake. Mr; and Mrs. Ross Middleton had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buchanan on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson. )Irs. Wm. Neill,'Mrs. Annie ‘Mortson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkâ€" ins on Saturday evening for tea. Sunday evening, October 22 should be an evening of interest to all the young people in the community. That is the evening that ‘Mr. Ken Partâ€" ridge of Brampton, the young chap who was sent as a delegate from the Toronto Presbytery, to the Amsterdam Conference, will give his report along with a few slides of the bits of country he saw. There will also be special music by the Cherrygfamily of Gonmley. FIREMEN PAID TRIBUTE TO LATE JAMES SIMPSON Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’0. 7:..9. v0.39 VOOOOOOA v0.09... 90.9.. .3... .0..‘ v9.0, 59> O v9.0? VOOOA v.99 v0. .0. 3 ROOMED APARTMENT furnish- FIVE RO‘OMS in Thornhiill, running water, wired for electric stove, $12.00 ed or unfurnished-7 all conveniences, electric, heat. Apply Mrs. Warwick, Stop 22A, Yonge Street. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE in Richmond Hilll, all modern conveniences. Also ï¬ve room house, all modern coni- veniences. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, Ontario. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS. ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 14 Arnold Street. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM, lot 13, con. 3, Whitchurch. Apply Rich- ard Wilton, R.R. No. 1 Gormley. monthly. Thornhill SEPTIC TANKS cleaned and repair- ed, drain‘s renewed. Wells dug: and cleaned. H. P. Ingled, Jefferson. by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. The Oak Ridges seer whose stock as weather prophet sky-rocketed last year when he correctly foretold the freeze-up for November 16th exclus- ively through the columns of this paper, today announced the date of the arrival of the 1939 winter. The final freeze-up for this year will come November 19th, just three days later than last year. If correct we will have to admit the Oak Ridges seer really has something. BULLS FOR SERVICE, available for their keep. Any breeds. L. H. Clement, Richmond‘ Hill. WELL tems Maple, MONEY TO LOAN on first mOrt- gage on good farms not more than 20 miles from City Hall. Apply to Box 29, RR. No. 3, Weston. BALING Hay & Straw PAINTING & DECORATING done Liberal Classified “Ads†pay for themselves. BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. Phone Thornhil‘l 73. Mrs. Tremble of Toronto has sold her estate on Bathurst St. ‘DR. F, C. BRIDGMAN, Veterinary §urrgeon, sucgesggy to “Dr. D. H. ‘ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬b’rl "6f ' King City. Calls 'promptly answered. Phone 2300, King City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and son Kenneth visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith at Woodbridge on Sunday. Mrs. W. Wynn, Bobbie and Jack visited Mrs. J. Hertz Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Agar of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone on Saturday. Mr. W. Wynn was in London sev- eral days this week on business. Mr. D. Hyslon isvmuch improved and was brought home from the hospital Wednesday afternoon. There will be no service in Carr- ville Church Sunday evening on acâ€" count of Headford anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Drumm. Mr. J. Kenny and- Miss E. Kenny of Tor- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Burton at Lam‘bton. Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. Mrs. Hancock has returned after spending the past four months with her daughter Mrs. Brock Rear at Barrie. MISCELLANEOUS Successor to Moore Bros. OAK RIDGES SEER MAKES PREDICTION PERCY COBER Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley R.R. 1 DRILLING and Water Sys- installed. Bert Jackson, telephone Maple 577. CARRV ILLE 1'0 KEN '1‘ Apply J. E. Francis, MARKET GARDEN, two acres b‘hroice market garden land in excel- ‘lent condition, small fruit, frame cottage, chicken hiouse, garage, lo- cated in outskirts of Barrie. Town water. Must be sold to close estate. A real buy at $2500. Apply Box BUFFET, Dining Table, quarter cut Oak; electric rangette; sewing ma- chine; chest, of drawers; double brass bed with springs and Marshall mat- tress; dresser; quantity fruit jars; old dishes. Apply Mrs. 0. Williams, 20 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. 11 PIGS seven weeks old; also grey gelding. Apply R. Wideman, phone Richmond Hill 4512. APPLES, McIntosh Reds, Slpitzen- ’bergs, Tolman Sweets, Rus-sets, etc. WESTINGHOUSE Eflectric Refrig- erator, electric range, washing ma- chine and radio at bargain prices. Terms if necessary. Moving- to city. B. R. Leech, 21/2 miles east of Thornhil], 1 mile south of N0. 