Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1940, p. 8

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HancmeN' afid' DRAMATIC ART Idiiin CheEse 2 tablespoons of butter rfi'csh chopped parsley [Mare 2 whire sauce with like butter. the flour. the mustard. and the milk: add the grated cheese, season. W the fillets with a damp doth, cut in individual priests, cover each piece with the dame mixture, sprinkle with chopped parsley, place um wellibuuered oven dish. and cook 20 minutes in infiltrate oven. Fillers of ray other kind of Canadian Fish may be used instead of fibride fillets. llooup of milk Q; on! of flour Hublespoon of mustard Z‘Cpps o_f grated old Cana- actaduate of Uhe Owen A. Smily Studje). IMARGUERITE BOYLE Bomevmod Hall" DRESSED FILLETS \OF HADDOCK â€"FREEâ€" A one hundred page book on poultry raising. Not just an advertising folderâ€"a real book. Ask for your copy. Free. FEED SERVICE, Langstaif, Ont. PAGE EIGHT THE CHRESTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR a period The ch'fislian '54: one. Norway S Saturday An International Daily Newspaper It records m: you 'he world'sclean. cdnstmctiv: doings. The Monitor Gloss not exploit chme or <c’1s1 ‘ ‘lzcx- (“V I! l’more them. If“ clam, correctivcly with Fen. a for busy men and all the ‘ 11y. Including the Weekly Maga"nc 'Sectisn Name Address Made by the makers of the well known Monarch Flour Every bag guaranteed by the Maple Leaf Milling Co. Do not make the mistake of buying poultry feeds on THE ’WORLD’S GOOD NEWS price. Insist on QUALITY Maple Leaf Feeds are not new, they have been on the market for years and have thousands of satisfied users throughout Canada. You too can benefit by these years of experience. will ccme to your home every day through nor my subscxluucn ~0f 312:03 6 month :3 issue -lnc2udmg Mas Monarch Chick Starter- ? Cafeteria Chick Starter subscx In Llcn Lo ence Publishir'z 8‘ rest. 335.31. I udmg Mag: Thornhill Semi/676576.} THE KIDDIES' EYES will sparkle when you bxing in an appetizing platter of Fish. It's a dish fit for a king, with its delicious, palate- pleasing flavour . . . yet so inexpensive that you will have money left over for extra meal- time treats. You can enjoy Canadian Fish and Shellfish all the year ’round â€"â€" over 60 different kinds â€" fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickl- ed . . . as often as you wish. Many tempting recipes make it easy for you f0 offer delightful variety to hearty appetites. The Edgeley Red- Cross will hold; February 3rd, 1940. a Eughre on Wednesday: February! The regular meeting of the Coun- 2lst, m Edg§ley Community Hall at i ml of the Corporation of the Town- 8 p.m. Admlssmnv 25c. Good prizes. I ship of King was held on Saturday, Funruary 3rd, 1939, at the Parish Ilnll, Kettleby at 9 am. All mem- Mmam was present. Phone Thornhill 7 2r11 men: EDGELEY RED CROSS $3.00 1 month 51.00 1 year 52.60. 6 issues 2‘ Science Monitor for n THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO van.” A».._-. a... 9“Moved by E. M. freezerseconded . {v “v. bv Burnel Graham. that the Clerk bes‘wn auc Fred J' Bag. to the same. Rev. A. _ be instructed to adVertise fOr tend- . _ _ ers re power supply for the drawing the I‘GSIdent minister an of our Road Maintainer and Leaning a share in commendatio Wheel Grader for the year 1940 as , - . .. - gelr specification: of ftender now on Splmdld “011‘ accomphS} ie in t e Cier ’s o fice. Tenders V to be in the hands of our clerk by CmTK\L UNITED ‘ Friday, March lst at 7 pm. Carried. Unionville dlviovefid 1in Vfi’m. E. Earl“? second: 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. e ‘ l v . . egge, t at t is counci _“ - h hereby accept the tender of the Ban- 11 a‘m'_ Chns.t 5,, Messa ner Press, Aurora for the printing Genelal PUth- etc., in connection with the Township 7 p.m.â€"â€"Lante1~n Slides 0] as per tenders rendered. Carried. of Christ" BY_LAW.S PASSED By_Law No. 712 to appoint As- EZENEZER UNITED‘ sessors in accordance with the Mun- icipal Act of Ontario. for _the curâ€"‘ 1-30 P-m-â€"Chm‘0h 5071001 rent year, was read three times and ‘ 2.30 p.m.-â€"“Christ’s Mes: passed. _ 9 General Public." By_Law N0. 713 to anpomt Pogndfi Veeners. Fence Viewers and ivei ’ Stock Vaiuators for the TownshipE ST. PHILLIPS AN( of King for the year A.D, 194-0. in} CHURCH accordance with the Municipal Act 10 a.m.._(jhu1-ch Sch001_ of Ontario. was read three times .1_ . andyrpassed.” N7 p.m.â€"L»ening Prayer. “-._u...i..l tn Resolved that the following ac- counts be approved and paid and that the Treasurer be hereby authâ€" orized to now issue his order in pay- ment for same to the parties for the amount set opposite their re- spective names, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. tions to R. W. Phillips on his attain- ing his eightieth birthday. Born and raised in the township and for many years in the municipal life of the township, he has earned fOr him- self the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens and i1: is our sincere wish that he mav long be spared to enjoy the benefits of a well spent life in the interests of his fellow men. Carried. nu u. .....u. Moved by Wm. E. Bark°r. second- ed by E. M. Legge, that this council will not be responsible for fees of Constables attending dance halls. ex- cept by order, and authorized by this council, and that all accounts rend- ered to council must he itemized as to mileage, hours and the nature of services rendered: garried. 