LIPdLH-y auu )dlC ICIII CldLlUll anulcu'uy lHC CXLJU' ' V V sivc, rcfrigcrant-coolcg Rollath Cold-Makcr . . . at $ cxtrcmcly low cost, then your rcfrigcration‘dollars go further. Lct us show you what Norgc has to offer you. . This is NORGE PREVIEW Showing Week When you can get these two things . . . gcncrOus Capacity and safe rcfri cration assured-by the exclu- sive, rcfrigcrant-coolc Rollazor Cold.Makcr . . . at extremely low cost, than your rcfrigcration‘dollars go further. Lct us show you what Norgc has to offer you. Little pigs, calves or baby chicks â€"â€" the way they live and grow during their first few weeks goes a long way toward determining just how well they do later and how much money they make for you. Get them off to a good start and they will pay you both pride and profit â€" let them run into a setback and a slow start, and they will be a constant trouble and expense. For the right kind of start, give them the right kind of starting feed â€" the particular Purina Startena built especially for their special needs at this critical time. PURINA PIG STARTENA â€" Fills in the weak places in the sow’s milk...gets your little pigs away to a “flying startâ€. Gets them used to eating solid food before they are weanedâ€"carâ€" ries them through the weaning period and the first month after weaning without upsets or set- backs. Feed it dry, in a. creep. If the little fellows don’t take to it readin at first, moisten the checkers with skim milk for a day or two, until they get the taste. ‘ All Purina starting and_growing feeds are now fortified with Puri-flave. vitamin Gr concentrate two to three times richer in growth-promoting Flavin than any other feed in- i[ftlredient Purina. feeds are the only ones containing Puri- ave. l. D. RAMER & SON, Richmond Hill “ WELL BEGUN IS HALF DONE†PURINA CHICK STAR'TENA â€" A completely balanced chick feed, the result of more_than 20 years of experiment and experience wlth ba-by chicks. Famous in the past for greater livabil- ity, extra. growth, heavier bone development, added strength and vigor â€" and tests on the “1940 Model" show 10% faster growth than ever before. Remember â€"â€" there are many starting feeds, but ONLY ONE STARTENA! It is a screamingly funny comedy-farce. Greta Garbo has let her hair down, and reveals a master comedienne. It is certainly one of the best performances of her career. You’d better see it for yourself. It’s a roaring Russian riot. The whole cast is top notch. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. MARCH 1 - 2 TWO FEATURES EDWARD ELLIS - ANITA LOUISE in “ MAIN STREET LAWYER †ï¬t. is one of those folksy films, full of heart throbs and homespun umors. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MARCH 6 - 7 TWO FEATURES WALLACE BEERY - JACKIE COOPER in “ THE CHAMP †HEART THRJOBS â€" COMEDY â€" ACTION Also RONALD REGAN - MARGOT STEVENSON in “ SMASHING THE MONEY RING †Romance, comedy and drama are all wrapped up in la-beled entertainment plus. Story of federél agents and counterfeiters, has plenty Yonge Street “ KID NIGVHTINGALE †\Vith JOHN PAYNE - JANE \VYMAN This packs a substantial wallop as a prize fight comedy See NORGE before you (my! PAGE FOUR SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT TODAY. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 29 GRETA GARBO - MELVYN DOUGLAS in “ WINOTCHKA †MONDAY & TUESDAY. MARCH. 4 - 5 DAVID NIVEN - LORETTA YOUNG in “ ETERNALLY YOURS †calf feed. Saves milk, saves work, saves time, trouble and temper. Helps cut down scouts and other digestive troubles. Very little milk at any time â€" none at all (and no pails to wash) after the first 4 weeks. No mixmg, no heating, no sloppy gruels. And it raises surprisingly good calves at sur- prisingly low cost. . .cheaper than you can raise them on milk, at present prices. PUR‘LNvA CALF STARTENA â€" The complete â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€" Model Shawn is SR-s Other models as low as Richmond Hill a neat package of action. The W.A. will meet next Wednesâ€" diay afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Barton. The men of the congregation are planning to hold an Irish Stew in the church on the 17th of March. The VV.A. held a crokinole party at the home of Mrs. Delbrocco last Thursday evening. There was ten tanles played and the winners were: Ladies, lst, Mrs. Rear; 