Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1940, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1940. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES This seems to be the season for annual meetings and elections of officers. On Wednesday evening of last week the Sunday School memâ€" bers met to elect their officers for this year, with the following ne- sul'ts: Business Supt., Mr. R. Boy-nâ€" ton; 1st asst, Douglas Gee; 2nd, E. Avison; 3rd, F. Bruirmvell; 4th, H. Collard; Secretaries, Messrs. Alvin Caseley, Jim Valliere, Cecil Nichols; Treasurer, Mr. Wilmot Brumiwell; Pianists, Mrs. Ratcliffc, Miss Mabel Sanderson; Song loaders, Miss Mar- garet Avison, Miss Dorothy Oliver, Mr. H. Collard; Librarians, Messrs. Harold Klinck and Andrew Forsan; Lantern operators, Messrs. Fnank Bruinlwell, Alvin Caseley; Teachers, Mr. Louis Nichols, Miss Mabel San- dierson, Mrs. Collard, Mrs. McCague, Mr. Fraser Gee. At the close of the meeting among other items of business it was voted to give the church $40.00. Jt will be noticed there are 5 superintendent's. This Is a good idea to get more in office and thereby become more interest- ed. They each take a Sunday in the month excepting the 5th one who only has about four Sundays 3 year. Each Supt. picks his own hymns, and is responsible for short talks on whatever program he preâ€" fers. On Sunday it was decided to give prizes to those again in 1940 vho attend Sunday School 50 Sundays out of the 52. The Supt. said “He wished next year that; there would be 100 who had attended the 50 Sun- days of the year and" would be ‘ook- ing for a prize.” Your humlble scribe is thinking the church won’t be gett- ing $40.00 next year if they do. However, come on folks and see how many can attend for 50 Sundays. Will those who have any gray wool from the Red Cross 'branch of our Institute please return the»,art- icles they have, along with the bits of leftover yarn as soon as they can. That was {bought with our own money and we would like to keep it by itself. Mabel Sanderson has received some wool from the Union- ville Red .Cross and anyone Wish- ing to help knit for this cause please get in touch with her. The friends of Mrs. J. J. E. Mc- ‘Cague of this community are very Mrs. B. Sanderson, Mrs. Harold Mortson, Mrs. R. Nichols, Mrs. A. Frisby, Miss E. Pullan, Mrs. W. Trussell, Mrs. R. Perkins, Mrs. H. , Gamble, Miss Poole. Group 8, Lead- er, Mrs. A. Buchanan; Mrs. H. Mc- ‘Cagu-e, Mrs. A. Valliere, Mrs. L. lKnapp, Mrs. G. Dennis, Miss Smith, Mrs. J. Frisiby, Mrs. C. Hart, 'Mrs. B. Wallace, Mrs. D. Gee, Mrs. W. Ridley, Mrs. McIllmurray, Mrs. W. Hill, Miss T. Hart. Group 4, Leader, Mrs. R. Klinck; Mrs. M. Styrmo, Mrs. P. Willows Mrs. E. Caseley, Miss M. Caselcy, Mrs. Her- man Mortson, Mrs. J. MacDonald, Mrs. H. Banber, Mrs. C. Nichols, Mrs. M. Avison. Miss M. Boynton, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. F. Feigel. Members of the WA. are asked to keep the date, January 26th, open. That is the date set for the Convenâ€" tion to be held in Eglinton United Church. Everyone is invited to at. tend. The delegates will be appoint- ed at the regular January meeting which is xpected to be held on Jan. 24. Let everyone try and be preâ€" Sent. Sorry to hear Mr. Herman Mort. son is quite sick with pleurisy. One cannot be too careful against colds these days. Jimmie is all smiles these days. Why? He’s driving a nice new car. Also Walter. The first WJM.S. meeting of the New Year was held at the home of Mrs. D. Rum'ney on Wednesday, January 10th, with the newly ap- pointed President, Mrs. H. McCague in charge. The installation of off- icers was presided over by Rev. J. MacDonald. Delegates were appoint- ed to attend the 14th annual meet. ing of the Toronto Centre Presby- terial to be held in College Street United Church on January 30. After the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Rumney and a social half hour spent. BROWN’S CORNERS UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The January and annual meeting of the W.M..S. was held at the home of Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Wednesday, January 3rd with a splendid attend- ance present. This was Mrs. Stiv- er’s meeting and she presided, tak- sorry to hear she is not well again. The next W.A. supper will he held on Wednesday evening, January 17. Instead of a program the church has called the congregational meetâ€" ing for that evening. We are glad to hear that Shirley, Ronald and Audrey Gee are recov- ering nicely from their colds. The J.F.A. and J.W.I. are holding their annual