1 cna ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Thos. MacMurchy, Reeve. GENERAL ACCOUNT Nobleton Postmaster, stamps, $12; A. Wellesley, School Attendance Work, $9.51; I. Hollingshead, P.V. Schomberg fire hall, $25.00; Chas. Fell, P.V.S., service fire truck and lights, $7.35; E. Rainey. re Gravel P.V.S., $4.50; 'Ioronto Stamp & Sten- cil C0. re Dog Tags, 528.96; M. Hay- ward, re Police Services, $13.85; C. N. Institute for Blind, re Mary Sparks, $12.00; G. Farquhar, re Con- stable services, $24.50; Roy Hollings- head, re moving Phillips, $8.00; Dr. A. F. Kay, re Hospitalization, $7.50; Municipal World, re Office Supplies, 829.42; Geo. McDonald & Co., re Off- ice supplies, $17.20; Whillier & 00.. re Assessors’ supplies, $73.60; C.B.C. Aurora re Tax Collections, $28.95; Lofkrantz. Hospital trip re Mrs. Meager, $4.82: William Holt, re Dove, $7.00; Chas. H. Ress. re Re» lief Services, $25.71. Reliel Acoount. $193.98; Road Voucher N0. 2. $743.58. RESIOLU‘TTONS Moved by Wm. E. Barker. second- ed bv L. B. Goodfellow. that, this council of the Corporation of King unanimusly extendflour cong1~atu_1aâ€" Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded bv Wm. E. Barker. that the Clerk be authorized to forward to the On- tario Good Roads A<sociation the sum of $5.00 beintr this municipalâ€" ity's melmbershin in this Association for the year 1940. Carried. un'l yuuuwu. The meeting, then adiourned to} meet at Armstrong’s Hotel. King“ City. on Saturday. March 2nd, 1940.] or at the call of the chair. ‘ port Moved by L. lied by Burne ‘ in commluee nuts and bills King Twp. Council Become Toss February 3rd, 1940. B. Goodfeilow, sec- ‘1 Graham, the counâ€" * of the whole cn ac- , E. M. Legge m the _: needs your 5111* member todaY- Over twenty members and friends of the Women‘s Missionary Society {met on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Mrs. G. Rus- ‘sell opened the meeting and took charge of the devotional and pro- Ig‘ram. Mrs. N. L. Morton, pres-i- dent. presided during the business sand reports for 1939. MiSS A. Boyle _and Mrs. J. Davidson gave readings Eand Miss Geraldine Wesley intro- 'duced the study book. on India, I“Moving Millions”. Mrs. L. Hicks sang a beautiful sacred solo, ac- ‘companied on piano by Miss Ruth Hicks. Mrs. C. Spencer closed with prayer. Light refreshments were ‘served at the close, when a1 en- | . . . [Joyed a social time. A local association for “Girl Guides" was formed on Thursday, February 8th at Th-m‘nhill. The meeting took place at Mrs. Sinikins, Centre St. and the following off- icers were elected: Mrs. Simkins. March 7th at 3 o’clock, when var- ious committees will be formed. In the near future a “Brownie Pack" of girls 7-11 years. will be organized wh’ch will meet after 4 o’clock on Wednesdays. Further notice will be given shortly. The “Girl Guides” meet on Thurs- day evenings at 7-830 in the base- ment of Lawrence Memorial Hall. The next meeting at Mrs. Lanzlcy's. March 7th at 3 0's EZENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 1).m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"“Christ’s Message to t General Public." Unionville 10 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“Christ’s Message to the General Public.” 7 p.m.â€"â€"Lante1~n Slides on “The Life of Christ." Thompsor :lent: M served last Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Women’s Asso- ciation of Newton-brook United Church was a grand success. The attendance was large and everyone was highly pleased with the dinner. The W.A. president, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson. is to be congratulated on the successful evening. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold their February meeting at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wells, 5740 Yonge St.. next Tuesday, February 20th at 2.30 p.m. Miss R. Duff, field secretary of the W.C.T.U. will be the guest speaker. Anr invita- tion is extended to all the ladies of the community to attend. The Girls’ Mission Circle will meet at the Parsonage next Tuesday ev- ening, February 20th at 8 o’clock for their regular meeting and will be in charge of Mrs. Clarence Pin- der. Every member is asked to bring a new member. The funeral of Mrs. James Hill of Fisherville was held last Thurs- day afternoon. A short service was held at her home with the Rev. A. H. Halbert officiating, assisted by Mr. McKim of Emmanuel College. The late Mrs. Hill was formerly Ruth Hart and had lived in this disâ€" ‘trict all her life, and was highly respected by all who knew her. In- 