Village Council Still Grappling With Legal Bills Richmond Hill Municipal Council “met in regular session Monday even- ing and’ .the session was featured by lengthy cronsideratiOn of the village legal entanglements. At the request of council the village solicitor, Mr. B. B. Jordan submitted a legal acâ€" count for taxing- and when it was :revealed' that it was for $917 for the Sheardown case compared With $30Q, the amount of the account pre- viously rendered, and $389 in the Parisi case as compared with $190 the bill submitted before,, it caused some heated discussion among coun- ci‘l members. Mr. Jcrdan explained .the increase by pointing out that it is a very unusual procedure as be- .tween solicitor and cchnt to ask that ‘a bill be taxed, although it is quite ;a usual procedure as between two parties. Following a lengthy discussion it was finally carried that the council pay the first bills submitted amount- ing in all to $505.91 being $311.77 for the Slieard‘own case and $194.14 for the Wrecking By-law case. Fol- lowing the order for payment of the account a motion by councillor Midâ€" dleton, seconded by councillor Neal «that the services of the town soliciâ€" tor be dispensed with did not carry .as Reeve Trench and councillor Little thought the question should be decided- by a full council and Dr. Wilson had been called from the meeting before the motion was pre- sented. “This has been hanging fire for two months and I would like to have it cleaned up at once,†said Coun- cillor Middleton. “The old council had it for ten months and we are going into our third so we are as ~t‘bad as the old council." Riclwale Red Cnoss held their eu- chre on Monday, March 4th. Prize winners were, ladies, Mrs. Geo. Alli- son, Mrs. Bishop; gentlemen, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Joe Taylor. Starting from March 4th there will be an aggregate prize for 4 euc'hres don- ated by Mrs. E. Rowden. - A letter was received from Mr. .‘Sheardown which in part stated that he was perfectly willing to settle if the nuisance was stopped and coun- ~cil paid his -out of pocket legal ex- penses. If there was any future de- lay, the letter read, he would be forced to go ahead with legal ac- tion. Since the time was up for council to trespass on his land he would give them permission to fix the drain. A motion was passed by Dr. Wil- son and! seconded by Councillor Midl- dlleton that Mr. Sheardown be asked for an itemized bill] of costs for the contempt of court case. Another motion asking for a ten- der on the job from Mr. Sheardown was moved by Councillor Middleton and seconded by Councillor Neal to submit a signed tender for the drain at the price given to Councillor Mid- dleton and ensure a guaranteed job in a. workmanllike manner. Next euchre will be held on March ’18th when the lucky ticket for the grocery draw will be made. "l‘wenty-five dollars has been add- ed to the Treasury through the kind~ ness of Col. Bishop. "Tuesday, March 12th, at 2.30 o’- clock the regular meeting will be ‘held, last Monday’s meeting being postponed owing to bad roads. AFTERNOON TEA The Women’s Association of the Presbyterian Church plan to hold: an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. G. Yerex, Saturday afternoon, March 16th. RICHVALE RED CROSS NOTES VOL. LVIV MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 11, 12, 13 WILLIAM POWELL - MYRNA LOY NOW PLAYING -â€"â€" THURS, FRI., SAT., MARCH 7. MARX BROS. in * “ AT THE CIRCUS †Phone MO. 217 â€"â€" AND â€" ROBERT TAYLOR - GREER CARSON “ ANOTHER THIN MAN †THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€"- THE LIBERAL WANT ADS Added Attraction FRANCHOT TONE - ANN SOTHERN in “ FAST AND FURIOUS †TRUE FALSE WEDNESDAY at 8.30 “ REMEMBER †300 Seats All Evening 25c. __IN_ Il‘ Richmond Hill Council are plannâ€" ing to put a curb on the number of meal tickets to transients passing through the village. Last month the total number handed out amounted ,to 196 which was worth $30. These 'were divided as follows: 15 lunches to A. G. Donnelly, 12 lunches to ‘Kerr’s, and 169 lunches to the Rustic Inn. Reeve Trench declared that .after this all meal accounts should :be handled in weekly to avoid a large ‘number being handed in at the one time. The meal tickets are issued ‘by the local caretaker and are worth 15c. each. “Some of them are all right and deserving,†said Reeve Trench. “If you had as much to do with them as I had you wouldn’t think iso,†said Councillor Middleton. } Councillor Little declared that 'several residents around' Mr. Case- ment’s home were bothered with the transients who were trying to find him to get the meal tickets. He sug- gested that a sign be [put on Mr. Casement’s honie with the word ‘i ‘constable’ or some such apprOpi-iate title. ' Moved by Dr. Wilson and sec- onded by Councillor Little that such a sign be erected. I council To Cut own 0n Meals For Transients “Here I am cutting down mi peo- ple with families to feed these bums,†said Councillor Wes. Middle- ton. Holstein Breeders To Hold