Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1940, p. 7

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0=O=O=O=0=Ol “Dress We“ at the Most '92 Moderate Cost gum GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening: Res. Phone 9788 er, Mothe1 the Childr Is a Perfec MILK Buil MILK is E MILK Su] Element: USE N And Be As Wholesm Securi Richn I G. S. W11 Dependable P: i Phone 42 W”MOM”OW Wooooooooooooooom 9 BALING Hay & Straw GOODISON FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS â€" THRESHERS ALL KINDS IMPLEMENTS Langstaff, Ont., Phone Thornhm 73 Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre» pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1940. And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. Phone 49J Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. Successor to Moore Bros. Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver Will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. G. S. WALWIN, Prop. PERCY COBER RICHMOND TAILORS WONOW EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€" GLASSES FITTED Richmond Hill Dairy Tailored clothes have a quality of distinction which is a definite asset to your personal appear- ance. It is possible to attain this dress distinc- tion without any increased drain on your budget by letting us take care of your clothing needs. Quality clothes, hand tailored to your measure from the choicest materials are now available at a very reasonable cost. Make sure you see us before you make the choice of your next suit or overcoat. Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 USE MORE MILK DR. P. P. SMYTH C. Matthews CEO at J. A. Greene DUO J5 H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock saies a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. AH sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- ducted by the most approved methods AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Hales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reuonable rates No sale too large and none too small King. 0m. Phone Kim: 42-r-8 I Dr. C. A. IliacDéhald Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill Phone 92R Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"â€" LIFE Fuday EVCOIHES Other Evenings by Appointh Office over the Post Office Woodbridgu Phone Tues., Thur$ Telephone 21 DR. J. P. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€" 1 - 4 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings DR. W. J. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€" 9 - 12 Centre St. I Office Hours 9 - 11 a.m.: 6 - 8 p4» “K. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF (Womm Office H Appointments 1 YIAPLI‘ A. S. Farmer LICENSED AUC'I‘TONEER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Drs. Wilson & Wilson ,22 Yonge St‘ DR. ROLPH L. I “R. JAMES R. I Prentice & Prentice Open MC C. E. Walkington Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Gomley RE. No. 1 Telephone Stcuffville 6312 9â€"-â€"10 a.m DENTIST Successor to DR. M. C. MacLAt Richmond Hill ‘J. Carl Saigeon Office Hours 10 Dr, R. A. Bigford Dr. W. J. Mason R. H. KANE Drsa Lartgstaff and bv appomtment AUCTIONEERS AUCTION EER 10:0] MEDICAL Telephone 8U Office Hours Hours made MncLACHLAN u'ncsday and uzngs Ayapomtment Evenings 6 - 8 Nights 147 Richmond Hill ANGSTAIPF AN GSTA F l‘ Richmond H 1dren) 3 pm. Phone 100 day Phone 8 and 3.31] MWEWLMMMLQQLL .. Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions All persons having claims against the Estate of John Evans, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, who died on or about the 6th day of Janu- ary, 19405 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 20th day of February, 1940. JESSE ROBINSON. Executor. 0t paxlsles, sweet peas forgetâ€"1 and marigolds. The potted 1)]; eluded African violets, polyantl' gonias, primulas and Cyclamen. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN EV- ANS, DECEASED. Plenty of choice in variety and price could be found on the flower stands, where pots of flowern'ng bulbous plants and the cut blooms vied for favor. Daf- fodils were 50c a bunch up, narcissi 35c. freezia 60c, tulips 75:. potted vlants from 150 each up. Among the smaller flowersflvariously priced. were hunches Rhubarb was plentiful, first quality selling at 8c a bunch, 2 for 15c, and lower grade at BC bunch. There were several kinds of good apples, including Spies, McIntosh, Delicious, Greenings, Russets, Tolman Sweets and Baldwins at 30c and 35c for ‘No. ones, with do- mestiCs at 20c and 25c. Black walnuts were 10c quart, grapes 2 lbs. for 25c. Roasting chickens were 23c and 25c 1b., spring broilers 35c, capons 28c, boiling fowl 20c. Turkeys were 35c, ducks 28c, rarbbits 25c. On the fish market, trout, herring and whtefish provided a choice. Butter sold at 30c and 31c 1b., eggs from 23c to 30c a dozen. Old cheese was 28c 3 1b., new 25c. cottage 10c each. Fresh pasteurized whipping cream was 35c plnt. ril) 19c. blade 16c to 18c. brisket 10c. Pork: Loin 27c, butt 22c, leg 24C, shoulder 17c. Bacon: Back 45c, side 280. cottage roll 25c. Sausages 18c 01' Root vegetables sold at 10c a Z-qt‘ box, potatoes at 20¢ a basket, onions 25c, bunches of carrots with tops on were 2 for SC. Tomatoes were 20c 31 box, mushrooms 30c 21 1b. Meat prices were as follows: Beef: Porterhouse 27c, sirloin 24c, round 23c, rolled rib 23c to 28c, short rib 19c. blade 16c to 18c. brisket 10c. Pork: Loin 27c. butt 22c. lea 24C. An abundance of tender young salad greens supplemented the winter root vegetables on North York market stands this week.oLeaf lettuce, radishes. watercress. peppercress and green onions sold at 3 for 10c. Celery was 10c bunch, savoy and hard cabbages SC to 10¢. Spinach at 10c and 15c a basket was among the green things oflered, while for those whose budget would allow, there were peas, beans. brggcoli and new cabbage. 2 for 35c,ul)eef suet 2 lbs. f0? 25c, lard 153a 1b., dripping 10c. Notice to Creditors 2518 YONGE STREET cific Railway has covered a wide field in Canada, and the United States, embracing positions of ever increasing importance and responsibility. The promotion of H. C. James, assistant general passenger agent, Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, Montreal to the similar post in charge of the Ontario District, with headquarters at Toronto, has been announced by George E. Carter, general passenger agent of the company. Mr. James suc- ceeds the late C. B. Andrews and takes over his new duties Novem- ber 1st. Mr. James in his 25 years’ experience with the Canadian Paâ€" JESSE ROBINSON, Executor, c/o his Solicitors, Messrs. Duncan & Gilday, 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto. YORK MARKET (At St. Clements) C. P. R. Promotion MOhawk 3000 pany. Mr. James sucâ€" ate C. B. Andrews and his new duties Novem- . James in his 25 years’ with the Canadian Paâ€" ay has covered a wide priced. were bunches peas forgetâ€"memth The potted plants inâ€" tender young salad (1 the winter mot rth York market THE LIRERAL. RICHMONIJ‘HWZL. ONTARIO LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS INSURANCE Bowden Lumber & Coal C0.. LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS [nsulex. Donnncona Board. etc. LANSlNG WILLOWDAI E 42 HUDSON 0234 Richmond Hill $8.00; Imperial Bank, Bolton, collect- ‘i‘ng taxes 1939, $85.65; Ontario Hos- pital, Woodstock, re Bessie Town, lbill $46.50 (laid over); Miss Mary Haviland, rent of house re tax sale, Jan. 17 and Jan. 31, 1940, @ $3.00. $6.00; Miss Mary Haviland, rent of house for council meeting Feb 5th, $3.00; Miss Eliza Matson, rent of house for special meeting- Jan. 13, $3.00; Alex Goodfellow, tax collect- or month of January, 1940, $18.68; Road Voucher No. 2, O.K.’dv by the Road Supt. and ordered paid by the council, $382.75; Roofers Supply 00., 10,000 ft. snow fence and pests, $952.75, (laid over); Relief Voucher No. 2 for month of January, 1940, [$85.36. . Moved‘ by J. E. Patterson, seconded‘ by W. E. Downey, that this council grant the sum of $100.00 to the Caledon East Memorial Hall to be applied to the reducing of the prin~ cipal. Carried. Moved by. H. Wilson, seconded by J. E. Patterson, that this council accept the Auditor’s Report as sub- mitted at his meeting and that Mr. O‘Leary receive $55.00 for all exâ€" penses and services. also that the clerk beinstructed to have 100 copies of this report printed. Carried. Moved by W. E. Downey, seconded bv J. E. Patterson, that we lay over bill re snow fence, (Roofers Supply Co). Carried. ’Moved by W. E. Dmvney. svr'm‘ded by Mr. Steele, that this council now ndioum to