7th. Every memlber is expect,â€" ed to ’be present and all others will be made welcome. The W.A. of Richvale United Church held their regular meeting on Wednesday, January 3rd at the home of Mrs.‘ Baker Sr., Carrivlle Road. The meeting was presided over «by Mrs. Farrants the presi- dent. A report was read by the Sea-Twas. showing that the assoâ€" ciation had a very good year. The meetings were fairly well attended Ind much work accomplished. The memlbers pieced two quilts, Dresden Plate pattern, put them together, quilted and sold them. The associ- ation decided to hold their annual Bazaar in the spring instead of the Fall and‘ the ladies are all busy now getting ready for it, making- aprons, children’s dresses, quilts, etc. The next meeting will be held: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker, Spruce Ave, on Wednesday, Febru- The annual congregational meetâ€" ing if the Richrvale Church will ‘be held on Thursday, Jan. 18th. This meeting will be held‘ in the church at 8 pm. Everybody invited. Re- ports of the different societies, Sunâ€" day School, etc. Wm 'be given at this meeting and genenal business transacted. reeve of Abbion on Monday was a member of the Alibion COuncil from 1914 to 1921. He was a councillor in 1914, 1915. 1916 and 1917; dep- utyJee've in 1918 andI 1919 and reeve in 1920 and 1921‘. ' Buy Canadian â€" Buy British, and help win the war. Mr. Anderson, Whig w_as elected PAGE EIGHT RICHVALE on the Economic Front To your restless question “When can I help win this war?â€-â€"the answer is NOW. On Monday next, the Government of the Dominion of Canada will offer the First War Loan. The purpose of this Loan is to provide money to carry on the war, not only on the battlefields, but all along the Economic Front. Let us explain what the Economic Front means. It means a war in which the entire natural, industrial and financial reSOurces of the country are used to defeat the enemy. It means a “total war†in which every citizen takes a part, in which his personal rescurces must support those of the Nation. ‘ In such a war, one of the chief weapons is money. Where is this money to come from? There is only one answer. It must comeâ€"and come voluntarilyâ€"from the savings of our people. The difference between us and the Germans is that we, of Our own free will, lend our moneyâ€" it is not ruthlessly taken away. This is your opportunity to do your part in this struggle against Hitlerism. The eyes of the world are upon you, upon Canada, one of the strongest members of the British I A, Commonwealth. Canadians must show that their strength, their courage and their reSOurces are all in this fight against “brute force, bad faith, injustice, aggression and persecution." The news of the success of this Loan musr go ringing round the world. Be ready to buy War Loan Bonds. They will have the proven safety and salability of Dominion of Canada obligations. Any Investment Dealer or Chartered Bank will take your subscription. The quicker the economic war is won, the greater will be the saving of human lives . . . the swifter the collapse of the enemy. lle United. u. meeting A largely attended shower was 3rd; at the|given at King United school room ,, Carriivlle l for the bride, Mrs. Bosb R'iddell, nice 5 presidled Muriel Thorpe, on Thursday evening the presiï¬last. The Y..P.U., of which she was ad; by the president for some time, presented the asso- her with a silver butter dlish, the year. The address read by Malbel Hall and the 11 attended presentation made by Marion Denni- shed. The‘ison. A wide variety of useful gifts :5, Dresden were opened by the bride, assisted together, by her husband and 'both repliedi [‘he associ- fittineg in acceptance of the gifts. Leir annual A good social time was much enâ€" ;ead of the|joyed with Rev. Mr. Davis as chair- HE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA T0 SERVICE sonic officers and the annual fowl banquet is being held! this week in the Masonic Hall. The A.Y.P.A. West York Deanery will hold an “At Home†at Wood- bridge on January 12th. Temperanceville Sunday School and congregation will unite in the afternoon of January 14th for the one service it being election of SS. officers. Plans are near completion for a Training School at King United Church, interdenomination-al, to beâ€" girl on: Tuesday, Jan. 30 and each Tuesday night inclusive uniti] Fe‘b- ruary 27th. Revs. D. G. Davis, M. E. Burch and' Jno. Galloway will conduct very helpcful classeg on‘ phases of general interest ‘n the christian life. 