THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1940. =â€"â€":__â€"_â€"__=:‘_â€"_â€"q;=== King City District News ' Mr. Watson Ferguson, Misses 'Annie and Ethel Ferguson visited friends at Richvale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gillatly visit- ed with Mrs. R. Gellatly on Sunday. lMiss Alice Ferguson and Mrs, Andrew McClure attended the twoa day sessions of the Toronto W.M.S. Presbyterial held in Dunn Avenre Presbyterian Church on January 25I and 26. Miss Ferguson was theI guest of her brother, Professor; Walt/er Ferguson and Mrs. McClure remained with Mrs. A. K. McLaren. Delegates from King and Laskay are attending the 14th annual W. _ IM.S. Pres'byterial of United Church held in College St. United Church , this week. Mrs. Lawrie BOys spent several days at Th-ornbury when her father, the late Henry Collin-s, passed away. a balance and satisfactory report-s. Church officers are: Secretary- Treasurer, Miss E. Fisher; Deacons, John Riddcll, Albert Rumble, Brit- ton Riddell, Arthur Peck; Property Com., Arthur Peck, Britton Riddell, Arthur Rurmible; S.S. Supt, Cecil Kinnee; teachers, Rev. Mr. Gallo- way and Mrs. Kinnce; church orâ€" ganists, Mrs. B. Riddell and Mrs. C. Kinnee. Appreciation of CO-in- eration of all was expressed. Re- freshments were served at the SO- . cial hour. Laskay Y.P.U. enjoyed a tobogg- aning party last Thursday with re- freshments at Mics Vera Hunter’s. Eversley W. A. will be held at Mrs. W. Rolling's on Feb. 7th. The York Musical Festival, Auâ€" rora, May 31 will provide plenty of interest for,King Township contest- suddenly last week. Mrs. Nelson Thompson visited herl sister Mrs. Nelson Kerr of Vellorel for a few days last week. i 5.8. 13, Pottageville, organized ai Junior Red ‘Jross Society recently| ’under the supervision of the teacher, Miss Vera. Allen. The officers are: IPresident, Helen Ollikaines; Secre- tary, Kathleen West; Treasurer,l iBeverley Weedon; Program Com.“ 'Alice Houghton, Effie Dove, Colleen ‘Gouldp Health and Cleanliness, iBillie Weedon, Bo‘blby Bmvles; Ser-’ vice Com., Mary iMcCaube, JeSSie Wooden. It is interestinv to note[ that the president is of Finnish descent. The cause of Finland alone 'would help to inspire the organizaâ€" tion which held its inaugural meet- ?ing in a commendable manner. A Health Play will be prepared by the ; Society. ' iSchmnlberg Short Course went 'over the top with a classic finish in the form of a. banquet on Friday evening, January 26th. Ahnost 200 Were present, including the full registration of pupils, teachers, ’ sponsors and others. Mr. S. B.'. Stothers of the Department of Agâ€" riculture for Wellington County wasI the main speaker and urged “Can-n adj-an farmers to improve their property, andl during war time to keep up to the normal standard of proficiency thus enabling the future generation a good working basis. ‘Preparation for farm life was the main object of the course and to that purpose the staff bent ail ef- fort.†One hundred and two stu- dents devoted themselves wholeâ€" heartedly to the month’s study. Ac- cording to Kenneth Homes, Presiâ€"I dent of Schomiberg Agricultural 80â€", iciety, the course has been helpfuli and inspirational to the entire co'm-. Imunity. The banquet table was pre- sided over by Mr. W. M. Cocloburn, '“the guiding light†of the course. {The toast to the guests was pro- posed by Kenneth Leonard and re- iplied by Mrs. Ernest Pearson, presi- «dent of .Schomlberg W.I.; Reeve lThos. MclMurchy and Kenneth (Holmes, president of Schomlberg Agricultural Society. The toast to “The Heart breakers. the boys†was proposed by Betty Mclzhvanl and re- I=iponded to by Lorne Brown. To ‘the girls, by Walter McLean and {responded to by Helen Hodgin-s, 'ivicerresident of the Girls’ Class. Entertainment was supplied by Ken- neth Leonard, Rachail Proctor and :Harry Matson. Miss