THURSDAY, MARCH 7: GOODISON FARM MACHINERY TRAC’I‘ORS â€"â€" THRESHERS ALL KINDS IMPLEMENTS Langetaff, Ont, Phone Thornhill 73 BALING ' Hay & Straw; 9.00000069090000000000.“ 2 Having taken over Moore Bros. baling husincsg I am pre» pared to bale ha) and straw GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5.P.M. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening? Res. Phone 9788 oucommwowmw’" Sooooocooooooooeooo¢o¢06a 0:01 on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility in! moving outfit. Miik Successor to Moore Bros. \ouo Policies issued through this office covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€"â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Claims Settled Promptly 1924 Genera? Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 PERCY CUBE Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 Phone 49J J. R. HERRINGTON EYES EXAMINED â€"â€" AND â€"â€" GLASSES FITTED C. Matthews Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. DR. P. P. SMYTH RICHMOND TAILORS Tailored clothes have a quality of distinction which is a definite asset to your personal appear- ance. 'It is possible to attain this dress distinc- tion without any increased drain on your budget by letting us take care of your clothing needs. Quality clothes, hand tailored to your measure from the choicest materials are now available at a very reasonable cost. Make sure you see us before you make the choice of your next suit or overcoat. iNSURANCE 0:0] 0:0] 7th, 1940. J. A. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curves celeâ€"I ibrated their 56th \vedd'ng annivers-i ary on Tuesday, March 5th at their} home in King. In 1884 Fred Carvelw and Sophia Nixon drove by horse‘ and cutter from Vaughan Township to Bond Strect. Toronto, where Revq Antliff, minister of Bond St. church Iunited them in marriage. Fred was] on the eve of his 3‘lsrt birthday and‘ Sophia was just nicely 21 years old.‘ A blithesome pair they were, hearty" and ambitious, and painstaking. They have no family but have prospered‘ after the manner of God fearing folk, and are living happily as the‘ day they married. FClici-tatifns from many friends were extended to them and we join in wishing them more anniversaries. , Mrs. Robert Gellatlv attended the 'funeral of her brother, the late Joshua Oliver Ferguson of Toronto. on Tuesday, March 5th. Deceased‘ was born in King Township and mar- ried Miss Almeda Simpson. He was the youngest of a family of seven, Mrs. Gellatly being the only surviv- ing memlber of her family. Surviv- ing also are Mrs. Ferguson and two - sons, Roy and Russell. King Township Council met in King on Saturday, March: 2. Among lmany items of business Mr. Arthur Wellesley was appointed a delegate ‘to the 0.E.A. this month. The work done by the snow plows over about 17-5 miles of road has met with sat- isfaction from taxpayers. As com- pared: to the old system of about 20 lmiles of road plowing. last year, the expenditure and: satisfactory results Iare deemed profitable by the coun- NI noooouooooooooooooooooooo oboooooooooce “64:900.â€- >0 0339B Hume-Downey A quiet wedding took place on Saturday afterncon, March 2nd, at the United Church Parsonage, King, when Reta Doreen Downey, daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Downey of Bolton, became t Charles John Hume, so Mrs. Thomas Hume of ship. The ceremony \by the Rev. Douglas D: tendants were Miss Mz erson of Bolton and Mr of King. The wedding ed to Cas-tlederg whe: reception was held at the bride’s parents. ' IOEO ship. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Douglas Davis. The at- tendants were Miss Margaret Hen'd- erson of Bolton and Mr. Verner Carr of King. The wedding party return- ed to Castlederg where a wedding reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Hume will reside on the Charlton Farms, West King. cil Nableton village expect to street electricity very soon. Arising from the interest in Schomlberg Short Course there lowedl the formation of a Junior stitute and Junior Farmers’ Club cently. Mrs. Clarence Mal-chant, I. District Official, organized the girls’ club while W. M. Cockburn set up the boys’ organization. Thirty- five were present for each club. In the Junior W.I. the follow'nr: were elected to office: President. Ruth Leonard; Vice-Presidï¬nt, Helrn Hodgins‘; Secretary-Treasurer, Mur- iel