meet at Irwin’s Hotel. Palm'ave. on Mrnda". M91‘ch 4, 1940, at 10 o’clock a.m. ("arriei W. A. Irwin. John Aml‘~“son. Moved by J. E. Patterson, second- ed by W. E. Downey, that this coun- cil grant $5.00 to the Sick Children's Hospital, 67 College St., Toronto. ' Carried. Moved by Mr. Steele, seconded by H. Wilson, that the treasurer be au- thorized to forward to J. N. Proctor the sum of $41.50 as Al-bion’s share of expenses of the Community Hall which was occupied by the pupils attending the Short Course. Carried. Moved by H. Wilson, seconded by J. Anderson, that Mr. Rutherford and the three members of the coun- cil, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Downey and Mr. Steele attend the annual Good Road's convention as delegates, to be held in Toronto February 21 and 22, and that they receive $4.50 for ex- penses, and that the treasurer for- ward the membership fee of $5.00. Carried. W. A. Irwin, express charges: 0n a‘ssessor‘s and collector’s rolls, 4'0c.; J. A. Ellis, damages to truck, $10.25, this bill sent to Insurance Co. for adjustment; J. J. Jamieson, General Hospital, re Richard Seagraves, Nov. G to Nov. 21, 1939, laid over, from last meeting, paidv 813.12; Municipal qurldLS subscriptions for council, Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by J. E. Patterson that Mr.. Michael Horan receive the sum of $39.00 for three sheep killed and one sheep in- jured and that Sam McMullin re- ceive $2.00 for valuing same, he hav- ing signed the necessary affidavit. Carried. ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill Mr. Steele, that the following com- munications be received: Ontario Good Roads 1 Association re dele- gates; Mrs. Ella J. McKinney re ar- rears of taxes; The Hospital for Sick Children re donations, also A. E. Wilson Insurance Co. re road insur- ance. Carried. Caledon East, Feb. 5th, 1940. The municipal council of the corp- oration oif the‘ Township of Albion met at Caledon-Easrt pursuant to ad- journment of the 8th day of Janu- ary last. ' Members all present, Reeve John Anderson in the lhair. Minutes of last meeting held» at Palgrave were read by the clerk and‘ on motion were adopted by the coun- cil and signed by the reeve and clerk. A number of communications were read and dealt with in council. Council resolved' itself into com- mittee of the whole with Mr. Steele Anderson in the chain. Committee having risen recom- mended: payment of the following- accounts: The Reeve asked if there were any parties present who wished to ad;- dress the council. Mr. Norrie asked leave to address the council re a culvert on the 3rd line. T. R. Evans waited on the council re the purchase of fire equip- ment for the village of Caledon East. TINSMITHING FURNACES - PL UMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet Moved ALISIUN UU U N UlL R. H. KANE Clerk MOTIONS H. Wilson, seconded by that the following com- be received: Ontario ;‘ 1 Association re dele- Ella J. McKinney re ar- as; The Hospitgal for Sick Phone 92-R n"=0n. Reeve 'orde 1 now Hotel. 1940, Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill ANY DAY A FISH DAY JOS. PARISI Richmond Hill, Ont. Cars Wanted For Wrecking â€" Safety Glass Installed PHONE 86 The only coal in the world coloured BLUE as your guarantee of quality. Order your supply now. See what an enjoyable difference in better, steadier heat- ing comfort you get with ‘blue coal’, the world’s finest an- thracite. Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TIRES FOR ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND TRIUCKS I. D. RAMER & SON Enjoy this food in your home. You can get Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish with all its goodness retained for your enjoyment. Ask your dealer. You will find it very economical, to/o. Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish for you no matter how far you are from open water. You can choose from such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk, and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives . . . and every one of them can be served in tasty, different ways. i 0 Even if that dauntless fisherman didn’t have any luck, today, he can have fish for supper . . . and he will like it! PARIS AUTO SUPPLY PAGE SEVEN

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