Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Nov 1939, p. 1

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The Lutiheran Ladies' Aid and Missionary Seciety met in the home of Mrs. David Julian on Wednes- dlay, November 22nd. The meeting was opened! by the President, Mrs. J. Montgomery, Psalm 98 was read respons-ively, prayer by the Presi- dent. It was moved and seconded that the annual meeting be lheld on Tuesday, December 12 art 1 o’clock. The topic was taken 'by Mrs. Ro'y Ke‘ffer entitled “The Future Mis- sionary”. A 59010 was given by Aileen Keffer, a poem by Mrs. Gale entitled “Revelations” and a talk by Mrs. Huenergard on Red Cross work. The meeting closed» b'y all repeating the Lord‘s Prayer. Table collection $13.15. The Maple Community Concert will be held on Friday, December 22nd in the Maple Community Hall. Maple Unit of Vaughan Red 01355 Organized The Maple unit of the Vaughan Red Cross was organized at am en- thusiastic meeting Wednesday af- ternoon. Mrs. Shields 0f Toronto was the guest speaker and gave the meeting interesting and instructive information on organization for war work. Mrs. Helen Bailey was elect- ed president, Mrs. H. Bryan vice- president, and Miss Grace Johnson The 1015t anniversary of St. Ste- phen’s church will be observed De- cember 10th. Services will .be as follows: 11 a.m., Communion, sermon by Rev. E. J. McKetti'ick; 7.30 p.m., special speaker, Rev. Clinton Cross. IMrsa Isaac Watson has gone to the city to take care of Mrs. Sarah Kefrfe‘r who has been confined to her bed. Another in the series of euchres sponsored by the Vaughan and Rich»- 'monds Hill Veterans will be held in the Masonic Hall Friday evening, Decemlber Lst at 8.30. Everyone is invited. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thomas Rumble and‘ family in their recent bereavement. Mr. Wihbecrt Cousins will hold a wood sale at the Gravel Pit Farm on Saturday, December 9th. There is a notable lack of elec- tion talk in Vaughan this year and everyone seems pretty well satisfied with the record of the 1939 council. The Maple United Church Y.P.S. regular meeting was held Monday evening. Owing to the resignation of Miss Dorothy Keffer the presi- dent now is Howard Mathewson. Miss Marritt gave a very interest- ing talk on the relationship of the Y.P.S. to the church, which was very much enjoyed and appreciated. A feature of next Sunday evening’s church service will be the installaâ€" tion of the Y.P..S. officers. The Young Men’s Club will spon- sor a dance in Maple Concert Hall Thursday, December 7 and the pro- ceed‘s will go to Vaughan Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kinnee spent a few days in Rochester last week. Saturday, December 9th Maple unit of the Vaughan Red Cross Society will hold a sale of home-made cooking in Robesonfs Ice Cream Parlor Saturday, December 9 at 3 o’clock. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for the Red Cums work room in Maple. president, and Mi: secretary-heasurer‘ VOL. LVIV. Buy Britis} Baking sale For Red Cross THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6 - 7 MAPLE FRIDAY & SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1 . 2 JACKIE COOPER - FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW “ TWO BRIGHT BOYS " â€"â€" ALSO â€" ANN SHERIDAN - PAT O'BRIEN “ INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 - 5 BING CROSBY ‘ “ STAR MAKER ” ALSO â€"â€" HUMPHREY BOGART “ KING OF THE UNDERWORLD ” AIR-CONDITIONED Buy Canadian! RANDOLPH SCOTT “ FRONTIER MARTIAL ” â€"-â€"â€" ALSO -â€" “ HERO FOR A DAY ” A drama festival was arranged for Grades IX and X of the Col- legiates and High Schools of our dris- tric't by a committee with Mr. J. Stewart as dhail‘man. This festival was the first of its kind, its main purpose being to interest the whole class in the preparation and presen- tation of a play. The schools which entered it were East York, ScarbOr- ougih, Vaughan Road and York Me- morial C’ollegiates and Richmond Hill High School. As York Memor- ial entered two plays, the festival required two evenings, Thursday, Nov. 23, at Soaljfborougih and Friday at York Memorial. The adjudicator was the well-known critic, W. S. Milne. The Lions Club helped in the transportation of fifty pupils to Scalhorough on. Thursday evening. The