PAGE FOUR THE MILL RICHMOND HILL, ONT. DIED BROWN, Marguerite M.â€"Suddenly. on Saturday, January 27th, 1940, at her residence, 110 Waverley road, Marguerite, beloved daughter of Bring in your seed grain mend. Hm before the rush. We have at attractive prices H.T.H. 15, Ceresan, Semesan, Ceresan Jr. We deliver north Tuesday South Wednesday Funeral Home of Austin J. Mack, 1986 Queen street east on Monday at 1.30 p.m. Interment followed in Victoria Squaret I EUCHRE i A Euchre will be held in the base- ment of St. Mary's R.Ct Church on Tuesday, Februarv 6th. Seven ex- cellent prizes including a. door prize. lAll are cordially invited. Phones: Evenings 82W Day 139 with FERGUSON SYSTEM â€" and â€" Ferguson Implements Lightweight, 4-wheel, all-purpose Ford tractor complete with Ferguson Hydrau- lic Controls, starter, power take-off, pneumatic tires, governor, adjustable treads, ignition lock, throttle control, in- dependent rear-wheel brakes, air clean- er. Come in and see it! $*****.**3 LITTLE BROTHERS FORD SALES & SERVICE Richmond Hill Ontario '\. :. ,r SMASH-HIT from coast to coastâ€"the most talked-about, most written-about car of the yearâ€"that’s the new Oldsmobile for 1940! It’s biggerâ€"in length, in breadth, in roominess. It’s betterâ€"in styling, in performance, in economy. It offers a host of new and ï¬ner quality features, including Sealed Beam Safety Headlamps. .And Oldsmobile offers three sensational new series, priced for everybody. The big, 95 hp. Sixty is priced right down in the low-price ï¬eld. The stun- ning new Seventy sells at a popular price. The luxurious, new Custom 8 Cruiser, with its superb new Body by Fisher, is the ï¬nest Eight ever offered at a medium price. Come in at your earliest opportunity. Drive the car that has everything bigger and better â€"the new Oldsmobile for1940. uonm co Au. TOHIL Mrs. Ida Brown, formerly of Richâ€": Funeral service was held from the ' §§§§ 11.8mm ‘ AROUND as : hornhill ' ONTARIO THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the “'0- men’s Institute will be held in the Municipal Hail on. Thursday, Feb. 8 l lat. 3 p.m. ' iMaking will be a feature at this meeting. Unionville The Fireside Service at Central 'United Church last Sunday evening was of special interest, when Mr. Forgosh of Locust Hill, formerly a Catholic Priest, gave an interesting and enlightening address. A few things about Poland and Czechoâ€" slovakia as nations were quite new thoughts for Canadians. A solo, “It ' ‘is quiet down here", given by Mrs. A. K. Harrington, was pleasingly rendered. Mrs. W. .I. Russell playâ€" ed‘ the accompaniment. have been highly to those in attendance. Unionville had a visitor last week who certainly had “a way wid him", for he walked in and out of some of our residents' homes choosing and inspirational fullv locking the door behind him. went on his \vav. Mr. R. J. Duif- field and Mr. C. E. Stiver report homes ‘licing entered and valuable keepsakes removed. Ben Gayimian, pi'it has been found. ate that such things occur. f0s.tcr_ ing suspicion of strangers and causâ€" ing perhaps the recdy chap to be refused a helping hand. aiiii‘TorivnILE very successful Euchre at Unionville On January 24th. The committee in charge was Mrs. Russell BIOyinigton, Mrs. G. Kerr, Miss Mary Rod'ick, iM‘iss Rhea Scott. Twentyiive tables and prize winners were Mrs. 5 no, Cox. Mrs. Walter Craig, Mrs. c. Hooper, Mr. Phillip Dixon, M1“. Dave Brown, Mr. Vernon Trunk. Button'ville Red CI‘OSs will hold a Euchre and Dance at Victoria Square Hall on Thursday, February 8th at 8.15 p.m. Come and bring a friend and help a worthy cause. ‘The Women's Institute held a quilting at Mrs. Russell Boyington's "last week with a good attendance. Brown’s Corners United Church WJM.S. met at the home of Mrs. 'Walter Craig on Wednesday, Januâ€" ary 3‘1st at 2.30. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. D. Hood. Brown’s Corners W.M.S. Day of Prayer will be held on Friday at "I i the home of Mrs. Niorman Reid. All welcome. ‘The United Church at Brown’s 'Corners will hold a social evening on Monday, February 12th in the church at 8 o’clock. A cordial inviâ€" tation is extended to all. Come and make this social evening a succeSS. SCIENTIFIC WRIC BISTRJB UTIon i Hockey Notes A (ll-iiionstrat'cn on Salad rat the local arena on Tuesday even- ‘ These Fil‘eâ€" -, side Services are held monthly and“ taking what he liked best. then care- ‘ ‘ all i cud period. It is unfortunâ€" ‘ The Buttonville Red Cross held a. Newmarket, Gibbon, Gunn, Barker I and Luck. League Standing P W L ‘T Pts 'Markham . . . . . . . 