Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1940, p. 4

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>WMNOOQWOW gPeelar’s R.0.P. Sired Chicks Lisien lo "The Shudow"â€"evory Wed” CFRB, 9- 9.30 p.111. ' MAPLE, ONT. Whether you want chicks for eggs or meat, it pays to secure them early. As we have not had a reactor in blood testing for the past 5 years we are now listed as a Pullorum free flock We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. All males used are qualified 11.0.1). cockerels from dams with records from 20‘) to 314 eggs. See Your Home Printer First Our constant effort in R.O.P. has been to breed a bet- ter Barred Rock, for type production, and egg size. All Pens Headed by R.0.P. Males Sales Books eer Our Flock is Pullurum Free I'I' PAYS 'l'fl "YA CAI. GUARANTEE Take advantage of this Positive Guarantee of Quality and insist on ‘blue coal’ for greater heating satisfaction this winter. It’s the only coal in the world that is coloured blue for your protection. Order your supply now. PAGE FOUR I. D. RAMER & SON Richmond HillPhone 10 C. A. PEELAR ORDER CHIBKS EARLY 9/7 THAT IS Mr. J. H. Chant left last week for a holiday in Florida. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall, Miss Libby Gibson and Miss Mary GileOn of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J. A. Gibson on Saturday. The annual Pancake Soeial held in the Township Hall under the 8115. pices of St. Philip's Anglican Church was a decided success. Mr. Thos. Berry of Teronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. Harring- ton. Rev. Oswald Dyke and Mrs. Dyke of Sudlbury are guests of Mrs. C. R. Dyke. Dr. Russell Chant of Foam Lake, Sask. has been in Toronto attending the Shorthorn Breeders Association annual meeting and called on old friends here. Unionville PHONE 57-r-11 I05 ‘The Walton School of llvl‘l‘SlC is holding a concert and dance in Ma“l° Concert Hall Friday. F'l‘iruarv 9th at 8 p.m. Ernest Droir’wz‘e and his orchestra will plav for dancintr. Programme as follows: F'omnlete Ensemble, playing “Down hv the Old Mill Stream and‘ Missouri Waltz”: Announcement and presentation; Piano IAcccrét‘on. ens-ewl‘le. nlnving “Nc'bodv’s Darling”: Violin Solo by Kenneth White; .Maole Student’s en- ‘SPn‘l‘ole. playing- “Moonlight on The Colorado": ’Piano Solo ‘bv Bruce Hmilesz. Song and Music. by Clara Pellev: Commrnitv Singing: Guitar Selection, “Put on Your Old Grev Ponnet” by Gilbert and! Kenneth Keffer and- George and Billy Arm- strong: Accordion Duet, “‘Toyland March” by Ann Rundle and Donald Miller; Vocal selection, “South of the Border" by Billy and George Arm- strong: Teacher’s nreseneation; Spe- cialty Dance by Clara Pelley: Vocal selection by Josephine and Virginia Delbrocco, “Swiss Moonlight Lull- aby”; Guitar selection. “Drifting and‘ Dreaming” by Jean Mitchell, Jean Walls, Josephine Delbrocco, Myrtle Keffer, Hefibert Constable, Donald Keffer. Angus Reid, Clarence Al‘lOW and Gordon 3McQuarrie; Introduc- tion and announcement by Mr. A. T. Stone, re-filming of Musical Pro- duction. by Stone Motion Pictures of Canadia; Guitar Solo by D'oreen Rustin: Guitar Sextette. popular selections by Eleanor Watt. Edith Walton. Doreen Rustin, Clarence Arlow, Lloyd Curtis. accompanied by G. R. McCarthy; Complete ensemble, playing “Song- of The Islands" and “One-’I‘wo-Three_Four". Intermission. Ballroom dancing for all. Concert program under direction of G. R. McCarthy assisted by F. Hutchinson and R. Johnson. Danc- ing' under direction of Ernest Doidge and his orchestra. Master of cere- monies, Jack Denton. Hope and Teston Red Cross unit No. 6 met at the home of Mrs. T. 0. Nixon January ailst. The regular meeting of the Y.P. U. was held in‘ the. SS. room Feh. 6th. The meeting was in charge of the Christian Citizenship conveno'r, Arthur Shaw. The meeting opened under the theme of “Who Shall Have Dominion.” “Political Planks and Platforms” was presented by Russell Noble, Ross Robson, Fred“ Piercey assisted‘ by Arthur Shaw. A solo was given by Mrs. Robt. Marritt. Next Monday evening the >SOcietv will visit the Presbvtnrian Guild and present the programme. Everyon-n welcome. Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs. Emery Mathewson is ill re- sulting from a fall on the ice. We all join in wishing her a speedy re- covery. The Golden Key Mission Band met in the Sunday School hal-l Mon- d‘ay, February 5th. After the devoâ€" tional exercises Miss M. Ramsey told a delightful story of Shara of the Punjab. Then followed a candle- lighting service in celebration of the second' birthday of the Mission Band. A beautifully decorated lbirth~ day cake was cut and served and‘ the children marked their attendiâ€" ance on their cards with animal stickers. ‘ The Women’s Association of Hope United Church was held in the 8.5. Thursday, February 1st with group 1, Mrs. Elmer Orr, Mrs. F. Jones and Mrs. W. Burns in charge of the meeting. An interesting paper “A iNew Year’s Message”, was given by ers. Gordon Watson. Lunch was served by the committee and the table collection amounted to $5.25. The Y.P. Guild met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C‘onstalble on the evening of February 5. 'The meetâ€" ing opened with a short sing-song followed Iby a worship period. Camp- Ibell Snider continued the study of “Missions in India" and‘ Miss Audâ€" rey 1MacNaughton Led in a mission~ ary game. A violin solo by Mr. Neil McDonald was greatly enjoy- ed by all. The next meeting will be held in the Sunday School room of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church February 12th when the United Church Y.P.U. will ‘be guests. Evâ€" erybody welcome. The joint meeting of Maple Unit- ed Women’s Missionary Society and Women's Association is to have a rare treat when Miss Evelyn Mit- chell, travelling secretary for the Dominion Board of the WM.S., will be guest speaker at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Bigford on Wednesday, February let at 2.80 o’clock. Don’t fail to hear Miss Mitchell. ous churches are participating in the service and a cordial invita- tion is extended to all ladies of the community to join with them in this service. Presbyterian Church, Maple, Friday, Fcr‘oruary 9th at 3 p.m. Members of missionary societies of the vari- The annual World Day of Prayer will be observed in St. Andfew‘s MAPLE THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURS, FEB. iiiâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., at Bond Lake, Yonge St., the property of W. M. Cosgrove. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. No reserve, givâ€" ing up farming. Terms cash. Pren- tice & Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14~â€"Postponed‘ auction sale on account of roads oblockedi, of approximately five acres standing Timber, hardwood, the property of Sidney Jones, lot 30, concession 2 Vaughan Twp. (En- ter from 3rd concession). Purchas- ers have until March 315E, 1941 to remove wood. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. MONDAY, FEB. 19â€"Auction sale of Farm Property belonging to the Elizjmbeth Jones Estate, consisting of 100 acres at lot 30, concession 3, Vaughan will be sold‘ at W. Neal’s Garage, Richmond Hill at 4 pm. For full particulars, terms of sale etc. see the administrators, George ‘McNair, Maple RR. 2 or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill. C. E. Walk- ington, auctioneer. Ice cutting on the Humber river in Woodbridge was heldJ 11“ last week when mechanical equipment used in the work suddenly plunged imto the dean water. Approximately 11,000 feet of overâ€" head' cafble willl be erected, and the present open wire line rem0ved, thus improving the appearance of this section of Yonge street. The existing pole line will be relocated farther Ibackl from the pavement, and underground conduit and‘ cable will be laidr in the vicinity of the local exchange. Construction is now under way, and will be ccrrrrpleted during the month .of April next year. It is estimated that the work will involve any exrperfditure of approxi. mately $18,000, TUES., FEB; 13â€"Auction sale of} farm stock, implements. furniture,‘ grain, etc., lot 1, con. 3, Markham1 Town Line, 2‘74.) miles west of Mdlli-‘ grain, etc., lot 1, con. 3, Markham‘LAjRGE QUANTITY OF USED Town Line, 2‘74; miles west of Milli- ‘SHEETING AND lz‘LooglllquY also ken, Property 01' Warl‘en‘ Wilson-fl" by 6" sixteen and twenty feet Sale at 12.30 sharp. No reserve. 