'Eurther announce. ment. Read the “adsâ€â€"â€"many bargains every week. "Material; and money count for I0 much in tbi: war that a rewlute, loyal and ent/azm'axtir economic from line may be the determining factor.“ The installation of Robertson Maâ€" King City The Golden Key Mission Band met choir In the SS. hall of the United church‘day n Monday afternoon and- the new offâ€" ing “ ficers for 1940 were installed as f01â€" which lows: President, Betty Wilson; Vice- I gress Pres., Stanley Donahan; Sec., Betty Elmo Brown; Asst. Sec., Murray Nelson;l we Treas., Mrs. N. Lund; Asst. Treas.,|wm. Douglas McLean; Pianists, Margaret I agbly Ramsey and Jessie Mitchell; Lantern Gene, Sec., Evelyn Miller; Star Sec., Helen Re‘ Cooper; Program Convener, Mar- at th garet Ramsey; Social Convener. Keffe Jessie Mitchell. Mrs. MacCrimmmon- MC and Mrs. Lund were in charge of St; 1 the programme. home The monthly meeting of the Hope WA. was held in the SS. room Jan. 4th when supper was servedl to the 38. children and congregation. The table collection amounted to $7.00. The annual business meeting was held: after the supper when the tea- chers and officers of the previous year were re-elected. Favourable reports were received from all deâ€" partments. Mrs. T. 0. Nixon spent a. few lays last week visiting friends in Tor- onto. Dr. Honwood of Toronto and Ran- dolph Hoiles of Que‘en's University spent Sunday with Mr. and! Mrs. J. W. Thomas and Mr .and‘ Mrs. W. H. Hoiles. Randolph Hoiles return.â€" ed: to Kingston Monday evening. Miss Myrrtle Keffer returned home this week after slï¬emiing three weeks in, Newmarï¬ket. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider enter- tained- a group of friends at a tur- key d’i'nmer Tuesday evening. Mrs. Huenergard entertained the 'FHE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE NEWSY NOTES the answer is NOW. MINISTER OF FINANCE choir numbers at the parsonage Fri- day night. After practice the evenâ€" ing was spent in a musical contest which resulted in a tie and pro- gressive Chinese Checkers won by Elmo Snid‘er. We are pleased' to report that Mr. Wm. Watson is progressing favour- asbly following an operation in the General Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Huenei‘gard- visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Keffer on Sunday. Monday evening- St. Andrew‘s and St. Paul‘s Y.P. Guild! met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brownlee. The programme consisted- of a short song service foliowedl ‘by a d‘evo- tion-al period and‘ a solo by Audrey MacNaughton. The Literary con- v-enor, Geonge Snider, gave an inâ€" teresting address] on the United) Co- Operative Farmers Co. The next meeting/of the Guild) will be held in the SS. room of St. Andrew’s church when the members of Tor- onto Council will be the guests and! supply the programme, An hour of fellowship will be spent at the close of the meeting. Everyone welcome. The regular meeting of the Y..P.U. was held in the United: Church S.S. room Monday evening. The meet- ing was in change of the Christian Citizenship convenor, Arthur Shaw, who gave an address on the subâ€" ject, “Diary of Canadian news events of 1939â€. The attendance for the evening was 33. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider of Goderich have returned home after spending the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Snider. NEWTONBROOK The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will‘ hold its regular meeting next Tues- day, January 16th at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. Arnold Douglas, 154 Pemlberton Ave. Mrs. R. F. Hicks will speak on “Christian Stewardship". Bring a new mem- ber with you. The Girls' Mission Circle will meet next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock COUNCILLOR JOHN HOSTRAWSER Who was re-elected a member of Vaughan Coumcil t3] acclialmation at the recent municipal elections. This is Councillor Hostrawser’s fifth con- secutive term on the Vaughan Mun- icipal Council. The Girls' Mission Circle will meet next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the Parsonage. The young lad- ies of the church and community are invited to attend. An interest- ing program will 'be given. Newtorbrocvk United Church will hold its annual congregational meet- ing and supper on Tuesday, Janu- ary 23rd at 6.30 p.m-. A special inâ€" vitation is extended to all the mem- ‘bers and adherents. A quilting and aerUg‘ meeting will be held Thursday afternoon in aid of the Red Cross at the home of Mrs. W. ‘T. Wells. The Golden Rule Mis‘ion Band held its first meeting of the New Year last Saturday afternoon with twenty-six present. The new presiâ€" dient, Reta Hurd, presided and the devotional worship service “God’s Winter Worldâ€, was conducted by Jean Shaw. In the absence of the secretary, Yvonne Hick read the minutes of the last meeting. A beau- tiful new poster with the picture of 3. King’s Crown' painted in water colors was on display and Mrs. Hal- ‘bert explained that every new mean.