Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1939, p. 4

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fifiififififibfisâ€"fl gChristmas Sh opping? WWWMW SC. to $1.00 Store JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking â€" Safety Glass Installed DAVIES’ DRY GOODS TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 119 This is the 18th year of our special feature of giving prizes. Every 50c. purchase gives you an opportunity of winning one of the six valuable prizes which are now on display in our windows. Our stock is well replenished with Toys, China, Glassware and many novelties suitable for Christmas gifts bought at pre-war prices and would advise early selection which we will, as heretofore, lay aside un- til needed. PAGE FOUR get the pick. We are still carrying a full line of Rubbers at Bargain Prices. The Toy Assortment at time of printing is still quite large but we would advise you to come now to Our Stock of Gifts for everybody is still complete 0:0 Richmond Hill, Ont. 0:0 0:6 NO'I will an statem [Decem whethe rmentio awn-I “y. %%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%§%%%%% Egggwa §%§%§§fE§ work ordered by the judge. (3) The asthma-ted cost of the Work asked to be done by Mr. yeardovm which would have Svaedy \the law suit. ' (2) The total costt of doing the i WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20 â€" Auction: sale of 100 acre farm, fanm stock. impl‘emenrts, furniture, etc” the property of the estate of the late Eh'zalbeth- Jones, east half of lot 30, can. 3, Vaughan Township. Terms cash. No reserve, everything must he sold to close Estate. Sale at I 1 o’clock. C. E. Walkin‘g‘ton, FRIDAY, DEIC. 15â€"Bailiff sale of the Goods and Chattels‘ distrainedl :by bailiff rbelonging to E. J. Dong, Sdhvong' Praising, Lou Chew and Chong Lun, Lot 16, sum-division 01' Lot 66, Con. 1, Township of Whit. lchurch. Sale at 1 o’clock. W. H. Espey, bailiff. auctioneer. Plan to attemi th‘e thristmias concert at the school Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 19th. Everybody welcome. At a meeting of the community held in the public school Tues-day, December 5th it was decided to form a branch of the Red Cross in this district. The following officers were elected: Pres, Mrs. Walter Craig; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. R. L. Stiver and Mrs. Geo. Kelly; Secre- tary, Miss Della Stephenson; Trea- surer, Mrs. Norman Reid; Work Committee, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. L. Hood, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. McGimpsey, Mrs. James McQuay; Press Sec., Mrs. Cline Burr. NOTE: The answer to 1, 2 and! 4 will appear in the anrnrual financial statement which will the available December 22nd. We do not know whether or not such estimate as mentioned ‘in question: 3 was made and would suggest the query be di- rected to the Municipal Council. Will you please be good- enough to publish in your valuable paper ’th-e following information which I am sure Would be very interesting to the taxpayers of Richmond Hill. (1) The total cost to Richmond Hill of the law suirt with J. Shearâ€" down. (4) To money expended in costs re the famous wrecking byJaw. Editor, The Liberal Merchants who happened to be outside the coloured light area are tol‘d the present lights cost nothing but to have them in another block will cost a small fortune. If tha-t’s lthe case I suggest the present lights whkh cost nothing be moved to other parts of the (busi- mess section so everyone will get a share of the free decorations. TURN ABOI'T FAIR PLAY Editor, The Liberal Sir:â€" Letters From The Peopfe BUTTONVILLE INFORMATION PLEASE Sale Register THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO INFORMA'I'IO‘N PLEA-SE. FAIR PLAY (Ed) Miss Emma Barker, now of Tor. onto, sang the new words of “My T’ask" in her usual pleasing man- ner. Mrs. DavidJson, wife of form- er minister at Brown’s Corners Church and very recently return-ed from India, was the speaker. Her very recent contacts in India proved very interesting and helpful. She described “Our Task” in India. The splendid description of the city and state of Indoor, its modern conâ€" veniences and the real hunger for Christianity was explained in a very interesting manner. References were made to different converts and their secret ambitions to spread the gas pel. Souvenirs shown, given at her departure, showed the high esteem in which she was held by the nat- ives. Following