Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1939, p. 7

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THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1939. PAGE SEVEN ‘_ l ‘wiili a hymn. Doris Bell thin read .tlii- scripture lesson at'It-r \\'l‘.l\'li Ms: MRS. JAMES WATKINS t :\ resident ei' Kiein‘nirg for many The topic. “Steering ‘ lladiwen Kyle. E. .With the Stars". ‘J. Hitchcock. I . r’hoiie H‘..lanz llrv-u n (ampliell gave eta-rpm ntg. '{ C l 2081 Phone 9788 A large stock on hand and our extensive orders Oren Evening! for high quality materials enables us to offer to was taken by 5. There was a fair at- .MI-‘S (lllW llvvins tnen saii-e‘ :i sold: 01:0cwnrwvrynomoouo==zo=§ ) TESTOR OBITUARY l BLEINBURG . E o O ‘ Geo. Carley was The convener in; i I . . 'l'lie Kl irburg Y.P.1'. hle ihiir re-V‘far "hm-27° “f 1h" Y'P'lv' ""‘Ctlm 8”” l iii-Tifiitilfv‘V liraElihwiiiiiléilitimid: ll'gm‘” “Mime 1m “ «h in the. our ovvnine. Imvni'vr 3rd. Aftvt‘1‘1‘.i.::i\5hk ninth-’13.. iioL-hiihifrn- iiif‘lnimi girth“. "lm‘l‘ .“"”‘ W the opening exercises a poem “God‘s l :‘(riiu (n Stu lay. Novendnir ‘26. In- hip-“$113121; A if“: lllmelihj:“iii-2,01: ’Tlu pumi tom i. Aid. a ’ man." “as had 1,}. I’m-pa Ilendel; poi-inept in St.) I‘ZIIf).L'l{:>‘ (Ellli‘cikjl'_\:~‘5L.>cil,n t1... ,3......-...L.‘. “in. E;\.,_;'E.\.;{r Robin-.9 m. b. "belied" on l r :50“. Anon“... soiccfinn of poetry. Stilltnli'tc'é‘ (135231fii‘ullfg‘lefoé: to .\ll.\\‘ Middlelmmk. the $.57. ii :hip. v “‘The Bridge iiiildei‘". was read by IO. Loni \i‘.-[i1.(...ini- iiiiiil‘iii‘ilg‘.‘ (“milll‘w “ill” -"'*i“‘““1 1W!” iH'eLri‘flm .‘ â€" â€"â€"*“â€"“ fi - ‘ - . ‘ . v . . . . . ,\'(‘fll'.\. Mrs. James Watkins died in Miss Mid ll 11') k ".l . s'.’ " z i the People Of Ym'l‘ county “inner (log-hing at ltel‘d‘nnco' Rem “ool‘ “l? .Speai‘m the York Nlll'>lllfl‘ Home. Toronto on . an artield iiii (I‘lizilltli“Injiii'ali'ilolc. Milli JOhnston & Giranstonl definitely I)re_\var Prices_ i‘VIH b0 MT- Gt‘Offl‘P." Whittle of Monday. November 27th. Deceased. ; discussion followed. a number of; MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTER' Laskay, A very cordial invitation who was in her Silrd year. was born1nienilhers expressing.r their opinion of, 0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN We have choicest materials to choose from and l in York County and had lived in this ‘ Health Insurance. A Contest. “F;mi-‘ is extended to the older people to ‘ . ) __ i - we are offering them to you at prices which will come out and enjoy the meetings 13122111,]:3? ,iaziu?ei. Egg; if: fifi‘lllli‘i fgll‘lxmjlt;gllaiizldwa; :voIn (xlgaqnxlte lHOHUIHentS ' ., r . .l ‘ 1 is h . _ l .. . . i . i . .s: . . ' ' challenge comparison. ‘Vllh l‘h'r‘ .mez‘l' hoopla AS a to‘kt‘n had been an invalid for a consider- MeKenzie. A hymn brought the i1. ange St' (east Slde) able time. She was predeceased byi BOIWCen Mer'gn & Balliol Sta. her husband some years ago. Sur-| \‘iying is a brother. Robert Paul. oft Coleraine. She was the former Mary Paul. Funeral >01‘VlCOS. conducted by the. Rev. Mr. Bailey of Kleinhurg, were of sympathy and regard it was (leâ€" programme to a close. cided to send a present of fruit to Howard Heacock. one of the Y.P.U. officers. who in Western Hos- pital. At a meeting of the executive of Thieves reportedly broke into the store of Schaefer and Co. at Bolton and the garage of Berney and Nelâ€" son at Caledoii East early Thursday morning of last week. Suits, Winter Overcoats. and everything in the clothing line hand tailored to your measure at prices no more than you pay for ready-made. “How is your insomnia? Is it getting any better?” “I'm worse than ever. I can’t evefl ‘sleep when it's time to get up.” is Our trade mark is your guarantee . of expert . . held Wednesday afternoon from workmanship. the SS. With the pastor. Mr. .Davlfv Scott's Woodbridge funeral chapel after 8.8. last Sunday morning it‘ito Kleinburg United