2nd, Mrs. Stan Woods. Men, Lsrt, Lloyd Vantl- erberg; 2nd, Bruce Keffer. .Mrs. J. Clement spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clement, Elgin Mills, who were cele- brating their wedding anniversary. Mr.7and‘ Mrs. J. Baker and son Kenneth visited Mr. and‘ Mrs. Robt. Craigie on‘ Sunday. Miss Alexander spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. :Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aliver spent Sunday with friends at Palgrave. M1'.rand Mrs. Clarks‘on spent Mon- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderberg. The Y.P.U. will meet Friday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Withamove. The Y.P.U. are holding a box so- cial in the school on Friday evening, March 8th. There will be a good program-me, and we hope there will be a good supply of boxes for sale, and that thene will be plenty of good bidders. Every body welcome. 1. Thlat the U.S. with less than 6% of the world’s land area and less than 6% of the world’s popula- tion has nearly one-third of all the railroad mileage in the worldâ€"236,â€" 8442 miles rep-resenting an invest- ment of $26,000,000,000? 2. That the average weight of a woman between the ages of 2-0 and 24 who is 5’ 4" in height as com- pile‘d by the Life Insurance Medical Directors and the Actuarial Society of America is 126 pounds and that the average weight of a man be- tween the ages of 20 and 24 who is 5’ 9†in height is 150 pounds“? In- each case the weight is with shoes on and clothing which weighs from 3 to 7 pounds. is‘ 100» feet 0} more past the object aimed at? 4. That a bomb falling from an airoplane drops 16 feet the first second and that at the end of the second second 2x2x16, 64 feet; at the end of the third second 3x3x16, 144 feet; at the end of the fifth second 5x5x16 feet, 400 feet? Do you know that other things being equal bombs dropped from planes reach the earth in a long slide due to the rapid forward m|0vement of the ,plane and that the ‘bomb' may not hit the ground until the plane 5. That the distance between New York and San Francisco by the Lincoln Highway is 3173 miles and that the distance by water between these two places via the Panama Canal is 6059 miles? 3. That the world’s loudest noise, the volcanic explosion of the Island of Krakatoa in 1883 was heard by human ears as far off as Bangkok, something more than 1400 miles? 6. That the Saar Basin with an area. of 738 square miles and a p‘Op- ulation of nearly two millions was separated from Germany after the World War and administered by the League of Nations through a com- mission, but that it was return-ed by the League of Nations to the Reich on March 1, 1935? A carloati of Victory No. 1 Seed Oats, certificate No. 69-5432, andl Banner Seed Oats No. 1, certificate No. 69â€"3502 at the Elevator. These seed oats test around 45 lbs. Special price. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer ,& Son. MODERN HOUSE in Richmond Hill. All conveniences and centrally locat- ed. Apply Box 64 The Liberal Off- SMALL MODERN APARTMENT. conveniently located, electric range. Possession immediately. Apply Lib- eral Office. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. ngggg! Yonge St., phone ice. Hairy Ireland Logs will be sawed at the rear of Palmer’s Grist Mill, Maple, in early spring. W_ DO YOU KNOW? ,' 'Ric'hinond Hm. Cust0m Sawing PHONE MAPLE 1972 CARRVILLE TO RENT T0 FARMERS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO EXPERIENCED FARM HLAND. Ap- ELDERLY MAN or good boy for farm work. Apply L. Hadwen, Maple R.R. No. 1. SINGLE MAN for dairy farm. Ap- ply to Box 87, The Liberal. 100-150 ACRES with fair buildings, Richmond Hill area. Apply Box 44, Liberal Office. ply Colin A. Hood, Milliken, phone Agincourt 51W2. PARTY WANTS to rent farm of about 100 acres. Apply John. Reiner, Rockton, Ontario. YOUNG MAN, experienced in gen- eral farming to commence work April lst. Apply between 9.00 am. and 11.00 a.m. Silver Stream Farms, 3rd Concession Markham. 150 to 200 ACRE FARM, must have good buildings. L. C. Burton, Rich- mond Hill RR. 1. TUESDAY, MARCH 5th â€" Auction sale of valuable farm property, farm stock, implements, etc. the property of William Leuschner, E. Half of Lots 19 and 20, Con. 2, Markham, third line at Headford, known as the Clark farm. Terms for Chattels Cash. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms for farm made known on day of sale, to be sold subject to reserve bid. Prent- ice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, MAR. lâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc, lot 7, 9th line Markham, Box Grove, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale at'l o’clock. Giving up farm- ing, no reserve. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6â€"Auction Sale of extra good Herd of Dairy Cattle, 30 head, some calves at side, some springers and others in full flow. This is a choice lot of heavy producers and good testers. A fine chance for good ca-ttle. Watch for posters. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve on account of ill-health proprietor is quitting milk business and selling his entire herd. Sale at Lot 3, Con- cession 10, Markham, at Cedar Grove, property of Arthur Lapp. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken. Prent- ice, auctioneers. Con. 1, Markham, corner Steele’s Ave. East and Bayview, the prop- erty of the late John Evans. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. Manning McEwan, auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 7thâ€"Aucti0n sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, furniture, etc., Lot 26, SAT., MARCIH 9thâ€"Auction sale of registered Holstein herd, farm stock, imp-laments, etc., the property of the estate of‘ Jos‘. E. Jackson, lot 23, con. 3 west, North York Twp., Finch’s Ave. Sale at 12.30. Cattle sold‘ at 2.30. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- eers. WELL, MARCH 13â€"Auction sale of V..1uab1e Farm of 61 acres more or less, Farm Stock, Furniture, Grain, Etc., Lot 7, Concession 2 Vaughan, just north of No. 7 Highway, the property of Mrs. Geo-rge Bowes. Sale at 12.30. No reserve of Chattels. ‘Prentice & Prentice. Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13thâ€"Farm Stock, and Implements, Hay, Gnain belonging to Harry Shearn, Lot 14, Con. 7, Markham. Sale at one o’- clock. Terms: Cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH Nthâ€"Auction MON‘, MAR. 18thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. the property of Frank Burry, lot 20, con. 4, Markham, 114 miles south of Victoria Square. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- sale of farm stock, implements, grain and furniture at Lot 18, Con. 4, Markham, the property belonging to James Calvert. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. WED. MARCH 20TH â€" Extensive sale of farm stock and implements, including large held of full flow and springing cows, full tractor equip- ment and plows, 5 Percheron horses, house furniture, hay and grain, be- longing to Chas. Martin at lot 22, con. 5, Markham, a mile and quarter south of Victoria Square on the fifth con. Sale is large and must start at 12.30 sharp. George Storey and Walter Craig, clerks, A. S. Farmer, Gormley, auctioneer. SAT., MAR. 30thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, furniture, garden tools, etc. the property of Ernest Nichol- son, Ruggles Ave., Langstaff. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. WANTED TO RENT Sale Register WANTED ICE. Apply Don Head Farms, Pat- terson, phone Maple 241'2. COAL AND WOOD. Langstaï¬ Sup- ply 00., phone Thornhill 73. YOUNG MILK COW. Bedford Park Floral Company, Richmond HiLl. 10 YORKSHlRAE FIGS 7 weeks old C. E. Walkington, phone Kinlg 421‘3 THREE CHICKEN HOUSES. Cheatp. Apply Yonge and John 815., Thorn- hill. LARGE KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Mrs. Sheppard, 44 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill. BABY CARRIAGE, wicker, convertâ€" ilble, good condition, newly lined, bargain. Apply at The Liberal Offâ€" ice. GREY MARE, 8 years old; one cow; also Ideal combination incubator. Dora Kozak, Richmond Hill. SEED O'A'I‘S, Victory, government test No. 1, germination 98%, 75c. bus. Abraham Baker, R.R. 2, Maple, phone Maple 1563. 3 AYRSHIRE BULLS, 10 and: 11 months old), purebred, registered'. George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge 513., phone Thornhill 149. STAINLESS STEEL MELOTTE SEPARATOR, 740 lbs. capacity, 2 years old. Harold Hill, Gormley, Lot 32, Con. 4, Markham. QUANTITY N0. 