the meeting Miss Mary Rodick was hostess to all at a so. cial hour. During this time Mrs. ‘Russell moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Stiver. who was cele- brating- her 30th birthday as presiâ€" dent of this Auxiliary. The December meeting- was held‘ at the church on Wednesday, De- cember 6th wiith an attendance of about fifty. The devotional period was taken very ably by Mrs. Geo. Patterson, Agincourt, Rural South 'Dis‘tnict Viceâ€"Pres. The Christmas spirit was her theme and during this part of the service she was as- sisted by Miss Dorovthy Brown at the piano playing Christmas Carols. Mrs. Wm. Craig gave the offerâ€" tory prayer. Mrs. Will Rodick tend- ered a vote of thanks to all who aided so willing with the program. Mrs. Stiver closed the meeting with prayer and the National Anthem was sung. Subscribe for The Liberal, $1.59} Read the “ads; per year. every week. Following the opening of gifts the two recipients ‘of'theise lovely remembnances made very fitting re- plies. A social time was then en,- jOYEId‘ by all. I Miss Dorothy Brown Showerred 011 erdm-esdlay evening last «a miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Dorothy‘Brown at the home of her sister, Mrs. Norman Reid. There was a sp-I-endki crowd in at- tendance representing the church and community. At an appointed: hour the :bride and! groomutoâ€"lb-e, entered the living room and: were followed by a huge basket, well loaded with ‘beautiful and! useful gifts, showing the high esteem in which these two are held in the community. 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- (partments. 1i1 a«m.â€"Puiblic Worship. “The Greatest Olf Trusts.” 7 pinâ€"Vesper service. One hour Mr. A. Melecci and his choir will render inspiring and seaasonanle‘ music at all services. We extend) a cordial welcome to you and yours. Come and Worship. ’N;:4B.â€"4Camdle Light Service Wedh nesde evening, December 20th. The public invited. Miss Brown, who for some time has been pianist at Brown’s Cornâ€" ers United Church will ‘be greatly missed, but her friends wish her every happiness in her new home. IMiss Dorothy Brown has also re- ceived .several .s‘horwer‘s from her Toronto friends. Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D.. Minister Sunday, Dec. 17th 'lil aam.â€"-“C1hristmas sets the whole World sin-giving.” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 pm.â€"â€"Service in the Anglican Church. We join with our friends. of the Anglican Church in a ser- vice ocf Christmas carols. Jesus was the first great teacher of men who showed a genuine sympathy for childhood. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrxon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmunds Organist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, Dec. 17 Advent 3 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. 3‘ p.m.â€"-Sunday School. 7 pum.â€"+Maunder’s Cantata, “Beth- lehem'” will be rendered: 'by the combined choirs of the Presbe- terian and Anglican Churches un- der the direction of Richard Ed- munds. A real Christmas musii- The public invited. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Dec. 17th BROWN’S CORNERS BROWN’S CORNERS UNITED CHURCH \V.M.Su. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH FARM, 100 acres of good land, lot 30, east 1/2 con. 3, Vaughan twp. known as Jones estate. Good buildi- ings, a brick veneer 7 roomed d‘well- ing with an outer summer kitchen. A bank barn 40x60, pie‘ pen with stalling complete, hen house, colony- house and driving shed. A never failing well. This farm is fenced into 12 acre fields with 6 acres of bush, 2 acres of young orchard, a good variety; 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 acres of fall I‘ve, the ‘balance ploughed. The buildings are beau- tifully surrounded with shade trees, a large well kept lawn, The build- ings are equipped with Delco lights. This farm is situated one mile east of paved road. Must be sold to close the estate. For further infor- mation applv to administrators. Geo. McNair. RE. 2 Maple, or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill, phone 176. 6 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE in Rich- mond Hi1], all modern conveniences. Apply Liberal Office. FARM FOR RENTâ€"$23 per month from Dec. 16th, 51 acres. Heavy clay loam, bank barn, steel roof, chicken house, 7 roamed frame house in good condition. Use of im- ‘plements included and milk contract. 