numbers who found their way to York Memorial on Friday night showed how much interest the festi- val had aroused. Although Richmond Hill was the onlw representative of the smaller schools of the district competing with the large sulburban collegiates Grad'e IX’s play, “The Loveliest Thing” by Roland; Pertlwee was ranked} among those over sev- enty-five per cent. The adjudicator commented upon the beautiful stage setting; the carol singing which opened and closed tlhe ,play; and upon the acting, choosing from a cast of good actors, as he said, two in par- ticular to give special commenda- tion: Anne Walwin- and Margaret Allison. Stage Committee: ,Bobtby Endean. Dorothy Hicks, Effie Jarvis, AEileen Cook, Doni Reid. The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W0- men’s Missionary Society will be held) in the School Room of the United Church on Thursday, De- cember 7th at 3 p.m. A good pro- gram has been arranged. Rev. Fol- let‘t will be guest speaker. Also a report of the Madras Conference will be given. As this is the last meeting of the year all ladies in- terested are urged to attend. Cast included: Margaret Allison, Frances Turano, Ann-e Waltwin, Betty Smith, Helen Ransom, Derek Andrews, Garth Palmer, Don Smith, Gaxrry Lake, Clifford Munroe, Elton Bennett. . Carol singers: Dorothy Hicks, Marie Brillinger, Nora Hislop, Effie Jarvis, AEileen Cook, Gwen Bemgâ€" man, Eileen Dickemson, JOy Mort- son, Loma Webb, Ruth Gohn, Gladrys Chedzoy, Gladys Masters, Olive Ross, Audrey Chambers, June Davis. Sound Effects: Donald Matthews, Donald Glenn, Darry Gamble. Properties: Marie Brillinger, Nora Hislop, AEileen Cook, Helen Ran- som, Mervin Charlton, Don Reid. SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF DIST. 8 JUNIOR DRAMA FESTIVAL Grade IX Wish to thank the par- ents and the members of the Lions Club who made it possible for them to go to Scanboro. Final warning is given in this issue to local bicyclists who transâ€" gress village by-laws by riding- on the sidewalks. From this date police have authority and instructions to prosecute offenders. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. BICYCLISTS WA RNED ‘InEissgntials, Unity; In Non-egsentials. Libeyty; In All Things, Charity‘ Our interviews of the past week ,indicate a desire for a particularly strong- council for t‘he coming term which may be a long one if Premier Hepfburn carries out his proposal to albolish the annual municipal elec- itions for the duration of the war. Several names are prominently men_ tioned‘ and so that all may have am opportunity of expressing their imin‘dls previous to the annual nom- ination meeting which will be heldl Friday, Decemlber 22nd we print in this issue a nomination blank which we invite our readers to use in order to bring forward names of citizens they would like to see in the public service of the municipality. We invite our readers to fill in this nomination blank and hand it in or mail it to our office and; a summary of nominations will the printed in our future issues as an indication of pulblic sentiment in the matter of the coming- elections. Let’s have your suggestions, join in the game of “I Nominate”. This week we heard many names mentioned for the various offices including Ex-r-eeve Thos. H. Trench, former councillors Bill Neal, Wes. (Middleton, J. A. Monlkmzan, school trustees R. D. Little, P. E. Amgle and L. H. Clement, James: Butler, president of the Vaughan: and Rich- mond Hill Veterans, Bert Cook, for- mer school trustee, Frank Graham, Willbert Bone, Walker Hall, Frank Schis‘ler, Dr. R. K. Young, F. N. Hopper, Dr. J. P. Wilson, G. S. Wal- Win, James C. Young, A. J. Mc- l Latchly, Art White, Allbel't Chapman, W. J. Taylor, Alf. Mills, E. Leno, lJ. A. Mabley, C. P. Wiley and many , others. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1939. Reeve Greene is, completing his seventh term as Reeve, receiving in that period three acclamations‘. Councillor P. C. Hill is now the senâ€" ior member of council having been elected‘ in 1986 and receiving ac- clamations in the three following years. Councillor C. Nelson was elected! by acclammation in 1937, 1938 and‘ 1939. LIBERAL READERS INVITED TO MAKE NOMINATIONS NOW Imterviews with many ratepayers during the past week indicate a de- sire on the part of Richmond Hill electors for a municipal election this year. The village has not had a full dress election for Reeve, Coun- cil and School Board since ‘1936 and while accliamations sometimes indi- cate satisfaction with the performi- amce of pulblic officials there also is the possibility they iuddéate a lack of interest on the part of the electorate. Fill out your nominations in the following [blank and send them to The Lilberal Office. Summary of Citizens’ Nominations! Will Be Published In Future Issues W.C.’I‘.U. MEETING The monthly meeting of the W. C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. I. D. Rainer on Tuesday, De- benvber 5th at 3 pm. Mrs. Dr. Hogg, the guest speaker, has chosen as the subject of her address “A Trip Through The Largest Cavern”. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the community to come and hear this talented speak- ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. The regular meeting of ShMary’s A.Y.P.A. will be held in the base- ment of the Ehurch on Monday, De- cember 4th, at 8 p.m. For Richmond Hill Municipal Council FOR COUN'OTL FOR REEVE I NOMINATE { Cardonna of Dunda-s Street West, Toronto, appeared in court this week charged with shooting a phea- sant out of season and pleaded lguilty. He was fined' $20 and costs. :“Itf you shoot pheasants out of sea- 1 son you will pay for it,” said‘ Magis- trate W. E. Mell'veen. FINED FUR ILLEGAL IfHEASANT HUNTING IN VAUGHAN TWP. His broth-er, Ross, "ho was with him- on the day in question, was fined' $10 and costs on a charge of failing to have a towns-hip gun) H- tense. ' “I did not mean to shoot the pheasant,” Cardlonna pleaded; “A ’jackrahbit .started up, and I shot 'bwice at him. I missed! the rabbit and hit the pheasant” On a charge of failing to have a township gun license, Card‘onna was assessed $10 and costs and on an adidftional charge of using an auto- matic shotgun he was fined another $10 and costs. “I have heard! that one before,” the magistrate stated. Tickets go on sale Friday for the Richmond Hill Glee Club concert in aid of the Red! Cross. ‘The Glee Club under the direction of Mr. R. E~dnnmndvs will contribute several group numbers and: in addition there will rbe a one act comedy presenta- tion. The play is “Bread, Butter and Romance” and those taking part are Nora Campbell, Lee Emmersom Thelma McPherson and David Mc- Gifblbon. Edldlie Dowie, fourteen year old talented artist of Toronto and‘ Ern-ie'MoGann’s Hawaiians will as- sist in the program which too will include solos, duets and other fea- tures. It promises to be an evenâ€" ing of delightful entertainment and: the tickets are sure to find ready sale. Reserved seats may be secured Friday at Glenn’s Drug Store._ The quick action of James Craib of Vaughan Township in securing the license number of a car on Oc- tober 25th last resulted in the con- viction in police court this week of Sam Cardionna of Toronto, charged with illegal hunting. Craig acted quickly when he sighted! ‘hunters transgressing' the game regulations and notified police. Anxiouswa waiting for ice the Richmond Hill juniors meet every Monday avening' at the Municipal Hall for PT. d‘ril‘l under the direc- tion of Mr. Aulbrey Teal of the High School staff. The boys are serious albout the task of getting in ‘best possible physical shape for the com- ing season and when the schedule ope/us they Should lb'e fit and’ ready The hockey management is grateful to Mr. Teal who .gives‘ freely of his time in this important pre-season training. All boys interested im playing this coming season are in- vitedl to turn out next Monday even- ing at 8 p.m. The annual Toy Service sponsor- ed ‘by the Sunday School of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held on Sunday next at 3 p.m. when all children of the parish are invited to bring Toys ami other gifts to the church, to be sent to less fortunate children in the West. The Women’s Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veter- ans will hold their regular meeting There were s'ixrteen tables in play at the euchre staged by the local L.O.L. and) L.O.B.A. Wednesday ev- ening, the proceeds of which are t0 be devoted to purchase of soldiers’ comforts. Prize winners were: Lad- ies, Mrs. W. Skiileter, Mrs. N. J. Glass, Mrs. S. MacPherson; Men, George