11mg, some 2" {by 8" and 2" by 10", Terms cash. Prent ce & Prentice,!p_ Ingles & Son, Jefferson, phone auctioneers. [Richmond Hill 195. WED., FEB. 14thâ€"Auction sale O-f farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., the property of Josh Harrison, Lots 12 and 13, Con. 2, North York, Bayview Avenue, York Mills? Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. No reserve as farm is rented. Prentice & Prent- ice, auctioneers. A reader who took in the whole item would still have a very incor- rect picture of the financial situa- tion. It is not the total cost of maintaining and operating the High School which has increased but the sum that must be provided from village funds for 1940, $2000 not $2500 as published. The cost, per lpupil per day is down. The reasons for the village being required to. put up more money for 1940 arel theseâ€"(1) The village share of High! School costs (albout 35%, as it has] been for years) was partly taken‘ ‘care of by a surplus in 1939; no surplus is availalble to reduce village lcOntriIbution in 1940. (2) The county ’of York has ceased bearing any part‘ lof the cost of secondary education.‘ iOnly the municipalities whose Stu-l idents attend1 the school contribute their share according to their at-‘ tend‘ance. ' ‘The additional facilities will pro- vide for expected growth in the de- mand for telephone service there, and when the work is completed all outside telephone plant in the Thornhill exchange area will have been thoroughly reconditioned. Telephone Lines in Thornhill are being reconstructed and extended at the present time, according to H. 'Mc'Cie‘llandL, manager of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada for this district. RECONDITIONINC TELEPHONE LINES IN THOKNHILL AREA Hoping that this may relieve the feelings of the already overâ€"burd- ened taxpayer. Dear Mr. Editor: A news item appeared on the “Greater Toronto” page of the Star, Tuesday, February 6, which is very misleading, especially the heading: “VlILLAGE TAX RATE RAISED THREE MILLS. Council strikes 418 figure. Boosted {by High School Costs.” The body of the item shows that little over half of the 3~mill increase is due to High School costs. Letters from lhe People Sale Register Sincerely yours, James Stewart, Principal of High School Richmond Hill, 0nt., February 7th, 1940 This is the time to get in ice. Harold Bowen is taking- advantage of it and is putting in his supply aided“ by Mr. Bert Ireland. Miss Alma IMcCIuskey and: Mrs. Jack Smiley of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. George Taggart and spent the week-end renewing old acquaint- ances. Friends of Mrs. Louis Dicman Will regret to hear she is still in the hospital and Wish her a speedy re- covery. Teston W. A. finished a quilt at Mrs. H. Ireland’s last Monday and are offering it for sale. ’28 FORD COACH, perfect condi- tion, priced right for cash; also reg- istered‘ Ayrshire cow, seven years old, due February 2lst. Lloyd Ste- phenson, Lot 18, Con. 6, Markham, phone Unionville 3501. ICE TONGS; light sleigh, single or double; flower pots; glass; insulatâ€" ing brick; quarter H.P. motor; pul- leys and shafting; steel cable; 1bee supplies. Glen Don Farms, Green- houses, Steele’s at Bayview. ' Last Sunday evening the Young People’s Union had a very interest- ing meeting with Miss Louise Car- son in charge. George Carley read the lesson and took the worship per- iod. Mary Carson had' charge of the discussion period. Jean Robson the lesson and took the worship per- iod. Mary Carson had' charge of the discussion period. Jean Robson read a paper on The Fallacy of Mod- erate Drinking. This Friday even- ing the Young People are having- a Sleighing Party on Louis Diceman’s Hills. Come and enjoy this event. gian stallion, ‘best offer or Will trade for grain. Leechwood Farm, 2% miles east of Thornhill, 1 mil-e south of No. 7 Highway. Try Cro‘uchlman’s Liniment for _ exter- naL use. If you don’t find thls lini- ment better than what you have been using your money refunded at Aus- tin’s Drug Store. 