Banquet For the past four years, the York County H‘olstein Club has held an annual banquet about this time of the year to start off the clwb year’s activities. They are now completing arrangements for their banquet to be heldu at Nobleton on Wednesday, March 13th. This 'banquet is held at a different point in the County each year. This year’s programme is proving exceptional-1y popular and: several of teh Directors have had to get addi- tional tickets to sell. The guest speaker is to be Russell T. Kelley of Hamilton who is one of the most outstanding after-dinner speakers in the Province and is quite as humor ous as one might suspect from the name. Entertainment is being pro- vided by Rex Slocum, the popular magician from Toronto, and petite Gwen ROM) of Woodbridge, tap and acrobatic dancing. Any of the Holstein breeders who have not yet secured their tickets are advised to get in touch with their nearest director or secretary E. F. Ramsay of Sharon, without delay, as any unsold' tickets will be put on sale next week in the Nobleton dis- trict. GIFTS 'FOR CHRISTIE STREET HOSPITAL Under the auspices of the W.C. T.U. the annual gift of eggs, apples, etc., for men in Christie Street Hos- pital .will be received.I at the homm of Mrs. J. P. Wilson and Mrs. W. A. Wright on Saturday, March 16th and Monday, March 18th. SHORTS TWO OUT- STANDING HITS ON ONE PROGRAM Yonge at Castlefield “In Essegtials. Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty: In All Things: Charity†Standing on a political platform in North York for the first time since he retired from politics forty years ago, Sir William Mulcck at a public meeting at Newlmarket Wednesday evening made an earnest appeal for the return of the present govern- ment. Warning the electors to be on their guard' he said those who so unscrupulously attacked our war efâ€" fort were no friends of Canada. Can- ada’s grand old man with unmistake- alble signs of feeling and sincerity asked his audience to ponder well the question “Is it wise and in the ‘interests of Canada andI the Empire 'to change the government now?†He said after his years of judicial ex- perience he was judging the cam- paign on the evidence. In a law case that which is not relevant has to 7be discarded, and so it is with this election. You are the jury, he said, and I want you not to be misâ€" led by counsel seeking their own ad- vantage. The government has done Sir William Mulock Urges In National Interest That Government %eRe-elected "A National Disaster to Trust Canada Now to Untried Men," Warns Canada’s Grand Old Manâ€"Those Who Unscrupulously Attack Our War Efforts are no Friends of Canada He saysâ€" Dr. Manion’s Party Travelling Under An Assumed Name a wonderful job, our war machine is now in full working order so why change now? Why trust Canada now to untried men. many of whom are unknown? To elect a shadow government now or untried men \vould’ be a national disaster, said Sir William. It is in the interests of Great Brita-in and her alliels that Canada’s war effort should‘ not be disrupted at this critiCaI time and that is the reason I am- on this plat- form tonight. Sir Wiiliam said that in his ex- perience on the bench he often had men before him travelling under as- sumed names and he had1 long- ago learned to become suspicious of such people. In this election said Sir William, the party led by Dr. .Manion is travelling undWer an assumed name. Hitler would be pleased to see our war effort disrupted by a change of government at this time Warned the speaker. This; is my first appearâ€" ance on a political platform in this old riding of North York in forty years, and I am here tonight be- cause I feel it my duty as a Canadiâ€" ian citizen and‘ a lover of the Empire to warn the people against changing governments at this time, he said. Sir William’s words were listened to with the most wrapt attention and at the conclusion of his' remarks the large audience broke into thund- erous applause in appreciation of the depth and sincerity of the words of this Grand Old! Man who to a degree enjoyed by no other living Canadian enjoys the love and respect of the people from one end of Canada to the other. In spite of the inclement weather the large Newmarket Town Hall was filled almost to capacity for the meeting which was addressed by the Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trans- port, Morgan Baker, M.PiP. and‘ Col. W. P. Mulock, the candidate. Mr. Joe Vale, deputy-reeve of Nnewmar- ket acted as chairman. Col. W. P. Mulock in a clear and] concise manner reviewed Canad‘a’sl war effort and traced the developâ€" ments leading up to the conflict. He said; that following 1918 peeple were sick of war, sick of arms, and arma- ments and desired only peace. Great Britain led the way in disarmament and all over the world there was that desire onlywrto live at peace with all men. Under such conditions which lasted some considerable time, public opinion would not stand for any large expenditures on war pre- parations and. as, a result