Church. Inter- - SEE US TODAY â€" DON’T DELAY RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. Greene Richmond Hill ment was in Nashville cemetery. was decided to give a Xmas supperl to the young members of the comâ€"3 MISS MARY GILCHRIST I 5 'Co munitv. The W.A. were asked to: - ' A former resident of Tottenh'ini. .look after the supper. The Y.P.U.z Miss Mary Gilchrist died in a ire. The Property of are to arrange for decorating the ronto nursing homeon Friday. Noâ€" Lot 8, Concession 3, Markham Township, S.S. room and providing the Xmasfl'en‘lher 1‘24th.I She dwas in her 96th , ‘ ‘ , - ,year am hat serve for many years :ree'a 12ft? til}; Sigfiii‘ntgig tlgggms a deaconess in the Presbyterian e g .m s or c. i 1 Phone 49.] church. She was a member of one Let us take care of l l l Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill our low cash and carry prices. o=o==o=o=o=o=o=or=o= your Cleaning and l l l l l l W OODBRIDGE a program to which the older mem- bers of the community are invited. The date will be published later. in better shape around it. With his neat office in the old McLaughlin“ building and his newly acquiredI property opposite he will be well equipped as representative of the Case Mfg. Co. ‘ Miss Sadie Windas who was sucâ€" cessful in winning the trip to Chi- of the first classes to graduate from the Presbyterian Deaconess Home in Toronto. Born she in Glasgow. Scotland. church. Toronto. later going to Ing- ersoll and returning to Toronto to serve at St. Paul‘s until her retire- ment. She was a sister of the late Rev. J. R. Gilchrist. There are ten thousand acres unâ€" der soya bean production in Canada. Hiâ€"Hâ€"H-‘iâ€"tiâ€"uâ€"nâ€"nâ€"t 1/2 mile south of No. 7 Highway SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1939‘ 1 Holstein cow supposed to freshen February 1st Holstein cow, calf by side Holstein cow, millking Holstein cow, fresh Holstein Heifer due Jan. 5 Holstein Heifer 18 months old Holstein Bull 8 months old Jersey oow bred Oct. 18‘ Pressin Re uirements. Our driver John Grey has purchased the came to Canada as a child and the . , ,ll q take advanta e of workshop and block of land on which 22miin Ifirst settled in Tottenham. 1 Bay Mare HOR§EBSIaCk Ma 8 '1 fit Slg‘g‘kR'opes and Chain or 0“ ma - . ~ - _- ~ s a (eaconess she was associated 1' fix 01' Wl ca Y y g it stands and is busy getting l’hlng‘s with Davmmmt Road Presbyterian CATTLE 1 Rldmg Plow, Cockshutt 1 Masseyâ€"Harris Separator Doubletrees. 1 Gas Engine, air cooled, 1 111’. About 90 Leghorn Pullets, laying Forks. evc. EU RN ITURE 1 Quebec Cook Stove, Beach, with warming closet 1 Extens 1 Washing Machine and Wringer ion Table ‘ The Presbyterian Sunday School . . ‘mostly in Ontario. Ten years ago Part Ayrshire 00W, bred N0V~ 28 County of York room was well filled for th; Litler- flag“) 1“ the gum‘g‘Ffiyner some“, jt was an unknown crop in the D0_« Red‘ Cow, due time of sale Quantity of M33113” ' TICE F FIRST my meeting ofthe Young eop 9’5 Is now enJoymg‘ ‘18 me 011 mg- - - , . IMPLEMENTS * CLERK SpglsglNG (a; . Society held this week. The meet» Mr. and Mrs. W'Im. Ireland. Mrs. Elgogéanltiazsii are manfmanitthgll Fanning Mill gi- git-iv , 1 , q mg tOOk. ti‘e foil“ or a Mghg Alex MacDonald, Mrs. Pearl Windas 3 t .' 1‘, Sometan I‘flpo Ian 1 Set New Steel Wagon Wheels Quantity of Wheat LILT, Egmfialgigsfrhc'geis £3213 éseavoecrato: and daughter Shirley were guests 1%.