Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES __ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22nd, 1940. l OBITUARY l AUCTION SALE : FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, l-‘ron: our issue of liebruary 3.3m]. tut-en the llell Telephone Conipani C (il‘l(\)1l§l(lili .11. AllfNOLD H mm: m summit- ;lml l'ictliswln 11;. , wl‘m' A 1 91‘ - “1‘”: W your 0< . This ll'llsICC“ of the hit'illlrtllxl t'lnlri h ‘lt'ltk'llllkill l‘elephone t onip.in_\. \i! lllul >115lW'11l‘ FC-‘I‘H‘l‘t‘ (“ml _>Utl‘l{‘“_l.\' thad a meeting on 'l'nesddy i‘venniu to now litc titi/ins oi this place are able Pllt‘ll'd‘dl'i 1‘ k‘I’I'Uill‘." 1”» \Vllilfl‘ VISIT,- The Property of THE LATE JOHN EVANS Lot 26, Concession 1, Markham, ing a son at Fort William. .\lr. Arnold had li\‘ed at Nashville it‘lr tho hast, no years, but he spent much of his early life as a pioneer, ,conslder the advisability of lighting the 11- tall. lo a large «'n‘tlc without extra church with acetylene (as. but nutlnne, charge Central ottice at Sillllll’l'sllll.\‘va‘ dtterniined on. liirnu, store. Hr, Swine-r, [rt-murmâ€" of the lionrill lwo rinks of our cnrlinur chili went ION GE ST. _ of Education. has had trilllt’ll and ilisâ€" to l'univi-rton last l-‘riday CH‘HiHK and fitl'mb‘i' in the vicinity of Laurel, , . ‘ti‘ihuted alumni.r the rain-payers of the l‘l~‘.‘<"l ll ll'ik'll'll) “HUM Willi lllt‘ “m' -‘\1',:\21-*ll\"_”“ h" V‘V‘I‘S film 0f COI‘neI’ S AVE. BaYVIeW village and school section a llllitllt‘ml lil'il\k'l'lllll lilliyers. ’l'lit‘ play was very 1h“ ""31‘1”"-7‘"l'>" 0‘ t1” Nm‘ll‘dlle 00' statement of the Public and High flow. 11w visitors winning by one ‘1“,I lV-H‘lt'l‘Y. and 11“, c‘md for the ('Cme' Sch to] for the vear 18‘”). The receipts ()“r 1‘1113‘313‘ ““n‘ Illlt'rwm‘d‘ rtll‘illly {Ur-V girlmml“ 10" many Spars' . HO , l . r. -. r , , , .- . . .. . . . . its 1 - ‘- all community affairs HORSES "-- m n . lot the l’lliIll School Amount 1.. s_. «ntlrtaintd and trlatul to .in oysttr 1 I‘ll“, “h ‘ H I . .V } t | 1 (mass Sade; i42527. with a balance on hand of \"l'l‘t‘fi 'l‘hk' l“ll“\\'i“‘~' 5”“ “'0 [H‘dl‘i‘lil‘iyvvih knm‘n ‘13 Km acme cmlch 1 [Pack Man“ aged 1 Gi‘indstone S371“). puhhC Shh,“ Nah,“ {m- llli~lll llill ]ilIl_\‘L'TrsZ _I. ll .lirjxdon. .-\.. “"l‘mvt'. }. ., 1 - tl v “hulk Mare' 8 years 1 Circular Saw I” $1,500.05. with a balance in the ll‘t'Il » (it 51"“?49- -\l- ““l'lc- H» Al Nlt‘ll‘ll‘vl ham”??? NIH)!“ “filhiflfhe. ‘01; ‘ l‘f‘yv Maqu alrtfd l Hay Fork Have an exquisite new nrcr's hands of $170.80. 'l‘iil- accounts dint. 12-1}: .1. -_\v\\'n_m. L. III-“ch. 1», ;:,,1 1‘ ,0 Fm”? 'Fm,“ {{v‘i“,ih‘,‘,'.“ {1:30 1 (“03 ("‘d”‘f3\‘3r.i‘.fa"s 1 131:8“ Rope. 150 ft. new d I have been certified correctly by the “mm”. ('- (“WW skll’v lgl'm- ‘h- 'r1't'>»~h“\11~ \V I (C .‘l f . ' w .‘i 4 Ming- Ropes ’ mo e “haw. nudier The largest crowd ()l skaters and!fizlighliifii'afid it” Equililurlzii'i 2f i gotta“ (,0“' milking 1 “amt Trough In Your Home The huhik of thC hm.” M.hnhh hm, n <pecta_tors that has assembled in the: F51“ “.ilihm. 10‘glhhdchi“11”?th I D0 3F“?E?