FLASHâ€"â€" Chicago, Feb. 21, 1940.â€" “The Leghorn World reveals the startling results at egg laying contests. At the end of the third month, of the 50 highest Leghorn pens in the entire country, 28 were raised on Ful-O-Pep feeds.†F A Duro Water Softener by removing the hardenâ€" ing elements from your city water will greatly lighten household work. Savings will be effected in soap consumption, linen .and clothing re- placements and fuel as mweï¬ll as reduced plumbing repairs. Reduce Work Save Money with Softened Water These facts have been proven by every owner of a DURO WATER SOFTENER EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. Lfd. Order a Duro Water Softener installed without «delay. Can be purchased on Easy Payment terms. We will gladly furnish full information. london 'Sudbury You will also be delight- wed when you discover the beneï¬cial effect of Duro Softened Water for per- sonal bathing and shamâ€" pooing. The cost of a Duro Softener is remarkably lowâ€"$65.00 and upâ€"and is soon oï¬set by the sav- ihgs made in housekeep- ï¬ng costs. ELocUTiON' mid DRAMATIC ART Lee Page Three This Issue 'Homewood Hall†Tho'rnhill (Graduate of the Owen A Smily Studje) MARGUERITE BOYLE R. H. KANE Sold and Installed by wPthâ€"e' 92312" RICHMOND HILL PAGE EIGHT Hemilfon Toronto Winnipeg Vancouvel W a\2‘ e\$¢ An 03d and respected resident of West King, William Rai-ney, 83 years of age, passed away at his late resi- dence. Schomberg, and was burieti in Schomberg Memorial Cemetery on Friday, February 23rd; Continuing- the lantern slides dur- ing Lenten season, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall announces “Consider Africa†for this week and “Sentinels of the North†for the following week. Fri- day at Maple Anglican Church, Wed»- nesd‘ay at All Saints, King, and Thursday at St. John’s, Oak Ridges of each week. The theme is cover- ing missionary enterprize. Mr. and‘ Mrs. C. J. Bleauclerc and Davidi visited: in King on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker. They will return to the third at the the- ginning of April. The community and Parish will be interested in the announcement made by Mr. Worrall, of lantern views of “The Oberammergan†to be shown in All Saints’ Church on the evening of Palm Sunday, March 17th, at 8.30 p.4m., allowing those from other churches time to attend. A collection taken will be used for the King- [boys who are serving in the war. Re- member the date, March 17th, at 2.30 pm. in King Anglican Church. (Held over from last week) Twentyâ€"nine tables of euchre played to nice ï¬nish at Laskay Institute Hall, on Friday evening. Winners were Mrs. Neil Malloy, Mrs. Harvey Rogers and Jean Paton, for the ladies’; John Clubine and Harry Finch for the gents’. Proceeds to aid Red Cross work. is taking definite shape. Oratorical speakers are preparing for the con- test and the entire pregmm should prove profitable and interesting. The supper banquet takes place at 6.30 and at 8 p.m. the Oratorical Contest. In this there will be three classes: (a) Temperance address for those over 15 years; (b) Temper- ance address for those under 15 years; (c) Temperance recitation open to all under 13 years. Veterinary Surgeons has also arriv- ed in King from several months†visit in Western Canada. A glimpse of him only assured us the Doctor has eaten the West out of house and home and run away with most of the historical data and‘ human interest stories that the place of his visita- tion afforded. Welcome back to King. Four overseas boxes were packed by a committee from the King Wo- men’s Institute last week. Boxes full of nice things for Jimmie Gray, Dave Glass, Bill Hiitz and‘ Bill Robinson. Not having attended this event at any previous time we are unable to say much about the convention phase but according to officers and mem- bers of the‘Federation, the affair lends itself to interesting speeches and discussion. We do know an oratorical contest is always a nice entertainment and brings out the! ef- forts of those» participating. The local interest in the annual convention of the North York Temp- erance Federation to be held in King United Church on Friday, March 1 We invite any of the hockey a5- sociation to write a few paragraphs on the progress of King hockey team, which we understand, is making a very creditable showing and main- fnining an enthusiastic following. Sports copy with its enlivening vo- cabulary is entirely out of our line but an interested player or fan so minded could send the correspondent a column fOr next or following weeks’ issues. Thanking you. Dr. S. \V. Armikage, M.U.V.S., has taken over the veterinary practice of Dr. F. C. Bridgeman, who has gone to Toronto. Dr. Armitage was a former resident of Western Canada. Dr. D. H. Pinkerton, the Dean of Nobleton ladies will meet at Mrs. Stanley Cain’s on Thursday, to quilt three quilts for Red Cross purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son held a Red Cross euchre at their home this week, under the auspices of Temperanceville Women’s Institute. A gigantic campaign drive for funds in aid of the Finnish cause, was held in Schomberg on Wed- nesday evening, carefully plan- ned by the ladies of the bridge club. Several homes were opened to euchre, bridge and crokinole. as well as Lloydtown school. Entertaining were. Mrs. Gus. Farquhar, Mrs. George Shoults, Mrs. Roy Howard, Mrs. F. C. Cantelon, Mrs. Gladstone, Lloyd, Mrs. E. Pearson, Mrs. El- wood Dale, Mrs. Arthur Wauch- ope. Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Dale entertained in the Institute rooms. It simply meant that Schomberg and Lloydtown were all able to enter into this attractively arranged social event, and contribute to Finnish needs. Following the games, everyone went to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dillane’s home for refreshments and the prize awards. At a later date, we shall be able to report the King City District News Even in these days economy can be overdone. If you doubt it. listen to the Rev. E. Streete, Vicar of Ash- ford, Middlesex, England. Here’s his appeal from the pulpit the other Sunday: THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO “I have no objection to buttons being put in the offertory plate, but please do not take them off the hassocks .