banquet on Tuesday evening, January 16th. The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr. Newham of Markham. Both Presidents have tried their bestâ€" to start the meetâ€" ings on time during the few months they have had charge. Now mem- bers if this banquet doesn‘t start in time to begin the program by 8.30 that is your fault. Won’t you please try and compel-ate with the com- mittees in charge by being there a little early. Owing to the stormy night last Friday the WA. executive'meeting was postponed until Monday even- ing, which was held at the home of the President, Mrs. E. Caseley. The main business was to choose the different groups under the different leaders, the results being as folâ€" lows: Group 1, Leader, Mrs. Coll-, ard; Mrs. S. Boynton, Miss D. Oli.I ver, Mrs. L. Meek, Mrs. E. Avison, Miss V. Avison, Mrs. C. Sanderson, Mrs. M. Jarvis, Mrs, J. Snider, Mrs. I. Nichols, Mrs. McRoberts, Mrs. D., Rumney, Miss D. Bales, MiSS Bacon. Group 2, Leader, Miss M. Sander- son; Mrs. E. Ratcliffe, Mrs. Beatty, Miss E. Perkins. Mrs. Robertson" PUPILS ACCEPTED FOR Violin, ’CellO, Trumpet Trombone THEORY, HARMONY AND INSTRUMENTATION Homes Visited PERCY A. DRURY ing the devotional period, her topic being “The Beatitudes”. It was pra sented in a splendid manner with a thought to each for the coming year. Mrs. Stiver then vacated the chair and Mrs. Morrison Sellar was ap- pointed chairman to conduct the election. Her short address which preceded the election was to encour- age everyone to do her part and THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL Social and Personal Don‘t miss the Red CrOss Bridge and Euchre at the High School Friâ€" day evening. Mr. G. Yerex and Mr. Hugh Yerex attended the Norge dealers convenâ€" tion at the Royal York Hotel Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. G. Gee left on Monday to spend some time with relatives in Indio, California and other parts of the United States. The United Church choir has com- menced rehearsals on the third part of Handel’s "Messiah" to be per- formed at Easter. Reeve T. H. Trench was a guest at the municipal dinner tendered by Mayor J. M. Walton of Aurora on Wednesday evening. .Mr. Paul E. Angle left Sunday night for Columbus, Ohio, where he will spend a week taking part in a short course in Florlculture at Ohio I State University. i Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger atâ€" tended a party in Toronto on Wedâ€" nesday evening in honour of Mr. James Wiley, the occasion being his debating with York eightieth birthday. The Junior Red Cross meets every second Tuesday and engage in mak- ing surgical dressings, etc. The 01‘- ganization inrvites new members to turn out and help in this very ne- cessary work. Mr. anâ€"d Mrs. Asihfog Wright, Miss Edith Jones, Miss A. Alcom. Ibraok, Rev. C. W. Follett and Mrs.| and Miss Follett were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hardy Hill of Toronto, on Friday evening last. An added attraction at the Red Cross Party Friday evening, Januâ€" ary 12th at the High School will be a draw for a fruit cake, plant and box of fancy biscuits. Tickets for draw, 10 cents each, three for 2.5 cents. ‘ Mrs. C. Nelson received a letter this week from Jimmy Carlton, for- merly of Richmond Hill, but now in England with the Toronto Scottish Regiment in which he stated that he ‘wished to ‘be remembered to all his Richmond Hill friends. ‘To the Ladies of Richmond Hill: Mrs. Fuller, corsetiere for Charis ‘of Toronto is in Richmond Hill for consultations, and will gladly call 'at your home and give you a figure 'analysis il‘ help you with any figurre problem. The Charis organization thus further the cause of the work believe it is every woman’s, right to of the Kingdom. The following officers were elect- ed: ' President, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Ist Viceâ€"President, Mrs. Russell; 2nd ViceqPresident Mrs. W. J. Rodick; Secretary, Mrs. Norman Reid; As- sistant Sec., Mrs. Walton; Treas- urer, Mrs. Douglas Hood; Assoc’ate Helper’s Secretary, Mrs. C. Burr; Convenor Work Committee, Miss Rhea Scott; assistants, Mrs. L. A. Hood, Miss Jessie Thompson, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. C. Burr, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Hill; Sick and Visiting Com., Mrs. Hoai'de, Mrs. L. A. Hood, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Bnown; Community Friendship, Mrs. Russell, Miss Mary Rodick; Temperance Sec., Mrs. Walâ€" ter Craig; Pianist, Miss Jessie Thompson; Asst., Mrs. L. A. Hood; Auditors, Mrs. Stephenson, Miss