Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1939, p. 5

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WW$§§B§Q§WE ers. Dorcas Tair returned to Whitby on Monday after spending a On Wednesday evening the W.A. had their regular meeting. After a short program consisting of a solo, instrumental and‘ a Christmas story which was much enjoyed by all those present, they held their election of officers. Those elected for 1940 are as follows: President, Mrs. E. Caseâ€" ley; 1st Vice, Mrs. H. F. Collardc' 2nd Vice, Miss Maibel Sanderson; Sec., Mrs. Ross Nichols; Treas., Mrs. Herman Mortson; Grounds Commit- tee, Mrs. H. Collard, Misses M. San- derson and M. ‘Caseley; Visiting and Flower Comm, Mrs. Ross Kline}, Mrs. H. MoCague, Mrs. Perkins; Church Decorating Com” Miss M. Caseley, Mrs. H. Forster; Temperance, Mrs. H. McCague; League of.Nations, Mrs. P. Willows; Pianist, Miss M. Sanderson, Mrs. R. Perkins; Song Lead'ers, Mrs. H. Mchague Miss Dorothy Oliver; Auditorsf‘Mrs. A. Buchanan, Mrs. Lena Meek; Grouo Leaders, Mrs. H. Collard; Miss l . Sanderson, Mrs. A. Buchanan, Mrs. George Dennis, in order named. W§a§a§a§r§§a§agfia§a§m§a§afi§fiz g: Thank You, and a Merry Christmas to All. h§a§a§fii well, Mrs. Thos. Reid, Mrs. Eliza- beth Boynton, Mrs. George Brown; President, Mrs. Heber iMcCague; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. Margaret Haig, Mrs, Ross Nichols; Sec, Mrs. Ralph Boynton; Treas., Mrs. Ross Klinck; Sec. of Christian Stewardship, i rs. Rolphv Boynton; Fin. Com., Mrs. L. Nichols, Mrs. Ida Nichols, Mrs. Wm. Smith; Sec. of Temperance and Christian Citizenship, Mrs. Acreman; ec. of Missionary Monthly, Mrs. tanley Boynton; Com. of Friend- ship and Associate Helpers Sec., Mrs. McRoberts and‘ Mrs. MacDon- aid; Mission'BandI Sec., Mrs. Mar- garet Haig; Assistant, Mrs. H. Col- lard‘; Baby Band Sec., Mrs. Robert Beatty; AileiSOI‘y President of Mis- sion Circle, Mrs. H. Collard; Pianist, Mrs. Rolph Perkins; Assistant, Miss M. Sanderson; Press See, Mrs. Herb Smith; Supply Sec., Mrs. Geo. Den- Iris; Supply Com., Mrs. MoRoberts. ’ers. Knapp, Mrs. Valliere; Social Com, Miss M. Sanderson, Mrs. E. Caseley, Mrs. Herman Mortson. The W.lM.VS. had their annual meeting last Wedmesday afternoon at the parsonage. After the reports and general business had been taken care of the officers for 1940 were elected. The results were as, follows: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. Ida Nichols, Miss Hopper, Mrs. Wilmot Brum- Sunday was White Gift Sunday in our Sunday School. During the playing of “Away in a Manger” the primary class all marched from their , room, some with two, some with three little white gifts. After tak- ing the platform they repeated a little verse in unison about giving at Christmas, then marched down from the platform and placed their gifts in a large white the); prepared by their teachers (Mrs. Collard and Mrs. MdCague) for the same. There were also two small tables at back of the SS. laden with gifts from the older members of the school. Mr. Hunnisett would surely be pleased to receive so many for hllS work from this rural school. week visiting with friends here. Q Well, another W.A. supper is over. While it is rather a busy time for church suppers, still a good program ard social evenings will bring out some people. The committee in ‘charge of the December supper were [pleased to see so many out on Mon- day night and wish to thank all those who helped in any way to make the evening a success. Every thing was donated and the amount added to our treasurer’s roll was $10.90. We are sorry to report that Gorâ€" don Sanderson is again in the Sic: Children’s Hospital. I’m sure it is the wish of everyone that he will soon be able to be back to school THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2lst, 1939. Yonge Street The Good Will of the Christmas Season re- minds us of your good will throughout the year for which we give heartfelt thanks. May happiness and prosperity and success attend you throughout the coming year. As we come to another Christmas Season I wish to express to all our citizens my sincere thanks for their co-operation through- out the year, and my best wishes for a Very Merry Christmas. J. A. GREENE, Reeve Victoria Square‘ News . R. HERRINGTON VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Greetings &%%WWW Soviet scientists, uszng nature's refrigerator in the Arctic for their experiments, have been seeking to locate the boundary between life and death for many years. I Miss Doreen Klinck spent last: lweek-end with her sister, Mrs. Bakâ€" er at Gormley. We are sorry to hear that Philip Rummy is sick with a bad‘ cold and is not able to attend school these Species of water plants and fungi and: also soil bacteria were found in a state of suspension in the fro-c- en soil strata of Eastern Siberia near the bones of extinct mammoth bison. It is reported that living organâ€" isms dating back 20,000 years have been revived by Soviet scientists arr- ter a long sleep in frozen soil. REVIVED AFTER 200 CENTURIES Su‘bscribe for The Liberal. $1.50 per year. Congratulations to Miss Beatty, Mr. ’I‘russell, Miss Fuller and Mr. Gohn Who were married at the «arâ€" sonage on Saturday. Our tbesrt Wishes go with both couples. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Mabel and Mrs. Tarr had tea with Mr. and? Mrs. Valliere and family on Sunday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols, Lillâ€" ian, Marion and George, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee, Shirley, Ronald' and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumrwell, Willbur andJ Denton were all guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilm'ot Brumwell last Thursday night at a Christmas dinner. Miss Dorothy Valliere was home over the week.end. is 11 days Don’t forget the Christmas Con- cert in the hall December 23rd. A program of songs, drills, plays, etc. is being provided by members of the Sunday School. Sunday, December 24 is Christmas Sunday. Mr. MacDonald has a Christmas message for all who come. Try and be present. Please remind your Christmas week visitors that the J.F.A. an-dt J.W.I. are having a crokinole andl euchre party in the hall on Friday, December 29th at 8 o’clock sharp. Ladies provide. Gents pay as you play. Dancing after. Don’t forget the Christmas Con- We are sorry to report that Gorâ€" don Sanderson is again in the Sic: Children’s Hospital. I’m sure it is the wish of everyone that he will soon be able to be back to school and' playing-as is his nature to do. This is his second operation within four months. and social evenings will bring out some people. The committee in charge of the December supper were pleased) to see so many out on Mon- day night an& wish to thank all those who helped in any way to Richmond Hill mon. Christmas Hymns and Carols at both services. Monday, Christmas Day 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Choral Communion. Christmas calls us back to the fund- amental truth of our religion ~â€" that God has visited His people. Let us adore Him. mom. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.mâ€"Evenin~g Prayer and Ser- Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon.*L.Th. 4 Markham Road Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmunds Organist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, Dec. 24th Advent 4 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- A New Year’s dance will be held in Maple Concert Hall, New Year’s Night, Monday, January lst. Dyer’s Swing Band. Everyone invited. Adâ€" mission 25 cents. Under auspices of the Concert Hall Committee. Rev. J. D. Gunninng, B.D., Minister December 24, Christmas Sunday 11 a.m.â€"â€"“Wi11 the Story ever lose its Wonder.” Children meet with us for this service. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“”Dwas the Night Before Christmas.” Special Christmas Carols. We will be assisted at this service by the Richmond Hill Orchestra. The regular meeting of the Lions Clmb will be held tonight at the Rustic Inn. The feature of the even- ing will be an “information please" program in charge of Lion W. W. Trench. NEW YEAR’S DANCE AT MAPLE 11 a.m.â€"White Gift Service. Grand‘ Rally of Sunday School and con- gregation. Christmas music and Christmas message. 7 p.m.â€"Christmasi Eve service. One hour. Candle Light pro-gram re- peated and. carol singing by choir and congregation. You and your visiting friends invited to join us in our services of worship. A Joyous Christmas to all. N.B.â€"Frida_v evening at 8. Sunday School entertainment and Chrism- mas Tree. Saturday afternoon. Primary Sunday School Christmas Tree andI concert. Parents and’ friends invited. The Primary Sunday School of the United Church will hold their Christâ€" mas entertainment on Saturday, Deâ€" cember 23rd in the School Room at 3 o’clock. A hearty invitation is extended to mothers and babies, also interested friends. I A very enjoyable time was spent on Saturday night when Ruby Irish entertained the girls from the Mayâ€" fair Mfg. Co. of Richmond Hill to a Turkey dinner. The table was beautifully decorated with Richmond Roses which were later presented to the hostess. After a very enjoy- alble time at the dinner table, good‘ old Santa appeared at a beautifully decorated tree and presented each one of the guests with a gift. after which a sing song of Christmas carols and games were enjoyed‘with our chaperon, (Mr. F. Spencer), at the piano. Those present were Margaret Ireland, Doris Leno‘, Mary Stephenson, Ruth Tenyson, Ruth Smithy, Mildred Haworthv and Mrs. Taylor. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor December 24, Christmas Sunday Music which was sung at the Candle Light Service on Wednesday will be repeated by the United Church choir next Sund‘ay evening. The school choir will again be preâ€" sent to sing from the gallery of the church. There will also be special Christmas music at the morning serâ€" vice. Rev. C'. W. and‘ Mrs. Follett at. tended the funeral of the late Mr. Arthur W. Farr of Woodibrid’ge on Monday last. The families have been fast friends ever since Mr. Follett was pastor there many years ago. His many friends will be glad to know that Mr. J. Lunau was able to walk over to have a visit with Mr. and' Mrs. ‘C. P. Wiley Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and- Mrs. Carl Swanson, Oak Ridges, left to-day for a three weeks holiday at Flint, Michigan and. other American centres. UNITED CHURCH PRIMARY SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Social and Personal RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHU RCE ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB (Anglican) THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, was a prominent prize winner in Southd‘own .Sheep at the Chicago In- bernational Livestock Exposition. The Patterson sheep which are well known for their fine qualities in all parts of the continent make an ex- cellent showing- in keen competition. The showing- of Southd‘owns was particularly large this year and was said' by many stockmen to be the strongest ever seen at Chicago. There were as many as 28 entries in the ewe lamb class and other sec- tions were proportionately well fill- ed. The Don Head Southdowns won the following prizes: Ram, 2 years or over, lst; Ram, 1 year old, lst, 2nd, 3rd; Ram lam-b, 1st, 4th; Chams. pion ram and reserve chamrpion ram (Champion ram on same lamb that was champion last year); Erwe 1 year old, 4th, 5th; Ewe lamb, 1st. 2nd, 5th; Reserve Champlon ewe: Pen of 3 ram lamlbs, lst; Pent of 3 ewe lambs, lst; Four animals,, get-of-one-sire, lst; Flock, lst. The annual Markham township nomination meeting will be held at Unionville Friday afternoon, and present, indications are that' there will not be any election. Reeve Rena nie and all members of council aye standing for re_election and there has. been little indication of outside opposition. T. Stephens.was won by Miss Eve- lyn Kenswill, Elgin Mills, ticket No. 146. Mr. Ro‘wden of Richvale won the satin bound blanket for aggre- gate score. There will be another blanket for aggregate score for Januaer and February, euchres starting January 8th. ' Richvale Red Cross want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. RICHVALE RED CROSS At the euchre held in Richvale School, Monday, December 18th, the Silver Fox Fur donated‘ :bv Mrs. E. Audited and! approved, F. Hoover, Allan W. Walker The Richmond Hill Red’ Cross So.- ciety is planning to hold a bridge and euchre in the High School Audi- torium on the evening of January 12, 1940, proceeds in aid of the Red Cross. Reserve the date and watch for further notice. Cash in Bank DON HEAD SOUTHDOWNS WIN MANY PRIZES AT CHICAGO Expenditures up to Nov. 30, 1939 Supplies pint-chased . . . . . . . . $188.89 Overseas boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.87 Royal Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Frolic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.95 Receipts up to Nov. 30th», 1939 Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $267139 Membership Fees . . . . . . . . . . 29.75 WooL Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.86 Royal Motion Pictures . . . . . 