Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1939, p. 8

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RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB POULTRY EUCHRE The Liberal has been requested to draw the attention of its mam} ers to the Poultry Euchre on Weah‘ nesday, December 20th, and lucky admission tickets, under the aus- pices of Richvale Social Cluib, Richâ€" vale School. 15 games 9f euchre. Admission 25c. mezaié szmmrg % § Phone 18 V We Deliver 2% g: at i -: (#3: In": ’1 WW See our display of sturdy Canadian and American made toys for boys and girls PAGE EIGHT F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE China and Silverware Hockey, Ski and Badminton Supplies SEE THE NEW ROGERS RADIOS THROUGH SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH NORTH POLE HEADQUARTERS szé-‘C'Rossfi WILL VISIT ANY HOME IN RICHMOND HILL 0R DISTRICT BY APPOINTMENT ANY TIME BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS EVE. A SMALL CHARGE T0 DEFRAY EXPENSES. AT RICHVALE SCHOOL C ME AND BRING YOUR FRI ND‘ FOR APPOINTMENT APPLY THE LIBERAL OFFICE, TELEPHONE 9 - Santa Claus OF LASTING SATISFACTION [MEI-IBEX GIFTS BRANCH OF RICHVALE “Is HAVING / SILVER FOX DRAW TOYS â€"-â€"-ANDâ€"- S'I‘. MARY'S W.A. FINAL MEETING OF YEAR .The last meeting of the year of St. Mary’s Anglican W.A. will be held at the h':me of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls, Yonge St. on Tuesday next December 19th. Those who have not sent in Centâ€"A-«Meal money for Nov. are asked to do so at this meeting. A record attendance is requested. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rec. tor of St. John's Church, Oak Rr'dges, (presented to His Grace, the Most Rev. D. T. Owen, D.D., Arch- binhop of Toronto and Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada, seventeen Candidates for the Solemn Rite of Confirmation, in St. John’s Chuch, Wednesday, December 6th at 7.30 p.m. Assisting in the service were the Revs. A. J. Forte, F. V. Abibott, J. J. Robbins, and Rural Dean G. O. Lsighhbourne. Before the Layingâ€"on-OLHa-nds, the Choir and Congregation sang “Come Down 0 Love Divine” to Vaughan Will- iamfis tune. The church was crowd~ ed- for the occasion. A basement 74 ft. long. 30 ft‘ Wide, with Walls 8 ft. 6 inches high has been built and the regular roof of the completed [building erected on these walls. This work is to ‘be fully paidI for, and then, as time and money penmrit, steps will be taken to raise the roof and build the flJOO‘I‘ and! walls of the main auditorium. 11: the meantime, the present build:- ing will have a large stage, a kit- chen, with all conveniencas; room‘ for athletics, with a ceiling clear- ance of 16 ft. After the service, the represent. atives of the Building Committee, S. C. Snively, John Chatterly, Roy Driblb and W. J. Whitten, preceded the choir, clergy and congvegation from the church door and guided them into the new Parish Hall, for a short Service of Dedication. The Archbishop commended the commit. tee, congregation and Rector on the sound work done, commenting espe- cially on the strength of the walls. The choir was also highly commend- ed: for its excellent singing, and the new hymns sung. The Parish Hall will not be orfifi~ cial‘ly opened. for some time to come as much of the imterior work re- mains to be done. Nor is the pre~ sent building the completed Hall. The building is attached to the North Chancel wall of the Church. and will eventually consist of a Clergy Vestry, next to the Chancel, and acting as a coupling link be- tween Church and< ball, then for the time being a kitchen under the Vestry, a main hall 28’ x 52" x 1J6’, and a stage 12‘ x 18’. Three Coleâ€" man Radiant Circulators‘, Model 838 will supply the heat, and it is ex- pected that the T. Eaton Co. will suplply the lighting fixtures. Everything possible has been done to keep down expenses. Towards this end, some men and about twelve teams have contributed vol- untary labour. Mr. Roy Dilbb is in charge of the work, receiving able assistance and advice from W. J. Whitten. and others. Howard Heacock, who has for the ‘past few weeks been in Western ‘Hospital having undergone