Nomination slips received indicate .that Richmnod H-ill ratepayers are giving municipal affairs more seri- ous thought and consideration than for many years, and likewise reâ€" ‘flect a Wide range and“ variety of ‘optinion as to who should make up 'the personnel of the 1940 council. ‘Ex-Reeve T. H. Trench with a long record of municipal experience and ‘one of the town’s largest property owners headed the list of nominees 'for the reeveship in omesiti.on to the present. Reeve J. A. Greene who is completing his seventh term and ‘has intimated that he will be a candidate for re-election. Other fav- orite sons nominated for Reeve in the order of nominations received were: Dr. J. P. Wilson, P. E. Angle, P. G. Hill, Walker Hall, Bill Neal, 'J. A. Monkman, James Butler, ChriS- ti’an Nelson. James Stewart. All correspondents agree that the| removal of Alex Little and the un- timer passing of H. J. Mills leave the municipal council with vacancies which wll be difficult to fill. They| almost unanimously oppose the pro.' prowl of Premier Hepburn to abol-i ish the annual municipal elections,1 but fearful of his determination tol put the measure into effect urge, ‘that the strongest possiblemuniciJ pal council should be elected for| 1940. Many are very critical of the 1939 council’s handling of affairs particularly pertaining to the ex- pensive law suit with Mr. J. Shearâ€"l down and‘ the court action now pend-4 ing as a result of the car wrecking' “byâ€"law. ‘ ‘ Our invitation to Liberal readers to make nominations for Richmond Hill’s 1940 mumicirpal council has re- sulted in a shower of nomination slips and‘, many very interesting communications and observations on the local municipal situation. All correspondent-s agree that the re- moval OLf two experienced= councillors, the proposed war time moratorium on municipal elections and many added features of the local munici- pal situation comlbine to make the coming nomination and election of more than ordinary importance to Richmond Hill ratepayers. As one writer says, “it is an en- tirely different matter to elect a council for the duration of the war, and much as we may disagree with the proposal we must face the very likely possibility of it being put into force by a determined provincial premier.†To quote another, “a man elected to direct municipal affairs for a'year, might be an entirely different person if grven the absoâ€" 'lute rights of an Indefinite term ‘which might be for ten years.†Dr. J. P. Wilson heads the list of nominations for councillm- and others who received nominations were: R. D. Little, James Butler, G. S. Walwin, Wesley Middleton, P. E. Angle, Walker Hall, Bill Neal, Len H. Clement, Dr. J. F. Heard, Dr. R. K. Young, Alfred Mills, Dr. F. Hogg, James Stewart, Frank Graham, Albert Chapman, Charles’ Prize Offered for Nearest Correct Guess as to Personner 1940 Councl Interesting Contest Now Open. Closes December 22nd at 5 p.111. â€"Larg'e Number of Nominations Submitted by Liberal » Readers â€" Ex-Reeve Trench Heads List Of Reeveship Nominations VOL. LVIV WED.. THURS.. FRI.. SAT. DECEMBER 13. 14. 15, 16 JUDY GARLAND, FRANK MORGAN “ THE WIZARD OF OZ " â€"â€" ALSO â€" THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD AIR-CONDITIONED 25c. TO MONDAY & TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11 - 12 JOHN GARFIELD, PRISCILLA LANE “ DUST BE MY DESTINY †RICHARD ARLEN. ANDY DEVINE “ MUTINY ON THE BLACKHAWK †FRIDAY & SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8 - 9 ROBERT CUMMINGS, GLORIA JEAN “ THE UNDER PUP †â€"â€" ALSO â€"- CHARLES .GRAPEWJN, ARLEEN WHELAN “ SABOTAGE †MAMA’S NE\V HAT ROBERT BENCHLEY â€"- “HOW TO EAT†O Reeve, J. A. Greene; Council, T. H. Trench, R. D. Little, P. E. Angle, Dr. J. P. Wilson. Reeve, T. H. Trench; Council, P. C. Hill, R. D. Little, Wesley Middleâ€" ton, James Butler. This one lalbelied the¢“b1‘ain trust†Reeve, James Stewart; Council, Dr J. P. Wilson, Dr. R. K. Young, Dr J. F. Heard, Dr. Frank Hogg. Reeve, Walker Hall; Council, T. H. Trench, J. A. Greene, Dr. Wilson, R. D. Little. Reeve, T. H. Trench; Council, Dr Wilson, Walker Hall, G. S. Walw‘m R. D. Little. Stp-ace dices not permit the pub4 lishing of the :many interesting combination-s submitted in nominaâ€" tion but we quote a few: I Guess Nominations now being in we in. Vite Liberal readers to join in an- other