Irene Marshall of Strange was in attendance at the Short Course. A Junior Girls" Institute will be .organized this week at SchOinberg. The annual meeting of Eversley Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursday evening, February 8th. The annual World's Day of Prayer will be held in Kirg Baptist} Church at 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9th. Miss Alice Ferguson will give lthe address. The. sixth folks will .meet at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian iChurch 'but as yet plans are not icomipleted. Schomlberg ladies will lnieet at the Presbyterian Church, ants. The inauguration of junior vocal classes of upgraded- schools will permit interesting entrants. Already the schools in the town- ship have achieved a good standard of voice culture. There is plenty of talent and ambition ready for action. Laskay United Church held their THE LIBERAL RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Social and Personal A cordial invitation is extended to attend- the Euchre in St. Mary's R.C. Church Hall on Tuesday evening of next; week. I Richmond Hill Public School conâ€" cert will be presented in the High lSchool Gym Thursday and Friday, IFe-bruary 15th and 16th. Do not forget the lY -night, February lst. i V f - « d 01; sk tes lpi.zes 01 costumes an s13 ~ 3 w Presbyterian l The World“ Day of Prayer will be observed with a joint meeting of local W.M.S. Societies in St. Mary's Anglican Church next Fridav after- noon, February 9th at 3 o’clock. A large crowd enjoyed the Old - Timers Skating party at the Rich- mond Hill Arena this week. Another Old Timers’ night is advertised for next Monday evening, February 5th. We are pleased to report that Mr. Gordon Stephenson who has been in the Toronto General Hospital is progressing favorany and his many friends hope to see him home again soon. Mesdames D. Hill, W. W. Trench 'J. F. Burr, G. W. Foli'ett and Miss 'F. Richardson attended the W.M.S.I ‘Rally of the Toronto Centre Pres, | On Friday evening, March lst the [planning to hold a Leap Year Dance i “in | 'and prizes. . tickets 50 cents. Max Boag’s oung People’s Skating Carnival tO- convenor in charge of tickets for There will be ‘the permanent wave draw, donated ' the llbyterial of the United Church in College St. United Church on Tues- '(lay. annual congregational meeting folâ€" lowing a noon dinner in the Sunday School room. This year witnessed largest attendance and the spirit and enthusiasm of the meet- ing speaks for ifs-elf, the wanm fel- lowship that has made. the past year such a success in .every way. Our minds were drawn back for a period as we paused in memory of two members who have passed from our ranks during the year, Duncan McMurchy and Mrs. Annie Hamilton. No word.c of eulogy were holding a social evening on Friday, February 2nd, at 8 o’clock, in the school room of the church. All lade ies who have recently arrived in the community also all ladies of the‘ congregation are cordially invited. On Sunday evening, February 4th. The members of the 'Womcn's Asâ€"l' sociation of the United Church are ' .â€" Red Cross Notes ,‘Richmond Hill Red Cross Society is ‘ the High School Auditorium. I‘There will be many novelty dances Watch for the posters! Orchestra will provide the music. Mrs. Ransom has been appointed 'by Misses Donaldy, as a money-mak- ‘ing project for the Red Cross SO- ‘ciety. Tickets may be purchased from. Red Cross membens at 10c. each or three for 25c., the. draw to (be held at the Leap Year Dance 'March 1st. A short business meeting will be held on Friday afternoon at 3.30 p.m. February 2nd in the Red Cross work room. As Friday, February 9 has been set aside by the churches as a day of prayer, the Red Cress room will be closed on that d‘ay. VETERAN LADIES‘ AUXILIARY The Vaughan and Richmond Hill] Veteran Ladies‘ Auxiliary will