Canada followed other nations in laying off of armaments in order that she might play her part in preserving world order. But this desire for peace was to be only a desire, for alppearing upon the horizon of international good will was the shadow of the dic- tators. Realizing this, the govern- ment of the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King began to set their house in order for the evil day they saw ap- proaching. But, said Col. Mulock. the government can only go so far ahead of public opinion, and no in: ther. When war was finally declar- ed, everyone wanted Canada to be RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940. armed at once, and some of the' greatest advocates of disarmament now became the greatest critics of the government of Canada, and what part did Dr. Manion play in the Que- ibec election held since the outbreak of war? Did he take any stand against Mr. Duiplesasis? Did he say anything against this man who would have had Canada withdraw from the war? Where was Dr. Manlion’s great ‘Em-pire unity cry then? Not one Word did Mr. Manion utter, not one effort did he make to see that a government was elected in that prov- ‘ ince to carry on the war. On the other hand, the Ministers ’of the King government and even the Prime Minister himself placed their politi- cal future at stake in order that Can- ada and the Empire might best be served. Dr. Manion says the gov- ernment’s heart is not in this war, said Mr. Mulock. The Liberal gov- ernment of the Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King realize only too well that if Britain and France should fail, freeâ€" dom falls and Canada would no long- er exist as a great free nation. Dr. Manion seeks one government with no opposition. He says he wants to get right behind Britain. Well Great Britain has an official opposition and ‘Dr Manion wants a National gov- | e1'n'ment made up entirely of Con- servatives. Quite recently, said Mr. Mulock, there was held in- this hall, a so-called National convention. If this was a truly National convention, then why wasn’t I as the sitting member, invited? Why was their candidate already chosen? Col. Mu» lock resented the bitter personal at- tack on the Prime Minister and was applauded by the great audlienvce when he challenged! anyone to say that the Prime Minister was in favor of Fascism or Communism. The cand- idate then made a statement that drew rounds of applause from the gathering. Said Col. Mulock, “If at any time I do not think that the government is pulling its full weight in this war, then I reserve the right to stand in the House of Commons in Ottawa and vote against my own governmentâ€. Col. Mulock said! that he was convinced that the people of Canada would send the King g0vâ€" emment back into power on March 26th. He said) he had been assured of support from men- of all political shades, including members of Dr. Manion’s own party. He urged the people to vote for a continuance of the present government on March 26th. Col. Mulcck was followed thy the Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trans- port. Mr. Howe paid! warm: tribute to the sitting member of North YOrk, Col. W. P. Muldck, K.C., whom he said made his presence felt and heard in the House of Commons and prophesied that ere long Bill Mulock will cease to 1be a private member, and will occupy a prominent place in the national life of this country. Then Mr. Howe dealt with the charge that Canada was not prepared. In the last war infantry would move up at the rate of five miles per day. Today the same men will travel 50 miles in the same time, because of the mechanization of the army. 2,200 motor vehicles journeyed over with Sir William Mulock | Mr. Howe then spoke of the great Air Training Scheme which Canada. was undertaking at the request of Great Britain. The plan will have a personnel of 40,000 men and 5000 training planes, 80 airports and 67 training schools. Canada will have spent for its first year at war some five hundred million dollars, said Mr. Howe. It takes time to get all ma- chinery in gear. He said that only trained efficient men would be in charge of Canada’s fighting forces, no favoritism in' promotion, but evâ€" ery man in His Majesty’s service in the Dominion would be dealt with _ on his merit. Mr. Howe said“ that in the purchasing board, men of all po- litical shades were represented and 'that if the best brains were not in the government then the government was utilizing the best brains in the country on their respective War :Boards and very effective work was [being done. 3120000000 worth of supplies had been bought, bought at lowest prices consistent with uality. No middleman to pay as in t e last, war. Mr. Howe predicted that in due course, all the available man power in. this country will be uti- lized. A great many people living outside of Canada had- money invest- ed here, said the Transport Minister, during the last war. PeOple with such investments rushed their money MO 00 OOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOâ€Â¢ ON OOOOOOOOOOOQO“M the First .Division. The cost per man in this war is 21/2 times greater than the last war. He said that the Canadian Navy was playing a very important part in convoying goods and men to the life hines of the Empire.