Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1940, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, January 14th 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sund>ay School. A1} Deâ€" partments. 11 a.m.â€"Pu!blic Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Ves:per Service., One hOur only. Gospel message in song and' 5811111011. The pastor in charge at both services. Inspiring music under the direction of Mr. A. Meleoci, organist and choir leader. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, January 14th. 11 nanâ€"“We Need a Way of Life.” “.30 panâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“The Exhaustless Christ.” Gordon and Murray Ounrningham will play an instrumentah duet at the evening service. All are welcome. The Bible alone has civilized» whole Rector: Rev‘. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmund: Organist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, Jan. 14th Epiphany 2 11 a.m.â€"JMorning Prayer and Ser- 3 panâ€"Sunday School. 7 panâ€"Evening- Prayer and Serâ€" men. A cordial invitation to all. to v: ship with us. For Your Gukflanceâ€" Ash Wednesday, February 7th Good Friday, March 22nd Easter Day, March 24th °=O=O=Ol nations. “00”” .“An Adopted; Cinderella” A cordi'al Qelcome to you and- you and your friends. i=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=|0=0 ST. MARY’S CHURCH Yonge and Richmond Streets (Anglican) RICHMOND H Rubbers - Goloshes To preserve your health in the severe winter wea- ther you must have your feet well protected. We carry quality lines of Rubbers, Goloshes, Men’s Heavy Work Rubbers. We handle dependable lines at the most reasonable prices. MEN’S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES R. J. CRAIGIE for your Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Needs PAGE FOUR 0:0] 7 iWhat has happened to the “Old; Time Skating Parties?” Can’t it be Dear Sir:â€" re-onganized with an age limit of say from 25 t6 95 Years. Can't we older people have an. evening to our- selvesâ€"to wobble aroundâ€"fancy free, with due respect to our blood pressure and ageing bones. The skating- activities of the younger lads and‘ lassies are very lovely to watch, but it d10es show up our pre- war style very painfully, besides giving us an inferiority complex and a stitch: in the side. Could we hear more about this Edlitor of The Liberal, Could we Mr. Editor? The 6151; annual “At Home" of the Vel'lore Old] Boys Association will be held in the Memorial Hall, Vellore, Friday, January 26. Pro. gressrive euchre and dancing will start sharp at 830 pm. Catania’s orchestra. Ernie Evans, floor man- ager. Letters From The People SUGGESTS REVIVAL OF OLD TIME SKATING PARTIES The Red Cross needs your sulp~ .rt. Become a memfber today. (Graduate of the Owen A. Svmily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall” Thornhill MARGUERITE BOYLE VELLORE 10=0==o=6 Richmond Hill WOBBLY SKATER Richmond Hill's Junior O.H.A. team journeyed to Beaverton for their first schedule game Tuesday night. They came home with the short end of an 8-6 score after a rough and tumble game in which 23 penalties were handed out. Rich- mond Hill drew thirteen of the pen- alties and Beaverton 10. Whlile poor refereeing was in. part responsible for the type of game the local boy‘s must learn that games cannot be Richmond Hill Juniors Lose Opener To Beaverten â€" First Hpme Game Here Friday Night won from the penalty box. How- ever with this game Out of their system we look for a {better show-- ing in future games by Richmond Hill. There are some fine boys on the team and once they hit their stride they should give any team in the group a run for the honors. Beaverton scored two goals in the first two minutes of play, the open;- ing minutes finding the Hill- fboys completely disorganized. Dane scor- ed the first one at the 10 second: mark on a pass from Aptps, and in less than two minutes Apps slipped it past Patton to make it 2-0 for Beaverton. C. Taylor andl Vale were sent to the cooler for roughing and were no sooner on again than G. Dane and Guthrie went for tripping. This gave Richmond Hill the ad!- vantage of 2 players amt Dick Mills scored on a pa-Ss from O’ROurke. Elgin Barrow tied the score on a pass from Norm Mabley. With the team at full strength Brocldban‘k put the Hill in the lead when he scored on Mabley’s passâ€"out from the cor- ner. O’Rourke and Currie were sent off for slashing. The second period had‘ just start- ed when Barrow drew a penaLty for tripping. This gave Beaverton the odd man Alpfps scoring, tieing the score. With one man off Mabley and Brockbank scored on some ’beau- tiful pas-sing. It was at this stage where referee White appeal-(xi to 'blow up and didm‘t see fit to send a local boy off without a Hill boy with him. Vale and Barrow and‘ Mills and H. Dan-e being sent to cool down. The teams were at full strength when Snvodd‘en sconed- being at least six feet oftfâ€"sidle when he received the pass but the goal was allowed. Appa put his team in the lead.l on a nice solo rush to