were received and competent execuâ€" tives appointed for the coming- year. At the girls’ meeLan Nellie Harris received the honor of presidency; Vice-President, Eva Hunter; Secre- tary, Ina Yeamans; Treasurer, Myr- tle Hamill; Finance Com., Gladys Pearson, Marjorie Wheeler, Ruth Yeamans; Program Com., Ruby Ree- scrr, Betty Clark, Olive Reesoi‘; Press Secretary, Margaret Young. Mrs. A. K. Harrington conducted the elecâ€" tion. . Phyllis Tapscott was appointed to attend the project training class to be held- at Newmarket on March 21st. A meeting with Miss Wallace, Gov’t. representative, is being ar- rangedr. . The Boys’ Clu’b elected' the follow- ing officers, President. Alex Davidâ€" son; Vice-President, Elliot Harring- ton; Secretary-Treasurer, Jim Darl- ington; Directors, Walter Reesor. Maurice Hamill, Jack Macklin, Bob Simpson, Mae Freeman, Sam Gough; Press Secretary, J. Champion. The Junior Farmers and Girls’ Clubs held annual meetings on Monâ€" d‘ay evening last. Splendid reperts of the pcst year’s accomplishments At the joint meeting an instruct- ive address was given on “More Trees, Better Crops†by C. R Purâ€" cell, Farm Realtor and President of . . v . . . . “,7. ive address Trees, Better Crops†by C. R Purâ€" cell, Farm Realtor and President of‘ the Canadian Branch of “The Men of the Treesâ€. Mr. Purcell stated “The fanmer is consistently fac'ng danger to crops and livestock from- insects and disease, but the greatest danger to agricultural products so far, has been the removal' of too much forest growth. The water level in the soil is. sinking rapidly each year and many sections now gamble on sufficient well water to supply livestock even part of the year. Only deeply rooted crops, such as alfalfa produce a profitable cnop in these districts andI these are sometimes drought killed." 'Mr. Purcell claimed the tree reâ€" moval and the loss of protective in- sulation of the forest bed of leaves and twigs allows the fnosbs to pene- trate and solidify the soil. was given on “More; This organ’zation is to be congraâ€" tulated ulon the splendid service given. and the splendid patronage of the events sponsored'is evidence of the great appreciation of their efâ€" forts. Two euchres held on March 14th and 28th will conclude this ser- ies. Plan to attend them. The March meeting of Central United Church Women‘s Association held in the Sunday School room brought an‘attendance of 23 mem- bers. Mrs. E. Bew-ell presided. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Coulson who gave the Bible talk, Mrs. L. Rainey reading the scrz'pture lesson. During the pro- gram which followed readings (by Mrs. J. Champion and: Mrs. T. Hob'bs 'and musical selections by Mrs. A. L. Brown provided delightful entertain- ment. At the conclusion the ladies enjoyed a delightful social hour and When supper served by the hostesses, Mrs. this occurs all the melting winter’s w_ A_ Noble, Mrs_,w. -F_ Kincaid, snow and most of the spring rains and MIR V_ Wagg. 'Mr. Purcell claimed: the tree reâ€" moval and the loss of protective in- sulation of the forest bed of leaves and twigs allows the fnosbs to pene- trate and solidify the soil. When this occurs all the melting winter’s snow and most of the spring rains rush off, sweeping the thawed tfup soil down the creeks into the rivers causing widespread destruction by evasion» and floods and leaving the cultivated soil to hecome parched and crops withered from lack of mois- ture. The greatest service the young farmers of today can do for the counâ€" try of tomorrow is to plant trees; first as forest planting to retard soil washing and hold moisture for growing crops and provide wells and springs with water for supplying livestock; second, as windbreak anal shade trees to protect the farm :bui d-â€" ings and rbeautify home sul‘ro-und- ings. The original woods left plant- cd by the early settlers are fast maturing and dying and: many homeâ€" stead’s in Ontario present a mOSt dcsolate appearance, observedl Mr. Purcell. “Tree planting can add more value and beauty to the old farm than any other action junior farmers, either boys or girls, can unâ€" dertake. WEEKLY NEW-S NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT It may be paradox,†stated Mr. Purcell, “but there are more women than men in “The Men of the Trees†society which- num'oer many hundred and had its start in far off Africa among the natives creating desert-s like the Sahara 'by removal of for- ests.