†Royal Richmond Chick Mash Royal Richmond Growing Mash Royal Richmond Laying Mash 3 Grain Scratch Feed 5 Grain Scratch Feed Improved Victory and Banner Oats, Goose Wheat, Peas, Soya Beans entire proceedings The annual Holstein Breeders’ Association will hold their an- nual banquet at Nobleton com- munity hall on Mar. 13. The closing evening of the training school will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 'in the form of a banquet, at King United church. ' - Nobleton rink is the gentre of at‘raction these days, when old and young are reviewing, lealn- irg to or excelling at skating, to say nothing of the hockey matches and ice sports. Accord- ing to rink authorities, the cost of renovation and remodelling will be covered, and a good start made for next year’s program. Initiations over the community is well “on its feet.†Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollins- head are entertaining on Friday Feb. 23, for Strange Presbyter‘ ian W.M.S. Mrs. Frank Dovs gave the W.M.S. at her home or Wednesday, Feb. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cairns celeâ€" brated the 59th wedding anniversary on Friday, Feb. 9, receiving felicitations from a host of friends. Although rather late, the column offers wishes for many more anniversaries, and joy unending. The forthcoming convention of the North York Temperance Federation, to be held in King City United church, on Friday, March 1, is of interest to many in this locality. At 4 p.m. a tem- perance leaders’ and workers’ conference will be held, followed by supper at 6.30 and at 8 p.m., an oratorical contest, supple- mented by musical numbers. There will be three classes in the oratorical contest: (a) Temperance address for those over 15 years. (b) Temperance address for those under 15 years. (c) Temperance recitation open to all under 13 years. Mr. and Mrs. Jim W_ells enter- tained at a social evening for Eversley Y.P.S. on Monday evening, 35 being present. Read- ings were given by Fred Ball and Rev. Mr. Burch, the latter, taking up “Cooking.†and “some- thing or other" upon “roast pig.†Lloyd Thompson and Scott Bovair sang a duet, and Bill Wesley read the scripture lesson. Watson Ferguson and Jim Wells conducted two contests. Mr. and Mrs. Wells will enter- tain for Eversley WA. on Feb. 20. Miss Mildred Folliott address- ed Temperanceville Women’s Inâ€" stitute on the subject of “Music Appreciation,†last Wednesday, playing -and singing a couple of numbers, as well as giving an interesting talk. Eversley Mission Band met a? the school on Friday afternoon, with president Ross Bovair as chairman. Bobby Hollingsworth‘ George Mesley, Isabelle Folliott, Betty Larkin and Marion Cross- ley took part in the program. mainly devotional. An auto- graph Quilt is getting on the way and your name at 10 cents per, is very welcome to this band of enterprising missionaries. This should be an enjoyable and proï¬table evening. Encour- age the youth by your presence, on March 1. S. John’s A.Y., Oak Ridges, were unable to have their tc- bogganing evening on Monday last, because of soft weather, but enjoyed games and a social time at the parish hall. On Thursday, Feb. 22, St. John’s WA. will give a ï¬sh sup- per at the parish hall, followed by lantern views, as part of the Lenten program. Laskay Y.P.U. are planning to enjoy a tobogganing party at Mr. and Mrs. L‘ Boys’, on Thursday evening. A hard times party, supper and program at 7 p.m., will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wells, on Wed., Feb. 28, un- der the auspices of Everslev W.A. You are expected to come in a hard-time costume. Phones : Day 139 Evenings 82W RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL The regular meeting of Y.P.‘S. was held] at the home of Mr. B. Witty Wednesday, February 2151:. Mr. Chas. ShroPshire, the missionary convenor was in charge. Miss Ruth Baker of Toronto Bible College gave a very interesting talk on “Paul’s Discour- agements.†The Y.P.S. of Concord visited with Bedford‘ Park Y.P.S. Monday, Febâ€" ruary 26th. The QiSitOI'S, under the direction of Mrs. Witty, supplied the programme after which games and refreshments were enjoyed by all. “You promised to ’be good,†the mother reproachfully. “I know,†said- the small boy; it was only a Hitler promise.†You can help by becoming a mem- ber of the Red' Cross. A one hundred page book on poultry raising. Not just an advertising folderâ€"a real book. Ask for your copy. Free. FEED SERVICE, Langstaff, Ont. CONCORD Made by the makers of the well known Monarch Flour Every bag guaranteed by the Maple Leaf Milling Co. Do not make the mistake of buying poultry feeds on price. Insist on QUALITY Maple Leaf Feeds are not new, they have been on the market for years and have thousands of satisfied users throughout Canada. You too can benefit by these years of experience. ' Monarch Chick Starter- Cafeteria Chick Starter “but said 0:0] Phone Thornhill 72r11 9 Clothing .Needs Our store is well stocked with quality merchandise to meet the clothing requirements of men of this dis- trict. We also carry a full line of men’s, boys’ and children’s boots and shoes, rubbers, galoshes, etc. We handle quality goods backed up by the established reputation of well known manufacturers. You can buy here with confidence, and we invite your patronage. Yonge and Richmond Streets Dl=l0=0==0=0l FREE MEN’S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES R. J. CRAIGIE l0=l0 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, 1940. IOUO 0:0] Richmond Hill 10:9