Mr. A. M. Hill and Miss Bernice French are to be congratulated upon this splendid event which concluded with the distribution of gifts from a heavily laden Christmas tree. At the annual meeting of the Women’s Association of Central United Church the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. E. Bewell; lst viceâ€" president, Mrs. A. E. Milner; 2nd vieeqpresident, Mrs. Kincaidj secreâ€" tary, Mrs. R. J. Duffield; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Brown; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Kin- caid; Devotional Leader, Mrs. Coulâ€" son; Pianist, Mrs. M. Reesor; Flowâ€" er Committee, Mrs. F. S. Pollard, Mrs. Burnett, S. Weatherall; Par- sonage Committee, Mrs. |Milner, Mrs. Wagg. Sixtyâ€"one taihles of players evi- denced the popularity of the Vetâ€" erans euchres held in the Township Hall as they met for the final event in the series. After the holidays a second series will commence and equally as good times are promised to the patrons. The turkey draw was an important feature of the final event and the birds were of excellent quality. The holders of the lucky tickets are as follows: Mrs. H. H. Powers, 668.. Mr. Free- land, 1710; C. Hawley, 517; A. E. Jones, 1195; G. Reeves, 875; Mrs. A. Brown, 372; A. Brickiwood, 724; A. J. Willet, 17511; E. Wine, 493; Dorothsr Boyington, 1024; A. Dinneâ€" more, 265. The senior girls championship went to Melva Midldleton lst and Anne Campbell second. The boys championship was awarded to Don Dukes and) Jim Motwtbray. The silver tea service given by the late A. J. H. Eokhardt for best senior pupil in Grade 8 was award- ed to Blanche Hoover. The silver dessert’set for best junior in Grade 4 went to Nancy Weir. The Veterans annual Christmas tree held Tuesday evening brought joy to many people and they are to be commended for the splendid work accomplished in Markham Tow-r.- ship. Their motto for service is the Golden Rule and it becomes a real- Messrs. Chas. Hooper and W. L. Clark of the Township Council were present and drew tickets for the lucky draw. The W'M-S. 1 [nullan LU. plv-OU- U1 . Cull-ft]: but: United Church held the annual meet- treasum “"11 3Ԡt" ms 3mm“ ing- on Thursde afternoon in the Sunday School room. The Christ- Smbscx'ibe for The Liberal, $1.50 mas message was brought to the per year. i From the Opening char-us to the visit of Santa Claus the Christmas spirit penmeated the entire program when the pupils of the public school presented the annual Holiday con- cert. Each number showed careful training, the caroI singing under the direction of Mr. Warne was highly inspirational, the Drills and‘ Pantoâ€" mimes in appropriate costumes be- ing especially entertaining. The welâ€" come was heartily given by little Miss Joan McMrullen, the dialogue “Taking The Censusâ€, the mono logue “Making People Merryâ€, by Ross Cowi’e-Mahon; dialogue, “Har- ry’s Pocketsâ€, the recitation “When The Minister Comes†by Neil Stiver, and! the pantomime “Innoculation Day at School," supplied the humer. The last three numlbers on the pro- gram made a fitting closing, Billy Hlilrtz reciting “His Birthdayâ€, the pantomime by the senior girls “0 Little Town- of Bethlehem†and the two part song by the entire senior room, “The Infant Jesus.†An ino- vatiorn was the performance of the Junior Room Rhythm Band and the little folks are to be congratulated upon the first appearance. Mr. Kenneth Deacon, chairman of the school board, was master of ceremonies and made the prize pre- sentations as follows: For perfect attendance in 1938.1939, Betty Ogâ€" den, Chas. Minton; 1/2 day absent, Phyllis Roberts; 1 day albsent, Mur- ray Roberts. Best school garden, Roy Minton, Neil Stiver; 2nd, Mary HiLtz, Eleanor Noble; 3rd, Norma Middleton, Violet Roberts and Har- old Roberts, Chas. Minton tied. Watch for announcement of the next series anti plan to attend. The regular lucky- draw prizes went to Miss D. Stephenson, Alf. Smith, D. Brown, Mrs. Dellla Allen. Geo. Wilson. Mrs. J. R. Hood headed the euchre winners with a score of 128, Mrs. G. English, Miss V. Bl-undell and Mrs. D. Brown next in line. In the gents prize list Lloyd Rud- kin came first, W. Summenfeldlt, H. Nichol and Douglas Brown the other winners. A popular award was the grand prize for the series, Mrs. D. Brown winning for the ladies with a score of 442 and; Russell Boyington for the gentlemen with a score of 453. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1939. in the splendid way they meet .Mr. and‘ Mrs. Herman Fawcett (nee Jessie Collavd‘) and family were present at our 8.8. Christmas conâ€" cert as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. John Leece were to church on Sunday with Mr. and MN. Robert Beatty. Supper followed the meeting- with the Baby Band and mothers as spe- cial guests and a delightful social time is‘ reported. As the year closes upon a year of activity the society are to be commendedv for the work accomplished and[ in the coming year even 111 gm anticipated Well, Christmas is past for anâ€" other year. It is one time in the year that almost evuy housewife is run to death with work and yet it would seem as if the year were not properly ended' without it. And what would) the children do without Christmas, it is a time when flhey are taught to give to othemsy, to friends and often one other person who is in need. But do we stress? enough the real meaning of Christâ€" mas to the children, (the birth of Christ), or is it just Santa and preâ€" sents to them? We are starting soon on a New Year. Could we not instill in flhe children’s minds 3 little more of the real Christmas spirit before the end of 1940. Mar. Ernie Jackson spent the weekâ€"end at Mr. Bert Sandlerslon’s. .Mr. and‘ Mrs. Herman Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Mo Ruth Caseley) and family ‘ weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mr Caseley’s family.‘ I G. Whaley, Ma‘s. H. Stephenson; Auditors, Mrs. W. J. Russell, Mrs. A. E. Kennedy. Rev. and Mrs. Mad? family spent ‘Clh'ristm'as i Anyone in the height» 8.8. No. 12 who don't feel the Christmas feast 5110' Dr. Nelson Buchanan. ‘( tions to Mr. J. Cleine for the splendid? Christa which they provide I'asl evening. The Sunday School service on Sun- day was changed somewhat being Christmas, Mrs. Haig telling a nice story which should be remembered and practicedi by both young and old, also Misses Bertie Forster and Doreen Klincik sang a duet, The First Noel. Sunday was the day for the special offering for the or- phanage treat. The collection a- mounted to $10.80. Of course the treasurer will add to this amount. mieting by Mrs. A. Coulson and Mrs. Milner led in prayer. The elecâ€" tion of officers which followed re- s-ulted as fol-lows: President, Mrs. W. Young; 151: vice-president, Mrs. G. R. Whaley; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. Brown; Rec. Sec., Millie Miller; Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. Coulson; Treas., Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite; Missionary Monthly, Stella Weather-ill; Associâ€" ate Helpers, Mrs. N. Ogden; Supply Secretary, Mrs. A. E, Kennedy; Friendship, Mrs. Milner, Mrs. Dyke, Mrs. F. Bagg; Temperance, Mrs. F. Bagg; Baby Band, Mrs. W. J. Rus- sell; Mission Band, Marion Wame; Christian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. T. Hovblbe; Pianist, Mrs. Marâ€" garet Reesor; Asst, Mrs. E. Bewell; Program Com†Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. Don’t forget the J.F.A party in the hall on F mg. 