N‘Nebl‘b; Programme Convenor< Blanche Beatty, Hulda Cull. "I‘hp Junior Farmers wlll formalh The Junior Farmers will formallv elect on March 14th at the fiTst meeting of the club; in the mean- time a program committee consists of Kenneth Leonard. Harvey Tuston and. StanleyY Ka‘min-sk‘v. Coming from Kettleby, Nobleton, Tortevhzm, King City District News Richmond Hill eman=o=o the bride of son of Mr. and‘ of King Townâ€" to turn on in the re folâ€" ior In- lub re- 01:19 "Schomberg and distric on izations are promising at and interest. mgfl ~.Mrs. J. Walsh and Mr gh~ er attended the distri-C‘ Ley ‘ tive meeting last week A dance followed with John Cl-uhine. 'Del Patton and Pete Richard's sup- plying the music. The last of March will see the finish of the winter euchre series. Supplies for Red ‘Cross work are purchased with the ‘proceeds. KiEng Women’s Institute will be ~.Mrs. J. Walsh and Mrs. Ross Walk er attended the district W.I. execu tive meeting last week at Aurora. Laskay W.I. Euchre, held in th Hall last Friday for Red‘ Cross pur poses, was played by thirty talbles one of the largest evenings eve h-eld except the final night in th series. Mrs. L. Marwood, Jesse Richards and' Mrs. Ear] ‘were winners for the ladies Alfred Laurett and Arthur were winners for the gents’ 1.. King Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Walk- er on Tuesday, March 12th; salad demonstration will be one of the ‘program features. Misus Norma 'Le-gge will give a talk on “Healthâ€. Nelbleton W.I. held‘ a successful Leap Year dance on February 29th Ndbleton W.I. held a successmx Leap Year dance on February 29th in the Hall. On February 29th a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Archibald of King. To Mr. and! Mrs. Busby, 5th line. was born a son on February 25th at York County Heswital. Mr. and Mrs; Samue} McDevitt of Schomberg celebrated their 513’: wedding anniversary last week. The ice storm on Sunday lessened and at some points, cut off church services on Sunday. ‘The Humber grades on the third, baffled the motâ€" orists completely, they having to turn back or be towedl out of the roadside. Mr. NeTson Thamf‘sm was one and a half hours going a mile on the second line. Ministers made dangerous passage to appointments and these who could, remained at home. aan from the roads and on the second line. dangerous passage t‘ and those who C( at home, away from motoring. Captain Bud! Armstrong is writing nautical examinations these days, to add to his achievements in that field. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willis, Rev. D. mg meeting with Mrs. W. A. Burâ€" bridge, returned“ missionary of Korea as guest speaker. On Sunday, March 10th, at 11 a.m. a missionary service will be held in King United Church, in charge of the Women’s Missionary Society when Miss Evelyn Mitchell, Travellâ€" ing Field Secretary, will be guest speaker. The public is invited to “attend, as Miss Mitchell is thorough- 'ly acquainted with missionary ef- ‘forts throughout Canada and will have an interesting message. Mis-s Alice Ferguson will address King United Y.P.U. on Thursday evening, March 7th. Alfred Barker; is in change of the program. ‘ Eversley Hard Times" Supper held at the home of the W.A. president Mrs. J. E. Wells Last week was all that hard times are notâ€"‘we‘l at- tended, full of merriment and‘ islenty of eat-s. The hard time-5’ costumes “‘“wster‘l the theme. Mrs. Howard Neill and Mr. Arthur Bovazr won first place for costume effort. p'-’d'r"< were o'fven bv Ross Bovair, Mrs. Cohen, Ed‘th Bovair; piano numbers by Frances Ross and Mrs. Pawlings; vocal solo ‘by Lloyd Thompscn. Hilda Jones arranged a (Miz game of real interest and' Anne Ferguson, contests. Mrs. Graydon Atkinson deve‘oped a splendid theme before Pottageâ€" ville Baptist Y.P.U. last week; the sulbject, “What is True Successâ€. Briefly success means speaking words of praise, doing the best one can, loyalty when duty calls, patience when the hours are long; of living nobly, generously and graciously. Success, like happiness, cannot be found' 'by seeking it. It is a by- product of doing our duty faith- reek product of doing fully. On Sunday evening at 8.3-0 p.m., March 17th, lantern slides of the “Olberavmmergan†will be shown at All Saints’ Anglican Church, King. On Monday, March 18th the same famous story