formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday foreman Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loar at. Current Rate From the Toronto Comervatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tpesdav and Friday MRS. MYLKS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phones-~15 and 142 Night, Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Thirty Years Experience Formerly withl Heintzman Company Leave OIrderisA gt Aajtin’s Drug Store ‘v'tV 0f£ice 229 Barrlster, Solic1tor, Etc. UNIONVILLE Wednesday 3-6 pm. THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronuo Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. \VA. 5923 B. Bloomfield Jordan Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boks. BA. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto Barristvrs, Soliritors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, nuthwant corner of King and Yongva Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redmau, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTE'R & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bl . Toronto Phone: Office EL. 029 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"- Richmond Hm Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2821 VOL. LVIV Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Room 66, 18 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 BARRISTER, SOLICITUR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill McGuire, Boles & Co. Campbell Line BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. ‘. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NQTARX PUBLIC VOICE Richard Edmunds 21 CENTRE ST. WEST- Phone 264 M organ L. Piper Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman Wright & Taylor George W. Cross Piano Tuner OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" a to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Barristers, Sqlicigoq. THURSDAY AFTERNOON Walter S. Jenkins Adelmo Melecci Thomas Delany Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Telephone AD. 1948 Richmbnd Hm Evcry RICHMOND HILL M USJCAL BUSINESS 42 Yonge Street Wm. '(look, K. 9'. WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Telephone 186 E‘0hbon<\ Hill Rec. MO. 2866 Residence 148 FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of Feb. 15th, 1900 A representative of an American firm was in the Village on Monday and laid a proposition before a numâ€" ber of the business men here. The object is to establish a factory for the manufacture of ladies’ fine foot- wear, as there is not such an estabâ€" lishment in Canada. The company would guarantee to employ between 60 and 60 skilled workmen, and the annual pay roll would be about $20,- |000. The promoters, ask a bonus of $15,000. It is safe to say that no body of Freemasons in the Province have a prettier lodge room in which to hold their meetings than the Masonic brethren of Richmond Lodge. The stairway, the ante-room, the prepar- ation room and the lodge room pro- per have all been re-p‘ainted and papered, and present a very hand- some appearance. The sides of the main room are covered with blue in- grain paper, above this is a wide border paper, next is a fancy paper covering the cove, then comes a narrower border, and the ceiling is L22 Yloggpï¬j Office Hours 9 â€" 11 a.m.; 6 - 8 pm \K. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF Vulnv- v 13ft. 71) P. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€"â€" 1_- 4 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evemngs DR. W. J. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€"â€"_9 -_12 O'FFI‘C-IEHHOURS â€" 9 â€" 12 am Tues, Thurs. & Sat. Evenings 6 - Telephone 24 Nights 1 Centre St. E (Women and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm Appointments made Ph( u.;-»\. Any“. NR. JAMES hf’LANGSTAFF Successor to DR. M. C. MaCLACHLAN Open Monday. Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 Drs. Wilson & Wilson AUCTIONEER Licensed AuctiOneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill P‘hone 92R AUCTIONEERS l. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock aaies a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- ducted by the most approved methods AUOTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all descriptions conducted upon shomst notice and at reasonable rates No sale too large and none too small King, Ont. Phone King 424-3 DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE '70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Dr, C. A. MacDonald FIRE _ AUTOMHBiLE â€" LIFE Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and bv appointment. Prentice & Prentice LICENSED AUCTIONEER 17 YEARS EXPERENCE .f “E65151! L. LANGSTAFI‘ Office Hours 10_â€"__}2 sum. “Ann . rVr‘ Dr. R. A. Bigford Bank of Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley C. E. Walkington Gonnley RR. No. 1 Telephone Stouffvine 6312 Drs. Langsiaf f Dr. W. J. Mason J. Carl Saigeon WAY BACK IN LEBERAL FILES R. H. KANE A. S. Farmer MEDICAL THORNHILL Telephone 80 DENTIST DENTIST Insurance Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 'Phone 100 Phone 3 {ICHMOND HILL. ON'l 81 The young men of the town held la Skating Party in the rink on Mon- lday evening. The Band gave 3. L7 splendid program of music, and the _ two hours spent on the ice were thoroughly enjoyed. After leaving the rink the guests all proceeded to ‘ the Masonic Hall where refresh- L |ments were provided by the young ladies. I One of the prettiest carnivals ever given in the Village was held in the rink last evening under the auspices iof the Fire Brigade. There was a 'large number of masquerades, and Imany of the costumes were ex- tremely pretty. The military parade and drill under the supervision of drill selgeant Johnston and Capt. Sanderson, was very good and the irepresentation of the engagement are being upholstered, and every- thing in the interior is male to correspond. The rooms are certainly very fine, and the worl: reflects much credit on Mr. W. Hewison who did the job. The audited accounts of the Vill- age Treasurer have been printed, and are being distributed among the rate-payers. The balance of Assets over Liabilities is given as $7,730.57, the only liability against the Vill- age being $5,156.76 for High School Debentures. The cash balance in the hands of the treasurer is between the First Canadian Con- tingent and the Transvaal Boers at Sunnyside was quite realistic. Memâ€" bers of the Village band gave a good programme of music, which added to the enjoyment of skating. The proceeds amounted to about $30. The ice was in good condition, and every skater seemed to enjoy the pleasurable exercise. the h: $3 70.34 THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of Feb. 10th, 1910 The Equalization Committee of the York County Council reported an increase of $80,000 in Vaughan assessment, $80,000 in King, 3100,- 000 in Markham, and a decrease of $50,000 in North Gwillimbury. Af- ter adopting the committee’s report, York County Council adjourned on Saturday afternoon to meet again on June 6th. Our hockey team is still keeping up its reputation by winning some more matches. Last Saturday they went to Wloodbridge and defeated the home team by 5 goals to 0, and also defeated Kleinburg the same day by 5 to 2. At a meeting of the Board of Trade Monday evening acting on the suggestion of Fire Chief H. Mills, a resolution was passed requesting the Village c0uncil to appoint a com- mittee to visit Bradford and other towns with a view of improving our waterworks and fire appliances. The following officers were ap- pointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Education: Chairman, G. A. Duncan; Vice-Chairman, Rev. E. Kelly; ,Sec.-Treas., R. S. Cooper; Committee of Management, Kelly, Gee, F. Atkinson; Finance, Wright, Glass, J. Atkinson; Property, Mrs. Perry, Cowie; Attendance Officer, G. Smith; Public Library, H. B. Stirling. The report of High School Inspector Rogers was read, which was very satisfactory. The Board requested the Village Council to make From our Issue of Feb. 12th, 1925 a levy for school purposes as fol- lows: Public School, $11,000; High School, $6,500. The Board decided to hold the monthly meetings durâ€" ing the year in the Public School. At a meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist circuit Tuesday ev- ening, an invitation was extended to the Pastor, Rev. H. S. Warren, to remain another year as Superin- tendent of the circuit. Mr. Warren thanked the members for their mark of appreciation, but asked time to consider before giving a definite answer. 11 The annual vestry meeting of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, was held on Monday afternoon, Jan. 26, with a good attendance. The reports of all the work of the church were most enthusiastic, showing it was one of the best years in the history of the church. The wardens report- ed a balance of $145.00 after all was paid, including the increase in the Rector’s salary, and the stud- ent’s salary for the summer months. red with vith gilt FIFTEEN YEARS AGO )1 the offi ue paper, do The chandel THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1940 The Rev. G. Dix, Presbyterian Min- ister of Trrro. Nova Scotia, was named as a candidate to contest the riding of North York at the con- vention called by the North York Conservative Association and held at Newmarket last Saturday after- noon. Rev. Dix will oppose the re- election of Col. W. P. Mulock, the member of the last Parliament. The Rev. Dix was chosen after several well known figures in the riding de- clined to stand. Those nominated in addition to