Hawkes, F. N. Hopper and Mac Tennyson. on Tuesday, Decem Municipal Hall at 2 ST. MARY’S CHURCH TOY SERVICE HOCKEY NOTES EUCHRE FOR SOLDIERS‘ COM FORTS GLEE CLUB CONCERT THURSDAY, DEC. 7 AUXILIARY m ml MEETING in t A large crowd enjoyed the Bazaar and) Forwl Supper under the auspices of St. Mary’s R.»C. church last Sat- urd‘ay. The various booths were busy selling their wares and the exâ€" cellent fowl supper attracted' a re- cord orowd- and was thoroughly ap- preciated. The lucky number prize winners were: $10 cash won rby Miss Virginia Reardlon, Richmond: Hill, ticket number 1786; Bridge Set won ‘by Mr. V. McCullough, ticket num- ‘ber 1766; $5.00 cash won by Mr. James ‘Cowlinrg, Richmond Hill, ticket mimlber 992; Motor Rug- won by Mr. W. Kehoe, Lloydtown, ticket number 1201; China Tea Set won by K. Doran, Elgin Mills, ticket num- ber 406. Archbishop Derwyn T. Owen, Pri- mate of A11 ‘Canad‘a, consecrated a Cloister in memory of members of the Van- Nostrand family, in historic St. John’s Anglican church, York Mills, M‘on‘d‘a)r night. Major F. H. Van Nostrand of the 16th General hospital unit officiated at the cere- mony. The archlbishop also ded‘cat- ed the new parish hall recently com- pleted adjoining- the church. A can- firmation ceremony foll‘owecl con- ducted by Rev. A. C. McCollu-m, rec- tor. The winners in the last Orange Lodge euchre held on Thursday ev- ening of last week were: Lathes, ‘Mrs. C. Ryan, Mrs. A. Burgess, Mrs. S. McPherson; Gentlemen, V. Rog- ers, V. McCullough, Miss I. Beatty. ORANGE LODGE EUCHRE Owing to the Glee Club con- cer-t in aid of the Red Cross being held‘ on Thurs-day, December 7, the next Orange Euchre will be held on Wednesday evening, December 13th instead of Decelmlber 7th. A King township branch of the Red Cross society was formed at a meeting -at Sohomberg addressed by officers of the society from Toron- to. Schtomfbeng‘ will be the centre of organization for the district, said President E. G. Lloyd. Oi‘her offâ€" icers elected: Honorary president, Dr. M. K. Dillane; vice-presidents, Mrs. Russell Snider and Mrs. Burnel Graham; secretary, Mrs. Teressa Edlg'ar; treasurer, E. Smith; execu- tive, Mrs. H. H. Sawdon, Mrs. Geo. Hanlon, Cornelius McCabe, Reeve Thomas MdMurdhy, Deputy-Reeve Lorne Goodifellow. SCHOMBERG CENTRE OF KING RED CROSS Wm” mmmowmmomoomooomm PRIZE WINNERS AT ST. MARY’S BAZAAR MEMORIAL DEDICATED Thg' Quality Tea “I think we are drifting towards the same type of rule as of counâ€" ‘tries we are at war with n0w. If the government’s legislation denying us election for two years goes through, I Will resign at the end of the year. I think election: should be held every year. I only ran last year so that there wouldn’t be an- acclamationn.” ACCLAMATIONS IN YORK COUNTY King City Police village trustees: William Chapman, George Stone, Jr., Ambrey Archilbald. King Township Reeve: ’Dhomas McMurchy. Deputy reeve: Lome Goodfellow. Councillors: William E. Barker, Bumel Graham, E. M. Legge. Newmarket Major: Dr. S. J. Boyd. Reeve: F. A. Lund’y. Deputy Reeve: Joseph Vale. Councillors: Joseph Spillette, Arâ€" ‘thur Evans, Frank Bowser, D. O'- Mungovan, William Dixon, A. V. Higginson. Public School Trustees: Robert E. Manning, R. L. Pritnchard, F. ‘W BothWell. Police Village Trustees: Harolg Pringle, Harold Cain and Howard Weller. Reeve: Robert Earl Bales. Deputy-reeve, Ward 1: William J Boddy. * OPPOSES ABOLISHING ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS D. 0. Mungovan, who this year sat in Newmarket council for the first time, took strong exception to the Hepburn government’s proposed legislation to allow council-s a twoâ€" year teim during the war, at the Newnnarket nominations last Friâ€" day. Hydro commissimer: Dr. Ralph P‘ Johns. School trustee (two-year term): Charles Brown, salesman; Ridhard J. DiHon. Deputy-weave, Hurlibut. Deputy-reeve, Ward 3 : George Herbert Mitchell. Councillor, Ward 2: Harold R‘ MOunrtain. School trustee (one-year term) Frances Ferris, housewife. “Ballots are one of the Anglo- Saxon .heritages that has been hand-â€" ed down through the centuries. I want an election,” he declared. SINGLE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE North York Nobletorn Ward 2: St. Clair No. 22.

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