Janet French; Press Soc, Mrs. W. J. Rodiok; Mission Band Leader, Miss Mary Rodick; Assistants, Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. Walter Craig; Flowâ€" er Com. Sec., Mrs. R. L. Stiver. Following this Mrs. Stiver moved a vote of thanks from the W.M.S. to Miss Mary Rodick and her as- sistlant, Mrs. Patterson, for the very capable way in which they have car- ried on the Mission Band work for the past eight years. Mrs. Stiver then invited all to have ton at a well filled table of 'the Yuletide dainties, as a special treat to her fellow workers. She was Liberal Office vei'y ably assisted by Mrs. McGinipâ€" i sey. Chick Raisers Don’t let the high feed prices worry you Get Richill high production. economy bred chicks and make real money Write for free descriptive folder and price list RICHILL POULTRY FARM ELGIN MILLS. ONTARIO [be correctly, comfortably, and at the 'same time stylish and attractively Icorsieted. This service is offered without any obligation to you, it is 'our pleasure to have an opportunity ‘to acquaint you with what Charis can do for you, the fine materials and workmanship used and the per- sonal service, care and attention given to your own individual needs. lTelephone No. 119, The Davies Dry Goods store for appointments with Mrs. Fuller. CANADA LOAN BONDS Dominion of Canada War Loan Bonds may be secured from T. Cotrell. 1 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill. Inquiries invited. AUXILIARY EUCHRE . The Woman’s Veteran Auxiliary will hold a euchi‘e on Wednesday, i January 17th at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. James Butler, Mill Street. Proceeds for war work. Good prizes. Everybody welcome, MR. J. A. GREENE NAMED REPRESENTATIVE OF FINANCIAL HOUSE Mr. J. A. Greene has been named the well known and old established ‘firm of Aii‘d, MacLeOd & Co., ap- ada for the Dominion of Canada ‘War Loan. Mr. Greene invites enâ€" quiries from anyone interested in the purchase of any of this ‘bOnd issue. SLEIGHING PARTY i A sleigliing party in aid of Richâ€" will leave Richvale School at 7.30. fun and refreshments. Adults 250. children 15c. Should the weather be unfavour- able the party will be postponed unâ€" til Wednesday, January 24th. ,join today and help along the good l work. as representative ill, this district for proved dealers by the Bank of Can-1 Red Cross Notes Plan to spend Friday evening, January 12th at the High School, Auditorium playing. bridge, euchre or Chinese Checkers. All proceeds in aid of the Richmond Hill Red Cross Society. In comrpliance with a request from Red Cross Headquarters that each local branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society hold an annual meet. ing during the month of January, the Richmond Hill Red Cross Society will hold its annual meeting on the evening of January 26th. Further details later. At the present time there are 122 members in our society. Will each "member try to secure one new mem- ber before January 26th (member- ship fee 25 cents) and thereby have a more lepresentative gathering at the annual meeting. The Richmond Hill Red Cross wish to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of $39.35 from the Bowl- . ONTARIO ing Clulb, the above amount being half of the proceeds of the Poultry Draw held on December 215i. PRESBY'I'ERIAN Y.P.S. I Presbyterian Young People's So- ciety, Monday, January 15th, 1940, Presbyterian Church, Toronto. “Resolved that buying on the instalment plan is detrimental to society.“ Everybody welcome. UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will hold their first meeting of the New Year at the home of Mrs. H. F, Austin, Yonge Street, on Tuesday, January 16th, at 8 pm. New members will be heart- ily welcomed. BUTTONVILLE RED CROSS The Buttonville Branch of‘the Red Cross are holding a Euchre and Dance in Victoria Square Hall on Thursday, January 18th. Admission 25c. Proceeds to be used for pur- chasing material. OPENING HOCKEY GAME The opening hockey game will be played at Richmond Hill Arena Fri- day night, January 12th. This will be a junior C schedule game, Sutton vs. Richmond Hill. BIRTH KERRâ€"In Richmond Hill on Wed- nesday, January 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Du‘gald Kerr, a daughter. NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Fiction: Mr. Pinkerton at the 01d ,Angel, Frome; Weston Union, Grey; iChamplain road, McDowell; Dr. ,Hudson’s secret journal, Douglas; lLive and kicking Ned, Masefield; lTwo Generations, Grove; One more 'fight, Em; Death in Venice, Man-n; ,White magic, Baldiwin; City of