Rev. Dix but who de- clined included Capt. Harold Breuls, the Conservative candidate in the last election, Clifford Case, K.C., former Conservative member of the Legislature, Dr. Boulding of Aurora and Dr. Boyd of Newmarket. The Rev. Dix was the Reconstructionist party candidate in the last election when he lost his deposit, polling less than half the number of votes polled by the successful candidate. Officers of the North York Con- servative Association elected were as follows: President, Jack Nesbitt; vice-presidents, Frank Reeves, Paul Angle and Mrs. W. A. Duncan; sec- retary, Arleigh Armstrong; assistâ€" ant secretary, Nelson Boylen; treas- urer, Dr. S. J. Boyd. Rev. G. Dix is Conservative Choice in N. York There was a good attendance at Y.P.U. last Sunday evening. Elinor Oliver, missionary convenor, was in charge of the meeting. An article, “‘He rules the world with Truth and Graceâ€, explaining the revival of World Truth was read. There was also a reading and discussion on the “Revolt against Hinduism in Indiaâ€. George Carley gave guitar selec- tions. Minister The Teston Y.P.U. held a tobog- arming party Friday evening, Feb. 9th on the hills near Lewis Dice- man’s. After many thrills and spills the group had lunch at Frank Piercey’s with Miss Jean Robson as hostess. A pleasing feature of this festive gathering was the introducâ€" tion of “The Teston Tatleifâ€, a new feature of the society. This paper will no doubt be very popular. There was a good representation from Teston at the King- Training School last Sunday evening. Miss Dorothy Castator, Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Hazel Carson. Miss Charlotte Douglas, Weston, was a visitor over the week-end with her friend, ETinor Oliver. Miss Mildred Mond and Mr. Har- vey McIntyre were visitors with Alex and Mrs. MacDonald Sunday, Miss Lorna Henderson spent the week-end with Miss Jean Robson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forster, Miss Bertie and Harold of Victoria Square and E. J. Hitchcock, were guests at Berwick Weldrick’s Sunday, Feb. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Laura McCluskey and Jim McCluskey call- ed on Taggart’s Sunday. We are sorry to report that Chas Diceman is under the doctor's care We wish for him a quick recovery A contribution to the Vaughan Township Red Cross Society will go forward as a result of the 12th an. nual Nashville Euchre Club Old Tyme Dance which was staged in the OT- ange Hall here last Friday night. Details of the event were arranged by the reception committee, Miss Mildred Maw, Miss Vedera Houston, Bruce Lambie and" Kenneth Devins. Bert Gardhouse acted as floor manâ€" ager and Catania’s orchestra pro- vided music. The different organizations *also presented very encouraging state- ments of their year’s activities. MANUFACI'URERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN The Rev. G. Dix ter of Truro, amed as a candi Acetylene'and Electric Welding Ind Cutting Portable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill Johnston & G-ranston Granite Monuments GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Merbn & Balliol Sts‘ E. P. Leno & Son From Truro. Nova Scotia, ('andidhte After Other Nominees “'ithilraw TESTON Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill Another straight carload of famous Quaker Feeds arriving, Mon, Feb. 19th All these feeds were contracted at former low prices and this is your last chance to oï¬tain your feeds {before tile increases go in- to effect. I. D. RAMER & SON eliminate the lime and magnesia from your water supply. It is these elements that make water hard. With Softened Water, less than one-quarter the usual quantity of soap flakes is required to produce an abundance of suds, which are fully rinsed away, leaving dainty garments and silken hose fresh and clean. Duro Water Softeners can be quickly attached to your water supply line in the basement. Priced as low as $65.00, and available in sizes to suit the Softened \Vater requirement of every type of home. Also available on an Easy Payment Plan. Sold and Installed by Silk stockings need to be washed after every wear- ing but constant washing in hard water is harmful to the delicate threads. Soap does not dissolve completely in hard water and it is almost impossible to rinse away the soap scum and curds that form. 'These adhere to and dry on the threads, making them brittle, which then break easily and another pair of stockings have to be discarded. DURO WATER SOFTENERS Reduce Silk Hosiery Expenditure London Hamilton Toronto Sudbuxy Winnipeg Vancouver a are quoting real bargains for delivery at the car. Place your orders now. Yonge St., Richmond Hill EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LTD. R. H. KANE SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Phone 92-R N0. 33