'Mr. Martin is still improving but is still in bed and has Miss Annie Avison, nurse, waiting on him durâ€" ing the night. Motorists should take the corners easy these days, this snow on ‘dhe bits of ice that were there is very treacherous. A truck slid into the ditch and then rolled over on its side one morning last week on the corner of the 5th, Elgin Mills sideâ€" l'oad. Mr. Alvin Caseley was callâ€" ed- with his tractor to help him out. Within an hour of this a sedan car came around and slid in also but was able to get out on its own power. The bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Trussell, were present at Our Sunday School concert, the grOOm dressed in his soldier uniform. We Wish for him a safe return to his bride when this awful busineSS of war is over. We are glad to say Gonden Sand- erson was able to be home from the h'05rp1'.tal for Christmas but had to remain in ‘bed. We are all pleased to say he was able to welcome Santa and; I’m sure anyone Who was able to call on him knows that poor old Santa du'dm’t forget him' either. Mr. Richard Brock spent Christ- mas with his aunt in 'I‘oronto. VICTORIA SQUARE higher and better service is rrls spent "the ‘5. Ernest nd J.W.I nd rho 0d 1d 1311.13qu ; concert Thursday ell after call in Lg'raltulaâ€" 3V O'h'risbmas Day with Mrs. Burr’s‘ brother, Mr. Alex Dunn and family, Newmarket. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Sunâ€" dxay School Annual Christmas Tree will be held on FrMay, December 29th at 6.30 pm. Mr. and Mrs. William Mylks of Ottawa, Mrs. Murde of Toronto sperm the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mylks. Mr. “Mat†Boyle of McGill Uni- versity is spending the Christmas holidays at his home here. Mr. Fred Greene of Cincinatti spent Christmas with his parents, Reeve J. A. and Mrs. Greene. lMiss Mae Gilesv of Toronto spent the Christmas weekend with her sister Mrs. A. White and\ family; Mill Street. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. L. wmgm; 01 Magnetawan spent the Christmas weekâ€"end with their parents, MI. and Mrs. O. L. Wright. ans. N. Welhwood and Mrs. G. Gee were guests of Mr. andl Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Toronto, Christmas Day. Mr. Garnet A. Archibald and the Misses Kate, Elrinor, Elizabeth and Ruth Archilbald sfpent Christmas Day in town, the guesfos‘ of Rev. C. W., Mrs. and Miss Follett. Mr. Y. B. Tracy, Eri-c Wilston, Gordon Cunningham and John Tracy attended the Formal Opening of the Nineteenth Older Boys’ Parliament at Hamilton on Wednesday evening of this week. Mr. Jack Berestrd of the 0.A.C., Guelph spent Christmas at, the home! fireside. Mr. th-n- Kérr of Mitchell, On- tario, spent the holiday weekâ€"end at ‘his home here. Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Stanners are visiting their daughter Mrs. Patter- son in Detroit this week. Mr. Frank Mchilliams of Barrie, MI. and] Mrs. J. Lyneht of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. M. Lyn- ett, Arnold Street. Mary Frances the holidays mother, Mrs Lorne Avenue Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett at. ten-dial the funeral services in To- ronto on Tuesday of Mrs. Charles Coartsrworth and Miss J. Swanton, both members of Berkeley St. Unit- ed’ Chumh, of which Mr. Follett was pastor for six years. He assisted at both services. DANCE AT KING CITY A dance will be held on» Monday, January 15’s, in McDonald & Wells Hall, King, under the auspices of the Women’s Institute in aid‘ of War Work. Catania’s~ orchestra. Nov. elty dances. Admission 25c. Every- body welcome. CARD 'EOF THANKS Mr. and Mrs}. Josh Hilts {1nd fam- ily Wish to khan}: the n91g.h'b<’)_ur5: friends and n/platives for their “11:: mess shown (t't‘uring their recent reavement. I Mrs. George Reaman is spending this week with her son: Dr. G. E. Reaman in Guelph. CHRISTMAS CONCERT A most successful Christmas com cert was held at 8.8. No. 4 Mark- ham on Friday, December 22 when the pupils under the capable leader- ship -of Miss H. Bacon excelled them. selves in dialogues, drills, songs and recitations. CARD OF THANKS The sister and/brothers of the late Wesley Pearson wish to thank their friends and rneighlbours for the many floral tributes and. expres- sions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. 3' Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Mitchell mot- ored from Miami, Florida and spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore. They are returning on Friday morning acâ€" companied by Mr. and Mrs. Moure who will sp-end‘ the winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burr spent Social and Personal and Mrs. A. J. L. Wright of W. D. Atkinson T. “Dion†Atkinson, 1, Misses Doris and and Master Billy spent with Mr. Atkinson’s Frances Atkinson, THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The Red Cross Work Room will open on Wednesday, January 3, with a business meeting on Friday, J5mâ€" uary 5th at 3 o’clock. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the Women‘s MiSSionary Society will be held in the Sunday School room of the United Church on Thursday, January 4th at 3 p.m. The first chapter entitled “The Miracle of Modern Indiaâ€, in the Study Book will be reviewed. As' this is the first meeting of the year we trust a large numlber of ladies will be present. Don't: forget the Red Cross Bridge on Friday, January 12th, in the High School Auditorium. PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. "I'Lhe Presbyterian Y'oun.g' People will meet on Tuesday, January 2nd. Several members of the council exeâ€" cutive of Toronto Presibytery Y.P.S. will be responsible for the program. All members and: friends are urged- to be present. WHITE GIFT SERVICE The White Gift Service in the United ‘Chunch last Sunday morning was the most successful in the his- tory of the Sunday School. Thirty- three baskets were sent out to as many homes in and: around the comâ€" munity in the afternoon, while the Orange Home was well supplied with plum puddings. The commit- tee in charge Wish to thank the par- ents and childu-en for their interest as well as for their generous donaâ€" tions. To have a share in bringing the spirit of Christmas into so many homes is surely well worth While. Thank you. DANCE AT MAPLE A New Year’s Dance will be held in Maple Concert Hall on Monday evening, January 151:. Dyer’s Swing Band. Everyone invited to spend New Year’s Night at Maple. Adrmis- sion 25c. Under ausfpicesl Concert Hall Comrmirttee. ORANGE EUCHRE NOTES There were twentyâ€"five tables in play at the regular Orange Euchre with poultry for prizes held in the Lodge Rooms on Thursday evening, December let. Prize winners were: Ladies, Mrs. J. Dewshury, Miss D. Hart, Miss Scott; gentlemen, Mr. R. Brillinger, Mr. M. Blanchard, Mr. W. J. Scrivener. At the euchre the lucky draw flor poultry tickets was held with the following as winners: 15¢, Mrs. V. 1i‘vï¬cBrid-e; 2nd, Cecil Mabl-ey; 3rd, Russell Brillinger; 4th, Mrs. R. J. Beatty; 5th, Peter Walk- er; 6th, Miss E. L. Burns; 7th, Mrs. Christopher; 8th, C. Wade. The next Euchre in the series will he held in the Lodge Rooms, Ma- sonic Hall, on Thursday, January 4. These euchres will be held on the first and third Thursday in January, RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHU RCE Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, Dec. 3lst 11 a.m.â€"“The Magic Portal.†2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 pim.â€"Our Anglican Friends will join With us in this service when the choirs of both churches will render Maunder’s sacred Cantata, “Bethlehemâ€. Let all come and worship. We wish you all a Happy New Year. February welcome. mon. 3 pmâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"The congregation will join with our brethren at the Presbyâ€" terian Church to hear Maunder’s Christmas Cantata by the united choirs. This is the last Sunday and last day of another year. Let us spend its hours in the Worâ€" éh'ilp of God. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Old‘ Year’s Day, Dec. 3151'. 9.45 aimâ€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Pu‘b1ic Worship. “The ‘C‘hangeless Christ.