‘ out of the country causing a slack“ ness in business that was hard to overcome. But not so in this war. The government has set up an ex- Control of all investments was imâ€" securities had to report same government. Now under this Con- trol Board everything has been done and carefully planned to keep ‘Can- ada solvent in spite of the great drain made upon its financial re- sources. Mr. Howe said the main issue in this election was which party will carry on the warâ€"King or Man- ion. Mr. King has spent 40 years in the public life of this country and knows its needs and conditions. As an alternative you are offered what was formerly the Conservative Party under Dr. Manion. now knewn as a National Party seeking a Na- tional Government. A truly National government selects its leader, but in this case the so-called- National lead~ er selects the government. Mr. Howe said‘ that great receptions had been the order of the day from coast to coast. He urged his listeners to cast their ballots on the 26th. Make‘ no doubt where you stand in'the in- terest of Canada, the Em ire and freedom by_ voting for Mu ock. ,just before his sudden death change and Security Control Board: ‘ization. The deceased had been ill for some weeks, but not seriously so until last is sur- ‘Wednes-day afternoon. He .vived by his mother and father and mediately applied and holders of all. to one 'sister, Mrs. Warren Reid of Kirkland Lake. The hundreds of friends who gathered at the funeral- to pay their respects to the depart- ed] and show their sympathy to the mourners, is a splendid indication of the great number of friends he had made during his life time, and the deepest sympathy of the whole comâ€" munitv goes out especially to the mother and father in the loss of their only son. The following floral tributes were received and greatly appreciated: From his cousins, Y.P.U. of Maple United Church, Aunts. Uncles and Families, Sunday School of United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Art Foster, the cast of “An Adopted Cinderella", Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mathewson and Mrs. Malbel Mathew- son, the Women’s Institute, Toronto Centre Sulb Area Young People’s, the Reid family, St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s Y.P.S., Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Routley, Young Men’s Club. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Morgan Baker, M.P.P., said» that Dr. Manion had now attempted to buy the votes of the people of Canâ€" ada at $2.50 each by his promise about radrio licenses. This is the same Dr. Manion who has been say- ing only the war matters. The peo- ple of North York and Canada are not going to be fooled by such tac- tics at this critical time in our his- tory with such paramount issues at stake *They’m ï¬g Convenient *TEA BAGS SINGLE COPIES 5:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ' Rev. J. R. MoCri‘rmmon preached a very impressive funeral sermon, tell- ing how less than four weeks ago Howard had stood before the same ‘altar at a ceremony where he united with the Church on profession of .‘faith. He spoke highly of his re- ‘kent work in the local Young Peo- lple‘s Society, of which he was electâ€" f'ed‘ President at the New Year. Mr. lMoCrimmon was assisted in the pullâ€" bit ‘by Rev. A. M. Partridge of Bea- lverton and Rev. A. H. Halbert of -Newtonbrook. and Mr. A. C. Forrest i'of Emmanuel College. LATE HOWARD MATHEWSON Hundreds of people crowded into the Maple United Church Saturday afternoon to pay their last respects to the late Howard Mathewson, only hon of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathem- Ison, who dried suddenly at his home ‘at Maple last week. A private fun- eral preceded the pulblic ceremony at the home of the deceased and the funeral was one of ,the largest ever known in the district. For many years Howard has been active in the work of the United Church, and has played prominent mart in the dramatic ac vities of the \Yo~un,g People‘s Union. During the past year he has played an importâ€" ant role in the play which has been given by the society sixteen times, and which has been rated one of the best amateur productions ever given- -in the locality by a group of young players. As well as his church activities he has b_een interestecl in local sports enterprises, and has ‘been‘ a faithful 'member of the Vellore Junior Fanm- ers’ Clulb ever since its first organâ€" ‘i‘zation. The regular meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held in the Municipal Hall on Thursday, March 14th at 3 pm. At this time of the year the talk on Interior Decorat- ing by a representative of the T. EatonCo. Ltd., College Street, To- ronto, will be of interest to every woman. OBITUARY N0. 36.