interesting contest, to name in advance the personnel of the 1940‘ council. “I nominate†now gives place to “I guessâ€. Just fill in the following coupon the names you think will make up the municispal council Olf Richmond Hill fOr 1940. There is no entry fee, no catch of any kind, and anyone is eligible to enter. ' “I Guess†blanks must be in our office or postmarked not later than 5 pm. Friday, December 22nd, nomâ€" ination day. ‘ Graham, Bert Cook, Art White, W. J. Taylor, Frank Schisler, P. C. Hill, A. A. Eden, E. Mans’bridge, W. L. Glass, H. F. Austin, Christian Nelâ€" S‘s-n, F. E. Sims, R. Edlmunds, J. C. Ellis, J. A. Greene, Wilbert Bone and- A. Cooper. Judging will take place Tuesday, January 2nd and- The Lilberal will give a prize of $2.00 in cash plus a one year subscription to this paper for the first correct, or nearest to' correct guess, as to the personnel of the 1940 council, drawn from the “I Guess†box now in our wind-ow. Reeve, P. C. Hill; Council, Bill Neal, C. Nelson, J, Butler, Wesley Middleton. ' There will be no meetings of St. Mary’s A.Y.P.A. until after the New Year. The following will be the members of Richmond Hill Mun- icipal Council for 1940: Name Address 250. TO 7 RM. ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. COUNCILLORS I GUESS REEVE imï¬w "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; bill for services. At the conclusion of the case Mr. Lister rendered an account for services rendered a- mounting to $250. In accond‘ance with an agreement made with Mr. Lister when he was engaged counâ€" cil refused payment of the bill and paid $150, the amount’ original-1y agreed upon. In addressing council Mr. Lister said that considering the 'work done his account for $250 was quite reasonable. He hadI visited Richmond Hill on thirteen occasions in connection with the case, spent five days in court, prepared a large number of photos and had consid- terable personal expense in the mat- ter. Council members refused to grant any additional payment. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1939. The passing of Mr. Mills reduced the number of councillors to two, 'but owing to the nearness of the annual municipal elections no action w'as taken to fill the two existing vacancies. Reeve J. A. Greene preâ€" sided and councillors Hill aml Nel- son were in attendance. Mr. G. A. Lister who served as a consultant in the recent court ac- tion against the municipbality by J. Sheardown was present and‘ adâ€" dressed the council relative to his The constable was instructed to prosecute all parties guilty of loit. ering or making a nuisance in the municipal hall on Library nights. Commencing this week all transi- ents seeking food and shelter in Richmond Hill will have to‘ saw wood to earn their board and bed. This was announced by Reeve J. A. Greene who said he had many com- plaints from housewives» who were continually being |bothered by tran- sients coming to the door asking for a handâ€"out. A notice has been postâ€" ed in the lock-up advising transients that begging from door to door is strictly prohibited and that offendâ€" ers will be arrested. Householders need have no fear that in turning such transients from the door that they will go hungry as meal tickets are available for all those willing to earn them .by cutting wood. An account was passed for $103.50 for repairing the roof of the Mun- i‘cipal building. The Reeve reported one party had been cut off relief wonk in town be- cause he refused) to turn in his car license plates. ‘ service rendered to this municipality by the late Mr. Mills. “Hi5 sudden passing was a great shock to us all, and we will miss him more than words can express,†said the Reeve. Richmond Hill municipal council met in regular session Monday night and as soon as called to- order the mantlbers observed a two minute silence in honor of the memory of the late Harold J. Mills who served as a member of the council for nine years. Following the silent tribute Reeve J. A. Greene spoke of the deep sorrow and regret of his own- 'ci.l colleagues and of the splendid Council approved the appointment of T. Saul as a member of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade. The usual grant of $5.00 was voted to the Veterans Poppy Fund, and payment was authorized of the annual firemen’s grant of $165.00. When Constable R. Casement