Operation ‘returned home last Sunday. We are bleased to report he will soon be ‘around again. ' The newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tilly, visited with Mr. and Mrs. West over the week-end. Y.P.U. last Sunday evening wasl Live stock men were more than well attended, Charles Robson proâ€"l pleased at the success of the show siding. Meeting opened by singingJ and sale as it gave them an outlet hymn and repeating the Lond's for animals usually shown and sold Prayer. Peter Rogers read the 195- at the Winter Fairs which were son, St. Luke 12:13-21. “The Man cancelled this year when the build- 'Who Wins”, a short poem, was read ings ‘were requisitioned for military ‘by Jean Robson. lC. Robson readI purposes. another poem, “One of God’s Fools". Sale prices were most satisfact- ‘After singing hymn 174 Geoffrey'ory. The T. Eaton Co. purchased Whittle of Laskay, the guest ypeak- l many prize winners in the beef and er, was introduced by the convenor. l lamib divisions, while Canada Pack- Mr. Whittle’s sulbject was "I'hwghxts"1 ers bought the first and second which proved' to be a very thoughtâ€" ; prize pens of hogs. Eatons paid‘ PI‘OVORing discourse that everyone‘firo and 42 cents a pound for the enjoyed. Another pleasing feature Grand and Reserve Champion steers ‘was a. short sing song of favorite of the show, an. Aberdeen-Angus and ‘hyimns. Hymn 285 and the Mizpah‘ Shorthorn, both owned by Thomas IBenediction closed an interesting 1 Henderson, Guelph, who was award; ‘meeting. led the handsome Royal Bank trophy Howard Heacock, who has for the ‘ for Grand Champion animal of the \Past few weeks been in Western Show. Eatons also bought the first ‘Hospital having undergone Operaticmj prize Hereford steer. Mrs. Castator, little Miss Ekeanor, 'Mrs. Munro Stiuners, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sanders, and Mr. Jerry Boyd, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooper Sunday. Mrs. Stimens, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and Mr. Boyd 'had tea with the Carsorls Sunday evening. It is hoped: that the work \md‘er.‘I taken so far will! be fully paid for: this year. Some more money must be raised to ensure this. If you‘ are interestéd’ in St. John‘s, and thel community it .seeks to Serve, and would‘ like to help, please send your contribution, no matter how small,! to Capt. S. C. Snively, R.R. No. 2,’ Amrora. i Friday evening, December 22nd' is the date set for the Christmas Sup- per for the children of the com- mtunity. Mr. and' Mrs. Baden Taggart and Jack Taggart of Detroit were visit. ors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taggart on Thursday, Dec. 7th. OAK RIDGES TESTON Good prizes, lucky draw, will be of inxerest at the Card Party and” Dance in aid of the Thornhill anlch of the Redl Cross Society which will take place on January 11th and 12th 1940, in Lawrence Memorial Hall. Other large buyers at the sale in- cluded- Swift Canadian 00., Rice and Whaley. Toronto; Morantz Beef 00., Montreal; Canadian Dressed Meats, Toronto; Dumart Packing Co., Kitâ€" chener; Danahy 00., Buffalo; E. A. iHales, Guelph; Arthur Talbot, To- ronto; A. Puddy, Toronto; F. J. Bridgman, Weston; Canadfian Abba- toir, Toronto, and Isaac Newton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Izzard of To- the hon Tonto spent last weekend with Thul‘srd‘a Mrs. Seeney. G. R. VROYAL ARCH MASONS ELECT meeting OFFICERS heard f Victoria Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Thornhill. have elected the following officers for 1940: G, Bak- er, Z.; A. R. Hill, I.P.Z.; J. Kerr, H.; J. Stokes,.J.; T. J. Johnstone, S.E.; R. C. Nelles, S.N.; J. E. Fran. cis, treasurer; H. Sparks, D. of C.; J. Davis, M.4V.; J. B. Farley, M.3‘V.; E. Jacques, M.2V.; C. R. Scott, 41V.; W. J. Taylor The Women’s Association met at the home of Miss Minnie Reaman on Dec. 7th with fifteen members and four visitors present. The meetâ€" ing open-ed by singing hymn 5‘7, fol- lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes were read and declared adopted. The business of the meetâ€" ing was transacted, then Mrs. Vanâ€" del‘burg read the scripture, seCOnd chapter of Luke, first fourteen verses, followed by prayer by Mrs. Barton. Mns. Wynn gave a very appropriate reading on Xmas Mess.