Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1939, p. 4

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and we w SC. to mywwwuwy WWWW WW lfi‘fiWWW 9:0 WWWOWW W§i§3§a§§a§r§zfia§a§a §a§a§a§ia§3§3§3§afifia§a§afi 9% gChristmas Shopping? {g WMMO”.“OWOO¢MM”“”W“OM WOWWWOWMW DAVIES’ DRY GEESâ€"fl (Graduate of the O Smin Studio) ELOCUTION and DR‘ ART “Homewood Hall" PHONE 86 JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking â€"â€" Safety Glass Installed Yonge and Richmond Streets Well established lines in the finest quality at most reasonable prices. We invite you to visit our store for your every need. We are offering a full line of Xmas Merchandise for everybody. We are listing a small portion of our many real values [Ladies’ Full Fashioned Silk Hose . . . . . . . . . 69c. pr. Boxed Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . 15c., 25c. and 39c. Men’s Boxed Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. and 50c. Men’s Boxed Braces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. and 59c. Men’s Cape Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Boxed Writing Paper up to . . . . . . . . $1.00 per box Good assortment of Children’s Purses . . . . . . . . 25c. Electric Tree Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c. and $1.00 All kinds of decorations for the Xmas Tree and House Do your shopping early. You will get a better selection MARGUERITE BOYLE If your hair is not becoming to you, You should be coming to me. Make HER Gift a PERMANENT WAVE this Xmas PRICES Lâ€" 82.50, 83.50, 85.00 Revlon Manicure, 25c. School Girl Finger Wave, 35c. RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR DAVIES’ DRY GOODS Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TIRES FOR ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND TRUCKS TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 119 PAGE FOUR This is the 18th year of our special feature of giving prizes. Every 50c. purchase gives you an opportunity of winning one of the six valuable prizes which are now on display in our windows. Our stock is well replenished with Toys, China, Glassware and many novelties suitable for Christmas gifts bought at pre-war prices and would advise early selection which we will, as heretofore, lay aside un- til needed. Clothes for Winter MEN’S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES R. J. CRAIGIE PARIS AUTO SUPPLY we will be able to serve you better. MISS E Richmond Hill, Ont. e Owen A DRAMATIC Thornhill $1.00 Store ANDERSON welcome We are still looking for new mem- bers for the Richmond Hill Concert Orchestra. If you play any orchesâ€" tral instrument you are wglcome. Wood winds and bam especially . . . . . . . . . 69c. pr. 15c., 25c. and 39c. .. 250. and 50c. . . . . 290. and 59c. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ATTENTION! Richmond Hill 0:6 A resolution of sympathy was passed re the passing of Mrs. Milliâ€" "ken Smith to be sent to her daugh; ier, Mrs. Carl Heise. " fMarkham Council 1 December Meeting Road- foremen‘s accounts were passed as follows: J. G. Wideman, $2.05; D. Boyd, 31.65; L. Grove, $10.75; D. Brown, 814.56; R. J. Cun- ningham, 8203.06; W. B. Heise, $91.20; T. Canning, $112.27; W. A11- church, 849.00; E. A. Buchanan, $220.70; W. J. Stonehrouse, $22.05; A. W. Mill'oy, $204.50; C. Wide‘man, $174.88; J. Shadlock, $40.05; J. Jones, $11.28 A meeting of Hope Red' Cross Unit No. 6 was held at the home of Mrs. W. Palmer on Friday, De- cember ls‘. \Officers elected for this district are: President, Mrs. Neil‘ Malloy; Vice-President, Mrs. W. Hoyles; Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, Mrs. Wmi. Orr. Meetings to be held‘ the fourth Wednesday of each month. John Ferguson protested to coun- cil that his neighbour’s property was' not being looked after as regards to the destroying of weeds. ' A sheep claim of $8.00 for one‘ sheep killed was paid to C. George McCullough, publisher of the Globe & Mail who has1 a farm near Thorn; hill. William Jennings was paid’ $15 for two pigs killed. James Gibson, School Attendance 'officer presented his report to coun- cil which showed school attendance throughout the municipality to be Very good. George Starry asked council Wheâ€" ‘ther or not yellow mustard is a noxious weed. His neighbour’s prop-« erty is infested with it and a waterâ€" course l)rin~gs the seed down to his property on the Dickson Hill side road. ‘ Relief accounts._ passed totalle<i $425.33, general road accounts $1010.12 and $646.90 was paid for snow fence. ’ 'There has been a notable absence of relief discussions at the council ’meetings this year, and when Mr. and Mrs. T. Vernard appeared‘ Mon- day relative to relief they were plainly told that relief in the munâ€" icipality is administered by the township relief officer. The report on the operation of the North Yonge Radial showed an 'operating profit for November of $12.36 compared with an operating: profit in the corresponding month last year of $286.33. Despite the decrease in profit the revenue this year was $28.00 higher than last year, but increased cost of track maintenance accounted for the drop. The Decenfoer meeting of Mark- ham Township council was held at Unionville last Monday with Reeve James Rennie presiding and all the members present. This is the last meeting of the year except for the statutory session on December 15th when business of the year will ’be finally wound up. The members of the 1939 council have had a success- ful and harmonious year and busiâ€" ness of the municipality has gone ‘ahead smoothly and with all meetâ€" ings featured by a lack of contro- versy or lbickerin'gs. During the past year a lot of road work has been accomplished and members empressâ€" ed satisfaction with the improve- ment which has been brought about in recent years on the roads of the municipality. Throughout the town- ship there is a notable lack of elec- tion talk as the year draws to a close and unless opposition develops outside the council election prosâ€" pects at this time look decidedly quiet. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE GQI’ @f/ Sales Books THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MA PLE 9 pm. Mr. Michael saw no one and turned to re-enter his home when he was attacked from beh'nd, beaten unconscious by his assailants NhO took his money and| fled. Regaining lconsciousness Mr. Michael called for ‘help which was soon forthcoming but an immediate search of the ‘neighbourhlood‘ failedI th finc'l any trace of culcprits. Mr. Michael was given medical attent’on and we are pleased to report he is: able to be out again and progressing favour- anly. Local County and‘Provincial Police have ‘been busy during ’the week on the case but at the time of going to press no arrests have [been made although the authorities have certain clues which they are confident will lead to the arrest of Ithe guilty parties. , 'ing a knock at the back door abOut I l Centre Suburban Area Rally held in Newtonbro'ok United Church. A very fdne address on Dramatics given by Mr. McMullen of Toronto was the feature of the evening. Another at. traction that proved quite interest ing- was the Scripture which was enacted by members from different Unions. This was the last of a series of real successful rallies held Iby‘ the Sulburban Area. Next week our Union is going to visit with Thornhii-ll Young People’s Union. Everyone is invited to come and share an enjoyable evening. Robert Michael of «Richmond Hill was the vict’ym of a cowardly and vicious attack last Thursday even- ing when he was brutally assaulted and robbed by two thugs. Answer- ing a knoek at the back door about 9 Dam. Mr. Michael saw no one and turned to re-enter his home when V A Euchre will be held in Edgeley Community Hall on Wednesday, De- cember 13th under the auspices of Ed‘geley Red Cross Auxiliary. A,d- mission 25c. Fowl for prizes. UNITED YOUNG PEOPLE‘S UNION RALLY On Monday night last over thirty memfbers of the United Church Young People’s Union attended the A date to keep in mind is Februâ€" ary 19th, 1940 when our local Union is sponsoring the Toll Brothers. Further announcement later. ‘The meeting of Edgeley branch was held at the home of Kathleen Whitmore on December 6th. It was ,decided to canvass the community for a donation of 25c. per home/to help pay for the Evershar-p Pencils the Auxiliary and friends in the community gave to local boys who have left for England. Tuesday, December 12th was set aside for a work day to be held at the home of Mrs. Mordon. The former meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Needham on No- vember 22nd. The material bought from the five dollars which the Auxiliary decided to spend at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. George Poole was distributed among MARRIED DE‘C’IANVI‘LSâ€"SIT‘EWART~0n Wed- nesday, November 29, at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Richmomfl H611, Ont., 'by the Rev. C. S. O’Brien, Mary Elizalbeth, daughter of Mrs. and‘ the late Mr. Geo. S. Stewart of 'Rflchmond Hill to An‘dhony Decilantis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale De- ciantis of Richmond Hill, Ontario. A Shooting Match for gees-e and ducks will be held Saturday, De~ cember 9th at the farm of Robert Leonard, highway No. 27 one mile east of Schvomlberg. 12 gauge shot guns, .shells supplied, 22 rifles, shells not supplied. Match starts at 1 p.m. The Liberal has been requested to draw the attention of its read- ers to the Poultry Euchre on Wea- nesday, December 2'0tlh, and lucky admission tickets, under the aus- pices of Richrvale Social Chub, Rich- vale School. 1-5 games of euchre. Admission 2‘50. for re-electi-on. Ck not stated definite]: to retire lbut it is personal reasons he templating withdvra. cil activities. AUXILIARY EUCHRE The Woman’s Veteran Auxiliary will hold a euchre on Monday, De- cember 11th at 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Hicks, Trench Street. Proceeds for war work. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. mun ROBERT MICHAEL VICTIM 0F ASSAULT AND ROBBERY COUNCILLOR P, C. HILL NOT BE CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL A new development in the mnicipal situation is the inti: at RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB POULTRY EUCHRE EDGELEY RED CROSS AUXILIARY Hill SHOOTING MATCH a LSOHS he is seriously con‘ withdrawing from coun mcfllor Hill has that he intends known that for in the 1 he intima HILL MAY 3T ocal FARM, 100 acres of good land, lot 30, east 1/2 con. 3, Vaughan twp. known as Jones estate. Good huild~ ings, a brick veneer 7 roomed dwell- ing with an outer summer kitchen. A bank barn 40x60, pit: pen with stalling complete, hen house, colony house and driving shed. A never failing: well. This farm is fencâ€"ed‘ into 12 acre fields with 6 acres of bush, 2 acres of young orchard, a good variety; 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 acres of fall rve, the balance ploughed. The buildings are beau- tifully surrounded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn The build- ings are equipped with 'Delco lights. This farm is situated one mile east of paved road. Must be sold to close the estate. For further infor- mation annlv to administrators. Geo. McNaii'. RR. 2 Manle, or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill, phone 176. TWENTYâ€"SIX PIGS, ten weeks old Telephone Maple 281‘11. USED COOK STOVES & furnaces er. Mrs. Wright, Stop 17A Thornhill. 200 ACRE FARM for sale. High class stock and dairy farm, lovely brick house with all conveniences, hot water heating, one hour drive from Toronto (north) to be sold be- low its real value. Apply H. Mc- Millan, Richmond Hill. 50 AC-RE FARM, one of the best in York County, at $4800. Aprply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge St., Richmond PIGS FOR SALE, 6 weeks and up, from registered boar; also register- ed Ayrshire heifer calves. George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone Thornhill 149. ‘ LARGE ROUND DINING TABLE; 2 full size bedlsteads and springs; 1 cutting box; 1 large chest of drawers; 1 Perfection coal oil heat- On account of installing sanitary conveniences in German Mills school C. J. Russell, Slec,-Treas., RR. 2, Gomnley. 6 ROO-MED BRICK HOUSE in Rich- mond Hill, all modem-n conveniences. Apply Liberal Office. Street, Richmond Hill. Comfortable and clean. Moderate rental to good tenant. A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill, Hill H‘OLSTEIN 00W, nearly due. Geo Ho‘sh'el, Lot 10, Com. 2, Markham Phone Thornhill 511‘13. 2 outnouses in A1 condition, by tender. Please mark “tend'er” on outside of envelope, to be opened‘ day of annual ratepayers meeting. telephone 20 FARM FOR RENTâ€"$23 per month from Dec. 16th, 51 acres. Heavy clay loam, bank barn, steel roof, chicken house, 7 roomed frame house in good condition. Use of imâ€" plements included and milk contract. 6 acres fall wheat and plowing done. W. N. Price, 1/2 mile south of No. 7 Highway, 3rd con. Markham. DIVAN‘E‘TTE; large rocking chair; Oak heater. Mrs. Price, 110 Rich- mond St. FERRE‘TS, prices reasonable. Carl Fuller, R.R. No. 2 Gormley, phone Stouffville 9106. COWS, 3 Jersey's 'and 1 Holstein, Springers. Apply F. Bennett, Vic- toria Square, phone Stouffville 6114. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession Dec. lst. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. RADIO, electric, 10 tube, $30 cash Hall’s Service Station, opposite L T. B. & 0. Home, North Yonge St‘ THREE LOTS on North side of Roseview Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. FOR VARICOSE VEINS use Crouchman’s Liniment. 32 oz. bottle $2.50. You must be satisfied or money refunded at Austin’s Drug Store. 8wk. §x ROOMED HOUSE, 58 Richmond PIGS, from 6 weeks up, reasonable. "Kennedy, Bathurst and Steele’s ‘Corners at Stop 13 Yonge St, RE. No. 1 York Mills. Phone Thorn- h‘ill 144. Read THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. week FOR SALE TO R ENT 11’ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1939. argains SCEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. WELL DRILLING and Water Sys- PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done 15y machine. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) te-ms installed. Bert Jackson, Maple, telephone Maple 577. Used Cars BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. Phone Thornhifl QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- gLQHQngs WANTED. _App_1y _D. FRESH EGGS. Highest prices paid for fresh eggs. Richill Poultry Farm, egg grading statiop, Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. We pay cash. ‘ vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Charges reasonable, work guaranâ€" teed. Joe Moore, 5 Lorne Avenue, formerly Trench Work Shop, Rich- mond Hi-ll. BUTOH‘EiRIN G, we are prepared to do your butchering, render the I-ard, make the sausage and cure the meat if desired. Joseph B. Reesor, phone 6006 Stouffville. Hill, 16 Mill Street, water, hydro, garage, $10 per month. Possession at once. Apply Phone Maple 571-3. S‘TRAYED â€"- From Heintiman’s fanm, corner Maple and Dufferin side road, two heifers, white with red! tattoo, No. DED31S; red with white, No. DEDQQS in right ears. Kindly phone 21 Thornhill collect. 1930 DURANT SEDANâ€"In excel]- e‘nt condition. Hill EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING. C. Clarke, Roselawn Fox Rafiélh', R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hill. 1934 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLL'XE COUPEâ€" Little Brothers SIX ROOM HOUSE in Richmond ‘TURNIPS. Apply Frank York, Mame RR. 1. 1938 FORD V-8 DeLL'XE SEDANâ€" Heater and Defroster. 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Radio, Ford Heater & Defroster. 1936 FORD Vâ€"8 COUPEâ€"Heater & Defroster. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Ford Sales & Service Rumble Seat, Radio, Heater, new- ly painted. MISCELLANEOUS $650.00 $325.00 $425.00 $595.00 $175.00 STRAYED WA NTED ONTARIO

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