‘}-(I“‘ll‘1"Â¥il .. Number of Grain IS;th haig‘hhhdm. \vmhmqlm. m (Nehruw rink tor a long tnne “'le present at 7 mm.“ «rudd‘childron 0 Pa;\' .ow. nilklng'_ 1 Large Iron Kettle the relic].(yf11advgnjitlpv lcflirc leaving the Valentino Carnival Monday even-l Fun‘vmfr ‘wrviom Khdnhurg'f) ,fi‘)‘, film], whit; m'lkmg 2 Cross-cut Saws .. N r l [he hm],th thé High camp] hum]; Hill. Many of the costumes were very United Ohmfl] on 1.1“th commot- I 1;(t>.[dnlB “1 e (1 91‘s 1 Ladder ever beolre and’ we balm/8‘ Rani: "God Save the AOuccn" and flare Prelle 3”“ the "3”ng mm“: 0’“- (xd by Rev Mr Bailey the. minister 'umdm u ' 18 months 3 LOR‘R‘inl: Chains mvcllagam'w‘lwebeablemogerso three licartv chccrs fcir the Canadians ‘0‘” WHO (‘XCilingr and interesting. Twit“, b' Rév I R0“ min: V PIGS 3 Meal Bins :1: rid]: {D'h‘o'm'e money" Smal} m1 ‘hc Qucén. i The committee in chargeâ€"Reeve l’ulzs- of y Naéhvi'n‘o "P1.(_<“l;\fitorian ByroodoSOW, bred Jan. 29 Quantity of 4 inch Tile awefithlbfrralsxd:dgeiiijafririiefturTl? A '(‘FChllSht Proceiilmlv fDllmVC'd l‘)‘ '9" and L”“”“””” 5.a”‘i°r“‘)’l 2.1”‘1 church, were fellowel ‘iv interment b Ims‘ “ monltihs 01d v Quantity 0f Ell“ Plank DeForest..Qf3nd..nwdel .ve': o: the humhhzh1 cmq\.\.0fpau1 Kruger. Sunsâ€"managed everything to pcrtcc- in Nashville cemetery 'pahhcarprg l M C i I‘Ej‘IENTUS 9 Quantity of Pine Plank 7.;ubc Wformancc from 5gI engine was part of \lenesrlay night's proâ€" ““n' 3”", the Jfl‘lg‘”~‘~' “'3‘ llcrf‘wmm were James Devinr: ' man Ber- A G 011mm“ Dommg Tl‘lctor’ 10'“0' Q113Ntlty 0f Incll Lumber Rage“ tub“ Features nevefbcfore Qmmhm after hearing that Ladysmhh by Mr. It. M. hyrnchliir. Munroe and hath. Thomas “70%; . L Wright. 1 ‘Ig‘fio‘ T" t ‘ P1 ' f H Quantity of Timber. new and used obtainable at suchlow Pm“ Let us had he“, relieved. The hm” hm, 311111.n:\hrl:ah;oln. e\lhe balndl'lzavlc an: Mortimer “rahpmv ,_ w ,1. John_ 1 iM-ZH- 8151131311 6 0;, 2 ullows fihiffgme Fence Rails ‘ ', c . . a; Q. .' _ c (54.1 . 'e‘y sc cc ion iav- cl”, A ‘ - ‘ p . ‘ - ' 231:5 {333;he De for“: range of might easily haic been (lipelitd with mu Ia Amilm swing Mr- h- 1:“ 5m“ all... » mm ' 1 M.â€"H.‘ Grain Drill, 13 disc, new 2 Shot. Guns ' _ furnished. light retroslnnents iii the _ 1 Mfl'mmld‘ Dee‘ml: Mower: 0‘1 2 Binding POles The GRAND From our Issue of February 17th. curlerg mm,,_ and it Ram-0,), hmk ROBERT R. 1Lsnw Bath. .3 ft... new 2 Colony Houses Theideal"personal"radio,Power. 10103 _ _ charge of the check room. where par» A natiye 01‘ Pine suite and a. M'JI‘ Mower! 6 ft- 1 Whitewash Sprayer ful Performance. LargePowerTrans- Thc “955 farm-“‘1 the 3rd COWTS-‘Wl‘ cels were taken charge of for a nickel. resident of 'Woodbrllige for manyl M~'H~ Rake- 10 fin new Forks, Neckyokes. Doubletrees, etc. firmer. Genuine walnut cabinet. 51’" of King. near Eversley. has been sold 8'x123/4'x63/4”, 5%”. Dynamic to Thos. J. Ferguson, an adjoining} speaker. Covers farmer. The deal was put through by entire broadcast 2 ' IMr. II. .