6 acres fall wheat and plowing done. 7 ROOMED HOUSE at Elgin‘ Mills Ap-ply Sheldon Walker, Elgin Mills SIX ROOMED HOUSE, 58 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Comfortable and clean. Moderate rental to good tenant. A. E. Glass, Richmond: Hill, telephone 20. 6 ROOMED HOUSE on Richmond Street, village water. Apply 0. L. Wright, 1 Wright Street, Richmond- W. N. Price, 1/2 mile south of No 7 Highway, 3rd con. Markham. once. VW. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. PIGS FOR SALE, 6 weeks and up, from regisflared boar; also register- ed Ayrshire heifer calves. George Spring, Stap 14A Yonge St, phone Thomhill 149. ' H511, phone '78 DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, pols‘seSSionl at GIRLS’ TU‘B-E SKATES and’ boots; size 5, in' good‘ condition, $1.50. Ap. ply Margaret Allison, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 7. FOR VARLCOSE VEINS use Crouchman’s Liniment. 32 oz. bottle $2.50. You must be satisfied or money refunded at Austin’s Drug Store. ka. HUNDRED CHOICE PULLETS, laying, Legho‘rns, New Hampshire Redls and Rocks. "Would‘ exchange for old‘ fat hens. Will deliver. Bow- erbank, Stop 17A Yonge St., Thorn- hill. TINSMJ‘T‘H TOOLS including ma- chines for crimping and turning pilpe. Apply Mrs. Circus, Riohvale, phone Richmond: Hill 1361121. USED COOK STOVES & furnaces. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge St., Richmond FERRETS, prices reasonable. Carl Full-er, R.R. No. 2 Gormley, phone Stouffville 9106. FRESH APPLE CIDER. Apply J. A. Baker, Lot 1-5, Con. 3 Vaughan, phone Maple 1364. HOLSTEIN BULL, registered, seven months old, herd fully accredited». Apply Arthur Jlackson, Downsview THREE LOTS on North side of Ros‘evi‘ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. SKATES. 1 pr. Hockey Skates, size 9; semiâ€"Speeders, size 71/2; Speeders, size 8. L. C. Burton, 'Carrvil‘le Road, phone Maple 764. QUEBEC COOK STOVE, $8. Stan Hill. YOUNG GEEvSE, alive or dressed. Apply Freeman Barker, Headford, Phone Richmond Hill 4713. R.R. No. 1. Woods, Carl-ville Road RADIO, Spartan, 10 tube, reason- able. Apply J. Wark, corner Carr- ville and Bauhurst. EIGHT PIGS, about 100 lbs. Ap- ply T. S. Treadjwell, west half of lot 26, 2nd con. Markham. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and! 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line em each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. T0 RENT FOR SALE ,"__.many bargains THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1939. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1934 FORD v-8 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" Rumble Seat, Radio, Heater, new- ly painted. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W FRESH EGGS._ Highest prices paid for fresh eggs. Richill Poultry Farm); egg grading station, Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. We pay cash. ‘ 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" Radio, Ford Heater & Defroster. 1936 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Heater & Defroster. S‘CEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. PAINTING 8: DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea. sonable. P. Ingies & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. WORK WANTED ON FARM, dairy 1938 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR â€" Heater -â€" Only 14000 miles. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yea-ex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond preferred, life long experience. Ap- ply Box 96, Liberal Office. SMALL FARM convenient to Rich- mond Hill or Thornh'ill. Atpvply Box 12, Liberal Office. George McNair, Maple R.R. No. 2, or Empire Feed Mil‘ls, Steele’s Cor. ners, phone Willowd‘ale 69'5. PUPILS ACCEPTED FOR Violin, ’Cello, Trumpet Trombone THEORY, HARMONY AND INSTRUMENTATION WELL tems Maple, Hill. QUANTITY FEED O'AT‘S. Apply STRAYED from the premises of T. H. Rae, Carrville Road, Vaughan Tawnship, one deer, a doe, quiet and valued as a pet. Any informa- tion please phone Maple 64,23. BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. Phone Thornhil 73. .Taylor’s Radio Sales And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St... Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios MISCELLANEOUS PERCY A. DRURY WAJNTED ’I‘O RENT DRILLING and Water Syc- installed, Bert Jackson, telephone Maple 577. $595.00 $425.00 $325.00 $625.00 STRAYED WANTED Homes Visited Liberal Office

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