- Iber that joined would add a jewel to the Crown. A p’ano solo was given by Elise Wells. A talk illus- trated} with lantern slid‘es by Mrs. Pearson on “Around the World with Billy and Betty by Aeroplane" was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Samson told a story on “Customs of other landsâ€. The children learned a new hymn after which the president gave the closing prayer. The next meet- ing will ‘be held on Sat, Jan. 20th. At the annual meeting of the W. M.S. Auxiliary the following mem» lbers were appointed for 1940: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. C. Dempsey, Mrs. R. Pinder Sr.; Pres, Mrs. A. W. Gallbraith; 1st Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. Jas. Murray; 2nd Vce-Pres., Mrs. J. C. Bales; Rec. Sec., Mrs. W. T. New; Cor. Sec., Mrsv. Fred“ MacDonald; Treas, Mrs. W. T. Well-s; Sec. of Christian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. James tMurray; Community Friendship and Associate Helpers Sec., Mrs. A. W. Stephenson: Sup- ply Sec., Mrs. Alfred Brown; Temp- erance Sec., Mrs. Murdie Campbell; Literature Sec., Mrs. C. O. Bales; Girls Mission Circle Sec., Mrs. A. H. Hallbert; Mission Band Sec., Mrs. A. H. Hallbert; Assistants, lMrs. E. ‘Pe’arson and Mrs. B. Samson; Baby Band‘ Sec., Mrs. F. Foreman; Fin: ‘ ance Com., Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. New, Mrs. A. W. Gallbraith. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held' last Thursday afternoon in the Unit. ed Church S.S. hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson pre- siding. Delegates were appointed to attend the W.A. conference of Toronto Centre Presbytery on Fri- day, January 26 in Eglinton United Church. Toronto. Arrangements were also made for the con-gregaâ€" tiona} supper on Tuesday, January 23rd. also for a Plunkett Dinner in February. The Young‘ People’s Union held a very interesting meeting last Mon- day evening With Mr. Miles Leckie, Citizenship convenor, in change. Mr. Kenneth Foreman assisted in the de- votional service. The theme was “Having a good time†and. those taking part in the discussion were Gladys Ridden, Raymond Round, Mrs. E. Pearson, Rey Gurney and Rev. A. H. Hahbert. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1940. ‘Th‘e W.A. of Carrville Church are planning to hold a pot luck supper on Jan. 18. Further notice later. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Chas'. Graham anti Mrs. L. Clement of Richmond Hill: attended the WA. last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Del- brocco. DIED EVAENS, Johnrâ€"At the Western Hospital, ‘Toronto, on Saturday, January 6th. 1940, John Evans, be- loved husband of Emily Green, late of Steele's avenue east. The funeral was held‘ at Wright [8: Taylor's Funeral Home, Richmond Hills, on Tues-day, 9th instant, at 2 o'clock. Interment followed in Thcrnhill Cemetery. Mr. .and Mrs. Kenny and Miss E. Kenny of Toronto visited MI'. and Mrs. J. Barton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ness and“ Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and son Kenneth spent Saturday evening with Mr. Ness at Thomhill. The Y.P.U. will meet Frid'ay ev- ening- at the home of Mrs. J. Vand- enberg. The meeting is‘ in charge of Miss Betty Keffer. The Y.P. are planning to hold a crokinole party on: January 31. Mrs. Clarke was operated' on Wed- nesday in the Toronto General Hos- pital. She is doing as well as can be expected. Weiare giad' to report that Mr. Chester Bone who was operated] on in the General Hospital last week is a little improved; Hockey ARENA Fri., Jan. 12 Richmond Hill JR. 8. SCHED UlE GAME RICHMOND HILL North Bay . . . . . $9.45 Orillia . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Buffalo . . . . . . . x $5.05 (xâ€"from Toronto) 'u. A. DONNELLY. tel. 177 FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP CA RRVILLE SUTTON ADMISSION: ADULTS 25 Cents CHILDREN 15 Cents AT 8.15 P.M. .... $9.45 .... $3.50 ...x $5.05 Toronto)