“? {na erlla 11'] t e au 0.1moie,eec(.1‘ % FlatTHay Rack, new d About 10. feet ensilage in 3:110 _ . > . . l ‘ - rica app lance, ename, soap an get eam Harness, goo v Quantity of Turnipsi and 0t er artâ€" NOTBCE is hereby given that I have Ontario. Many of the young people of Mrs. J. Carley Sunday. feed industries, as we“ as in innum_ 1 Gutter ides complied with section 9 of the Vot- ers? List Act and that I have posted up at my office, Richmond Hill, on the 14th day of November, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Woodlbridge and! vicinity have en- joyed vacations there. The Boy Scouts and Culbs who attended the Camp guests of the Young People’s So- ciety. A group from Glenview Church in North To- ronto, as well as some of the Camp 0f ViSitOI‘S came younger than his 85 years. J. O. Wice, Stroud‘. is visiting with his steppdaughter, Mrs. West. with Rev_ Mr. Roe, were Mr. Wice is in his 85th year and is hale looking much Mr; Wilson Wice and Miss J-ean Wice and hearty, erable industries using plastics. It is anticipated that the war will greatâ€" of the soya beanâ€"Marketing. ly extend the cultivation and utility Terms Cash No Reserve Sale at 1 plm. J. H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer 0f Parliament (01‘ as the Case may leaders_ The president of the So- were also visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I be at Munidpal Elmfionsl and that ciety, Mr. Charles Agnew was in West. ' omml‘fm _ 1. »: such list remains there for inspec- the chair for the Openmg‘ 0f the Mrs. Addie Bolen, Mr. and Mrs. i-r 'Mummmmwwmwmmmwmmwvmm m tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to’ have any errors or omissions cor-' rected according to law, the last day for appeal being December 7th. DATED this 14th day of November. A. J. HUME, . - - . a'ble part of the program was the ‘ v ~ . .4 Clerk of Richmond H111- Showing of the Coloured. Moving Satuiday. Decembei 2nd at the home .4: Picture of Glen Mohr Camp taken 0f Rev. Caleb Harris. pastor of E this past summer, and sht0\Vin9.‘ the Humbersi'de Baptist Church. when n; At Maple FreighL Sheds FIRST CLASS HRIEAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, ‘ 0.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. .-Formula NUT AND STOVE COAL N0. 1 ANTHRACITE meeting and conducted the devotion- al and business parts. Rev. Mr. Roe Mohr program. Trombone were played by Alex Gordon, one of the leaders of the Boys” Camp, who also led in community singing. Pete‘r Wotherspoon, another boy also. A very important and enjoy- various camp groups in action. The boys were delighted at seeing them- selves in the ‘movies’. was shown by Miss Doris Winchest- er of Toronto. who gave a brief history of the camp, telling how it came into beingâ€"the gift of the late James Playfair of Midland. Local talent helped make the even- ing a happy one: A vocal solo by Miss Orpha Farr; a piano solo by Billy Wallace; readingsbyRay Gil- lan; and solos by Danny Kitchener accompanying himself on the guitar. At the close of the Glen Mohr program the presentation of a hand- some bridge lamp was made to Mr. about the room, skirlirg for all he was worth. his wife attempted a mild protest. ' ‘ “Jock.” she said. “that’s an aw- l leader, assisted with group singingl The picture I Will Bolen and son Walter of Flint, then acted as Chairman for the Glen MiCh- Paid a ViSit to Mr. and Mrs. solos West last week. Mrs. Verne Thompson and Miss Muriel Kyle were home over the weekâ€"end. Tilley-W'iest A very pretty wedding took place Mabel Elaine West. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. West. Teston, was united in marriage to Kenneth v' Tilly. fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tilly. Monlk. Ont. The bride wore a blue suit with wine access- Cries and white f-ox fur and carried- a bouquet of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Alimeda West. the bride’s sister. was attired in green erene with hat to match. black accessories and black fox fur. Her bouquet was white roses. The groom WEDDING ARGENT-ERW’IN you offer. NEVVSPAPER-u '_ The Best Results in Advertising USE YOUR LOCAL All of us, instinctively, go where light is, not where there is darkness. This newspaper is at your service to carry your busi- SALT andl‘ers. 1gâ€"Iarry Watts. Mrs.f ngttri “33$ SUDDOYtedl by his brother, Arn- - : '(Li ian rown), was a ait u od Tilly. After the cer on.’ the ' ' FINE SAineIoigslliileof‘iI . . . . . 