Ibeat Patton. G. Dane and Brown were sent for slashing, andl Beresford fol- lowed them in less than: a minute. It was here that Patton was called on to stop Snodiden’s three shots while lying down. Nine penalties occurred in the thir<i period. Berescford anldl Devine together were followed 'by Barnow. When the teams were at full strength Lumau and Snodden were sent for roughing, then Mills and Stewart were sent for tripping and before either one could return Lunau and Devine were sent down for bumping. This caused quite a rumpus as only two men can 'be off at once. Val-e put his team two up when he scored on a pass from Afplpsv. With the team at full strength the Hill boys pressed haul and wene successful when Beresford scored on a shot from the ‘blue line followed’ by one from the stick of Brocldbank from the same place, this tying the score with only two minutes Left. The Hill boys, pressing for a win forgot they had a goal too left it uncovâ€" ered, and’ Beaverton scored! two in short order, Apps and! Snodden be- ing the scorers. The local boy-s tried hard in the dying minute but just couldn’t get it passed Koch. A: free-floral]: occurred after‘the game when the Hill boys Were tell- ing the rerfenee what they thought of him. The line-ups: Richmond: Hill: Goal, Patton; Defence, Berestford, Barrow; centre, Brockbank; wings, Wilson, Malbley; sulbs, Buown‘, Stewart, Mill's, O’Rourke, Taylor, Lunau, Houston. Beavertonrz Goal, Koch; defence, Vale, Devine; centre, Axplps; wings, MJcRae, H. Dane; subs, Snodd‘en, G. Dane, Morrison, Currie, McClus‘key, Emes. The outstanding star of the game was Jetff Apps of Beavertom who scored four goals and gave assisié for two more, We wonder if Beaâ€" v'erbon has another “Sylvarms” for the Maple Leafs. Brock‘bank and' Patton were the stars of the Richmond Hill team. Patton in goal played a real game and stopped several that looked like sure goals, saving them plenty of times when they were short handed. Richmond Hill lodged' a protest with the 0.H.A. on the refereeing of White, as he is not an: official referee of that body. It’s time the 0.H.A. made the teams use referees arprpointed by them. On Friday night Sutton Juniors play here and Tuesday night the strong Markham team make a visit HOCKEY NOTES THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The local management wish to thank R. D. Little, J. A. Greene, AL. 1bret; Corner and “Slim” Allen who provide& cars to transport the team- 'I‘uesday nighrt. HOCKEY SCHEDULE FOR GROUP NO. 6 The hockey season will be official- ly opened here Friday night with Reeve Trench and er-reeve Green-e facing off the puck and Councillor Dr. J. P. Wilson acting as referee. The game will start sham) at 8.15 o’clock and‘ a large crowd] is ex- pected‘ to see the locals clash with the classy Sutton Greenshirts. to the local Arena. Both these games wiil be well worth Qeeirug' and: de- serving of your support. JAN. 12â€"Sutton at Richmond Hill 12â€"Newmarket at Markham 16â€"Sutton at Beaverton 16â€"Marka at Richmond Hill 18â€"Richmond Hill at Newxmarket 19â€"Sut‘w-‘n‘ at Markhlam 23â€"Newmarket at Beaverton. 24â€"R‘ichmond Hm at Sutton 25â€"Beaverton at Newmarket 26â€"Richxmond' Hill lat Markham BOâ€"Newmarket at Richmond Hill '30â€"5Markham at Beavertcm Almost fifty paid1 up members to date, the locai club has an objective of sixty for this year. Theré is keen enthusiasm: at the rink these days in schedule games for the club chanmionship. Prize winners in the fbridlge to-ur- nament were: lst, A. E. Glass; 2nd, John Martin; 3rd, C. P. Wiley; 4th, J. S. McNair. There will be the usual J’itney Bonstpiel Saturday afternoon comp ‘meming at 1.15 sharp. Tankard games will [be played) in Toronto next Tuesday. Subscribe for The Liberal. $1.50 per year. ‘ You can help by becoming a mem- ‘ber of the Red‘ Cross'. SAH‘URDAY, JAN, 2Huction~ sale of approximately 5 acres Standzing TimJber, hardrw‘ood‘, the property of Sidney Jones, 101: 3‘0, concession 2 Vaughan Twrp. (Enter from 3rd con- cession). Purchasers have until Mar. 31 1941 to remove wood.Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. J. C. Saigeon, aucfli on eer. After this date I w‘ilI not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in my name. Richmond Hill, January 10, 1940 Sealed "Tenders plainly mavkedl “Tenders for Plowing Snow” will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, January 15th, 1940, for plowing snow by the hour in the “Township of Vaughan for the balance of the present winter. Ten- der to include the kind of power used and heighfi of snow plow. Parâ€" ticulars may be obtained} from W. O. McDonald, Road Superintendent of Vaughan Township, Maple Post Office. lbâ€"Beaverton: at Sutton lâ€"Markham lat Nerwmarkett Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk Vaughan Township, CURLING NOTES are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First Sale Register ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE 6%? i@// Sales Books NOTICE TENDERS Maple P.0 GEO. J. HULL. QUANTITY OF 5 Phone 58 Unionvilâ€"le. COAL AND WOOD. Langstaff Sup- ply Co., phone Thornhill '73. NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS, suckâ€" ers and chunks. Phone Stouffville 6103. STORE HOGS. Levi Smith, Sherp- pard Avenue East, Lansing. C\O\LLIE PUP, 6 months old, price $2.00. Apply Box 59, The Liberal Office. TWENTY PIGS, weigh 50 to 80 pounds. Walter Reaman, telephone Maple 281'11. 