WWWOONW WWW 90¢ GOD SAVE THE KING fbbb ~“WMMNWOO WOWWWsW’OWOOO0Wâ€m CONVENTION Saturday, February 17 THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS. BRING RESULTS NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION J. E. SMITH, Pres. E. A. BONNICK, Sec. Commencing at 3.30 pm. When W. P. MULOCK, MORGAN BAKER and other -\. w-u Allbll LIVAIVVA. A“... ~uuu uary 26 between the hours of 7.00 {S :mder the direction of Irvin to 7.30 eastern standard time, and Cooper, Supervisor of Music for will be heard from eighteen sta- the Protéstant Board of School tlons coverlng the entire country. Commissioners in the Cit}r of he Canadian Broadcasting Commission is about to enter upon a novel experiment which has as its purpose the interesting of Canadian children in ballads having to do with the history of their own country. This will take the form of a series of five broad- casts based on John Murray Gib- bon's recently published book “New World Balladsâ€. The broadâ€" casts will take place on successive Friday evenings beginning Jan- SCHOOL CHOIRS BROADCAST NEW WORLD ï¬ALLAUQ And Annual Meeting of the North York Liberal Assoc. Will be held in the PUBLIC MEETING speakers will discuss the current election issues Everyone cordially invited Following the Business Session there will be a For the Nomination of a Candidate. Election of Officers and General Business TOWN HALL, NEWMARK ET PAGE FOUR AT 2.30 P.M. The balance of the programme will originate in Montreal with ballads sung by the Westhill High Singers. 3 group of girls from Westhill High School. This choir is under the direction of Irvin Three of the programmes will originate in Toronto and the bal- lads will be illustrated by a group of girl singers picked from Tor- onto high schools and singing under the direction of Leslie R. Bell, Director of Music, Ontario College of Education, University of Toronto. The balance of the programme will originate in Montreal with ballads sung by the Westhill High Singers. 3 group of girls from Westhill High School. This choir is under the direction of Irvin Cooper, Supervisor of Music for the Protestant Board of School Commissioners in the City of Montreal, and lecturer at McGill Conservatory of Music. An interâ€" esting feature of the experiment is that school children in Ontario have been instructed to “listen in" as part of their home work, and it is expected that in other provinces the same action may be taken. The attention of the schoolâ€" children of Quebec Province is also being drawn by Dr. W. P. Percival, Director of Protestant Education to these broadcasts in the interests of school and com- munity singing. Upper picture shows the Montreal choir, and the lower picture the Toronto choir. MWâ€M“â€W E. EVANS. Floor Manager Lunch Provided Admission 35c VELLORE MEMORIAL HALL OOOOOMMOMQOQWGWW ‘IF’ CONSIDERED If you or I so often had but done as others urgedâ€" If we’d gone the way we didn’t when two likely paths divergedâ€"â€" If only we‘d done this 01- that in- stead of what we didâ€" But why be tortured with regrets? Life never will be rid Of that haunting, taunting, tanta- lizinf.r echo of the pastâ€"â€" 0f mistakes, unruly impulse and de- cisions wrought too fast. If the nations never arguedâ€"if ex- plorers clung to homeâ€" If Columbus hadn’t wandered â€"â€" If Caesar‘d stayed in Rome; If God had not created the stars and moon and sun, The earth and all its miraclesâ€"if time had not begun; And if it weren‘t for evolution, grav- ity and babies We’d not be here to care about the ‘ifs’ and ‘mights’ and ‘maybe’s’. There’s be no matters to debateâ€" no battles to be wonâ€" There’d be no possibility of 'wrong things’ being done. Life itself is propped and balanced on the strength of what ‘might’ be And nothing’s less dependable than cockâ€"sure ‘certainty’. l Oh, it’s foolish to regret things and! to waste time looking back. | True, it may be sometimes difficult to pick the Wis-est track; But ifi you just stick to level judg- ment and keep your shoulders stiff) You’re bound to land up somewherei â€"the world goes ’l'ound on ‘if’. l I. F. Moore.| Dance and Euchre will start sharp at 8 p.m. CATANIA’S ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD Vellore Sr. Institute ANNUAL DANCE and EUCHRE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO WED., MARCH 13â€"Auction sale of 'Valuable Farm of 61 acres more or ’less, Farm Stock, Furniture, Grain, 'Etc., Lot 7, Concession 2 Vaughan, just north of No. 7 Highway, the property of Mrs. George Bowes. Sale at 12.30. No reserve of Chattels. ‘Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Every man feels instinctiver that all] the beautiful sentiments in the worlci weigh lessthan‘asingle love- 1y action.