hold .their regular meeting on Tuesday, ‘February 6th, at 2.30 o’clock in the Municipal Hall. All members are urged to attend as- the election of officers will be held. GAMES NEEDED FOR SOLDIERS‘ ENTERTAINMENT The Misses Evelyn G. Follett, 'Olive Wilson and Betty Ruinilble, with ‘a number of other young ladies, served supper to two hundred and ‘fifty soldiers at the Y..M;C.A. Headâ€" ‘quarters, Exhibition Park, Toronto, ‘on Sunday evening last, and afterâ€" ‘wards assisted in the entertainment ‘prog-ram. l1940, the Young- People of the Pros- Ibyterian Church will conduct the evening church service. Gordonl Cunningham will be the speaker.L Fellowship service will be held after, the regular service. ‘ necessary; their works live after them. Fine and worthy Christian soldiers, always on duty, never back- ing away from a hard task, quietlyl lbu’t consistently leading the church' along to new achievements for the Kingdom of God. One of the most significant events, a tribute to father and son, was the unanimous election of Marshall Mc- Murchy to the place on the Board you a e imith t tbend Re . . r i o a i . mem- of Session held by his father. Mr. bar how vou enjoyed yourself at the Percy Forester was reâ€"elected to the Jam; supper? Then, come again! Two new members to the Tuesday evening, February 13th at The Board of Managers of thel Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. are planning an Oyster Supper onl Tuesday evening, Felbruary 13L That means it will be a good supper and session. a Board of Stewards are Jesse Rich- 6-00 p-m- ards and Jas. Watson. The regular meeting of St. Mary's, lW..A. will be held at the home of; iMrs. N. Chatterley, 25 Yonge St.l to hold the (banner of Divine truthwm Tuesd‘ay’ February 6th at 2345' ‘p.m. Members are asked to bring; aloft throughout these years with . . . . , . , . l in their January contributions to whole-hearted co-opeiaticn all the | th t 1 ‘f d A f 11 t time. There is a rich qualzty to the t efl‘cen ‘S'lnéa ind" u a ‘ church life that has made all its enwance ls leque's e‘ ' The reports of the year did not reveal any Alpine Peaks but a steady march of centering workers Mare needed for icongregations maintain strength and has given to its varied programs a freshness, a real sense,cf joy in fellowship. The union comirruniCn service in July was a true family reunion and 150 shared in the communion of the Holy Sacrament. The life and spirit of Laskay church is healthy and all financial objectives were attained and we start 1940 in good stand- ing. Warm words of appreciation were express-ed to the pastor fior his leadership during the years. The permanent organization of King Township Red Crosa unit was arranged on January 29 at Schom- berg. Rev. J. McEwan presided for elections. ‘The present system has been adopted from the setâ€"up at ,Head office. Hon. Presidents, Reeve Thos. McMurchy and the councillors; Miss J. Edgar; Treasurer, E. Smith. The township has been divide-(l into four divisions from which four vice- presidents have been elected, name-i 1y, Dr. M. K. Dillan-e. Schomr‘oerg; V. A. Hall, Kin-g; Mrs. Russell Snid- er, chbleton; Peter Muirhead, Ket- tlei‘oy. Each division has a cam- paign chairman as follows: Cornel- ius McCaibe, Schomib'erg; Crawford \Vells. King; James Trainer, Noble- ton; Ed. \Villiams, Kettleby. Each division has a War Works chairman (Mrs. Ralph Davis presiding- and as follows: Mrs. Burnel Graham, .giving the {midi-ass, Schomiberg; Mrs. Geo. H. Stone, The officers and a good ,.epre_ King; Mrs. Delbert Arlow, Noble- ,sentation of King Baptist Church ton: Mrs. Ed. West, Kettleby. The {met at the parsonage last week, ERev. and Mrs. Galloway hosts. The annual meeting and election of off- icers was held, the year ending with LA GROVE BEAUTY PARLOUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS $4.00 