7 7 O 0 14 Newmarket 7 4 2 1 9 ‘ ‘Sutton . . . . . . . . . 7 3 4 '0 6 Richmond Hill .. 7 1 5 1 3 'BeaVerton . . . . . . 6 1 ‘5 0 2 Richmond Hill and Beaverton The smallest crde of the season witnessed the. best game of the yeari ‘ing wth Richmond Hill and Newâ€"f market Rcdmien played to a three tic. There were only eighty adults and twenty child’s tickets ‘sold which is a very poor attend- ancc for :1 Jr. game and approxi- mately half of these were from New- market. Richmond Hill played much the same brand of hockey that they pro- d‘uced at Markham on Friday night and if they keep this up they should- n't have much trouble with Beaverâ€" ton this coming Tuesday. The local boys. backâ€"checked good and were al- ways on the job when it came to‘ rushing. “Taylor, Stephens and’ Brocklban'k were exceptionally good 1 ‘on covering their check while Browni and Maibley showed up well on the rushes, netting the Hills first goal at the one minute mark of the secâ€"l Patton in goal playedll good' game and l his usual stopped i l the 10m] mmmme ig inmosï¬gaiing : shots that looked like sure goals. i ’but up to date no trace of the cul-. Ncwmarket are a real fast aggre- gation and were‘ on shots, 1 as they were right through on Patâ€" ton several times but couldn’t put ;i the puck in the net. Bone, the flashy defence player for Newmarâ€"i ket, was missed by his team Tues»â€" day night as he has been called to the army. The goal getters for the Hill were Brown and Brockibank on passes from Mabley and O’Rourke in the second period, and Brockibank scored on a shot from the blue line to tie the game in the third period. Gunn and Jelley scored for New- market in the first period on passes: from Gibbons and Luck, while B0ul~ mer scored the other on a pass from Gibbons early in the third. There was no scoring in the overtime. There were seven penalties handed out, three to Richmond Hill, Ste-wart twice and Barrow once, and four to meet at the local Arena next Tues. day night and the playâ€"off position is at stalke in this game. This will be the final game of the season un- less the Locals can emerge victorâ€" ious, so come on fans come out and help cheer a real fighting team to victory. “Last week I made the statement ‘that.our rboys would be in there (fighting for a place in the play- offs, and believe me if you had‘ at-4 tended last Tuesday’s game you would have said the same as our team really did turn it on,†said President Art White of the local hockey club to The Lilberal this week. V“The Newmai'iket tcaim knew} when it was over that Richmond Hill was a team to be reckoned With.†he said. “‘0 don’t miss the 5 next game, Tuesday. February 6th . with Beaverton as our cpnonents." Ict iis all. turn out ard cheer the boys to Victory. NOTICE After this date I will not be re- sponriible for any debts contracted in my name without my written order. Edgar Phillips. Jefferson, Ont. January 30th, 1940. Sale Register ' SATURDAY, FEB. 3111~Postponcd auction sale of approximately five acres standing Timber, the property of Sidney Jones, lot I30, concossion 2 Vaughan Twp. (Enw ter from 3rd concession). Purchasâ€" ers have until March Blst, 1041 to remove wood. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. TUES., FEB. ISâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. grain, etc, lot 1, con. 3, Markham- Town Line, 2% miles west of Milli- ken, property of Warren ‘Sale at 12.30 sharp. No resolve. ’I'erms cash. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. \VED., FEB. Nthâ€"Auction sale 0f farm stock, implements, furniture, etc, the property of Josh Harrison, Lots 12 and 13, Con. 2, North York, Bayview Avenue, York Mills. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. No reserve as farm is rented. Prentice & Prent- ice, auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 15â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements. hay, grain, etc., at Bond Lake, Yonge St., the property of W. M. *Cosgrove. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. No reserve. gl\'-‘ 'F. Thompson, Oaik hardwood, . Wills/0n. i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1940. , Classified Advs. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€" Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent- for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. FOR SALE COAL AND WOOD. Langstaff Sup- ply Co., phone Thornhill 73. FRESH COW. Aipiply Ed. Sliney, lot 28, 3rd con. Vaughan. COAL, COKE, best quality and prices. Phone R. Crawford, Thorn- hill 51r21. 2 SPLENDID YOUNG C‘OWS, just freshened. Apply De La Salle Farms, Phone 90 Aurora. 