pre- sented a ‘ist of ten names of dog owners who have failed to pay 1939 dog tax it read like a page of “Richâ€" mond‘ Hill Who’s Whoâ€. “There’s not one of those people not well able to pay," said councillor Hill. The constable said he had asked re- peatedly for the dog tax from these people without success. “He should- n’t have to run after them," said councillor Hill. “Mr. Casement should make two visits only, one with a bill and the second with a summons,†said councllor Nelson. On motion the constable was instructed to hand the names to the solicitor who was instructed to demand imâ€" mediate payment and take proceedâ€" ings in court against those who failed to pay promptly. RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL COUNCIL HELD REGULAR DECEMBER MEETING Refuse Additional Fee To Expert Consultant in Sheardown Case â€"Transients Now Fed in Return For Labor â€" To Prosecute Dog Tax Delinquentsâ€"To Consult Merchants Re Coloured Lights Reeve J. A. Greene said that: there had been so much controversy conâ€" cerning the colored lights on Yonge Street he had asked Mr. Stirling for' Markham TWp. Over gTheTOp forRed cross ‘The Red‘ Cross campaign in Mark- ham Township was a gratifying sucâ€" cess to the organization, 81158.57 being reported by the canvas-sers at the meeting of the Central Com-. mittee held on Monday evening .llth $200.00 still to come in. Even this amount promises to be exceeded. The canvas was really conducted only in parts of the township that were not covered by other sections namely, Ricthond Hlill, Thornhill and Mark- ham Village, which do not come un- der the Township organization. Re- ports of slplend-‘id reception of the canvassers were heard on all sides and inquiring ladies all anxious to get started at work. A work room will be opened in Unionville to which all women will be welcome to come and help with Red Cross work. A special invitation is not required| to join in this good‘ work and a will- ingness to assist is the only creâ€" dential needed. Materials “ill be supplied. Kindly watch for annOunce- ments regarding the work room and come along. You are assured of a welcome. an estimate on continuing the col- ored» lighting through the entire business section. He pointed out that business men in the sections not now served by colored lights felt there was discrimination and’ that they were just as much enâ€" titled to the extra lighting as those located; in the Yonge Street block from Lorne Ave. to Centre Street. To install strings of colored lights on both sides of Yonge Street from Cities Service Garage to Richmond Street would cost $260 plus a new transformer costing 3170. Council‘â€" lor Hill felt it should continue to Dufzferin Street. Following some discussion it was decided to call a meeting of all business men for next Monday night for .a thorough disâ€" cussion of the whole matter. From council discussion it would appear the town would be willing to assume a small share of the cost of such installation if business places would assume responsibility for the bal- ance. The colored lights now on Yonge Street were purchased by the Richmond Hill Athletic Association for the first Street Dance and they have been left up by the council as it was felt they added‘ to the at- tractiveness of the town. The regular P.T. period for Rich- mond‘ Hill Hockey club players will 'be held‘ at the Municipal Hall Monday evening next at 8 p.m. ’and a full attendance of all players is particularly asked for. An executive meeting of the club will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7.30 p.m. at the home cf the president, Mr. Art White. The W. A. of Fisher-ville United Church will hold a sale of work in Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill, Thursday, December 14th at 3 pm. and" a euchre and dance in the even- ing at 8.30. Admission to dance 35c. Refreshments will be served. SALE OF “'ORK AT THORNHILL HOCKEY NOTES In All Things, Charity" Offer of Mr. Parisi to Pay All Costs to Date if Case Withdrawn and License Granted is Rejected by Council Car Wrecking y-Law Stands as Council Turns Down Reeve’s Proposal to Recind and License Councillors P. G. Hill and C. Nel- son opposed the suggesticn of Reeve J. A. Greene at the regular council meeting Monday evening to rescind the :by-law prohibiting the wrecking of cars and