7 Highway. Hid] FARM, 100 acres of good land, 106 30, east 1/2 con. 3, Vaughan twp. known as Jones estate. Goodl buildL ings, a brick veneer 7 roomed dwell- ing with an outer summer kitchen. A bank barn 40x60, pig pen with stalling complete, hen house, colony house and driving shed. A never failing well. This farm is fencedI into 12 acre fields with 6 acres of bush, 2 acres of young orchard, a good variety; 10 acres of fall Wheat, 10 acres of fall rve, the lbalance ploughed. The buildings are beau- tifully surrounded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn. The build- ings are equipped with Delco lights. This farm is situated one mile east of paved road. Must be sold to close the estate. For further infor- mation applv to administrators, Geo. McNair. R.R. 2 Mable, or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill, phone 176. Price reasonable. We deliver. Avp‘ *ply Henry Winger, Maple, Ontario. Phone Maple 281‘3. 100 ACRE FARM for sale. all level, rich clay loam. fair buildings, 20 miles north of Toronto. at a big bargain, $4250. Ap-ply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. - H. D. McCague, phone 6110, StOuff- ville. NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS. Apply 1 C‘ISTERN PUMP, 6 feet 'pipe, electric fixtures for living room and den. Apply 2 Markham Road, Rich- mond Hill. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT and‘ bal- Cyril Baker, 160 Spruce Ave., Rich- vale. PLANT RED RASPB‘ERRIES in the Fall. Latham variety, 2 long sea- son drought resistant strain. Apply Campbell, telephone Richmond Hill 4533. éhfl yeai‘liï¬gs, bargain or would ex- change for old fat hens. C. B0wer- bank, Step 17A, Yonge St., Thorn- LUMBER, dessed two by four @ 2c.; decking, two by two @ 1c.; 10 cedar posts 5 ft. @ 25c. each; 10 sheets used gyproc $2.00 f01- lot; 360 baby carriage for $5.00 Apply 24 Mill St., Richmond Hill, phOne 2‘6‘5. OIL BURNERS, twin seven, com- plete with 45 gal. oi.1 drum, cheap. Apply Liberal Office. BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, modern conveniences. Good garden. Apply 17 Richmond‘ St., Richmond Hill. prlces; David Maple ance like rent secures new six room house. See same at 16-0 Spruce Ave., Richvale. hill APPLES. MacIntosh, Snows, Green- ings, Baldwins. excellent sample, tree run or No. 1 at very low prices. Wm. Vanderbent. RR. 2, Gormley. Telephone Thornhill 181‘21. N0 HUNTING Sign5,-_. Ready any. timle. The Lilbera1“0ffice, Riéhmofld Hi1 . THREE LOTS on North side of Roseview Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. PLAYER PIANO and about 100 rolls, guaranteed‘ condition, $150.00, cost $750.00. Easy terms. Apply 100 CHOICIE LEGHORN PULLETS WINTER APPLES at reasonable prices; Clyde mare and colt. Apply David Howard,‘ Downsview, phone DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colors, 5 doz. for $1.00; also some good two year Columibia Rasp- berry plants, (purple). Nelson J. Smellie, phone 421, Thornh‘ill. THIS IS THE DAY OF‘ADV‘EQRTISINGâ€"AMAKE THE MOST OF IT “Arner n RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 foneach subsequent insertion. each insertion. ‘ IF CHARGED i C'EN'T§'PER US$17: Classified Advs. The Liberal Office, Richmond' 2461. FOR S ALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1939. cents for first insertignsï¬iâ€"wvéen-t-s Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra :- A“\vmn n...â€" -_.___ Used Cars Special price on Gluten. Car of Gluten Feed arrived at elevator. Phone 10. I. D. Ramer & Son. fully accredited, Federally blood- tested herds. Cows and heifers, fresh and springing to come in Oct. Nov. and Dec. A few nice yearling-s can be bred to come in next fall. Bull calves all ages, some yearling bulls ready for service. For further information write or contact J. Dar- lington, Todmorden R.R. No. 1, phone Agincourt 29W3, York County Sales Agent. LADIES, an opportunity to make 8100‘ at home between now and Christmas. Must be popular in dis- trict. Apply Box 64, The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. 1937 FORD V8 2 TON TRUCK â€" Stake Body. Tires and Motor ex- cellent. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1932 FORD 4 CYLINDER .DeLUXE ' SEDANâ€"Excellent COHdltlon. 1 QUEBEC HEATER, 1 Kitchen Cabinet. Apply at The Liberal Off- ice. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W PLANET BICYCLE, will sell cheap‘ In good condition. Apply J. Smith Mt. St. Joseph, Richmond Hill. 3‘0 with boiler and fittings. Apply G. N. Stephen, 407 Steele’s Avenue East. 9'0 BROILERS, ready for market. Apply Fred Stapley, May Avenue. or rent, modern conveniences, close to P.O., store, church and school. Large lot, fruit trees, garage, chick- en house. Would like to meet lady who called with intentions of'buyâ€" ing. Apply 51 Drewry Ave., New- tonbrook. WESTINGHOUSE Electric Refrig- erator, electric range, washing ma- chine and radio at bargain prices. Terms if necessary. Movmg to city. Also 2 registered Holstein cows, 3 years old, $50 each; 5 year old Clyde 17 hands high, guaranteed sound, priced to sell. B. R. Leech, 2% miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of N0. 7 Highway. GOOD HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Thornhill or south, conveniences, garden. Good cash payment. Must be near Yonge St. Give particu- lars. Box 13, Liberal Office. 1935 PONTIAC COACHâ€"A1 Condi- CLOTH COAT, fur trim, fit 12 year old girl. Apply Box 2112, Liberal Office. SMALL GREENHOUSE, about 15 x 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE will sell HO‘LSTEIN CATTLE from R.0.P., .Taylor’s Radio Sales And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios tion. 1929 FORD ROADSTER $450.00 $275.00 $650.00 WANTED TO FARMERS $75.00