'terment took place in Zion United 'Church Cemetery. To the bereaved husband and family we extend deep- ‘x'esi CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH The Plunkett Dinner which was ST. PHILLIP‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWTONBROOK RI UNHONVELT Thornhill Mrs. Langle} Pritchard, Sec will ta‘w place Centre St., on ock. when Var- Sxmkins, liceâ€"Presi- and Mrs. to the During the summer of 1932 it was ;my privilege to visit vari0u‘s parts 'of Europe on a conducted tour. If requested to name the three places \isited where I would prefer to take up residence in- tlie nine European countries over which we ran'l‘aled I \vculd' unhesitatingly s-ay London, England, Luccrne, Switzerland and Florence, Italy. “There is net td be found in all Europe a lake more complete and lperfc‘ct in the magn’ficenee of its jmountain scenery, the peaceful quiet ibeauty of its shore lines. the great I‘x'a‘riety of its charms and the poetry ;of its. leger-fus than Lake Lucern-e. It is the shape of a crcss and‘ is about 23 miles long and» one to two milcs \Vldy. Travellens thrill over the blue waters of the Mediterraâ€" nean but they are hardly comparâ€" able in point of beauty with the sheet of blue glass spread over the deep caverns of Lake Lucerne. Luceme, one of the largest cen- hes of population in Switzerland, is situated on the western erxtrrmity 0f the lake whflch beans its name, on the Reuss River. Bv taking :1 hrs frr five mimufes and going up the Alv‘en and Nurich sltrqets one comes to the greatest curiosity of thr‘s placeâ€"the Lion of Lucerne. It was he‘wn out of the solid sandstone “"Ck in» 1821 'by Akom of Constance in cmn‘uemo‘rat‘on cf 26 officers and 7‘0 sol-dimmer of the Swiss Guard who dzed‘ in defending the Royal Family rf Fwncra nn August 10th. 179?. This rolossal nicne of vsr'1“1v‘tu1‘e is 28 feet 10m: and IR few. high. If. repreâ€" sents a dyinv lir‘v1 pro‘rpcting the shield of the Pt‘l‘flLOVWI in the agony of death with a broken smear pierc- «wowaaoem~o+w~¢ow«moooooowm ' 09¢M¢MM¢60991 WWWWW Master flaick Starter MASTER CHICK STARTER contains an abundance of essential VITAMINS. It contains the finest of Cod Liver Oil Concentrates supplying a wealth of VITA- MINS “A” and “D”. YOU STILL HAVE TIME GORDON YOUNG Limited There is no baby chick starting feed built just like MASTER CHICK STARTER. You have only to raise a flock on Master Chick Starter to see that it is built right to give chicks the right start! MASTER CHICK STARTER is built on a GRAIN BASE â€"- not a mill feed base. This GRAIN BASE is made of choice whole grains â€" granular ground. It is not too fine â€" not too coarse. Be sure to have a supply of MASTER CHICK START- ER on hand before your 1940 chicks arrive. We still have a small quantity of high quality chicks available for March delivery.. Place your order now and avoid disappointment. Write for free de- scriptive folder and price list. To get your chicks early enough to cash in on the high fall egg prices. PHONE ADelaide 3636 - 166 Keating St., TORONTO Scenes I Have Visited Market prices paid for worn-out live Horses Delivered Our Plant Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge built right to give chicks the right start: W. R. DEAN RICHILL POULTRY FARM HORSES ELGIN MILLS, ONTARIO (Special THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1940. TELEPHONE 54 ‘ The Liberal) ing its side. It is placed amid exâ€" ceptionally beautiful surroundings wilh ivy and other creeping plants. From the rock beside it a mountain streamâ€"gorgeous in its array of colors when the sun- shines brightly â€"‘.eaps down to a. pool Ibelmv where the image of the Lion is reflected in its clear waters. It is a glorious sl'ghit never to .be forgotten. A short (T'stance rumoved is a model of the Lion sculptured by 3. Dane Thor- waldlsen and the Chapel Expiatore where annually on August 10th a special service is inaugurated to cTn'lmom‘orate the heroism. of the slain. The altar cloth is the pro- duction of the daughter of Louis XVI, the last survivor of the terrâ€" ible scene. Woodbridge Council deferred a formal sanctioning of the proposal when the School Board appeared at council session Monday requesting 3.500 to erect a school addition and install San tary conveniences. Reeve N. George Wallace intimated that the request would be granted when the board apnears before the next session with detailed plans. A lengthy discussion centred a- round the school iboard’s proposal to distense w‘th professisnal architec- tural services as an economy meaâ€" sure, and to omit wash basins from the nrcrosed' addiiion. Council‘mr W. R. Scott questioned the adi'isaib'liti' of erecting such a structure w’thout some inspection or guarantee. He was suoported by Reeve Wallace who advocated estab- lishment 0“ a municipal plumbing inspection department. WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL BOARD PROI’OSE $2500 ADDITION British -â€" Buy Canadian WE DELIVER

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