7wk. ‘GOO‘D YEARLING COLT lby Bel- ATTENTION STOCK OWNERS LADY’S BLCYIGLE in good condi- tion, $7.00; Quebec Heater, small size, $3.50. Aprply Taylor’s Radio Service, 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 226. 1.00 ACRE FARM for sale. This is‘ one of the best farms in Vaughan Township and can be had below its real value. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. 10*0 CHOICE Leghorn Pullets, lay- ing. Also Cocker Spaniel puppies and dogs. 0'. Bowevbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. CATTLE. 5 registered Durham heif- ers; 2 bulls, grade; 1 Ayrshire; othâ€" er cattle. Apply T. F. Thompson, Oak Ridges. 3 AYRSHIRE BULLS, 10 and: 11 months old}, purebred, registered. George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone Thornhill 149. THREE LOTS on North side of Ros‘evivew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 15 mile south of Wilson Avenue Phone HU. 0031. 14 C’HJO‘ICE SUCKERS, 2 mOn‘ths Apply A. Hansen, Bathurst Street,’ OOAL, OOKE, best quality and prices. Phone R. Crawford, Thom- hill 511-21. CUTTER; Team ‘Sl‘eigh, dOu‘ble spring- wagon. Apply W. A. Dean, Thornhill, Ont. 4-0 YOUNG PIGS, suckers and! larg- er. L. C. Burton, Shop 23 YOnge St., Carrville Rd‘. Phone Maple 764. pigs 6 weeks, old and‘ Jersey heifer due in March. Percy Coiber, phone Stouffville 7313. up. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, phone 92-R., Richmond: Hill. BALE‘D HAY & STRAW. Small USED COOK STOVES, from $10.00 OOAL AND WOOD. Langstaff Sup- NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS. Phone ICE. Apply Don Head Farms, Pat- tel-son, phone Maple 24r2. ply Co., phone Thornhiu 73 Maple 28r11 THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€" Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent! for each subsequem insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line cm. each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. FOR SALE TESTON lassified Advs. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1940. [YOUNG MAN, as an apprentice, to learn watch and: clock repairing. !Ap:ply to Jerry Smith, Box 254, Richmond Hill, Ont. ‘ ' RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W Little Brothers 1928 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK Large Box. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1932 FORQY-S TUDORâ€"Thorough- 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"â€" ’ Very Small Mileage, heater, excep- tional value. 1936 FORD V-8 DeLL'XE TUDORâ€" 1936 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Heater & Defroster. 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk, Heater, New Tires. GIRL (with some experience pre- ferred) for housework in country home. Must be honest, tidy, prompt amf Willing worker. Have hydro and some conveniences. Wages accordâ€" ing to qualifications. Apply Liberal Office. ness adults, one school boy, Yonge Street residence, all conveniences. Permanent position. Box No. 100, The Liberal. charge of farm near Toronto where dairy cattle are kept. Apply stat- ing' whether married or single, age, qualifications, references to Box 22, Liberal Office. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, 3 busi- A PRACTICAL FARMER to take GIRL with some experience wants housework. Phone Thormhill 143. 3 OASIESOF EGGS wanted week. 1y. R. W. Burgess, corner Steele’s and‘ Bathurst Street, Newtombrook ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering and cabinet work. Esti- mates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Avenue. vice and sales. Charges reagohghle. Work guaranteed. Hugh hm, O Markham Rd., phone 242. Richmond SEPTIC TANKS installed. cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff~ erson. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, aer- GRIINDING & CUTfiNG STRAW d9ne. J. E. Baker, 60 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Hill. rLdLA. IlVe rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession at. once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St, phone 106, Richmond Hill. DUPLEX. five rooms, all Ford Sales & Service Iy reconditioned. With Trunk. Very nice. MISCELLANEOUS $250.00 $495.00 $425.00 $625.00 $450.00 $65.00 'l'U KEN T WANTED ONTARIC

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