J5 H. Prentice. 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto. HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- ducted by the most approved methods AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneu‘ for the County of York Bales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates Echmond Hill P'hone 92R Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all deuriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates No sale too large and none too small King. Ont. Phone King 42-1-4 Woodbridge 10.30 _ 12 am. â€" 3 - 5 p.m. Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 6 - 8 pm. Telephone 24 Nights 147 MAPLE Centre St. E. 122‘ YOB git Si: Office Hours 9 f 1} (Womm and Office Hours Appointments made FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at DR. LlLLIAN C. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of,pupils i1! Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Thf-rty Ytars Expevience Formerly withl Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store R‘I‘hmmfl Hill 'ï¬R.’ ‘R’b‘L‘P’H L. LANGSTAFF DR." ‘jXM‘E'sT “RI VLANCS'I‘A FF DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO FIRE -â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE Drs. Wilson & Wilson """ 1311.]. P. WILSON 9 - 10.30 am. â€"â€" 1 - 3 { Mom, Wed. and Fri. 6 - DR. W. J. WILSON THORN HILL AND UNIONVILLE Dr, C. A. MacDonald DR. M.‘ C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday. W'eu'nesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office VOL. LVIV. A. S.‘ Farmer LICENSED AUCTIONEER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS Office Hours 9â€"10 a;m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and bv appointment Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J. Quigley C. E. Walkington Office Hours 10 Dr, R. A. Bigford Gomley 3.3. No. 1 Telephone Stouffville 6818 Richard Edmunds’ 21 CENTRE ST. WEST Wright & Taylor Dr. W. J. Mason George W. Cross Piano Tuner J. Carl Saigeon J. T. SAIGEON & SON Drs.’ Langstaff Adelmo Melecci R. H. KANE BUSINESS MUSICAL MEDICAL AUC’I‘IONEER VOICE Telephone 80 WANT ADS CO‘ AND DISCOVER MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Successor to Phone 264 DENTIST DENTIST Insurance a.m.; 6 :78 7p._nA L'AN'GSTAFF Children) Richmond Hill Richmond Hill ‘Phone 100 Phone 77 Phone 3 CCCCC E. P. Leno & Son GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Acetylene and Electric Welding 3nd Cutting . Portable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office -â€"â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2321 H. E. Redman, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Room 66, 18 Toronto St. Toronto Phone WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Helen Slim-Esau Lyuett J. F. Lynetv ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire Jaimes A; Bol(s._. B.A. Perpg Bigg§ Ban-ism. Solir‘itors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yang» Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BA RRISTER McK'innon Building 19 Melinda Street \ Toronto, Ont. Alexander MacGregor K. C. Wednesday 7-9 p.m. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 AD. 0177 Toronto A'D. 01'78 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€" Toronto Officeâ€"86 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 193 Tuesday & Thursday afternoons Wednesday & Saturday evenings 7 to 9 p.m. Toronto Officeâ€"â€"26 Queen East Telephone ELgin 2838 formerly of Wm. Cook, Cock & Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTAR~Y 1008 Federal Build-mg 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 Office 229 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. 000k, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmund St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday foronoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate 3. Bloomfield Jordan GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 P.M. McGuire, Boles & Co. BARRIS’I'ER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Campbell Lme BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 42 Yonvge Street RICHMOND HILL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill T. H. Lines BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, &c Walter S. Jenkins Morgan L. Piper Barrlster, Solicltor, Etc. UNIONV'ILLE Wednesday 3-6 pm. THORNHILL Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" .4 to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Thomas Delany EYES EXAMINED Cook & Gibson GLASSES FITTED T. C. Newman Richmbnd Hill Every (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 DR. P. P. SMYTH Telephone 186 at Residence 148 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1939. “Britain’s new armies are march- ing in socks which are guaranteed unshninkable," says the Winnipeg Tribune. The glad news is tucked away in a letter to the Tribune from the MP. for a Yorkshire wool- len spinning district. Thus quietly do great events dawn upon the world. The discovery for] which countless thousands of men â€"â€" and their wives â€" have been waiting for generations occurred at last “in the unimpassioned calm of the Woollen Industries Research Assoâ€" oiation near Leedsâ€, Where “intens- ive scientific research has been go- ing on...throughout the hubbub of international crisis.