â€â€"James Russell Lowell. TUESDAY, MARCH 5th â€"- Auction sale of valuable farm property, farm stock, implements, etc. the property of William Leuschner, E. Half of Lots 19 and 20, Con. 2, Markham, third line at Headford, known as the Clark farm. Terms for Chattels Cash. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms for farm made known on day of sale, to be sold subject to reserve bid. Prent- ice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, MAR. lâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, eta, lot 7, 9th line Markham, Box Grove, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale at 1 o’clock. Giving up farm- ing, no reserve. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. WED., MAR. 6â€"Auction sale of 40 head‘ of High Grade Cattle, milking strain, heavy producers, some fresh, calves by side and springers near due, some in full flow, high testers, on lot 3, con. 10, Markham, Cedar Grove, the property of Arthur Lapp. No reserve, giving up milk business on account of ill health. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. R.O.P.: Lyssenthock King’s Snowdrop, 1832.95, 4 years, 16 days, 12202 lbs. milk, 478 lbs. butter fat, test 3.92%, 365 days. Lyssenthock King’s Bluebell, 177- 1792, 4 years, 25 days, 11406 lbs. of milk, 427 lbs. butter fat, test 3.74%, 365 days. TUEIS†FEB. 27â€"Auction sale. of farm stock, implements, furniture, hay, grain, roots, etc., on lot 5, con. 9, Markham, Cedar Grove, the prop- erty of Robt. Jarvis. Sale at 1 o’â€" clock. Terms cash. Farm sold, no reserve. J. H. and Ken Prentice, auctioneers. MONDAY, FEB. 19â€"â€"Auction sale of Farm Property belonging to the Elizjalbeth Jones Estate, consisting of 100 acres at lot 30, concession 3, Vaughan will be sold‘ at W. Neal's Garage, Richmond Hill at 4 pm. For full particulars, terms of sale etc. see the administrators, George Mchair, Maple RR. 2 or L. H. Cle- ment, Richmond Hill. C. E. Walk- ing'ton, auctioneer. Mr. McKinnont is to be commend- edy for his accredited and blood test- ed herd of Ayrshires. His herd, the cleanliness, and general order of his barns and stables is an object lesson to all breedersâ€"(January Ayrshire Review). Two Registered Ayrshire cows as well as others of this herd are on I. D. Ramer & Son sold to W. L. McKinnon of Lammermoor Farms at Courtright, Ont.†their herd sire, “Pine View Top Gallant Elegance" 190351, Class AA Ayrshire bull, a few weeks ago. Several of his daughters are of breeding age. This bull has been a good breeder, of good ancestry and conformation and has gone to a good herd of Ayrshires. Vellore Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Craib when prizes were won by ladies, Mrs. E. Harris, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. P. Craib; gentlemen, George Brownlee, A. L. McNeil, Pat Clubine. The Vellore Senior Women’s In- stitute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Watson. Topic, Community Activity and Relief. Roll Call “What I owe my Communityâ€. The motto, “Don’t waste time look- ing at your hill, climb itâ€, was tak- en by Mrs. J. Mooney. Mrs. Car- son gave a talk and demonstration on Quince Fruit and the making of Quince Jelly. Current Events by Miss C. Brownlee. Report of the Junior Institute activities by Miss M. Phillips. The second? part of a talk on Food and Flavor was given by Miss M. Phillips and! Mrs. E. Harris covering salads and desserts and several demonstrations were given. Do not forget the Vellore Senior Institute Dance and Euchre int Vel- 101‘e Memorial Hall, Friday, Febru- ary 23rd. Dance and euchre will start sharp at 8 p.m. Catania’s orchestra. E. Evans, floor manager. Ad'mission 35c. AYRSHIRE HERD SIRE SOLD Sale Register VELLORE JERSEY COW 6 years old. Will freshen in a few days. Mrs. Cohen, I R.R. N0. 3, King. Phone King 2r21. In the Estate of Flora Isabel McLean All persons having claims against the estate of Flora Isabel McLean, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 13th day of November, 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representa- tives of the said deceased on or be- fore tho 9th day of March, 1940, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Representatives will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any perâ€" son of whose claim they shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Toronto this 12th day of February, 1940. James Duart McLean and Donald Badgerow Mulholland (Executors) c/o Fleming, Smoke & Mulholland, 330 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario, Their solicitors herein. A carload' of Victory No. 1 Seed Oats, certificate No. 69-5432, and Banner Seed Oats No. 1, certificate No. 69-3502 at the Elevator. These seed oats test around 45 lbs. Special price. Phone 10, I. D. Rainer ,& Son. The class in First Aid sponsored by the St. John Ambulance Asso- ciation will start on Wednesday ev- ening, February let at 8 pm. in- stead o-f 'on Monday, February 12th as originally scheduled. ATTENTION STOCK OWNERS. TryCrouch-man‘s Liniment for exter- nai use. If you don’t find this lini- ment better than what you have been using your money refunded at Aus- tin’s Drug Store. 