\. Nicholls. real estate agent, Richmond Hill. band. ONLY . “\ Mr. Neil \Villiam Malloy. of Lestow, has recently purchased from Mr. .lcssc Murray. of Saskatoon, Sask.. his farm. consisting of 100 acres of lot 25. con. 6, Vaughan. The connection has been made heâ€" 0 Charles Graham MASSEY-HARRIS l AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment .- 4» l GARFIELD RICHMOND HILL “Isn't this a New line, Friend?" “Yes, it is . ‘. . Farmer McDougan finally got a Telephone!" ARMERS now recognize the telephone a: a friend in time of need and as a money maker. A telephone is vital to a farmâ€"and the whole family living there. Nothing gives so much in service, useful- ness and protection against danger as the telephone. That’s why Farmer McDougan has one now. What about you? M4 m SKATING RICHMOND HILL ARENA Every Wednesday and Saturday Throughout the Season MWMM ADMISSION : Saturdayâ€"Adults 25c. Children 150. Wednesday Ev’g. Adults 150. 7 Children 10c. l Warmthhrmmin " A r ' ' A; '_. {mt/9W WES MIDDLETON, PHONE 116W Chairman Parks Commission From our issue of l-‘ebruary I‘lth. 1925: l After waiting for a quorum Monday evening for nearly an hour, the Board of Education settled down to busilij in the public school about 0 o'clock. Present: (i. Duncan (Chairman), F. Atkinson. G. (ice. (i. L‘owie. \V. A \\'right, Dr. Langstaif and Mrs. l‘erry. It was shown that by an aureciiicnt with the trustees of l’attcrson School. Richmond Hill. has been payinhr $l.00 a month for primary pupils and $1.50 a month for senior pupils who attend. Patterson School but are residents iii Richmond Hill l'nion Section. L‘owie‘ Geeâ€"that the account from Patterson School he paid. but that the secretaryt notify Patterson School that in futliri" payments for pupils attendiinr that; school will he made in accordance with the amended Act of PEIâ€"carried. Mr. Scott. principal of the Public School, suggested that the Board make a small grant for equipment needed from time to time. Cowicâ€"\Vrightâ€"â€"that Mr. Scott be granted $100 for 1925. to be: expended as the teacher desired. Carâ€" ried. Coivieâ€"LaiigstaHâ€"that the Pub- lic School he charged $300 a year for the old High School. now occupied as a Public School. Carried. Perryâ€"Cowie â€"that the Board purchase table and chairs for the Board room in the Pill)- “ . C. E. SMITH lic School, not to exceed $50.00. Dr. Langstaff was added to the Property Committee and the Board adjourned. The stun of $3,500 of last year's taXEs‘ is still outstanding in Markham Townâ€" ship. _ An untortunate fire occurred at Langstaff Thursday night about l2 o’clock, when the barn on the Thompâ€" son farm, now occupied by Mr. Ed. Moming. was burned. Besides a large quantity of feed, four horses and five cows were burned. The loss was par- tially covered. by insurance. Most of the implements were in another build- ing. Subscribe for The Liberal, $1.50 per year. E. P. Leno & Son GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Acetylene and Electric Welding and Cutting Portable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill At Maple Freight_ Sheds FIRST CLASS BJRIEAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. Formula . SALT and Lorne Robb winning prizes. VVin- Prices as follows: ners in the Court \Vliist were: Ladies, FINE SALT, 100 Lbs, _ . _ . _ _ _ . 