40 YOUNG PIGS, suckers and larg- er. L. C. Burton, Stop 23 Yonge St., Carrville Rd. Phone Maple 764. 3 AYRSHIRF. BULLS, 10 and 11 months old, purebred, registered. George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone Thornhill 149. THREE LOTS on North side of Roseview Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, Hall Rack, Sideboard, Dresser. No rea- sonable offer refused. 24 Arnoldl Street, Richmond Hill. CA‘TTLE. 5 registered Durham heif- ers; 2 bulls, grade, 1 Hereford and 1 Ayrshire; other cattle. Apply ‘T. Ridges. BAY GELDING, 9 years. old, weight 1450. Call any day but Saturday“ Cecil Mortson. Spruce Avenue, Rich_i vale, Stop 14 Yonge Street. ADY'S BICYCLE in good condi- tion, 87.00; Quebec Heater, small size, 33.50. Apply Taylor's Radio, Service, 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 226. ELECTRIC PORTABLE full size1 Sewing Head, foot control, Seam-g stress Vibrator, reasonable. Apply ' Miss Naughton, Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 127. NEWFOUNDLAND FEMALE DOG, 2 years old, papers, house broken, dog cart and harness. What offer? Imperial Station, 11/2 miles east of Yonge Street on No. 7 Highway. Phone Thornhill 511‘3‘3. » ATTENTION STOCK OWNERS. Terrouchman's Liniment for exter- nai use. If you don’t find this lini- ment better than what you have been using your money refunded at Aus- tin’s Drug Store. 7wk. TO RENT DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. ' mm Vaughan Council The regular February meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5th 11 A.M. for the transaction of General Business ' Dated at Maple this 1st day of February, 1940. EDGELEY The Edgeley Women’s Institute are holding" :1 Cooking School and Lantern Slides on Friday, February 39th in E'dgeley Hall sponsored by Moffats of Weston. The slides are especially interesting to the school Over 5 lines 5 cents IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. . L. Nelson, per line extra .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios M ISCEIJLA NEOUS SEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Ynez, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. SAW MILL for custom sawing- Logs can be left at any time. R. Gormley, R.R. No. 2,. 3rd con. of Markham, 1 mile south of Gormley. WA NTE’D TWO MEN to cut and split a quant- ity of cord wood. Apply to T. C. McKay, lot 8, con. 4, Markham. COUPLE. Capable cook general, hiouserman, gardener, Thornhill dis-- trict, references. Apply Lii'beral Office. FRESH EGGS. Highest prices paid for fresh eggs. Richill Poultry Farm, egg grading station, Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. We pay cash. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, 3 busi- ness adults, one school boy, Yonge Street residence, all conveniences. Permanent position. Box No. 100,. The Liberal. R.&G. (Reconditionpd and Guaranteed) U sed Cars $325.00 1938 FORD ,V-S DeLUXE TUDORF_ Very Small Mileage, heater, excep- tional value. $495.66 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk, Heater, New Tires. $450.00 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"â€" With 'Ih'uink. Very nice. lchildrcn. Meeting open at 8 p.m. Admission is free. Light refreshâ€" liiicnts. The Edgeley Red Cross met Jan. 17th at the home of Mrs. Allan Aitcheson. The full report of finâ€" ished work was given by the presiâ€" dent, Ella Whitmore, and the sew- ing convenor, Mrs. Garnet Keffer: 48 sling bandages, 12 pneumonia 'jackets, 24 pillow cases, 10 abdom- ,inal binders, 7 pr. wristlets, 15 pr. 1sacks, 3 sweaters- and 6 pr. pyjamas. A sewing afternoon is held each »Thursday. All ladies in the comâ€" munity are welcome. The Edgeley Sunday School holding their annual skating party ‘at Richmond Hill on Friday, Februâ€" ary 2nd. , The Young People's SOCiety of Edgeley are invited to Concord on 1\chnesday. February 7th. The meet. ing‘ will be in charge of the citizenâ€" lship convenor, Sadie BishOp. We are ihoping a goodly number of our iYoung People turn out. are l You can’t blame explorers from journeying into the uncivilized wilds. ing up farming. tice & Prentice, auctioneers. Terms cash. Prenâ€" It’s the only opportunit to see the scenery unmarred by sign boards. $425.00 1936 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Heater & Defroster. [ $250.00 1932 FORD v-8 TUDORâ€"Thorough- Iy reconditioned. $250.00 1932 PLYMOUTH 4 CYLINDER DeLUXE SEDANâ€"Good condi- tiom. $225.00 1932 FORD 4 CYLINDER TUDOR. $65.00 1928 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK Large Box. Little Brothers ' Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W ONTARIO