Permanent Wave for $2.50 School Girls’ Permanent Wave. Curly Ends, $1.89 Phone Thornhill 102 cannpaign chairmen will each choose a committee; the War Works chairâ€" man will choose a representative committee of his division. i The set-nip covers the entire town-1 ship, embracing all organizations and individuals desirous of serving the cause. The death of Joseph Hill in his‘ 83rd year of Pottaigevilie, occurred suddenly at his home on Sundaym January 28th. He was born in King; and farmed until 19 years ago when he retired. He followed the faith of the United Church and was a“ Conservative in politics. are three children. Mrs. Oliver Pat- on. Mrs. Wm. Wheator and Lenart‘ ‘Hill. Interment was made in Ket-‘ ' ~'41ll'fxlï¬slé‘fl2%lMLEQJLMLWLMMLMLw tleby cemetery beside his wife. theil lformer Hannah Ireland, who died 2‘ l \ lyears ago. President, E. G. Lloyd; Secretary,‘ lunder the auspices of the Girls†Red, ‘ClUNN‘NGHAMâ€"In loving memory "Township the son of Thomas Hill Just a token of affection, Surviving, Little do thcv know the sm~row. SKATING PARTY ’ Don‘t for-get the Skating Party Cross to be held1 Thurs, Feb. 8, at 730 p.m. in Richmond Hill arena. There will be novelty skates and a lucky draw. Come and help a good cause by having a good time. Gen- eral admission 25c. EDGELEY RED CROSS A Euchre will be held in Edgelcy Hall Wednesday, February 7 under the auspices (f Edgeley Red Cross. Six regular prizes, six lucky prizes. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. John Shiei‘mard and family wish to cypress their thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy in their recent bereavement. . BIRTHS i11 a.nnâ€"“The Other Side of Life.†‘ 2.30 D‘O‘HiE-RTYâ€"At Mrs. Heeley’s home, Elgin Mills. on Sunday, January 28, 1940. to Ml'- and M1‘5~ Joli?" DOhel'ty 1 Teachers. Always a most inter- (nee Margaret Lane) of Wilcoxl egth ,9 Ni 9 Lake, the gift of a son, Donald‘, ’ ' g S I c ' . John. Beth doing. WELL - I p.m.â€"Vesper serVice. One hour only. Inspirational music and JEFFEIRSONflAt Richmond Hill on; Tuesday, January 30th, 19-10, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jefferson, the gift of' a daughter. " MEREDITHâ€"At Burnside, Toronto General Hospital, on January 25th, 1940 to Mr. and Mrs. William L. Meredith, Richvale, a son. TEMPLEâ€"On January 3lst at Mrs. Stanford‘s Nursing Home, Richmond Hill, to Mi. and Mrs. Donald Temple (nee Janet Malthy), a. daughter. Maureen Edna Elizabeth. IN MEMORIAM of a dear wife and mother. Mildred Armstrong Cunningham. who passed away January 3lst. 1939. Just a thought of sweet remembâ€"r rance, Just a memory fond and true, And a heartache still for you. More and more each day we miss you Though our thoughts are not reâ€"l vealed. i That is within our hearts con- cealed. â€"E\'er remembered by her Hus- band and Family. Red Cross needs your helpâ€"join; today and help along the gOOd work.‘ ’ By the way, games of all kinds the soldiers down ‘there, and anyone having games of ‘any kind in their homes that can be spared kindly get in touch with Miss E. G. Fo‘llett who will see that ‘they are delivered to Headquarters. \ WJC.T.U. MEETING The monthly meeting of the WC. TU. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Cook, 66 Church Street, on Tuesday, February 6th at 3 pint, \Miss R. Duff. Field Secretary of the, E i i i i W.CLT.U. will be the guest speaker }. and a cordial invitation is extended ,9, die the ladies of the community to! KLEIN BU RG HOTEL BURN ED Kleinburg Hotel. one of York County‘s oldest landmarks, was deâ€" strayed by fire earlv Wednesday morning, and the neighbouring house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc'Taggart was also prey to the flames. Maple Fire Brigade an- EM‘EI‘e-d the call but scarcity of wartâ€" er made fire fighting a difficult task. The burned hotel was built in 1832. be present. i l l RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, February 4th p ni,7Sundav School. 