Gold, Young; Mussolini murder plot, New- ‘man; B ller of tale, Maugham; Escape, Vance; Shanghai ’37, Baum; Fox prowls, Williams; American Nalbon, Alexander; Siword in stone, White; Chiflfon Scarf, Elberhai‘t; Case of the rolling bones, Gardner; Mr. Em- manuel, Golding; Uncle Fred in the Springtime, Wodehouse; DOIIbTe for death, Stout; Golden Swan murder. Disney; April was when it began. Benefiel-d; Sky service, Lansing; John, Baird; Sha‘blby tiger, Spring; [Death in the clouds, Christie; Lady vanishes, White; Death at the opera, Mitchell; Invisible man, Wells; Self, Nichols; William"s room, Rosman. Classed: Step by Step. Churchill; Is there a baby in the house? Car- roll; Primer to bookibind'ing, Grimm; l 1 Jokes and gags, Provence; Danger is my business, Craig; Men under 'the sea, Elssbcrg; Three Sisters, ‘Spencer; Escape to life. Mann; Forging practice, Johnson; I want: fed to be an actress, Cornell; Revo- ‘lution of Nihilism, Rauschninig; ‘Rain upon Godshill, Priestly; Sum- ,mei‘ to Gaspe, Hogner; Destiny callâ€" ed to them, Baxter; This earth Of lours, Allen; Alone, Byrd; Men can j‘take it, Hawes; Information please, ,Golenpoul; Admiral death, Baldwin; IWind, Sand and Stars, Saint Exup- [(-ry; Disgrace aibounding, Reed. I Juvenile: Christ child; Pied Piper of Hamlein; Christmas carol; En- igine story; Story about boats; Air- vale Red Cross will be held on Wedâ€"l plane ride; Gulliver‘s travels; Fairy, ' 'nesday evening, January 17. Sleighsitales; Cinders; Little engine that lcould; Sails, wheels and wings; Come and enjoy a sleigh ride with‘: Story of Barbar; What about Wil-i " jlie7; Mestly about Mutt; Pepe and ‘the parrot; Ameliar-anne and the 1 Green Umbrella; Time for bed; Ping; ‘Angus lost; Princess lHunting of the Snark; Boy's book 30f insects; Social studies for Can- Red Cross needs your help “ladians; Vl'izard of Oz; Nino; Maili . comes through; Skwvays; Heidi: I Piiinochio. lack Narcissus, Godden; Telw September: -. PAGE FIVE Thornhill THORN HILL RED CROSS PARTIES MARKHAM TWP. RELIGIOUS I EDI'CATION COUNCIL 1 l CONVENTION Plan to attend the seventyâ€"third annual convention of the Markham‘. Township Religious Education Coun- cil to be held in Markham on Thurs-1 Don't fOrget that tonight (Thunsâ€" day, January 25th. The organiza- day) is the Thornhill Red Cross tion is striving for a bigger and Bridge and Euchre in Lawrence Me- bcttcr convention than ever before. morial Hall. Good prizes and Lucky This is a large undertaking but with Draw will make the evening an in- the help of God and the co-opcra-1tercsting one. tion of every Sunday School worker On Friday evening there will be the officers hope to attain their Olde Tyme and modern dancing, also goal. A detained announcement as games and prizes will be given for to service will be given in this pap-inovelty dances. or next week. Come and have a real good time. a “WWW Dominion of Canada ON 08 afford an excellent investment w Wei-I-‘u a-.. J. R. HERRIN‘GTON Investment Securities Telephone 87 Richmond Hill FF fifh‘hr'fi‘pr'fai’ir'loi _, antiwar: .' own A 1.1 .'. Ll'ii RICHMOND HILL ARENA Every Wednesday and Saturday Throughout the Season L\' ,\'/_.".!'{.' ls‘LE'L" ML)! ’ rum/5R1: a 1' ' a WWI? ADMISSION : Saturdayâ€"Adults 25c. Children 15c. Wednesday Ev’g. Adults 15c. Children 10c. WES MIDDLETON, Chairman Parks Commission TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 JOHN GARFIELD - PRISCILLA LANE in “ DUST BE MY DESTINY ” Powerful and completely engrossing. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 12. 13 TWO FEATURES WEAVER BROS. and ELVIRY . ROY ROGERS in “ JEEPERS CREEPERS ” Featuring Weaver Bros. and Elviry Hill Billy Trio along with Roy Rogers in a Hill Billy background. Comedy, music. Also EDITH FELLOWS. JAMES McCALLION, GANTRY THE GREAT. A BLIND HORSE in “ PRIDE OF THE BLUE GRASS ” Horse racing story with the famous blind horse Gantry. When a race horse lOsos his Sight :1 boy secretly trains him to jump by Signals. He wms a great race. Crime melodrama. MON.. TI'ES., WEI)., THURS, JANUARY 15, 16, 17. 18 BETTE DAVIS. ERROL FLYNN in “ PRIVATE LIVES 0F ELIZABETH AND ESSEX ” A melodramatic histroical drama that is superb in every detail. including tcchnicoloring. costuming, directing, acting and cast. It is an artistic achievement, a powerful brilliant contribution to the year’s outstanding films. , ~-:< 15' PHONE 86 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TIRES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking â€" Safety Glass Installed , , l l ,

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