39.00 Receipts re Sale at Mrs. Plewman’s Frolic The following is a complete list of the finished supplies made by the Richmond Hill Red Cross from Sept. 8th to Dec. 15th, 1939: 139 pairs 01 socks, 3 pullover srweaters, 4 scarfs, 8 w‘ris-tlets, 143 pillow covers, 55 sheets, 11 pairs pyjamas, 36 albdomâ€" inal binders, 18 wash. cloths, 160 triangle slings. The following is a copy of the auditors’ statement as presented on Wednesday, December 13th: Name ELOCU'I‘iONNAaIréd DR'AMAlec T V “Homewood Hall” Thomhill Address I GUESS The following will be the members of Richmond Hill Mun- icipal Council for 1940: (Graduate of the Owen A. Smin Studio) Red Cross Notes MARKHAM NOMINATIONS MARGUERITE BOYLE CANADIAN RED GROSS RICHMOND HILL BRANCH COUNCILLORS REEVE $645.07 $645.07 menu I 1 me there .kLsid'e 'hvale 1, the :5. E. Eve- t No. u%%%%%%%%% . D 3 322.62 322.45 17.05 281.02 A social half hour was arranged tbv Miss Topper. To break a tie, Miss Topper and Mr. Jack MCICal- lum drew for the class attendance prize, the former being successful. wWWEgzgsgwmw During the; evéning‘. Mr. Sfpwart of Toronto gave an- interesting g‘d’nâ€" dress on Visyal Aid. also condurtmg‘ a moving picture projector demonâ€" stration. Christmas carols were sung by a group of young- girls unh der the direction: of Miss Thelma; Shore and an appropriate Christmas reading was contributed by Mrs. G. Bagg. gmzmw HOME AND SCHOOL PRESENT GIFT TO REV. AND MRS. ROE Woodibridge Home and School Asâ€" sociation honoured‘ the Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Roe with a farewell gift when the regular monthly meeting was held last week. An address accomâ€" Danying the presentation was read by Mrs. W. E. Berry, past presiâ€" dent of the group. a vocal trio, the Misses Mildred Liv- ingston, Wilda. Huson, and Eleanor Wallace. Community singing was led by Miss Orpha Farr and accomâ€" panists for the evening were Mr. Alvin Wood and Mliss Jean- Lawrie. Directed by their teacher, Miss! Margaret Exavns, the pupils offered patriotic numbers, a drill, dialogues, a Christmas pageant, etc. These presentations were followed by musâ€" ical selections and a play “In May With June”, the latter enacted [by the following ex-nupils: Miss Jeanl Troyer, Miss Gladys Armstrong,‘ iMiss Bernice Watts. Miss Mildredl Livingston. Jack Bo'dvdy, Ernest Root, . Everard Kellam and: Lorne Kellam.| The musical contributions included‘ vocal solos by Miss Orpha Farr anidi Stewart McLaren, and selections by! Pupils and (exâ€"pupils presented a splendid programme when the first Christmas Concert was held in the new school in 8.8. No. 13, Vaughan, LastrFl‘iday evening. Former deputyâ€"reeve and councilâ€" l‘or of Vaughan Township and highly esteemed and well known citizen of the district who died Saturday, De- cember 16th. The funeral h-e-ld Monâ€" day afternoon from Womflbridge United Church was very largely at. tended by friends and relatives. FIRST CHRISTMAS CONCERT IS HELD IN NEW SCHOOL WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27. 28 RALPH RICHARDSON. LU'RENCE OLIVIER. VALERIE HOBSON “ CLOUDS OVER EUROPE ” Spv melodrama. This is a sparkling mystery. By all means for the entire family, cleal. Wholesome. dramatic. funny} Excellent entertainment for the whole family. Told in terms of laughter and drama. Done in beautiful technicolor. RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR Phone 119 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 23 JOHN CARROLL. MARTIN SPELLMAN, KAY LINAKER in “ I AM A CRIMINAL ” An interesting dramatic story. An absorbing social drama LATE ARTHUR W. FARR TO ONE AND ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS An action melodrama of modem merit Also JEAN ROGERS, RAYMOND WALBURN in “ HEAVEN WITH A BARBED WIRE FENCE ” COMEDY DRAMA â€" WITH A WESTERN TOUCH To my clientelle_and all the people of the dis- trict we extend our sincere Christmas Greetings with best wishes for much joy and happiness at this festive season. SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT MONDAY 8; TUESDAY. DECEMBER 25, 26 DON AMECHE. ALICE FAYE in “ HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE ” A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL TODAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 “'ALTER PIDGEON, VIRGINIA BRUCE in “ STRONGER THAN DESIRE ” ADDED SPECIAL ATTRACTION A CRIME DOES NOT PAV SERIES “ DRUNK DRIVING ” DON’T MISS IT GREETINGS MISS E. ANDERSON ST. JOHN’S, OAK RIDGES Sunday, December 24th 11.10â€"Car01 Service. Christmas Day 9 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. vice. 10.30 p.m.â€"Midmight Communion. Candlelight Service. «zlgegzgwgzmtam SEASON’S GREETINGS WW§3W Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES ON PERMANENT WAVES HILLCREST BEAUTY PARLOR Hairdressing and Beauty Cultuse 93 Yonge St., Richmond Hm WHEN YOU TRAVEL 44f Mala/L Goes/z [OW ROUND TRIP FARES betWEeâ€"nâ€" TORONTO and Buffalo . . . . . . . . 3 5.05 Ottawa . . . . . . . . $ 9.45 Montreal . . . . . . $12.00 G. A. DONNELLY. tel. 1.17 ST. STEPHEN’S, MAPLE Sunday, December 24th m.â€"Chi1d'ren’s Christmas Set. Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE

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