REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE FULLY ACCREDITED NEGAITVE UNDER FEDERAL TEST 1' Countess Rag Apple Pietertje, 1J0. 354324, fresh, born Ikprfl 4, 1936 2 Lady Rag Appb Burka No.332- 912, calved Dday 12, 1935, bred Oct. 3, 1939 8 Mollie Rag Apple Ormsby, No. 332914, calved niay 16, 1935, fMIfbw 4 Edith Rag Apple Pietertje, No. 332913, calved Sept. 3rd, 1935, supposed to calf sale thne 5 Aaggie Rag Apple Alcartra, No. 354322, calved hiarch 26th, 1936, supposed to calf sale thne 6 Gipsy Toitilla Burke, NO. 191750. calved Jan. 25th, 1928, bred Oct. 5th, 1939 7 Countess Texal Pietertje, No. 402575, calved Biarch 11th, 1938, supposed to caH in June 8 Edith Texal Pietertje, No. 402573, calved Feb. 15th, 1938, bred re- cently 9 Mollie Texal Ormsby, No. 402572, calved Feb. 10th, 1938, bred re- cently IO Texnl Lass Burke, No. 402574, calved Feb. 4. 1938. bred recently 11 Enid Texal Pietertje. No. 433279, calved hdarch 9th, 1939 12 Queen Texal Pietertje, N0. 433- 277, calved Jan. 10th, 1939 1 4 Heifer Calves from 2 months to‘ 11 months of age: registration papers to hand day of sale HOGS Terms:â€"CASH 1 Gray Gelding, ri-sing 3 years 1 Gray Horse, aged 12 years 1 Bay Horse, 10 years 1 Bay Horse 1 Brood Sow, close,to farrowing JONES COAL Co. mHHHHI-‘NHN Buggies Grind Stone Cutters Fanning Mill Set Breeching Harness Set Work Team Harness Set Buggy Harness Cream Separator. Melotte orse Collars, Fbrks, S Chains. etc. 6 acres in known on The farm gonsists of 61 acres more or less, on which is a good rough-cast house, 2 barns with‘sta-bling for about 9 head of cattle, 4 horses, tyvo lmx stalls and implement shed. The farm is in excellent state of _9p1}1\'at10p. Lehigh Yglley ESTATE OF JOS. E. JACKSON Lot 22, Con. 3 West, North York Township, Finch’s Avenue AUCTION SALE of REGISTERED HOLSTEIN HERD, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN etc. HORSES _ Gray Horse, 16 years old, heavy Bay Horse, 12 years old, heavy Mare, good worker AUCTION SALE FARM PROPERTY, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, GRAIN etc. good' .. . Frost & Wood Mower Hoe‘ Seed D1‘ill,"Massey-Harris, Jersey Cow, fresh Brindle Cow, dug Gang Plows ; Riding Plow, single furrow Scuffler ' ‘ ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies" MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment 66%,7d1ig time of sale IMPLEMENTS Masseyâ€"Harris Binder, 6 ft. cut, PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers Charles Graham PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers PAGE SIX Telephone 188 MRS. GEORGE BOWES Lot 32, Concession 1 Vaughan Just North of No. 7 Highway WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1940 fali wheat; i5 {ï¬res séeaed ddï¬. Terms for farm will be made day of sale. To be sold subject to reserve bid. SATURDAY, MARCH 9th Sale at 12.30 o’clock Cattle will be sold at 2.30 pm. HORSES IMPLEMENTS jing’ rising 3 years 1 1Wâ€"30 llrlCdCOl‘mle Deering Trac- ’ 12 tor, goo as nevv :2? lï¬giflears years 1 McCormick Deermg 3-furrowed 5e Mplough, ngirly new 1 cCormick eering Mower, 5’ cut E3 1 Mas'seyâ€"Harris Binder, 7 ft. cut E UNDER FEDERAL 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 Stiff Tooth Cultivator “TEST 1 Stiff Tooth Tractor Cultivator, 13 A_..I‘ n:-;....L:A CATTLE Sale at 12.30 o’clock Set' Springs Set Sleighs Hay Rack The Property of the TERMS:â€"â€"CASH The Property of Shovels No reserve as farm sold HAY. GRAIN AND SEEDS, ETC. 5 Bus. Alfalfa Seed 4 Bus. Red Clover Seed 300 Bus. Urban Oats suitable for MISCELLANEOUS Harness, Collars, Doubletrees, Neck- yokes, Forks, Hees, Shovels, Chains and other articles too numerous to mention seed Large quantity of Feed Grain Quantity of Hay Stack Wheat Straw 10 Bus. seed 400 Bus. 100 Bus. 1 Kitchen Stove, good 1 Washing Machine Number of Kitchen Chairs, Tables, Bedroom Furniture, etc. Quantity of Fall Wheat Quantity of Goose Wheat Quantity of Oats