5=o=o=o 9=0=°=0 SAN DIEGO . . . VANCOUVER . TAMPA . . . . . . . PAGE FOUR This is the 18th year of our special feature of giving prizes. Every 50c. purchase gives you an opportunity of winning one of the six valuable prizes which are now on display in our windows. Our stock is well replenished with Toys, China, Glassware and many novelties suitable for Christmas gifts bought at pre-war prices and would advise early selection which we will, as heretofore, lay aside un- til needed. DAVIES’ DRY GOODS PHONE 86 JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking -â€" Safety Glass Installed TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 119 Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TIRES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS G. A. DONNELLY ATTRACTIVE RETURN FARES between TORONTO and PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Telephone 177 $71.10 $69.05 TeéHï¬l Spousâ€"When we were here yesterday, udge, you told us to go home and iron out our diff- TAKEN LITERALLY Judgeâ€"Why did you attack your husband with a flagjgon? erences. (Graduate of bhe Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall†MARGUERITE BOYLE Enjoy Siqh’rseeihh All the Way 5y Mo’ror/ C9aich“ NOTICE o=o=o=6 onoz==o=3 Thornhill .RED CROSS NOTES An enjoyable evening of euchre was held in the basamem of the shoe] on Monday evening under the auspices of the Red ,Cross. The next one will (be held on Monday evening, December 11th. A ggï¬eral meeting of the branch will be held on Monday, Decemiber 4th, at 2.30 pm. in the basement of the school. Coming! The pictures of the Roy- al Tour on Thursday, December 14. These will (be shown in Ric'lwale ‘Chlurch under the auspices of the local branch. Watd‘n these columns for further announcement. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERI AN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, Dec. 3rd 11 a.‘m.â€"“A Divine Benediction.†2.30 pinâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“No Su‘bstitutesâ€. A bright. helipcful evening service. Jesus is the interpreter who gives meaning to life. Confirmation Service Wednesday, Decemlber 6th, 7.30 p.m. Most Rev. Derrwyn T. Owen, D.D., Archfbishorp of Toromo The new hall will be dedicated after the service. The hall will not be completed, [but we are taking adâ€" vantage of the Archibislmop’s visit to have it dedicated. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett. B.D. Pastor Sumday, Dec. 3rd 9.45 amtâ€"Sunday School. All Da- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Sacramenrt of Lord’s Sulp- per. Brief address, “Christ’s Me- morial." Members and friends cordially invited. 7 .p.m.â€"Vesper service. One hour only. Brigh't gosrpel sinvg'ing. Full choir led by Mr. A. Melecci, orâ€" ganist and choir lveadler. N.B.â€"Mid-Week service on. Wednes- day evening next at 8 o’clock. Guest speaker, Rev. J. D. Cunn- ingham. The public invited. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. erxon, L.Th. Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmunds Organist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, December 3rd Advent 11 a.m.â€"â€"‘C-onporate Communion of 3 p.m.â€"«Sund‘ay School Toy Service. 7 p.m.â€"Even-ing' Prayer. Friday Short Prayer Service at 8 All cordially invited WAY‘VARD YOUTH Meaford: Express: Complaints have reached this office regarding the prevalence of petty thieving about town by juveniles. This is not to ’be wondered at when one sees the youngsters of tender age roaming our streets at night when they should .be in bed. A couple of nights ago we passed some twelrve or fif- teen boys, around 8 to 11 years of age, at nearly 10 o’clock. running hither and yon and swearing as if it was nobody’s «business. This is the kind of behavior that leads to mischief, and if the parents in town will not put a stop to the practice, the Chief of Police should do so. This goes for the girl‘s, too, as many of them want checking mp on our streets for their own good. The air raid warden stopped a man who was walking along Piccaâ€" dilly smoking an after-dinner cigar. “Put out that cigar,†he said. “But it‘s not showing any light," objected the smoker. “I know,†replied? the warden. “It‘s the smell I’m worrying about. I‘m frightened some of the boys will‘ give the gas alarm.†MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th 11 A.M. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 30th day of November, 1939. The regular December meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore Vaughan Council We have unloaded a car of Soya Bean Meal 41% sell- ing at $36.00 per ton Oilcake Meal and Molasses priced accordingly Phones: Day 139 Evenings 82W RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL DANGEROU S, ANYWAY ST. M ARY’S CHURCH ST. JOHN’S CHURCH OAK RIDGES RICHVALE (Anglican) LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ’" BFT’I‘ONVILLE w. I. HELD-7 SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE Butï¬onvill-e Women’s Institute held the first 'euchre in a group of flhree euchn‘es at Victoria Squaxe on Monday evening with a large :crowd in attendance, 27 tables Ibeing in play. Prize Winners were: Ladies, Mrs. V. Trunk, Mrs. J. McQulay, consolation, Mans. Chas. H1oloxper; gentlemen, Mr. James McQuay, Mr. H. McCague, consolation, Mr. Steve McEvoy. The meeting of the Community for the purpose of organizing for war work will be held in Button- ville Public School at 8 o’clock Tuesâ€" day, December 5th. A full attendâ€" ance is desired. The next Euchre in this group Will be. held on Monday, December 11th at Viuctoria Square. On Saturday evening, November 25th Mr. andI Mrs. L. Bwrton gave a progressive crokinole party in honor of their daughter Betty, on her 16th birthday. The prizes, were won by: Girl‘s, Madelene Clarke; Boy’s, Philip Bailey of Toronto. Con- solation prizes were won by Mar- jorie Norris and Gilbert Wifltamore. {Mu-s. W. Bone took dinner on Tuesday with her niece, Mrs. C. Ston-g Off EngeIey. Mr. D. Hyslvop came home from the hospital on Sunday. We hope he will soon be feeling much stronger. WILL IT? If all this discussion about holding municipal elections. or not holding them, during the war, results in an increase of 20 to 30 per cent in the number who pro to fvhe polls on New.“ Year’s Day. the controversy will not have been in vain. In anv and‘ in all events there is an obligation January 1 to elect a strong. efficient nersonnel to the city cOuncil â€"(F1'om the St. Catharines Standard.) [Mrs. Whiteâ€"Yes, when my two were small, Johnny just loved' solâ€" diers and [Mary was crazy for brightly pajnted' (19115. New Ma‘ry U.S. POSITION The American peonle do not want to go to war. But if thev are short- Iv to see Holland and ReLgium anni- hilated‘ they will realizeâ€"as th‘ev have not yet und'erstoodLâ€"txh‘at the world‘ is now facing- the incarnation of ruthlessness and violence. and that America cannot remain indrifferernt to the outcome of euch a ctrutzgl‘orâ€" (From the New York Herald-Tri- hune.) Mr. and ,Mrs. Wing-ate and' fam~ ily of Thornton visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone’s on Sunday. Mr. and‘ Mrs. H. Ness and Mr. and Mrs. Beib Craigie and family of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker Sunday. WORK OF THE YEARS Mrs. Brown â€"â€" How children’s tastes do changgf. V-.D._.._, ,. "7V is crazv raboutâ€" sal‘diersl and Joh‘h runs after every painted doll he sees SILVER FOX FUR HELPS BOOST RED CROSS WORK A silver fox fur from Rosel‘awn F'ox Farms, donated by Mrs. E. T. Sterphens will be the prize for a lucky number draw under the aus- pices of the Rrichvale Red Cro‘ss» Lucky numb-er tickets are now on sale for 25 cents and‘ the draw will be made at the euchre to be held' at Richvale Monday evening, De- ce‘mlb'el' 18th. SATURDAY, DEIC. 2â€"Aucti0n sale of about 5 acres standing timiber, .hardywood, the property of Sid'ney Jones, lot 30, con. 2, Vaughan, enter from 3rd con., to be sold in quarter acre lots. Purchasers have until March lst, 1941 to rem‘0ve wood. Sale at 1 p.m. J. C. Saigeon, Auc- tioneer. of standing timlber, about 4 acres, mostly beech and maple, Maple Sand and' Gravel Pit Farm, W. Cousins, Prop. Purchasers have until March 151:, 1941 to remove wood. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. SATURDAY, DEC. 9â€"Auction Sale Victoria Square Or Box 79 The Liberal Office Richmond Hill CHIMNEY DROPS, STOVE PIPES, FURNACES. STOVES RUGS AND CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED With new modern electrical equipment Charges Reasonable ROGER BRITNELL BUTTON VILLE CARRVILLE Sale Register OIL BURN-ERS, twin seven, cheap Apply Liberal Otffice. USED COOK STOVES and Heaters in good repair. Apply 74 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. ALL KINDS OF PAINT. Kennedy, Stop 13 Yonge Street, Willowdale. FERRETS, prices reasonable. Carl Fuller, R.R. 1N0. 2 Gormley, phone Stouffville 9106. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, con- vertible, in excellent condrition, bar- gain. Apply Linberal Office. EASY Washimg Machine, electric, large copper tub, in good running shape, reasonable. Apply Liberal Office. REFRIGERATOR, Beaoh, used nine months, in excellent condition. Ap- ply Hill THREE LOTS on North side of Rosevi‘ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 2 WARDROBES, Quebec Heater, Bed, Mattress, Spring, good as new. J. Murphy, Stop 23 Yonge Street at Carr-ville Road, Richvale. TWO PRIZE FFLLLIES, one rising two and one rising three. Apply R. E. Plerkins, lot 19, con. 4, Mark- haJm, pIh-one Stouffville 9101. PIGS FOR SALE, 6 weeks and up, from registered 'boar; also register- ed Ayrshire heifer calves. George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone‘ Thornhill 149. ’ FOR VARICOSE VEINS use Crouchman’s Liniment. 