1 MIXED HAY, Alfalfa and Natural Grass; also mixed grain, peas, oats, Wheat, bar- ley, $1.50 per cwt.; medium ground $1.60, fine ground $1.65. Apply S. Winger, phone Maple 1062. GREAT DANE for sale, cheap for good home, good watch, house brok- en, 1 year old. John Armstrong, Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill. FINE YOUNG STOCK BOAR, about 20.0 lbs.; 2 young- sows due in May; also 11 small pigs. A. Hansen, Bathurst Street, half mile south of Wilson Avenue, .phone Hudson 0031. 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM in Mark- ham Township in good state of cultivation. Reason for sale, illness of owner. Apply to Mrs. T. Tread- well, west half of lot 26, 2nd con- cession, Markham Township. inders, economical to run, reason- able; Model A Ford Coach, good condition. Gormley Garage, phone Stouffville 73315. TURNIP PULPER, good? as new, hand or power; Cutting Box; Corn Planter; 150 feet Cow Chain; 30 Leghorns; also some used doors, cheap, or exchange for old fat hens. 1933 FRO‘N‘TENAC SEDAN, 4 cyl- C. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge St., Thornhill. GREENHOUSE GLASS RAFTERS; ventilator sash; flower pots; light sleighs; doors; water tanks; iron and wood pulleys; shafting; jeweller’s roll top work table; hot-bed sash. Glendon Greenhouses, Steele’s Ave. at Bayview. BLUE COW, part Holstein and Jer- sey, due April lst; 1 Barrel Churn in good condition; 2 guns; 3. quantity of amunition; rabbit hutches, large and small; 3 oak barrels; 1 set har- dows; 1 large wooden gate; 1 double steel bed and springs; 1 large round table. Mrs. Alfred Wirght, Stop 17A REG. HOLS'I‘EIN HERD SIRE, 3 years old, extra good type, and of best breeding; dam’s- official record 4.42%, three nearest dams averaged over 4%. His heifers can be seen MCCORMICK DvEERIN'G CREAM SEPARATOR, model 3, 750 lbs. ca- pacity. This- separator has not been used. Price reasonable. Portable electric sewing machine, Seamstress Vibrator, foot control. Miss Naugh- ton, Elgdn Mills, phone Richmond Hill 127. T hornhill at farm. Price $100.00 for quick sale, “about beef priceâ€. Also dry and fresh cows, $50.00 and up. B. R. Leech, 2% miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. BOSTON BULL, dark brindle, one side of face white, strayed from 16 Centre Street West, Richmondv Hill, on Sunday. Reward. Phone Mrs. R. Boyle, Richmond Hill 55. IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISKNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Classified Advs. Buy British â€" Buy Canadian. FOR SALE LOST THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, 1940. SEPTIC TANKS installed. cleaned and repaired, drains reneWed, Vwell§ dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jef-f- erson. . ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering and’ cabinet work. Esti- mates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Avenue. SAW MILL for custom sawing. Logs. can be left at any time. R. L. Nel- son, Gormley, R.R. No. 2, 3rd Con. of Markham, 1 mile south of Germ-- ley. ‘ .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges Insoluble. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yen-ex, 6 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond EDUCATIONAL Matriculation coachiing, Junior and Honour Matriculation. Nellie Naugh- ton, B.A., Elgin Mills, phone Rich- mond Hill 127. WRITE or ’PHONE Wesley Clark, your local agent for Big-4 chicks, for a copy of 1940 Big-4 catalogue and Plans for Colony House and Range Shelter. Save money man popular breeds: Hybrids, Sexed Pul- lets, Cockerels, Canons, Started Chicks and Pullets 1 to 8 weeks. Wesley Clark, Gormley, R.R. 2, Out. Telephone Richmond Hill 4704. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN â€"â€"Very Nice. 1932 FORQ V-8 TUDORâ€"Thorough 1937 FORD Vâ€"S TUDOR with Trunk. Heater, New Tires. 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE â€" Over- hauled. New Tires. Little Brothers 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" A GOOd Car. 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In excellent condition. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W Teach us delight in simple things And mirth that has no bitter springs; Forgiveness free 61' evil done, And love to all men ’neath the sun. â€"â€"â€"Rudyard Kipling. MISCELLANEOUS Ford Sales & Service General Jumbo Good Value. 1y reconditioned. TUBES TESTED FREE $600.00 $495.00 $250.00 $325.00 $335.00 $150.00 $175.00 Tires.‘ Heater. ONTARIO