†“It is safe to predict.†the letter continues, “that very shortly every British mill will adopt this new gift from science, and so earn the blessings of house- wives and other buyers of wool clothes throughout the world.†Amen to that! It was decided to change the date of the annual plowian match to the first Tuesday in November. This will remove the contest farther from the big International Match and' probalbly ind’uce more competi- tion and a better attendance of spec- tators‘ The place for holding the 1940 match was not decided“ on, but a committee was named to look into this matter. R. E. Ratcliff was reâ€" appointed secretary and Win Tim.- bers Treasurer. Every year new chemical fibres are produced. And as soon as one of them has all of the des‘manle propertiesâ€"the strength of glass, ï¬neness of silk, penmanence of asâ€" bestos ami toughness of cotton â€" people can have everlasting cloth- ing. Years ago the famous Canadian humorist, Professor Stephen Lea- cock, wrote a story of the future and future clothes, called “The Man in Asbestos," but Professor Harriâ€" son of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, foresees still better costumes. rCoats may be molded to shape. Pants may be cleaned and fresh- en-ed with a blow-torch. Families may have children’s suits of graded sizes, handed- down in succession as each child grows up. Fred' Timbers has been elected to succeed Russel Gray of Gormley as president of the North York Branch of the Ontario Plowmen’s Associaâ€" tion. The meeting was held at the home of the retiring president, when the report of the auditOr A. V. Nolan showed‘ a substantial cash balance to carry into the new year. Officers of St. John’s W.A. Oak Ridges were returnedt to office ‘by acclamation: Hon. president, Mrs. Wornall; president, Mrs. S. ‘C. Snively; viceapresident, Mrs. J. Chatterly; 2nd! vice, Mrs. F. Legge; secretary, Mrsi Maurice Beynon; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Sambrook; living message, Mrs. N. Thompson. The W.A. report obligations met, with a good balance, swbstantial funds towards Parish Hall, and a donation of five choir gowns for junior choir members. More than 2,000 pedestrians of E1- mira, N.Y., received “tickets†from Boy Scouts during a traffic safety drive sponsored by the Elmira Jun- ior Chamber of Commerce. Scouts stationed throughout the business district handed tickets to all pedesâ€" tui-ans seen taking chances by vio- lating traffic rules. The ticket read, “You are a jayâ€"walker.†General News & Views There were 22 births and 21 deaths in Whitchurch Township in the year according to the annual report of the M.'O.H. submitted to council at the last meeting. East Gwfllimzbury Township raisâ€" ed $806.29 in the recent Red Cross campaign. Every family on relief in New- market will receive a roast of beef from: the relief committee for Christmas. Aurora had '72 persons on relief .at the end of November compared! with 133 at the corresponding date in 1938. Almost 86000 was raised by the North York Township Red Cross Society, which was nearly $2000 over the objective set. ' Invitations have been issued for the opening of the new Toronto Western Hospital, on the evening of December 15th. The appearance of the building as shown on the lithographed invitation shows a very large and imposing institution, surâ€" roundedl by trees and walks that suggest an ideal home for the in- valid. The necessity of such an inâ€" stitution is well known to all who have given the matter attention and! the names of the Board of Gover« nors is sufficient guarantee that the Toronto Western Hospital will be kept up to a high standard of effi- ciency. The teachers and pupils of the High School are to be congratulat- ed on the success of their modest and enjoyable entertainment given in the High School building on Friday evening. The program was well carried out and the entertainment started sharp at 8 o’clock. The preâ€" sentation of diplomas at the end of the first part of the program gave variety to the entertainment, parti- cularly as the four clergymen â€" Messrs. J. A. Grant, N. Wellwood. J. W._ Stewart and F. C. Keam â€"- who were called upon to perform this pleasant task, were