Quantity of Potatoes. Irish Cobbler-s Number of Chickens new Carpet Sweeper Bedroom Suites Chest of Drawers Congoleum Rug Couches 3 Bed Springs Bed 3 Mattresses Trunk 1 Flour Bin Coal Oil Heater. Perfection Broader Stove, nearly new 1 Child's Sleigh with shafts for pony or goat Other articles too numerous to men- tion HHHHNHHWH tooth Steel Land Roller International Seed Drill, 15 disc Sets Heavy Harrows Set Light Harrows In-throw Disc Harrow Scufflers ' Set Weigh Scales, 2000 lbs. Vessot Feed Grinder Walking Plough, Fleury 21 Melotte Cream Separator Steel Truck Wagons Hay Racks Hay Fork Corn Cultivator Sets Sleighs‘ SHEPPARD & GEL LUMBER C0. Piano, Upright Dominion Sideboard Sewing Machine. New Williams Washing Machine, 19-00 Gravity Churn Incubator, Buckeye, 65 egg, nearly ï¬ERE'SOUR ADVICEâ€"- COME HERE WITH SPEED- AND GET THE LUMBER Dining Room Chairs and Table Kitchen Chairs and 2 Tables Cupboards Bedroom Chairs Rocking Chairs Range, Happy Thought Range wifh Reservoir rWarminig _Cl_oset Oyen 'ï¬OiTsE'HOLD FURNH‘URE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS G RAIN, POTATOES, Etc. RICHMOND HILL ï¬ï¬ilegg'ro‘ats suitable for Barley (Velvet variety) Feed Oats A large representation of the local Y.P. Union attended; the Y.P.U. Rally of Toronto Centre Presbytery which was held in Trinity United Church, Toronto, last Monday evening. Rev. A. H. Halvbert and Mr. Roy Gurney attended the funeral of the Late Howard Mathewson at Maple last Saturday afternoon. The Mission Bandv met last Sat- urday afternoon in the United Church S. S. room. with an attend- ance of thirty-three. Reta Hupd' presided! and Jean Stephenson con- ducted the devotional. A girls' quar- tet sang. Robert Hastie read an in- teresting story on “Making Friends". Mrs. E. Pearson gave an address illustrated with beautifully colored lantern slides on “Seeing India with Sharaâ€. Five new members joined. A Lenten prayer service is held every Wednesday evening at the United Church. This Week Mr. A. A Lenten prayer service is held every Wednesday evening at the United Church. This week Mr. A. McLean of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wi‘ll‘owdal-e, will give the address. A cordial welcome to 'all. Mr. and Mrs. Earl: Vincent 0 Saskatoon, Sask. were guests of Rev and Mrs. Hallbert last week. The Oratorical Contest of North York Temperance Federation was heldl last Friday evening at King City. Elise Wells represented New- tombrook United Church Sunday School and'won second place in the Junior class among nine contestants. Owing to illness, the contestant in the Intermediate class was. unable to go. We congratulate Richmond Hill United: Church S. S. on receiving the Junior and Senior Silvver Curps. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells, Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. New and! Elise Wells at- tended the Temperance Rally at King last FTiday evening. The annual Good Friday morning service will be held! in Newtonbrook United Church with Rev. C. H. Dick- inson, B.A., B.D. as special speak- er. The local ministers will also take part. Music by Willowdale United: Church Choir. The regular meeting of the W0- man’s Association will be held on Thursday at 10.30 3.111. This will be a sewing meeting. The business meeting will be held after luncheon. Mr. Clharles Atkinson visited' his sister Mrs. A. W. Gallbraith this week. The United Church Sunday School gave a. free supper and entertain- ment to the members of the Sunday School on. Saturday evening. Mr. Galbraith showed very beautiful lan- tern slides on “Canadian Birds" which interested the children very much. I Among those who attended the Provincial Temperance Federation Convention held in Trinity United Chm-ah, Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday of this Week were Mrs. M. Campbell, Rev. A. H. and» Mrs. Halbert, Mr. amt Mrs. J. L. Gaines, Mr. andI Mrs. Galbraith and Mr. W. Let us decide honestly What we can do, and then do it with all our mightâ€"Amelia D. Barr. At Maple Freight Sheds Prices as follows: FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . . COARSE SALT, 1010 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. .. .. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS IODIZED, each FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH. O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. Formula , SALT BR'AN . . . . . SHORTS . . . MIDDLIN GS I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and I Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasocable price 1 Car load > fence posts NEWTONBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO NUT AND STOVE COAL N0. 1 ANTHRACITE . E. SMITH COAL ORDERS I'HONE MAPLE 19W â€" Also â€"â€" CAR MILL FEED Prlced as follows: of Peeled Cedar at 20â€"25-30 cents each Earl Vincent of $1.35 per mm $1.20 per cwt‘ $1.35 per cwt 65c. 80c. 85c. 40c. 406. Now Is Good Time 1 For Seed Cleaning Should be started early in seasonâ€" Va.)ua,b1e pamphlet available free from Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. W'hen selecting. screens for clean- ing oats an effort should be made to select two aml probany three of each in order that one may have a second or third choice. The followâ€" ing screens have proven to 'be the best as riddles for cleaning oats: 7/64 x 3/; and 8/64 x 3X; zinc oblong and 974 x 6 wire mesh; 7/64 x 34 has proven the best for most varie- ties of oats. However, in some of the older. mills where the wind comes right up through the riddle, 3/; x 6 Wire mesh has proven- to be Seed cleaning should be started early in the seas-on when other work is not so pressing and there is more bulk from which to select seeding requirements, states John D. Mac- Leod. Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. All seed should ‘be cleaned at least twice. The object the first time is to remove small, light ma- terial and weed] seeds, so that a much better grading jdb will be ac- complished {by the second cleaning. Scouring is now considered a ne- cessary part of cleaning oats. Tails are removed, dowble oats are broken up, small Weed seeds are shaken out of the crease in. the kernel and a polish; is given the sample. As a result of scouring, grain is easier to clean, it flows through the seeder more evenly making possible a lower rate of seeding and' it is (believed that the sample gemimates more a good screen as the windl has great- er effect in lifting light grains. Double oats shouhl be removed. They are usually spongy and light and should never reach: the seeder box. Do not feed. the mill too fast, a well graded sample cannot be ex- pected if the machine is fed‘ to its full capacity. Do not be afraid of blowing heavy grain, in fact, to d0 3. good job the Odd) heavy kernel must be blown out. The fanning- mil‘l should' be set where an abundance of light is avail- able, it should be level and: solid and turned with a uniform motion. uniformly. Crops, Seeds and 7 Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. ‘That the Olympic game records for the years 1912 to 1936 show the United States athletes established eleven of the 213 records; the Britâ€" ish athletes won 2 events, Germany 2 events, Japan 2 events, Finland 3, Canada 1, Poland 1 and New Zeaâ€" land 1? Thvat John Vander Meer was the first big league baseball pitcher who accomplished 2 successive no-hit no- run games in a season? That_ L. ‘Shvotwell of Coventry, Kentucky, made an all time Individ- ual Bowling Record when he rolled 774 points in 1930? That. Venceslas Spacek 0f Bohemia holds the record' for swimming- the English Channel and that; he cov- ered the route in 1926 in 10 hours and: 45 minutes? That the largest Championship Battle Gate Receipts was accomp- lished at Chicago on Sept. 22, 1927 when Gene Tunney defeated Jack Dempsey, the total receipts being $2.6‘50,0-00? That the