†7â€"â€"{C}"3ing service of the year. Brief Aqdresvs, “Lights Outâ€. Ap- {pro‘priate music by the choir, and. inspiring singing by the congreâ€" gation. You and your Visiting friends cordially invited. Finish the year right. Come to ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmunds Organist: MiSS L. Yerex Sunday, Dec. 31, 151: after Xmas 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- church. A Happy New Year to all Red Cross Notes and March Winners of the Veterans Ladies’ Auxiliary Christmas draw were as follows: H. Cunningham, Maple, No. 1706; C. Evelyn, Eligin Mills, No. 775; Mrs. S. Lynn, Newmarket, No. 1346; James Groves, Macple, No. 839. MARRIAGE TRUSISELLBEATTY â€" On Satur- day, December 16th, 1939, at Vicâ€" toria Square Manse by Rev. J. Mac- donald, Florence Elaine, daughter of Mr. andr Mrs. R. J. Beatty, G‘orrmley, to Pte. William J. Trussell, Toronto, son of Mr. and! the late Mrs. Trusâ€" sel‘l, Richvale. The first hockey practice will be held this evening (Thursday) at 7.30 sharp. All hockey players and pros- pectlve hockey players please report at the rink at that time. The hockey game scheduled for Friday evening, December 29th is postponed due to lack of ice for practice. A New Year’s Dance will be held- in McDonald & Welis’ Hal}, King, on Monday, January ls‘t, under the ausâ€" pices of the Women’s, Institute in aid of War Work. Catania’s Or- ch-estra. Several Novelty Dances. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome. Previous to the Christmas season the club co-operated with groups at Mount Albert, Newmarket and Auâ€" rora in- the promotion of this class of recreation. Local activities will be resumed on Tuesday, January 9. A11 meqnlbers kindvly note. SKATING SATURDAY AND MONDAY There will be skating at the Rich- mlomdx Hill arena Saturday night, De- cemfbea‘ 30th, also Monday, January lst, afternoon and evenirg. VOLLEY BALL CLUB NOTES R Western melodrama, with music, lively and interesting story, teemâ€" ing with action. Also JANE WITHERS. LEO CARRILLO in “ CHICKEN WAGON FAMILY †It is a new spine-Jingling' advventure story, one of the best military melodramas of this or any other year. Outstanding. A musical comedyâ€"Plenty cf laughs ripple along through this merry tale. Also a number of excellent short subjects. 7 Spv melodrama. This iIS a sparkling mystery. By all means- for the entire family, clean, wholesome, _d_ram_1atic, funny. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 29, 30 TWO GENE AU’I‘RY. SMILIE BURNETTE in “ COLORADO SUNSET †A picture of unusual quality, impressively produced with pcrweqful acting and' masterful direction. HOCKEY NOTES TODAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28 RALPH RICHARDSON. LAURENCE OLIVIER, VALERIE HOBSQN “ CLOUDS OVER EUROPE †EXPERT SHOE REPAIR A Splendid comedy. It has much: amusement and entertainment. BIG MIDNITE SHOW NE‘V YEAR’S EVE AFl'ER 12 PM- SUNDAY. DECEMBER 318T DICK PO\VELL. ANN SHERIDAN in “ NAUGHTY BUT NICE †J. BOBYK, Prop. ALL KINDS OF RUBBERS REPAIRED NEW HEELS 0N RUBBER GOLOSHES ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED SKATES SHARPENED Men’s New Rubbers and Rubber Boots at Reasonable Prices 67 Yonge Street A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking â€" Safety Glass Installed PHONE 86 NEW YEAR’S DANCE NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TIRES FOR ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND TRUCKS VETERANS DRA \V _ MONDAY & TUESDAY. JANUARY 1. 2 GARY COOPER. DAVID NIVEN. ANDREA LEEDS in “ THE REAL GLORY †SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT \VEDNESDAY & THERSDAY. JANUARY 3, 4 BETTE DAVIS. GEORGE BRENT in “ THE OLD MAID †PARIS AUTO SUPPLY "Lib'DED SPECiAL ATTRACTfON A CRIME DOES NOT PAY SERIES “ DRUNK DRIVING †' DON’T MISS IT Complete Stock of {if I. D, Ramer & Son BO\V'LERS’ POULTRY DRAW Past plresident W. W. Trench drew the lucky tickets last Thursâ€" day evening for the Bowling Club poultry draw and the following were prize winners: Edith Deadâ€" man, Alfred Mills, Mrs. Glenn, W. H. Brown, Silver Stream Farms; 0. H. Sanderson, C. Salter, Jane Lovâ€" erock, Langstaff; T. H. Trench, D. Gilbert and} W. R. Casement. every PHONEVIO THEV ELEVX'IDE Get More Premium Eggs The kind that bring top prices and’. mean more proï¬t for you. Give your hens a chance to produce to quality eggs in quantityâ€"fee * FUL-o- El) EGG MASH Read the “adsâ€â€"â€"many bargains I» EGG MASH A It supplies what laying hens requim to make eggs and maintain body weight. Start nowâ€"order today. Richmond Hill, Ont. week PAGE FIVE TWO FEATURES