- age, and Miss Jessie Mitchel fav- oured with two musical selections. Tre treasurer, M115: Walker, gave a splendid: report. The roll call was responded with “How can. 1 best J. !Mi11.s, D ‘Cheeselworthw Terry, terr. kee‘p Christmas?” Mr. McDonald' took the chair for election of off. icers for the next year. Officers are as fOIIOWS: Hon. Pres, Mrs. Mc- Donald and Mrs. Hancock; Presiâ€" dent, Mrs. W. Kefifer; Viceâ€"Presiâ€" dent, Mrs. Wynn; Sec., Mrs. Wark; Treas., Mrs. Walker; Cor. Sec., Mns. E. Bone; organist, Mrs. Clark; Asst, Mrs. Vanderburg; flower and sick- ness cem., Mrs. Middleton, Miss Rea- man, Mrs. Durie; sewing convenor, Mrs. Vanldlenburg; audlitors, Mr. Keffer and Mr. Vandenburg, The meeting ciOSed with the bene- diction followed by a lunch iserved‘ ’by the hostess assis>teti (by Mrs. Wark, Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. Clarke. A Christmas tree for children of the Bingo Club members will be held at the home of Mrs. Stan Woods Saturday, December 16th. Tlhere: will .be gifts for all the kiddies and the usual store otf good things. New Members of the Bingo club will be made welcome any time. Approximately $28,000 was real- ized from the sale of 262 cattle, 60 sheep and 60 swine following the commercial live stock show at Union Stock yards, Toronto, sponsored by the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair. Live stock men were more than pleased at the success of the show and sale as it gave them an outlet for animals usually shown and sold at the Winter Fairs which were cancelled this year when the build- ings ‘were requisitioned for military purposes. Ontario live stock men more than pleased at success of Provincial Winter Fair commercial show and sale at Union Stock Yard-s. The champion pen of lambs, own- ed by Silver Stream Farms, Rich- mond Hil'l, brought 34 cents a pound from Eatons, while Canada Packers paid 14 cents a pound for the prize hogs raised by Geo. A. Wilkinson of Alliston. EXHIBITORS GET $28,000 AT CATTLE SHOW SALE Thornhill CARRVILLE 83.; W. Kerr, 8.8.: L. McKay and G stewards; A. W Mr. McDonald‘ ! Brown. The Christmas pavty, when gifts we‘ve exchanged between the memâ€" bers, was most entertaining and} ’many good wishes expressed for a happy holiday season. A delightful leading by Mrs. W. J. Russel and 'the singing of Christmas cards were feature-s on the program. Fol- lowing- the program refreshments 'were served by the hostesses, Mrs. 'C. H, Shiver, Mrs. W. J. Perkin, ers. A. K. Harrinngmon‘ andi Mrs. J. Brown. {Such a lot of strange whisperings, Members of the local branch oflvi‘ the Women’s Institute put care and tl-oulble behind and entered fullyi‘M into the holiday spirit at the annual gL Cha'isbmas party held at the De- la cemlber meeting when they met at l the home of Mrs. C. H. Shiver on‘TBi Thursday last. The president, Mrs. m G. R. Whaley was in charge of the of meeting. Splendid reports were w heard from the annual convention in held recently in Toronto. The d-elle- fr gates were Mrs. W. J. Perkin, Mrs». E. E. Braithwaite and Mrs. .11: WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT going the round, Not gossip, ‘but laughter is the» ac- companying sound; 'T'iliere’s a lot about fairies and an- ' gels and stars, And funny wee folkâ€"«vellâ€"jwst hop in youq' cars And on next Wednesday night come to the Town Hall, R’s the Public School concert, there’s a glad welcome for all. Next week “cruises to be a busy one for Unionville, Tuesday evening the Veterans annual Christmas tree, Wed-enisd'ay the Public School Con- cert, Thursc’wy the Hockey Bows Euchre, Friday the United! Church Sunday School Christmas Concert. We recommend each. one for a. good entertainment“ and, as C'hrismmas comes but once a year, it would be folly to pass up any of the fun, The White Gift Serv‘ce held in Oentnai United1 Church proved very inspirational and the generous re- spouse to the call for those less fortunate was apprec‘ated. Rev. W. Wilson of the King Street mission was‘ the guest speaker and gave his listeners information about the splendxidv work accomplished there. The Sunday School met along- with the congregation and had a s‘p‘eci‘ai part in the ~ervice. U‘n'iomrille is indeed honored to- have so many celebrating wedding: anniversaries ccf note. On Saturday next, Mr. and Mrs. ‘C. E. Stiver will celdbrate their fifty-fourth annivers_ ary. Both are we“ known through- Out rthe viicinity for rtheir kind-1y friendship to many friends who at this time extend most hearty con- gratulations and [best wishes for many years more of association to- gather. Mr. and M1“. Stiver have resided continuously in Uniomrille since their marriage. 