65c, 1st. Mrs. Alan Aitcheson; 2no, Mrs. COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . '80c. 5W1“: (lielltznlstlf- fasgsi 211% : s . . itCieson. . enjoye tie ove y IODIZED SALT! 100 lbs' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 85c' lunch provided by the ladies. BLOCKS, eaCh - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 40cc Edgeley Hall Committee held a very BLOCKS IODIZED, each , . _ , . 40c, successful euchre on Friday night. __ Also __ when a number of tables played. First for ladies. Mrs. A. Bogg; 2nd, Mrs. CAR MILL FEED Geo. Lund; 3rd, Mrs. Hill. Consolaâ€" Pnced as follows: tion. Anne Edwards. Gents. lst. Evans ' Benson; 2nd, H. \Vhitmore; 3rd. Mr. BEAN ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' $135 per Wt" | Chris. Taylor. Consolation. Mr. \N'hite. SHORTS - - - . - - - - . . - 31-20 Per CWt- In the freeze-out which followed Mr. MIDDLINGS . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt. Allan Poole and Mrs. Hill were declar- ed winnerrs. . ‘ I’te. Jack Norton spent the weekâ€"' NUT AND STOVE COAL end ton leave) with his sister. Mrs. No. 1 ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19\V i 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each I Solicit Your Continued Patronage Hy Mottoâ€"Courtesy. Service and I Fair Deal to All ‘ Tuesday 1taking place tions of pioneer life. while they hew- ' fanm. deceased him 13 years ago, and beâ€" years. Robert R. Harris passed away. at his Oakwood Ave. Toronto home on Saturday. February 10th. Mr. Harris, who was in his 65th year, moved with his parents from Pine Grove to “’Oodbrldge when a. child. In this village his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Har- ris, were proprietors of the “Domin- ion House". an 8th Ave. hotel nowr converted into residences. He en-l tcred‘ the harboring trade and for many years operated a shop adja-‘ cent to the building where his ne- phew, Bert Harris, now conducts a shoe store. Surviving him are his widow, the fnrmcr Edith Mc‘Kenzie; one son, Norman. of Toronto; one daughter, Mrs. Clifton Moat, of Toronto; 5 brothers, John E., of VVOOdibridrge; Arthur, of Fergus; Thns.. of Wood- bl'idge: Albert. of Toronto. and Benjamin. of Toronto. Funeral services were held on afternoon with interment in Hillci'est cemetet‘y,‘ Woodbridge. HERMAN COLES The late Herman Coles, who pass-1 M.â€"H. Cultivator, new Roller, 10 ft. Set llarl‘ows Set Hook Harrows Fleui'y Plow. No. 12, with wheels M.-H. 2â€"furrow Plow Truck Wagon, steel wheels, good Low Truck Wagon, wood wheels Hay Rack, 16 ft. Light Wagon Top Buggy Light Bob Sleigh HARNESS 1 Set Work Harness 1 Set Single Harness 2 Top Collars. good as new 3 Collars 1 New Bridle HAY. GRAIN & ROOTS Quantity of Timothy Hay Quantity of Oats Quantity of Turnios Quantity of Mangels Quantity of Red Clover Seed Heavy Bob Sleigh FURNITURE Wagon Boxes 1 3-piece Bedroom Suite M.-H. Grinder. 