20 PIGS, chunks; few choice EWe Lamfbs. Apply J. H. Houck, phone Stouftt‘ville 8909. PURE BRED JERSEY 00W, 3 yrs. old, dua to freshen. Charles Cohen, King RE. No. 3, phone King 21‘211. SIX ROCK PULLETS, 1 recster, 2 geese and 1 gander. Bert. Wolzfrey, Church Street, Richmomfl Hill. THREE LOTS on North side of Roseview Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill 6: Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 100 CHOICE LEGHORN PULLE'I‘S, PERIOHEROVN MARE, 6 yrs.; Clyde [M-are; Clyd'e \Colit rising 2 years; [black colt rising 1 year; Heifer due to freshen January 9th. C. E. Waik- ington, phone King 4218. laying. Will exchange for hens. ‘C. Bonwefibamk, St Yonge Street, Thornhill. PONY, wagon, harness arudl saddle. Will sell reasonafble. Also 2 milk- ing goats. Imperial Station, 11/2 miles easft of Yonge Street. Phone Thornhill 51133. 30 PULLEYDS, Jersey White Giants, Brahamas and RhodJe Island Red‘s, just starting to Lay. L. C, Burton, Carrville Road, Shop 23 Yonge St., phone Maple 764. Terrouchman’s Linimentfor exter- nal use. If you don’t find‘ this lini- ment better than what, you have been using your money refunded at Ausâ€" tin’s Drug- Store. 7wk. ATTENTION STOCK OWNERS DeLAVAiL Magnetic Milker, com plete with lighting system, equipped‘ with 2 cylinder gas engine vsn'th hot water attachment for scalding pails, etc., used approximately 11/.» years, irLVV’A-l coridrition. Apply Samuel Winger, R.>R. N0. 2, Maple. FOR SALE Sealed tenders plainly marked} “Tender for Shed‘", 22x30 in Edlge- ley' cemetery, will .be received by undersigned until Monday, January 20th. Tenders received‘ will be open- edl by secretary Tuesday, January 30th at 2 pm. Highest or any ten- d-er not necessarily accepted. MENNO SMITH, Sec., R.R. 1, Maple, Ont. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until Monday, Janu« ary 15th for the caretaking otf_the school, 8.5. No. 8 Vaughan, duties to commence February lst. Lowest or any tend‘er not necessarily ac- cepted. For full particulars‘ apply to, In the Estate of Thos. b‘rlsby, 1am: of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, deâ€" ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thos. Frislby, afore- said; who died on or about Sept. 28, 1939, are required to forward? their claims, duly proven, to the Execuâ€" trix, Mrs. Thos. Frisby, Gormley R. R. No. 2, Ont, or to Fennel, Porter & Davis, 357 Bay St, Toronto, on or 'before Fabmary 10, 1940, after which date the assets of the said Estate will: be distributed,- having regard only to claims of which the said executrix shall then have re- ceived notice. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. TENDERS FOR CARETAKER 8.8. NO. 8 VAUGHAN Notice to Creditors E. D. STONG, Secretary, Ed‘geley, Ontario FOR SALE of Thos. Frisby, late or old) fat Stop 17A THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1940. PIGS .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service DUPLEX. five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St, phone 106, Richmond Hill. SEPTIC TANKS installed. cleaned: and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. SKATES SHARPENED, expert workmanship. Josh. Homer, Mark. ham: Road, Richmond Hill. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, aer- vice and sales. Charges reasonsblo. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 0 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. SAW MILL, for custom sawing. Logs can be left any time. R. L. Nelson, Gomley ER. N0. 2, 3rd con. of Markham, 1 mile south of Gormley. 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios BABY CARRIAGE wanted in good condition. Apply Liberal Office. GRADE No. 1 POTATOES, highest prices paid at your farm. Norman Bone, phone Richmond Hill 38. QUILT LOST, ivory, green and ye]- low, five hands around pattern, be- tween Klein‘burg and: Umbridge. Re- ward. Box 100 Liberal Orf'fice. CIRCULAR SAW in good shape. Apply phone Maple 13164. FURNISHED ROOM wanted! by young couple for Light housekeep- ing. Apply Liberal Office. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk, Heater, New Tires. 1936 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Heater & 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk and Heater. Excellent condition. I 1934 FORD v-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" New Tires. Thoroughly recde- 1928 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK Large Box. MISCELLANEOUS Little Brothers RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W Defroster. Ford Sales & Service TUBES TESTED FREE T0 RENT WANTED $495.00 $425.00 $475.00 $300.00 $65.00 LOST ONTARIO

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