65C. Elengber 3f ‘t/he Slgofielg- Ehecfrasi‘ bridal party motored to e'Tl‘nestbn to Advertlsements are and ‘SO .attraCt buyers corms}; SALT, 100 lbs. ..... 80c. Agnewagnd J;§§‘§:fl,§§;madj’t§: the home of Ithe hi-iae'h mm to those stores and bus1ness places which they illum- IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . . 85c. presentation. Where a f0\\'l dinner was serve'l. the ine BLOCKS, each .............. 40c. IRetfrefshfpents “tyre saved all: (the dining room being decorated taste- ' , BLOCKS IODIZED, each . . . . . 40c. c9” °. 9- m‘i-e‘l‘g; “5.5. a V5 fully in white and nink and Miss ‘ . . . _ Also _ algnsggggys “91“” “men” °* West. assisted by Miss Jean wshhl . The way to get busmess is to ask for it. Can the truth CAR MILL FEED fife“! Aggy“griff‘fapgjegufl: x of this statement be successfully disputed? The pub- B V Priced as fang”; per cw: His bagpipe playing was the chief left for a trip to London. Lambeth i buys from those Who inVite its custom. SHORTS' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' $1120 per cwt' thing that mattered to him in life. and Monk. They will reside in To- . ‘ p MIDDLINGS ------- $1.35 per cwt. one “‘ghi’ “‘19 he “'85 “mung mm ‘ fl ’ Tell the people of your trading area of the seruces l COAI: ohm-ms PHONE MAPLE 19W 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths. at reaso dable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All C-- I INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill ful noise you’re making.” his. boots. A maid who recently joined the church was asked how she knew she was converted. She replied: “Because now I clean under the rugs ” Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against ‘the Estate of Edward Francis Rob- ‘inson, late of the Town of Rich- mond Hill. Insurance Broker, de- loeased. who died on the 15th day of October. 1939. are hereby noti- fied to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned before the 23rd day of December. 1939. after which date. the Estate will be dis- tributed. having regard only to the claims of which the shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 13th day \of November, 1939. THE CROWN TRUST COMPANY, Administrator. by its solicitors. SALTER, STAPELLS & SEWELL, undersigned 112 Yonge Street. Toronto. So Jock sat down and took offlon- Saturday ‘ 25th at the home of Mr. A pretitv wed-ding was solcmnized‘ November and Mrs. John Erwin. Castlemore. when their onlv daughter. Marion Viola Isa- bella was united in marriage to John Stuart Argent. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Argent of Bolton. The Rev. J. H. Kidd of \Voodlbrid‘ge of- ficiated and the home was beauti- fully decorated with ferns, baby mums and evergreens. Given in marriage by her father. the bride was attended by Miss Doris W'ortliy of Toronto. as brides- maid and Miss Hazel Codlin. of Claireville, as maid of honour. Little Frances Urry of Barrie was flower girl and the groom was supported by his cousin, Robert Roe of Tot.- teiiham. During the signing of the regis- ter. Miss Viola Gouland of Weston sang “0 Promise Me". accompanied by Miss Dorothy Ferril. At a re- afternoon. ception guests were received by Mrs. . J. Erwin and Mrs. T. Argent. the‘ happy couple later leaving for a motor trip through the United States. They will live on the groom’s farm near Bolton. Bowden Lumber & Coal (‘0.. LTD TXINIRER OF ALI. KIVUS lnsuiex. Dnnnacona Board. etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 6284 i L. . district. 5 ; Telephone 9 Established 1878 ITS HISTORY ness message into the homes of the people of this Consider the advisability now, of investing a small expenditure in advertising. It will pay rich dividends. THE LIBERAL NOW WITH THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN Richmond Hill can...“ - ‘ ii We mm ' Frail Lg; . m. ir'rfil‘fo‘ifli’fi‘l :34.» ‘ Mimi .MKZQLQAMWZMAMINER“ .1 jets/.9 Frat ‘i’i

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