swbstitute one providing for the licensing of such business. The Reeve suggested that if Mr. Parisi, of the Paris Auto Supply would be willing to pay all court costs to date the case now pending in the courts could be withdrawn and‘ the council substitute a licens- ing; by-laW for the one now in disâ€" pute. Mr. Parisi was present at the meeting and expressed his willing- ness to pay all costs connected with the case if the council take the ac- tion suggested by the Reeve. Reeve Greeneâ€"I agree we passed the byâ€"Iaw against m‘ecking places, having in mind the objectionable ap- pearance of other Wrecking places we have seen in other municipali. ties. Since then Mr. Parisi has been conducting his business here and‘ has been wrecking cars. As far Mr. Parisi who said' he was sick of the long months of uncevtainty and' the cost of law suits said he would, be very happy to have the whole thing settled. Mr. Greveneâ€"You’s be willing to pay all costs to date? Mr. Parisiâ€"Yes I would. Mr. Greeneâ€"You understand that would mean the costs of our solici- tor as well as your own. 1M1'. Parisiâ€"I quite under: that is what costs would imply as I am concerned it is not abjec- tionable in‘ any Wlay, there have been no complaints from citizens, and as Long as he continues to 0p- erate his business in such a manner I don’t see any objection. Counvci110r P. C. Hillâ€"As far as I’m concerned we passed that \by- law and we’re going to stand‘ by it. It was ï¬as's'ed unanimously by the whole council. Councillor Hillâ€"Why didn’t you think of that when we passed‘ the COMING DECEMBER 14, 13. 16 ANDY HARDY’S SPRING FEVER _ â€" ALSO â€" â€"â€" TELEVISION SPY ‘ ., M000 “000000000000000004’0000 00000000000000“ “90000.1 AIR-CONDITIONED Yonge St. al Gleniorest Rd. Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment STAMP CLUB Mon" Tues., Wed., December 11, 12. 13 EACH DAWN I DIE With JAMES CAGNEY. GEORGE RAFT STANLEY AND LIVINGSTONE With SPENCER TRACEY, NANCY KELLY â€" ALSO â€" STOP, LOOK AND LOVE With JEAN ROGERS, WILLIAM FRAWLEY LETIA STEVENS AND ORCHESTRA With JANE W'YMAN. ALLEN JENKINS NOVELTY â€" HOOK. LINE AND SINKER. TORCHY PLAYS WITH DYNAMITE THURS. FRI.. SAT.. DECEMBER 7. 8. 9 O For ten cents and the label end, showing the teapot {rode- mark, from an packet of SALADA TEA we will and ou a Beginner's (gum! of: 1â€"64 page Stamp Album. 2â€" 00 all-different stamps. 3â€"Big list of thousands of stamps offered Free in exchange for SALADA labels. SALADA STAMP CLUB - 461 King St. W., Toronto quite understand JOIN THE FALL TIME IS MOVIE TIME byâ€"law R'eeve Greeneâ€"As I said‘ we had in mind objectionable looking- wreckâ€" ing plants in other municipalities and we didn’t want them in Rich- mond Hill. Now that Mr. Parisi has operated his wrecking business in a manner which is not objection- able I think we sh-ould give him a license. Councillor Hillâ€"Inf we give it to him we would have to give it to others. I appreciate that Mr. Parisi is operating his busineSS well and keeping- the place as clean and tidy as it ever was, maybe more so, but we passed the by-law and‘ we should sltand by it. That's my View on the matter. The regular meeting of the W0â€" men’s Institute will be held Thurs- day, December 14th, at 3 gum. in the Municipal Hall. Rev. R. S. Mason will bring the Christmas message and there will be singing of Christmas Carols. Councillor Nelsonâ€"No one has any objection to Mr. anrisi or his. business but I think we should1 stand by the by-law. Town solicitor B. B. Jordan was 'out of town and unable to attend ‘the meeting so council will meet ‘again in special session to consider his communication read Monday night stating that he suggested ac- tion be taken on the Wrecking By- 'La.w case now pending in the courts. Reeve Greeneâ€"Mr. Parisi has been wrecking- cars all summer and we have had no complaints. There Mr. Parisiâ€"I'm villing to pay all costs up to now if I'm granted my license, but if council insists on goâ€" ing to court we'll have to fight it there. has been nothing the appearance of ness. Mr. Parisiâ€"I have taken parti- cular care to avoid any noise or nuisance. Councillor Nelsonâ€"Before I’d’ con- sider rescinding the by_1avw I’d like to see the case settled in court. SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE lll'dson 5437 objgctionable in his place of busi- No. 23.