3""? wwmmmonomwom Royal Richmond Chick Mash Royal Richmond Growing Mash Royal Richmond Laying Mash 3 Grain Scratch Feed 5 Grain Scratch Feed Improved Victory and Banner Oats, Goose Wheat, Peas, Soya Beans 0+; WOWWWOWOMMMQOO Phones: Day 139 Evenings 82W RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THE MILL an advertising folHerâ€"a real-bookJAsk forcyoâ€"m: icaiiir: Free. FEED SERVICE, Langstaff, Ont. PAGE EIGHT â€" F R E E â€" A on? hundyed page book on_p_0u14try raising. Not just price. Insist on QUALITY Maple Leaf Feeds are not new, they have been on the market for years and have thousands of satisfied users throughout Canada. You too can benefit by these years of experience. Made by the makers of the well known Monarch Flour Every bag guaranteed by the Maple Leaf Milling Co. Do not make the migtake of bnying poultry feeds on ' Monarch Chick Starter- Cafeteria Chick Starter Do not forget the Vellore Senior Institute Dance and Euchre in Vel- lore Memorial Hall, Friday, Febru- ary 23rd. Dance and euchre will start sharp at 8 pm. Catania’s orchestra. E. Evans, floor manager. Admission 350. Phone Thornhill 72r11 The monthly'meeting of the Thom- hill Red Cross will be held in the work rooms at the public 'school on Tuesday, February 27th at 3 pm. Thornhill VELLORE THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO the key women who have so nobly assisted in the distribution of the supplies and the collecting of the finished articles including knitted articles, scarves, socks, sweaters, etc. as Well as the sewing. Nor should the ladies claim all honours, for Un- ionville boasts of a gentleman who has led the ladies in his record for knitting, having many pairs of socks and scarves to his credit. The honors go to Mr. N. Ogden. Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite conducted the devotional period. Arrangements were made for the Easter Thank Offering meeting that will be held on March 14th. Auxiliaries of the churches in the vicinity are to be guests and a prominent speaker will address the gathering. All women interested in missions are invited to be in attendance. The Unionville unit of the Mark- ham Township Red Cross 15 very busy these days. On Monday last twenty women were in attendance and hospital bed gowns and bed jackets were in the making. Two quilts are on the list of credits with still another to be quilted. Many similar activities are to be reported from the other polling divisions and four shipments have been made to the Red Cross Headquarters. The Central Work Committee deeply ap- preciate the splendid co-operation received and commend the work of the key women who have so nobly assisted in the distribution of the To the ladies not already associ- ated in this enterprize, a cordial in- vitation is given to assist in this splendid work for King and COuntry. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH The W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church held the February meeting at the home of Mrs. G. R. Whaley when splendid reports of the annual meeting of Toronto East Presbyterial held in Toronto were given by Mrs. Young. Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. .Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"R~ev. H. O. Piercy, Dra- matic Reader and Interpreter. 7 p.m. â€"â€" Rev. H. O. Piercy, Dra- matic Reader and Interpreter. Mon. 8 p.m.â€"Rev. H. 0. Piercy gives “Jean Val Jeanâ€. Silver colâ€" lection. EZENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.1n.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"-“Christ’s Message to an invalid.†The Veterans’ Euchre held in the Township Hall last Thursday even- ing brought the usual interested at- tendance, approximately thirty tables of players entering into the compe- tition. The attractive prizes were won as follows: Ladies, Jessie Thom- son, Eileen Stiver, Mrs. R. Rise- brough, Mrs. D. Brown; gents, Geo. Holden, Geo. Kelly, Jas. Grainger, Chas. Beckett. The lucky draw prizes went to Mrs. Vernon Trunk, Elsie Eckhardt. Mr. Graham, Miss E. Empringham, Mr. Holer, Mrs. E. Hunt, Phil Dixon. The final Euchre of the series will be held on March 28th when the draw for the hand crocheted centre piece, donated and ‘made by Mrs. Wilber Latimer, will take place. The Veterans are to be commended upon the splendid ser- vice given in many ways especially to needy Veterans. Any event spon- sored by them is deserving of your patronage. 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"M0rning Prayer BETHESDA LUTHERAN 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m. Publi-c Worship ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Unionville CHURCH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1940.