32 oz. bottle $2.50. You must be satisfiedl or money refunded at Austin’s Drug Store. 8Wk. 100 CHOICE LE‘GHO‘RN PULLETS, 1aying.. also New Hampshire Reds and Rocks. Would exchange for used lumlber. C. Bowen‘oank, stop 17A Yonge Street, Thvornhil'l. LARGE ROUND DINING TABLE; 2 full size bedkstead‘s and springs; 1 cutting box; 1 large chest of drrawers; 1 Perfection coal oil heat- er. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A REGISTERED AYESHJRE COW, near due; Ayrshire cow, fresh, elig- iible to register; Ayrshire bull bred from qualified R.0.P. stock; Jersey cow, due. Apply D. F. Jarvis, A1- mira, Lot 31, Con. 5, Markham. er. lVll'S. Thornhill. 2100 ACRE FARIM for sale. High class stock and dairy farm, lovely brick house with all conveniences, hot water heating, one hour (lrive from Toronto (north) to be sold be- low its real value. Apply H. Mc- Millan, Richmond Hill. 50 ACRE FARM, one of the best in York Cgunty,’at $4800. Aptply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. L‘nlva, Avv uv-.v _- 30, east 1/2 con. 3, Vaughan twp. known as Jones estate. Good buildv ings, a brick veneer ’7 roomed d‘well- ing with an outer summer kitchen. A bank barn 40x60, pic: pen with stalling complete, hen house, colony house and driving shed. A never failing- well. This farm is feneed‘ into 12 acre fields with 6 acres of bush, 2 acres of young orchard, a good variety; 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 acres of fall We, the balance ploughed. The buildings are beau- tifully surrounded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn. The build- ings are equipped with Delco lights. 1This farm is situated one mile east of paved road. Must ‘be sold to close the estate. For further inforâ€" mation anulv to administrators. Geo. McNair. BR. 2 Manle, or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill, phone 1'76. FARM, looiacres 9f g'orod Lland, lot 1.--... OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply C. Clarke, Roselawn Fox Ranch, R. No. 1, Richmond Hill. BOARDER, good: home. Apply 25 Centre St. East. FRESH EGGS. Highest prices paid for fresh eggs. Richill Poultry Farm, egg grading station, Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. We pay cash. ‘ YOUNG MARRIED MAN wants work urgently. Experienced truck driver, private chauffeur, or riding groom. Apply Box 100, Liberal Office. every week THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents foneec‘n snbsequem insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ‘11? CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Classified Advs. Read the “ads†â€" Many bargains to '22 Baker Avenue, Richmond FOR SALE WANTED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1939 BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. 73. WELL SICEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service tems Maple, PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, aer- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING. Charges reasonable, work guaran- teed. Joe Moore, 5 Lorne Avenue, formerly Trench Work Shogp, Rich- mond Hivll. BUTOHECRING, we are prepared to do your butchering, render the hard, make the sausage and! cure the meat if desired. Joseph B. Reesor, phone 6005 Stouffville. FIVE ROO'M HOUSE on Roseview Avenue. Water and electric. Apply to Liberal Office. FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE, 14 Arnold Street. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. 127 chg‘e St.. Richmond Bi“ Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios FARM of 185 acres, Bayview Ave. J. Harrison, R.R. No. 1 York Mills. BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, am con- veniences, garage, $28.00 month; alâ€" so 5 rooms, water and electric, $10 month. J. E. Francis, Thornhlill. SIX ROOlMED BRICK HOUSE, 60 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, good cellar, garage, lot 120 x 160. Mod: erate rental. Ap'ply A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill, telephone 20. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession Dec. 1st. W. C. Savage, YOnge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Heater and Defroster. 1938 FORD V-8 DeLL'XE COUPEâ€" Radio, Ford Heater & Defrostm'. 1936 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Heater & Defroster. ‘ 1937 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Very nice. 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€" Heater. Excellent condition Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS TUBES TESTED FREE DRILLING and Water Sys- installed. Bert Jackson, telephone Maple 577. TO RENT $650.00 $595.00 $425.00 $495.00 $300.00 Phone Thornhifl