8 inch 1 Dresser M.-H. Cutting: Box, with carriers 1 Washstand Rubber Drive Belt 1 Bed Fanning Mills 1 Piano Root Pulper 1 Victrola and Records Cream Separator 1 Rocking Chair 2 Wheelbarrows 1 Churn 1 Garden Seeder 1 Cider Barrel TERMSzâ€"CASH Sale at 1 o’clock . MANNING McEWAN. Auctioneer. Jesse Robinson, Malton, Executor ed away at his home in Woodbridge‘ on Tuesday, February 13th in his 83rd year, was a native of Devon- shirc. England, and came to Canada 70 years ago, locatingr in the Town- ship of Vespra, Simcoe County where he, with his father and brothers, endured all the hardships and priva- ed out homes for themselves in the. heart of the heavy forest. which‘ covered that district, where his bro- ther still resides on the old home Availing himself of whatever op-= portunities presented themselves in the form of education, he attained to a degree of culture and intellec- tual prowess which but few excell. A man of sincere and earnest Christian faith. he has always been a leader in Christian work and a regular supporter of foreign mils- sions. His wife, who was the daughter of the late Rev. John Gilmour, pre- sides a very wide circle of friends to whom he endeared: himself by the sterling- qualities of which he was possessed. as well as by the charm of the ‘garden of roses’ amid which he lived. he is survived by two brothers. Rev. L. H. of VVOOd-' bridge, and James of Minesing, and two sons. Had‘lev E. of Toronto and Murray M. of Acton, also 8 grand- children. Mr. Cole-s came to Woodbridge aâ€" bout 28 years ago and retired 5 years later. EDGELEY Iidgcley Women's Institute held a Valentine Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Peeler on \Vednesday, 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Peeler had their home very beautifully decorated for the occasion. A goodly number enjoy- ed Chinese checkers. with Jean Philips Ii. Benson. \\'e are glad to report that Mrs. if. Robb and Mrs. \\'indas are enjoyingr much better health. Some of our fair sex have been skiing on local hills. Safer landing, ladies. 4 At the Edgeley Red Cross Aux- iliary euchre in Edgeley Hall on Wednesday. February 7th. completed samples of the Red Cross work were exhibited by the 2nd vice-president. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. The achieve-. ments of the Edgele branch were, illustrated when the President. Missi Ella Whitmore. reported completion of the following articles: 34 pairs socks. 6 scarves. 2 sweaters. 7 pairs wristlets, 24 pillow slips, 12 pairs pyjamas. 4 hot water bottle c0vers,l 25 quilt blocks. 12 pneumonia jack-i ets. 13 ice bag covers. 20 abdominal? binders. 66 sling bandages and 12l T binders. l AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN, FURNITURE, ETC. The Property of WILLIAM LEUSCHNER East Half of Lot 19 & 20, C011. 2, Markham, on the Third Line at Headford, Known as the Clark Farm TUESDAY, MARCH 5th, 1940 .LJ HORSES 1 Fleury No. 21 Plow 1 Grey Horse, 9 years, G.P. 1 M._H. Plow, No. 7 1 Brown Mare, aged , 1 Cockshutt Walking Plow 1 Light Brown Mare, aged 2 Gang Plews 1 Wilkinson Plow CA'I'I‘LE 2 chthes 1 Touring Car - . 