Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Dec 1939, p. 3

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From the Toronto Conservatory of .Mnsic, will accept a number of pupils m Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Thirty Years Experience Formerly withl Heintzman Company Leave O'rders at Au'ilti_r1"§_Drug Store formerly @f Wm. Cook, Cook 5; Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federai Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"«15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THQRAHILL AND UNIONVILLE Barxjis‘cem, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office; 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmund St. West. Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current. Rate foice 229 T. H. Lines BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, &c. Officeâ€"~86 Yonge'St” Richmond Hill Telephone 193 , Tuesday & Thursday afternoons Wednesday & Saturday evenings '7 to 9 DJ“. Toronto Office-~26 Queen East Telephone ELgin 2838 Wednesday 3-6 p.m. THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 p.m. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bohs. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street -~~ Toronto Barristers. Solicitors. etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yongva Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken. K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redman, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. VOL. LVIV. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BA RRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. Alexander MacGregor K.-C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2321 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St. Toronto Phone WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 42 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL McGuire, Boles & Co. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" a w 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones '. Bloomfield Jordan Richard Edmunds_ 21 CENTRE ST. WEST ‘ Phone 264 Wright & Taylor Morgan L. Piper Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. UNIONVILLE George Mulock, Milliken, "Clark & Redman Adelmo Melecci Walter S. Jenkins Thomas Delany Campbell Line Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman MUSICAL BUSINESS WANT ADS CO‘ AND DISCOVER MULTITUDE OF NEEDS mge W. Cross iano Tuner VOICE Telephone 186 fihhfiwnd Hi1] Residence 148 REEVE ROBERT W. SCOTT AND ALL MEMBERS OF EVAUGHAN TWP. COUNCIL EEEOTED BY ACCLAMATION ONLY MEMBERS OF OLD COUNCIL NOMINATED AS RATE- I’AYERS EXPRESS SATISFACTION WITH WORK OF THE PAST YEAR Reeve Robert W. Scott and all: members bf Vaughan Township; council were returned by acclama-f tion for the fifth conseqtive year‘ at the annual nomination meetingI held at Vellore last Friday. It was the quietest nomination in many years and no names were placed‘ in‘ nomination except the members of‘ the past year‘s council. Less‘ than sixty ratepayers attend-ed which was I the smallest crowd in the memory of those present. However the small attendance was taken as indicative not of slackening interest in municL- pal affairs but as evidence of the general satisfaction of the ratepay- ers with the work of the 1939 coun- cil and their wish for an acclamaâ€" tion. i George Brownlee was named as chairman for the meeting following the ocfficial nomination and ably filled the office as was evidenced by three hearty cheers for the chairman at the conclusion of the meeting. The chairman first called on clerk and treasurer J. M. McDonald' who gave a clear, concise and thorough statement of township finances. The treasurer complimented the ratepay- ers ‘on the record of tax payment this year which by Decemlber 15th attained 83 per cent of the total YIAPLE Office Hrogr_s _9__â€" £1 Telephone 24 Centre St. E_ W oodbridge (Womcn and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 p.111. Appointments made Phone 100 AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON AUC’I‘IONEER Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill Phone 92R .22 Yrmge S} Richmond Hii DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFI‘ J‘. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- ducted by the most approved methods Ofiice hours 10 â€" 12 5.5.11. “R. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Drs. Wilson & Wilson 10.30 .. 12 a.m. â€" 3 - . Tuesfl Thurs. and Sat. 6“: DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 9-10.303.m.â€"â€"1_31 Mom, Wed. and Fri. 6 - DR. W. J. WILSON FIRE __ AUTHM’dBiLE â€" LIFE Dr. C’. A. MacDonald DENTIST DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office 9â€"10 a.m Prentice & Prentice Dr, R. A. Bigford Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J. Quigley {Hours 9 â€" 11 am; 6 - 8 p13. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF Dr. W. J. Mason Drs° Langstaff J. Carl Saigeon ) 21.15.:71721â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.111. and bv appomtment“ R. H. KANE MEDICAL AUCTIONEERS Office Hours Telephone 80 Successor to J. P. \VILSON DENTIST Insurance Richmond Hill Nights‘ 147 ’Phone 77 Phone 3 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1939. levy, the highest record of payment in recent years. He pointed out that the total levy this year was the low- est in many years and the financial standing at the end of the year was very satisfactory and showed considâ€" eraibile improvement in comparison to past years. There had been a reâ€" duction in outstanding taxes which on December 15th totalled $18,229.00. He told of looking through old town- shiplr-e-cords and coming across one of the old collectors’ rolls which showed all taxes collected except $1.47. This was in comparison to more recent years when unpaid taxes attained sizeable proportions. Howâ€" ever he was pleased to say this year showed improvement. Interesting facts gleaned from the financial statement were that sheep claims this year amounted to only $85.00, the lowest in many years. Interest on loans totalled $780.39, the lowest in some years. The highest borrowâ€" ings this year amounted to only $17,- 000 while in some years not so far back the borrowings from the lbank amounted as high as $54,000.00. Reeve R. W. Scott thanked the electors for their continued aolncfid- en-ce. He said earlier he “had thought: of retiring but public sentiâ€" ment seemed, to favor an acciamwa- 'tion‘ for the entire council and he re- considered and decided to stand if it was the wish of the people of Vaughan township. He said he was pleased with the pnorg'ress of things this year both as they related to township and county affairs. In the county the budget was balanced on the .pay as you go system which he thought as the only safe and sound municipal policy. In the coming year the c0unty levy might be increased to meet cost of anticipated donation to the Red Cress of 85000 per month. However, he said, I am sure the people of Vaughan in common with the people throughout the county we ‘must make sacrifice in our efforts here to help the Empire and her Alli-es win the war in which we are ’nlow engaged. In the township we lhave had the best year since I have been Reeve. The material put on the roads this year cost $1.16 per yard laid‘ down. In concluding Reeve Scott thanked the ratepayers for their continued confidence and ex- tend-ed compliments of the season ‘to all. ' Deputy-Reeve Boynton Weldrick said at one time he thought of runn- ing for Reeve for 1940 [but the feel- ing seemed to favor an acclamation so he was quite content to stand for re-election as Deputyâ€"Reeve. The past year was a most successful one in every particular, in fact he thought it was the most pleasant and most successful he spent in council. During the year the council had sponsored the formation of a Game lPreserve and he was confident the new plan met with the approval of the great majority of ratepayers. ‘This being the first year the plan was in operation there was no doubt some improvement could be made next year, but he H1ng in the \mai-n the game wardens and offiâ€" cials had carried‘ out their duties in a satisfactory manner. Speaking of roads he said‘ during the year there had been a lot of gravel put on and maintenance of the highways was not neglected. Councillor John Hostrawser, re- elected ‘by acclamation: as councillor said he thought the financial stateâ€" ment spoke for itself on the record of the past year. Culvert and ‘bridge expenditure in the year amounted to $2265, a little more than the last few years but all were needed and he thought the improvement on the Teston sideroad was well worthwhile in eliminating- a particularly danger. ous spot. He said the past year had been very pleasant and it was a matter of satisfaction to have had such a successful year. Councillor James Robson said that never in- his experience had he faced so many empty seats on nomination day, however he thought the change in day of nomination and the gen- eral satisfied feelings of the rate- payers had more to do with the small attendance than lack of interâ€" lest. Asavconsrtructive suggestion for future consideration he pointed out that the mankng of all concession roads and s'ideroacflsl, and the placing of name plates on farm gates would ibe a great convenience in these days of motor travel. He said it had been suggested to him that the township put up r-oadi signs and‘ that farmers be urged: to erect name plates at their gates. J. A. Dick said! he was completing‘ 5 years as a councillor and this was the best year yet. When he entered council he said he had three aim's, ‘machine gravel, systematic maintenâ€" ance all over the township, and gram vel for the" roads l‘oy tender. All have been accomplished andl he was hope- fu-l they would' be always a part of Vaughan township road policy. He interspersed his remarks with a couple of humorous stories and exâ€" tendedl to all the ratepayers best wishes for the festive season. ‘ The chairman called on ex-reeve .T‘ohn Whi’rlmore who complimented the council on their reelection by acclamation and on their fine finanâ€" cial statement. Chairman Brownlee said’ he was sure the aoclamation accorded the