7wk. HOrLSTEIN SPRINGER, 7 yrs. old, due March lst; also registered heif- er, Holstein, 2 years old. Herd nega- tive to blood test. Ross Nichols, Gormley RR. 2, phone Stouffville 4006. 3 AYRSHIRE BULLS, 10 and» 11 months old), purebr‘ed, registered. George Spring, Stoxp 14A Yonge St, phone Thornh‘ill 149. RADIOS. Call in and see bargains in new and used radios; 1 recondi- tioned Beatty electric washing ma- chine. Yerex Radio Shop, 26 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. PURE BRED HOLSTEINS, 1 Bull; 9 months, 1 Bull 6 months, 1 Spring- er 7 years. Herd fully accredited and blood tested. Apply Delbert? Arlow, phone King 623. I FOUR COWS, one Holstein ready to freshen now, others coming in monthly, every cow in perfect con- dition. G. S. Smith, 281 Ellerslie Ave., Willowdale, phone Willowdale 365. SEED OATS, Erban and Alaska. Prices reasonable. Phone Stouffâ€" ille 25-07. L. W. Steckley, Lot 31, Con. 3, Markham. 6 YOUNG PIGS 7 weeks old; one Percheron mare 7 years. Apply C. E. Walkington, King. Phone King 42r3. USED COOK S‘TOVES. from $10.00 up. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, phone 92-11, Richmonw Hill. EIGHTEEN PIGS about 7 weeks old. W. Rodick, Millikan, phone Aginâ€" court 51J2. SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all conâ€" veniences, 64 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. Apply within. COAL AND WOOD. Langstaff Sup- 1 WORK HORSE and 2 S. Tomlinson, Markham mond‘ Hill. ICE. Apply Don Head Farms, Pat- terson, phone Maple 241‘2. ply Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISKNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€" Five iines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and- 15 cents {or each subsequem :nsertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each Insertion. II" (‘HARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. NOTICE FOR SALE TO FARMERS phone Thornhill lassiï¬ed Advs. colts. Apply Road, Rich- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1940. Our grand business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a. distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. â€"Ca.r1yle. Used Cars charge of farm near Toronto where dairy cattle are kept. Apply stat- ing whether married or single, age, qualifications, references to Box 22, Liberal Office. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W 1928 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK Large Box. Little Brothers (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) PARTY wants to buy live rabbits, any kind or size. Apply Wilbur Watt, Con. 7, lot 22, Markham twp., RR. 2 Markham. FARM WANTEDâ€"Client wants farm in Markham Township. Send location, price, details of buildings, to Giles, McKinnon Building, Tor- onto. A PRACTICAL FARMER to take 1936 FORD V-S DeLUXE TUDOR-â€" 19.32 FORI)_.Y.8 TUDORâ€"ThorOugh PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, walnut, pine or mahogany; also dishes and glassware. Mrs. C. Nelson, phone Richmond Hill 254. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering and cabinet work. Esti- mates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Avenue. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Tmnk, Heater, New Tires. SEPTIC TANKS installed. cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. EXPERIENCED MAN for farm work. Apply C. E. Walkington, King, phone King 4213. MODERN HOUSE in Richmond‘ Hill. All conveniences and centrally locatâ€" e¢ Apply Box 64 The Libera] Off. ice. ences, electric stove. possession at once. W. C. Savage. Yonge 813., phone 1-06, Richmond Hill. D'UPLEX. five rooms, all conveni- Ford Sales & Service .Taylor’s Radio Sales And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmund Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios ly reconditioned. With Trunk. Very nice. MISCELLA NEDUS $450.00 $495.00 $250.00 W A N TED '3“) RENT $65.00 ONTARIO