7 p.m.â€"The Evening Service will be conducted by our Young People’s Society. All Young People taking charge of the service. Won’t you come to this service? You are invited. Go to church next Sunday. It will give you the best start for the week in body, mind and spirit. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, February 4th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sund2y School. All De- partments. 11 aimâ€"Divine worship. Installa- tion of Sunday School officers and bright gospel singing at all ser- vices, led by Mr. A. Melecci, or- ganist and choir leader. Members. adherents and friends cordially in- vited. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Choir Leader: Mr. R. Edmund: Organist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, Feb. 4th Quinquagesima 11 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. Cele- brant, the Rector. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Superintendent, Mr. R. Paris. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Preacher, Rev. W. S. Pockâ€" nell. VVednesdayâ€"Ash Wednesday or first day of Lent, Litany and Ad- dress. The Guild of Health meets on Wedâ€" nesdays 2.30 p.m. Mowat. Requests for prayer for the sick and afflicted received by the Rector. Read the “adsâ€â€"â€"Many every week. home of Mrs.‘ i l I l bargains i _.____â€"____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ 0999"â€. 4. PAGE FIVE iï¬m‘iï¬ï¬â€˜n‘ï¬â€˜i midirhiaimr7.iiï¬.vrr.i1ï¬. MW D344 OYSTER SUPPER Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Tuesday, February 13; AT 6.30 P.M. ."MWMMH M 'v-K'JJIA'HE'A YUM! MAW ADULTS 40c.; CHILDREN 250. Baby Chicks Get the Right Start on \ Sater There is no doubt about it! Baby chicks get off to a flying start when you feed Master Chick Starter. It’s built. right! MASTER CHICK STARTER is built on a GRAIN BASE made up of choice granular ground whole grains. The feed has plenty of body and not too much bulk! MASTER CHICK STARTER is VITAMIN FORTI- FIED! A wealth of Vitamins “A†and “D†are supplied by a PRODUCTIVE LEVEL of Cod Liver Oil Concentrate. Be sure to have a supply of MASTER CHICK STARTER on hand before your 1940 chicks ar- rive. W. R. DEAN THORNHILL, ONT. WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 54 Let us build your home financed under THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT For Example â€" A Complete New Home , $2450. Consisting of large lot. full size cellar, 3-piece bath, tiled sink, built-in cupboards, furnace, hardwood throughout, sidewalks, sodded lawn, septic tank, etc. A small cash payment and $14.00 a month will repay the principal and interest in 20 years ‘ HOMES FINANCED UP TO $4,000 ALL ENQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL Box 112 Liberal Secure your‘s now, this act may be withdrawn at any time owing to the war 1. I ‘ I r .‘I . .‘ . . I . -.- .'. D “I , ~ 41. >> h_‘ .. SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 E CH NIGHT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2, 3 MICKEY ROONEY. JUDY GARLAND in “ BABES IN ARMS †Musical extravaganza with pleasing music, attractive dancing and amusing impersonations. Hold your hats, boys, and anything else that might shake off your lap while you‘re laughing. They don’t come any funnier than this. MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 6 JEAN ARTHI‘R, JAMES STE‘VART in “ MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON †Probably the best picture of 1939. It‘s going to be hard to top this intensely human yarn. This, friends, is true movie â€" Warm, arresting, thrilling. WEDNESDAY 8; THURSDAY. FEBRL'ARY l, 8 WM. POWELL, MYRNA LOY in “ ANOTHER THIN MAN †Swell mystery comedy. It measures up in full stride with the other “Thin Man" episodes.