council would; meet the wishes of the ratepayers. “I think !they’re five as good ‘men as we could get. They work harmoniously to- gether and have accomplished splenâ€" did results for Vaughan," he said. ‘The meeting concluded' with the naâ€" _tional anthem. Nominations were as follows: For Reeve: Rolbert W. Scott by George Brownlee aan 'C. H. Ruther- Ifordl; Boynton Weldrick by Alex lCameron and Edward Seager. l ReturnedI by acclamation for his fifth year as: Reeve of Vaughan Township. For Deputyâ€"Reeve: Boynton‘ Wel- drick by J. D. Hadrwen and George Thomas; John Hostraster 'bv James Stephenson and Lorne Weldrick. For CounciIJOrs: Jvohn Hostrawser by Sam MK-(C’Iure and Winn. Thomas; James Robson bv George Brownlee and A. L. McNeil; J. A. Dictk by C. Nattress and' Archie Cameron. “Because every ti makes a little prog BOYNTON WELDRICK Accorded his fifth consecutive ac. clamation as Deputy - Reeve of Vaughan Township. Why do y'Ou call you ROBERT W. SCOTT me he calls n ress. end There is a straight two man fight for the York townsth Peeveship, Reeve MacRare Ibein‘g' opposed by Deputy-Reeve Cashman. all Reeve Earl Toole and members of Whitchurch Township council have been elected by acclamation for the coming year. Reeve C. C. Do-wney has been elected! by acclamaition for his third term as Reeve of Swansea. This is his tenth acclamation in bweflvp years in municipal life. Toronto electors have an election on‘ their hands for New Year’s Day. ‘Mayor Ralph Day is opposed by Lewis Duncan, an unsuccessful "and- idate of last year. Duncan is a sucâ€" cessful lawyer, a brilliant and talâ€" entedl speaker and» although having no d‘aily newspaper sup-port he faces a difficult task he will poll a large number of votes. John G. MloD-onaldi, a native of Vaughan Township, was honored last week on‘ completing thirty years ser- vice as public school principal in Aurora. On behalf of the citizens Mayor Walton presented Mr. Mc- Donald With a beautiful writing desk and) Frank Underhill on behalf of the Board of Education presented; Mrs. McDonalcl with a beautiful ‘bouâ€" quet of ’mums. In speaking at the presentation Dr. Devins said “this;; is not a sad occasion. Mr. McDon- ald is just' in the middle of his car. eer, we will hire him for another thirty years.” WWWOOWWW .0 A Happy New Year W T0 the Elecmrs of Vaughan Twp. R. W. SCOTT, Reeve BOYNTON WELDRICK, Deputy-Reeve JOHN HOSTRAWSER, Councillor JAMES ROBSON, Councillor J. A. DICK, Councillor GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :â€" We wish to express to the ratepayers of Vaughan our thanks and appreciation for the fine expression of continued confidence shown in our election by acclamation for the coming year. As the financial statement presented to the ratepayers at the annual nomination meeting shows, our Township is in a splendid financial position, and during the past year that position has been considerably improved and strengthened. During the past year it has been our aim to give our best attention and best judgment to municipal business and carrying on the various township services. That our efforts have merited your approval is a matter of genuine satisfaction to us. During the coming year we will endeavour to carry on in such a manner as to merit your continued confidence, and we assure you that all matters of township business and administration will have our very best attention. a white Christmas after To all the people of the Township of Vaughan we extend Greetings and Best Wishes that lthe year about to dawn will be one of happiness and prosperity for all. THANKS Not since pioneers began to take weather records in Ontario 99 years ago has there been such a s‘nowless fall and winter as this year up until last Thursday when snow came just in time for Christmas. | ‘_ Sarm. Hunter, who passed away in Toronto last week was Canada’s out. standing cartoonist, his caricatures of Sir John A. Macdonald, Cart- wright and‘ others being works. of ‘art. Sam’s cartoons. and Billy Mac- Leans thumb nail editorials provided features that mzaae the little Toronto World famous throughout the coun- try. It was Sam. Hunter who pro- duced: the figure that as Jlack Ganâ€" uck, is now symlbolic of Canada as the drawing of Uncle Sam andl John Bull. There will be a general agreement with the statement of Hon. Mr. Mic. Larty, Lallmr Minister, that at a time when Britain’s enemy has worn her destruction no one in Canada should be allowed to wax fat on his coun- try’s necessity, no one should! be per. ‘mitted to make greedy gain out of the common need. In other words Mr. McLarty was impressing on the pulblic the fact that under the opera- tions of the Wartime Prices and Tratie Boanfl, there would be no pro- fiteering', no hoarding and no- undue enhancement in price of the necess- ities of life. GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Acetylene and Electric Welding 1nd Cutting Portable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill SINGLE COPIES I0. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE E. P. Leno & Son No. 26.

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