in their happiest vein, and made the presen- tations, accompanied by bright and From our Issue of Dec. 14th, 1899 SALE LASTS 3 DAYS ONLY-Friday, Saturday, Monday We purchased an entire carload of Quaker Livestock Feeds and Ful-O-Pep Poultry Feeds at the special carload price! Now we pass on this saving to you in a sensational 3-day sale! Act fast â€"Place your order right now! IT’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON FAMOUS QUA- KER FEEDS AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS! SPECIAL z Q.O.C. 33% PROTEIN POULTRY FUL'O'PEP EGG MASH MASH CONCENTRATE l. D. RAMER & SON A thrifty Quaker feed for all live- stock! Containing oat hulls, oat middlings and oat shorts. SPECIALLY PRICED DURING OUR 3-DAY CAR- LOAD SALE! VIM GROUND OATHULLS FORTY YEARS AGO WAY BACK IN QUAKER SUGARED SCHUMACHER FEED of QUAKER FEEDS Orders will be taken during these three days and filled promptly when the carload arrives! Authorized Dealer for QUAKER FEEDS CENTRE STREET RICHMOND HILL PLACE YOUR The ideal carbohydrate feed for the milking herd, the dry herd, young grow- ing stock, breeding stock, beef cattle, horses, sheep and swine. AT A SPE- CIAL LOW PRICE DUR- ING OUR 3-DAY CAR- LOAD SALE! The outstanding scientif- ically balanced feed for laying hens. Designed to keep your hens sturdy and healthy and to you more high grade eggs. AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE DURING OUR 3-DAY CARLOAD SALE! BY TELEPHONE â€" OR IN PERSON! SENSATIONAL a resolution was passed requesting the Secretary to prepare a state- ment for publication showing the present receipts and expenditures of the High School, and~ the probable extra tax on the Village in case a third teacher is engaged. From our Issue of December 9, 1909 Before dispersing at a meeting in the Council Chamber last Friday evening a resolution was carried appointing J. H. Sanderson, D. Hill, G. McDonald, W. Eyer and H. A. Nicholls a committee to apply for a charter With a view of forming a retail merchants’ association. Rev. J. A. Grant and Mrs. Grant attended the reception at the Manse, Maple, on Thursday evening, tend- ered to Rev. C. A. Campbell and bride on their return from their wedding tour. witty speeches. The room was pack- ed to the doors, and many were forced to stand in. the hall-s. The place was neatly decorated with flags and evergreens and looked well. Much credit is due to all who assisted in the entertainment, but a very large share is merited by Mr. J. H. Sanderson who had charge of the musical part of the program. LIBERAL FILES At a meeizing of the Board of Education held on Friday evening, Matthew Lepper, who for many THIRTY YEA RS AGO ORDER TO-DAY Q.O.C. SWEETENED MOULEE Recent price advances of wheat make our prices very attractive. SPECIAL- LY PRICED DURING OUR 3-DAY CARLOAD SALE! MOULEE PfllILTRY MASH CDNCENTRATE The QuakorOaIsCampmy PU'tï¬lflflmlfln crfl CANADA SUCREE -|I( II n.“ -. SWEETENED PROTEIN IOU LBS QUAKER BRA‘N AND SHORTS years kept a general store in Auâ€" rora, on about the spot where the Metropolitan station now stands, died at the home of his son-in-law, S. St. A. Sewell, Toronto, on Mon. day, aged 94 years. Deceased WIS at one time reeve of Aurora. Another sale of property in the West End is reported: this week by Mr. H. A. Nicholls, real estate agent. Mrs. Emma Metcalfe has has sold her house and lot on Rich- mond Street to Mr. Charles Rollin. Mr. Rollin will at once improve the property and will probably occupy it himself. Mr. Sisman, lately of the firm of Underhill & Sisman, boot and shoe manuflacturers, Aurora, paid this Village a visit a few days ago. Mr. Sisman has in view the establishing of a manuï¬actory similar to that now carried on in Aurora. With the Canadian Northern and the Met- ropolitan Railway at our doors We believe that this would ‘be a desir- able location for such an establishâ€" ment. Richmond Hill would 'be pleased to consider a business pro~ position from Mr. Sisman. Mr. Henry, Reeve of York Townâ€" ship and Warden of the County of York, was presented with a gold- headed cane by his fellow cpunty councillors at a banquet given at the Municipal Hotel, Toronto, Bast Friday evening. The presentation was made by Reeve Harris of Woodbridge. The low priced, depend- able supplement to farm grown grains and rough- age. Provides the balanced diet your livestock needs for health, growth and Vig- our. AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE DURING OUR 3- DAY CARLOAD SALE. The economical Quaker Poultry Mash for con- verting home - grown grains into a balanced poultry feed! AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE DURING OUR 3-DAY CARLOAD SALE! SINGLE COPIES ll. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Phone 10 No. 24‘