2 Sets Disc Harrows 1 Hgilztlil; lgtow, supposed to calf 1 Fence Tightener 1 Holstein Cow, supposed to calf 1 Heavyf‘fver Ja?k March lst 1 Surveym s Outfit 2 Galvanized Water Troughs i Bligh-211123SOC/dufmfufilof’low 1 Set Beam Scales. capacity 1000 lbs. 1 Dark Jersey, milking i lS/{traw Kgife d 7 1 Roan Spotted Cow, milking 1 Cfinglgv prea ef @ t S 1 HOIStein. part Jersey, full flow B '1 it 1655 L ddosscu aw 1 Ayrshire Cow, full flow Sailfis T aver 1 White Heifer. in calf ca .1119: rough 1 ice. PIGS 1131‘s!” gifts .thl Sgatldlrhg P01: 1‘] mg 0W \Vl p0 a O Igge'r (3; gfiflfiissgasutdgf, fag?“ Mamh 13 1 Underground Windmill Pump 1 M.-H. Turnip Drill, nearly new 1 Collie Dog 1 S , play Pump 1 Bag .Truck IMPLEMENTS _ 1 Snow Plough 2 Binding- Poles 1 Sawyer-Massey Separator, 24 in. 2 Sledge Hammers cylinder 1 Pr. Cow Clippers 1 I.H.C. Tractor in good order Chatham Scales. 2000 lbs. 1 Tractor Cultivator, I.H.C., stiff and Chains, Forks, Neck Yokes. Double- spring tooth Tractor Plow, Fleury Circular Saw Disc Plow, M.-H. Pulverizer, Deering Binder, I.H.C., truck and ear, 7 ft. cut, near new Binder, M.-H., 7 ft. cut, good shape Mower, I.H.C., 5 ft. cut, in good order trees and many other items too numerous to mention HARNESS 2 Sets Double Harness 1 Set Single Harness 6 Horse Collars HAY & GRAIN 250 Bushels Oats 80 Bushels Barley 40 Bushels Wheat iâ€"uâ€"uâ€"uâ€"nâ€"I Pâ€"‘H 1 Horse Rake‘ M"H' 200 Bushels Mixed Grain 1 Roller» ‘2 dl‘lmfsi Mme' About 6 ton Alfalfa Hay 1 Gun-den Mape Lea About 2 ton Timothv Hay 2 Cultivators. 13 tooth FURNITURE 2 Sets Iron Harrows * . 2 Grind Stones 2 Hay Racks 2 settees 1 Wicker Rocker 1 Seed Drill. 13 hoe, M.-H. 2 Dining Room Chairs 1 Scuffler 1 Grinder 1 Victrola and Records 1 Cutting Box 1 Fanning- Mill 1 Quebec Heater 1 Root Pulpcr 2 Farm Wagons 1 Oxford Cook Stove_ ' 1 Cream Separator 2 Dressers 1 Dining Table 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Kitchen Table 1 Cupboard 1 Democrat Wagon 6 Milk Cans 3 Milk Pails 1 Double Spring Wagon 1 Strainer 1 Plunger 1 Hay Tedder 1 Democrat Sleigh 4 Oil Barrels 2 Wood Bedsteada No Reserve, proprietor giving up farming Terms for Chattels, Cash Sale at 12 o’ClocE THE FARM The farm, consisting of 141 acres, is one of Markham Township's choice properties. It is in a good state of cultivation, 14 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres of Timothy and Alfalfa, and balance all plowed ready for the 19,40 crop. On the farm there are two good brick houses. good bank barn 80 by 35 ft., good cement stable for 17 head of cattle, 6 horses, one box stall, and root eellar.. “'ater in stable. 1 Straw Barn 90 by'35 ft. qn good foundation and an implement shed. This farm is located in a chotce sec- tion of the township. on good road, close to church and school. TERMS FOR FARM2â€"Farm to be sold subject to reserve de. further terms made known on day of sale. J. H. Prentice & Ken. Prentice, Auctioneers 415 Balliol St., N. Toronto, Phone HY. 0834 Markham, Ontario.

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