0n: the Sun-day following, Mr. and Mms. John Miller will celebrate their fortyreighth, Wedldling‘ anniversary, and! congratulations also go to this splendid cowple who also have chos- en. to Make Uniomville their home for many years. Mr. Miller has been a well know builder and; com- hractolr in this district and along with his genial partner has algo 'made many friends who are happy indeed to have had the pleasure of association with them. The Liberal joins in extending best wishes; to ‘both Mrr. and Mrs. Stiver and Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The annual meeting of the Cen~ trasl United Women-’9 Association will be held in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday next. Kindly note change of date. Election of oflficers and reports of different committees will be important busi- ness. wIi.e;xvl.vGox‘d011 Duncan and Miss‘ lAnnfie Duncan 04f Warlcworth were (guests of Mrs. R. A. Stiver this week. Mr. and: Mrs. Russell Coulson of Oshawa and family were guests of 'Mrs. D. ‘Coulson over the week-end. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Robb. Shiver, C. E. Stiver and Mrs. F. 'Mr. James Thompson. Toronto. Cou'lson: *Tuesd‘ay Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Murphy at- tended the funeral of Mrs. J. Ellis, Toronto, on Wednesday. Mr. Cliff Hartman, formerly- of the JBan‘k of Commerce here, now living in Pe‘berboro, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Wedâ€" nesday. The annual Christmas concert held under the auspices of BetheSda Lutheran Church will ‘be given on Sunday evening, December 24 com,- memcing at 7 oklo-ck. A cordial in.â€" :Mrs. F. S. Pollard; spend; the week- end! in Belleville. iMns. A. E. Milan-er andv Miss Stella were fforonto visitors on' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1939. Unionvme I Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen [IO a.m.â€"C4hurch School. ‘11 a.m‘â€"‘“'Th-e Christmas Call to vitafi‘lom is given. to attend. ‘ Col. S‘traight, Mr. G. Size and 'JIiss Ruiby Emrpringham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble last week. It is rumored that Mr. Harry Boadrway will have charge of the new service station at the corner of Kennedy Road and No. 7 High- way. Mr. Boadlway is well known ’in this vicinity and his many friends wish him every success. Worship.” 7 p.rm.â€"â€"“Scrooge.” 8.15 panâ€"Fireside Gathering 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. ‘ 2.30 pmn.â€"â€"“The Christmas Call to Read the “ads” â€" Many bargains every week. Worship.” EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH “ She didn’t realize that I couldn’t get away ” “She says here, she’ll be home to-night I ” by LONG DISTANCE And it’s so easy too. Your call is on its way in a few seconds, your destination reached in the twinkling of an eye. Use low Night Rates applying every evening alter seven (and all day Sunday as well). and place “Anyone” calls. Sometimes you think older people are foolish to worry â€" but somehow you feel better when you’ve brought calm and peace to anxious minds â€" Is there anything more worrying than waiting? One voice inside you says: “Dan”! be silly, she’s all right . ." And another voice whispers: “Perhaps she’s had an accident . . . oh dear, what shall I do?” But when you hear her voice on the telephone you know all is wellâ€" you thank heaven for Long Distance service â€" you realize how easy it is to keep in touch â€" and you like people who do. “I would have stayed up all night!”

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