†The Society is providing large nursery trees at cast of removal to communities or persons where they are used“ for public planting in an effort to arouse action and! interest to the gravity of the situation. Mr. and- Mrs. Edlwin Dixon,‘ Mrs. J. W. Perkins, ‘Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Mr. and‘ Mrs. G. G. Murphy, Mrs. Stella Weatherill, Mrs. Leslie Miller, A. E. M-iflner and Miss Sommerville attend- ed: the Horticultural Convention held Thursday and Friday in the King Edlward' Hotel, Toronto. Increased interest was evidenced in all sections and the largest attendance goes on record. for 1940. The well planned program gave much information and the banquet on Thursday evening was an enjoyable social event. Mrs. W. Elliot is Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eric McLean of Omemee. Miss Minnie Thomson of visited friends in town last Mrs. A. E. Kennedy and Mrs. A. E. Kennedy E. Stiver are visiting Timmins. Mrs. J. R. Hood spent a few days last week with. her daughters Mrs. N. Ancierson and Mrs. E. Parkinson of Toronto. Miss Evelyn Hurrell of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, Hun-e11. Mr. C. E. Stiver sold the residence now occupied- by Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs. W. Elliot to Mr. Wickem who conducts the dairy business. Union- ville residents welcome these new residents. ' THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940. of Toronto last week. and. Mrs. C- relatives in Mrs. A. K. Harrington conducted an instructive talk on Cooking Vege- tables at the meetinig of the local C.G.I.T. group on Tuesday evening This interesting group of girls, un- (IL-r the leadership of Marion Warne and Dorothy Stiver, show much ac- tivity and are planning to also as- sist in Red‘ Cross work. The annual St. Patrick’s Day party will be held on March 19th. M'ss Mary Gibson of Toronto was the guest of her aunt Mrs. J. A. Gibscn on Friday and Saturday. Unionville now boasts again of its own Telephone Central and! our cit- i:~:ns surely appreciate responsive service. Mr. and Mrs. AdamSOn are in charge and may be assured of co- operation on the part of the patrons. An enthusiastic gathering of Euâ€" chre fans attended the Veteran-5’ event held in the Township Hall on Thursday evening last, and the prize winners include, Ladies, Miss M. Brillinger, Mrs. 0. Cox. Mrs. R. Boy- in-gton, Mrs. W. C’atton. Gentlemen, George Martin, P. Dixon, H. Beckett, E. Shank. The lucky draw prizes went to C. Beckett, Mr. Shearon, R. Lotton, Eileen Stiver, R. Myers, Mrs. G. Martin, A. Cox. The annual Unionville Firemen’s Euchre and Dance to be held in the Township Hall on Thursday evening promises to be the popular event of the season when the whole commun- ity will have an opporï¬unity to offer appreciation for the splendid service rendered so willing wfhen calls come from far and near. ‘ Many calls for help have been an- srwered‘ during the past year and all service has been given volunrtarily. Plan to attend and Show the boys you really appreciate the favor shown. Thurs-day evening, March 7 commencing at 8 pm. The March meeting of the local branch of the Women’s Institute w'll be held at the home of Mrs. T. Burâ€" nett on Thursday afternoon next. The program includesi a demonstraâ€" tion of first aid, given ‘by Mrs. B. Cayman, a paper “Canadian Auth- ors†by Mrs. J. H. Brown, and the hostesses fer the afternoon will be Mrs. G. G. Maynard, Mrs. W. A. Noble and Miss M. Sommefville. A cordial invitation is given to atteni this meeting. Congratulations to Miss Ila Weigâ€" hill, A.T.’C.M., and her pupils who so successfully passed in recent ‘muâ€" sic examinations. On Grade- 1 The- ory, Hazel Baggs heads the list with first class honors, 100 per cendz; Gwen Brown, 97 per cent; Myrtle Latimer, 96 per cent. Grade 2 The- ory, Velda Perkin, first class huonr- ours, 91 per cent; Grade 5 Piano, Dean Findlay, honors, 71 per cent. Miss Weighill .and her pupils for many years have made enviable re- cords which is indeed cOmplimentary to both. Again congratlflations! Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"-Church School. 11 gumâ€"“Christ’s Message to a Lawyer.†. 7 p.n1.â€"â€"Men’s service. Speaker, Mr. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 pdm.â€"“Christ’s Message to BETHESDA LUTHERAN 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m. Public Worship Lawyer Forgosh‘ CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART 7 “Homewood Hall" ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH a.m.â€"Church School. a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. MARGUERITE BOYLE Thornhill CHURCH A popular event of next week-end is the annual Richmonde“! High School Commencement. The featu're presentation will be “Toyvarichâ€, a Russian comedy drama with a stuâ€" dent cast directed by Miss Izzard. The dates are Fr.day and Saturday, March 15th and 16th. A delightful dance was held in the High School auditorium last Fri- day evening under the auspices of the local Red Cross. The guests were received .by the president Mrs. P. G. Hill, the convenor, Mrs. Walk- er Hall, and other members, of the committee. A very large crowd atâ€" tended and enjoyed the evening‘s program for which Max Boag‘s pop- ular orchestra provided the music. The United Church Young Peo- ple‘s Society attended a Rally Monâ€" day last held in Trinity United Church, Bloor Street, Toronto. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Lockart and although weather con- ditions were unfavorable a good crowd attended. Miss Gwen- Smith, Headford, left for Toronto last Friday where she has entered the training class for nurses at the Women’s Coll-age Hos pital. Among the social events in her honor was one by the Y.P.U. of Headfordr Unitedl Church in the form bf an address and presentation. Gwen will be greatly missed in the church, the home andl the commun- ity and all join in wishing her every success. Reeve T. H. Trench has been named as chairman of the local committee .to raise funds for the Salvation Army Red Shield War and Home Service campaign March 11 to March 20. Mr. Fred! Hoover has kindly consented to act as treasurer and other local citizens will be organiz_ed ggwé "£07 ciérry oEt the d‘rive for funds for this very worthy cause. Another successful euchre was held in St. Mary’s RC. Church Parish :Hall on Tuesday evening with a gï¬od attendance. Prize winners were, laid- ies, Mrs. T. W. Allison, Mrs. J. O'â€" Neil. Mrs. Greng g-En‘le'nen, Bernâ€" ard Deferrari, Péfer Walker, Chas. Harding. Travelling- prizes were won bv Mrs. John Cook and' Mr. Peter Walker. ' Little Brothers, local Ford dealers, are co-operating in‘ the organization and training of the Women’s Auxil- iary Motor Service, a patriotic or- ganization sponsoretfl by the Ford Motor Company. A course of one night per week of instruction is open to all women over eighteen years of age who possess a driver’s permit. Any ladies interested) in taking this course are invited’ to get in touch with Little Brothers. Mr. Richard E. Edimunds reports that though several persons have inâ€" dicated their interest in forming a Dramatic and‘ Literary section of the Glee Club, the response is not yet sufficient to warrant going ahead. It will be necessary to have more men as well as women. If anv present members of the Glee Club wish to register for this: group as well, they should notify the Direc- tor. , at the annual “At Home†of Rich- mond! Lodge A.F. & A.M. held, Wed- nesday evening. The guests were received. by the ruling masterrw. Bro. Carl Swanson and Mrs. Swank son assisted by the immediate past maslter W. Bro. W. L. Glass and‘ Mrs. Glass. Supmer and bridge were followed bv dancing whirh was thorâ€" oughly enjoyed to music bv Max Boag and hi9 omheetra. The hall was beaufifnll" I’Mnratpd and the. 0‘“~e+r. irnlnd‘c" wany from Toronto 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Band Section Clarinet Soloâ€"“Carnival _of Ven- ice†(Arr. J. B. Dias). Cornet Soloâ€"“Serenade and A1- legro from Don Pasquale†(Arr. Hartmann) Alto Sax Soloâ€"“Schon Ros- marin†(Kriesler). Trombone Soloâ€"“My Song- of Songs†(Clay Smith). Baritone Soloâ€"“Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep†(Laurendau. Bass Soloâ€"“Billie Blowhard†(Kottoun). Festival datesâ€"May 8, 9, 10, 11. The Victoria and Hali'burton Mu- sic Festival announces that the fol- lowingyclasses are open to the prov- ince and entries should be sent b0 Miss K. MaV‘cKay, secretary, Lindsay, before April 5th. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62 . 63. _ Part II ‘ (Open to Province of Ontario)_ Vocal Section Soprano Soloâ€"“The Wind’s in the Southâ€, (Key Db. (John .Prindle Scott) (Higher ending to be taken) Con‘tralto Soloâ€"“My Heart at Thy Sweet Voiceâ€, Key Bb. (Saint Saens). Baritone Soloâ€"“The Key Bb. (De Koven). Tenor Soloâ€"“The Sailor’s Grave" Key F. (S'ullivan). Choral Anthem (25 to 40 voices) “Souls of the Righteous" (Noble) Gllee Clulb (25 voices, S.A.B.) “The Wind†(V. P. Hunt, Book 4 N.C.S. Series Piano Soloâ€"“ChOpin Valse†0p. 34, No. 1. Smithieâ€, Sociai and Personal record crowd was in attgndappe Music Festival N“S§r‘9 noints‘ of next week-end THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The Richmond Hill Red Cross Soâ€" ciety wishes to thank the people who both patronï¬zed and contributed to the Leap Year Dance last, Friday evening. May we remind you that the Red Cross Work Room will be open on Wednesdays only for general sewing during March. PRE-SPRING SALE OF SUITS AND COATS Having succeeded: in purchasing a large bankrupt stock in Toronto, Mr. J. A. Greene announces a sensational pre-spring sale of suits and top coats. The stock includes choice tweeds and worsteds and they are now offered to the public at sensationally reduced prices. Take advantage of this won- derful opportunity to dress up for spring at substantial savings. For everything in clothing, s-ee J. A. Greene, Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hi1] CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Minnie Marsh desires through your paper to thank friends andl neighbours for sympathy to her in] the loss of her husband and for ser- vices rendered and desires them to accept this as an acknowledgment. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Ahglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wr‘xon. L.Th 4 Markham Road Sunday, March 10th Lent 5 11 a,.m.â€"â€".Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. “This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise." Rev. W. S. Pocknell. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 primâ€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. The Guild of Health meets every Wednesday 2.30 pm. to pray for the sick and afflicted. Requests for prayer should be send: to Mrs. Mowat, or the Rector. UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, March 10 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday'Schoal. A11 De- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D Cunningham, B.D.. Minister Sunday, March 10th 11 a.m.â€"f“The Seven Words From the Cross.†' 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"-Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Ad'vertising Jesus.†The rediscovery of Jesus has alwavs been the rebirth of Christianity. 11 a.\m.â€"â€"Divine worshirp. “Matthew, the Tax-gatherer.