Boston Bruins scored more goals in the season of 1929-30, (namely 179), than any other NHL. team ever scored» in one season? Royal Richmond Chick Mash Royal 'Richmond Growing Mash Royal Richmond Laying Mash 3 Grain Scratch Feed 5 Grain Scratch Feed Improved Victory and Banner Oats, Goose Wheat, Peas, Soya Beans Phones : Day 139 Evenings 82W DO YOU KNOW? RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THE MILL HNHHHHHDâ€"‘H CATTLE Holstein Cow, due in March Roan Cow, full flow Red Cow, supposed to calf in April Red Cow, supposed to calf in. April Roan Cow, supposed to calf in April Roan Cow, supposed to calf in April Black Cow, full flow, bred Yearling Heifers Durham Bull PIGS. SHEEP & POULTRY Number of Hens and Pullets Shropshire Ewes Shropshire Ram, pure bred Sow, Birkshire & Tamworth, due in March Sow, Birkvshire, due in March Sow, Birkshire, due in March- Fat Pigs Pigs, 200 ibs. Pigs about 170 lbs. Pigs about 17_5-]Jb5. mammnâ€"uâ€"A râ€"n-tq About About About vator, new 1 M.-H. Disc, Outthrow 1 Riding Plow, Farmer’s Friend 1 Wilkinson Plow. No. 3 1 Fleury Plow, No. 21 1 Fleury Plow, No. 12, with wheels 1 Gang Plow, Wilkinson, 2-furrowed 1/2 Dozen Grain Bags 1 Hay Tedder, M.-H. 1 Wagon Jack 1 Grass Seeder 1 Pair Sling Ropes Brown Gelding, 8 years Brown Gelding, 9 years Bay Mare, 11 years Bay Gelding, ageti Dark Brown (gaging, aged IMPLEMENTS M.-H. Binder, 7 ft., good M.-H. Drill, 11 hoe Deering Roller, 3 drum Deering Rake Deering Mower, good McCormick Deering 4-horse Culti- TERMS:â€"CASH WILLIAM DENNIE Lot 30, Concession 4, Markham Township THURSDAY, MARCH let Duro Water Softeners can be quickly attached to your water supply line in the basement. Priced as low as $65.00, and available in sizes to suit the Softened \Vater requirement of every type of home. Also available on an Easy Payment Plan. Sold and Installed by eliminate the lime and magnesia from your water supply. It is these elements that make water hard. With Softened Water, less than oneâ€"quarter the usual quantity of soap flakes is required to produce an abundance of suds, which are fully rinsed away, leaving dainty garments and silken hose fresh and clean. Soap does not dissolve completely in hard water and it is almost impossible to rinse away the soap scum and curds that form. These adhere to and dry on the threads, making them brittle, which then break easily and another pair of stockings have to be discarded. EURO WATER §ï¬FTENERS Silk stockings need to be washed after every wearâ€" ing but constant washing in hard water is harmful to the delicate threads. Reduce Silk Hosiery Expenditure London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, PIGS, SHEEP, GRAIN & FURNITURE 250 100 300 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Bus. Oats Bus. Barley Bus. Wheat HORSES EMPIRE BRASS MF CO., LTD. GRAIN R. H. KANE ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer, GORM'LEY. ONT.. PHONE STOUFF’VILLE 6312 THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940. Set Harrows, 3 section Set Harrows, 4 section Hay Rack, 16 £12., good) Spflng VVagon Set Sloop Sleighs, M.â€"H., new Buggy l M.-H. Truck Wagon ‘ Cutters [‘ High VVagOn and Box Good Loggng Chaï¬w Sets Doubletrees ‘ ‘ Set Scales, 1200 lbs. ‘ Neckyokes 4-Horse Doubletree Ladders 3-Honse Doubletrees Set Stewart Cï¬ppers Set Bag Trucks Stringers, 10 ft. Grind Stone 1 Iron Kettle Barrels 1 Pig Box 1 Fanning Mill Number of Apple Barrels Forks, Hoes, Rakes, Pails and many other articles too numerous to mention _ D 1913 Chrysler Car, in good condition HARNESS .41 ‘ WHï¬HHNNHWHWMHNHHHHlâ€"‘HH 1 Set Plow Harness 1 Set Heavy Harness, brass mounted 2 Sets Heavy Breeching Harness 3 Sets Single Harness, good 1 Set High Top Collars 5 Collars 2 Sets Hames Number of Traces 1 Sideboard ‘ Organ, Dominion Number of Pictures 1 Modern Sideboard 1 Dining: Room Suite Eight Pictures, new tress Sale at 1 o’clock Phone 92-R FURNITURE S-Z-D