†Series in “The Men Whom Jesus Called.†7 p.m.â€"Vesper service. One hour. F-ull choir under leadership of Mr. A. Mel-ecci will render inspiring musical selections. A hearty wel- come to you and yours. Come and worship. Red Cross Notes partments Mr. Bevan’s flocks are started on Master Chick Starterâ€"grown on Master Growing Mashâ€"and produce their records on Master Red Head Egg Mash C.L.O. and Master Breeder Mash up to time of this advertisement going to press. Mr. Bevan’s Master fed flock has averaged 70% hatches and production. And here’s the way Wm. Hocking’s Master -fed flock at West Hill has performed. He has three pens on Red Head C.L.O. and they’re going great guns! Pen No. 1 of 105 birds, hatched March 2, 1939, started laying July 21, 1939. In Au- gust they averaged 55.1%; in Sept. 76.1%; in Oct. 77.1%; in Nov. 78.4% in Dec. 76%; in Jan. 73.4%. Pen No. 2 of 107 birds, hatched March 2, 1939, started laying July 21, 1939. In Au- .gust they averaged 55.7%; in Sept. 65%;; in Oct. 71.1%; in Nov. 69.1%; In Dec. 71.0%; in Jan. 67.6%. Pen No. 3 of 205 birds, hatched April 20, 1939, started laying Sept. 12, 1939. In Oct. they averaged 53.4%; in Nov. 77.6%; in Dec. 76.672; in Jan. 70.8%. The first hatch from above birds gave 64?? of all eggs set with loss of only one chick in the first week. The persistent laying of these flocks tells better than words of the. excellent startâ€"- the sound growth â€"and the steady, high production you can get With Master Poultry Feeds. Put your flock on the Master Feeding Programme NOW! Start your chicks on Master Chick Starterâ€" grow them on Master Growing Mash â€"and get steady, h1gh production on Master Laying Mashes. We can supply you from fresh stock. the vague 0? Master Poultry Feeds Here’s what Leo. Bevan’s Master-fed R.P.O. flocks at Thomhill have done the last 3 yearsâ€"ON MASTER! RESULTS prove 56% of R.O.P. entry quali- field. Averaged 252 e"_"c' per bird per year! Egg size averaged 25.6 oz. per doz. 3 0f the 'birds laid over 300 eggs in the year. 1936-37 THORNHILL, ONTARIO ECOMMENCEMENT BIG NIGHTS 2 Fridayz, Saturday, March 15%], lï¬lh BUILD. . . TODAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 7 WALLACE BEERY - JACKIE COOPER in “ THE CHAMP †HEART THROBS â€" COMEDY â€" ACTION Story of federal agents and counterfeiters, has plenty of action- Also RONALD REGAN - MARGOT STEVENSON in “ SMASHING THE MONEY RING †FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 8 - 9 TWO F] ROY ROGERS - GEORGE (GABY) HAYES in “ SAGA OF DEATH VALLEY †This is [by far the most hilarious, léugh-provoking episode in the pqpular series. This engaging-1y impuIient rï¬glaâ€"nicieigfirollicking comedy stark melo- drama and‘ romantic drama is grand entertainment. 56% of R.O.P. entry quali- fied. Averaged 264 eggs per bird‘ per year! Egg size averaged 26.2 oz. per doz. Top' bird laid- 312 eggs! By J aques Deval A Russian Comedy-Drama with student cast directed by Miss Izzard powerful prison dram-2;. action rapid, the situatiom fbelieva'ble. Taxes as low as $9.00 a year till 1942 in Richmond Hill. Let us build your home on the Government Loan. 20 years to repay. Incidental Music by Student Chorus directed by Miss Smith R. DEAN SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 13 - 14 CHARLES BICKFORD - BARTON MacLANE in “ MUTINY IN THE BIG HOUSE †PIesentation of Prizes and Scholarships FRIDAY EVENING ONLY Curtain at 8.00 sharp Tickets and Plan at Glenn’s Drug Store Every seat reserved, 50c. and 35c. MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 11 - 12 CHARLES BOYER - JEAN ARTHUR in “ HISTORY IS MADE AT NIGHT †1937-38 In HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM Western melodrama especially entertaining Also: THE JONES FAMILY in “ TOO BUSY TO WORK †R. H. H. S. 17TH ANNUAL . BAKER, Richvale The “Lit†presents TOVARICH 66% of R.0.P. entry quali- fied. Averaged 261 eggs per bird per year! Egg size averaged 26.2 oz. per doz. laid- 299. 1938-39 PAGE FIVE TWO FEATURES