will be shown at the Parish Hall, St. John’s Clturch, Oak Ridges, proceeds to be devoted to the “Finnish Relief Fundâ€. Eversl-ey W.M.S. Thank-offering and‘ Easter meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Egan on Wed- nesday, March 20th with Mrs. J. M. Miller of Aurora, Sectional Vice- President, as speaker. Messrs. Bill Coleman and- George Patterson, students of Wycliffe Col- lege, visited Kettleby Anglican Church last week, relating missionâ€" ary experiences in New Brunswick d district the T1111} LIBERAL. RICHMONu ruby. ONTARIO ,~ organ numlber pnz while Scot sened I RIrs The minister presented, a] Resolutions, strong im cl and thoughtfully designed, w cussed and passed. Legislz prohibit the sale of liquor (luration' of the war was u the provincial and federal ments. The federation ur citizens to abstain from 1i» citizens to abstain from liquor in war time in order to direct all re- sources and effort-s towards winning the war. It urged that dry canteens be established for soldiers in train- ing. Abstenticn from: alcohol would release millions of dollars to meet war costs, the convention maintain- The church was filled in the even- ing‘ to hear 18 contestants in the recitation and oratorical cantests. The subjecbmattcr emploved by each contestant was well .plannezll and most interesting to listen to. They all made a big effort “to rut the subject over" and captivated the audience with thetr success. Apart from oratort’cal honours, one felt they had searched for an anmwer to one of life’s problems and had found it, individually. Thesve youthful sneakers will have set anï¬idleal for themselves, in matters of Tempe-1'- ance. nd Atharbaska District respectively. One of the outstanding events in {Eng recently was the annual con- ention of the North York Temper- nce Federation on March lst at {in-g United Church. Dr. J. P. VVil- on, President, was in the chair. ’rominent delegates including the Margaret Scott. aged 9, of Rich- mond‘ Hill, won the Dr. S. J. BOyd Silver (3111') in! the junior class reci- tation; Els'e Wells of Nrwtonhrook, second, and Doris Mustard of King, third. In the intermediate group. Joyce Hill, 14, of Newmarket. won the George Wark Silver Trophy; Stewart Starr of Pine Orchard, sec- ond, and Gray Brannigan, third. minent delegates Includmg me y Rev. Peter Bryce, were present. 3 ministerial body was well re- sented, also the medical profes- Folliott of ng im character signed, were dis- Legislation to f liquor for the 21' was urged in federal govern- ged all pollin No. g Charles Atkinson, Stouffville; secreâ€" tary-treasurer, John McAlJisteI, King; convenors of committeesâ€" Memlbershi'p and' finance, A. N. Fish- er, Aurora; childhood and youth, Mrs. Elma A. Starr. Newmarket; education and publication, Mrs. Chas. Billborough, Aurora; legislation and law enforcement, Rev. G. W. Lynd, Dorwnsview; Municipal convenorsâ€" H. E. Ross, J. N. Kinee. J. E. Rose, Rev. A. Halbert, W. T. New, Robert Smith, Charles Atkinson, Fred Glm er. Wm. Hol'born. Mrs. W. Inch, R01 ert Hamilton. Ed. Corner. Mrs. D Berry, Mrs. Dr. Wilson. Rev. J. I Cunningham, Erastus Harmon. Joh Gowan, Senora Starr, Burton Hi1 Lambert Stouffer, Dr. H. Learoyd A small vote was polled in Adjala township on Monday in the.election to fill the vacancy in the council that had existed since the new year. Peter Delamere of Colgan was elect- ed with a majority of 67 votes ac- cording to the returns received by us. The following is the vote by polling subâ€"divisions: ‘\ 1).] A LA ELECT PL Cedarville Loretto Rose’s Connor . . Hockley Rosemount With silent yet perceptible determination and without need of regimentation or special organization, the Canadian Farmer has accepted the responsibility which is his, to maintain a ready abundance of the vital foodstuï¬s so essential for the Empire and the success is his, to maintai‘ foodstuffs so esse of its great cause. Difficulties and disappointments may have impeded his progress through the trying years from which he is iust emerging, but provided, as he now is, with purpose nobler than selfâ€"interest, he sets himself to the task with loftier ambition and renewed energy. Eager he is for that conscious recognition within himself of having a deï¬nite and necessary part in the Empire's struggle to retain and maintain our dearly won and highly treasured freedom. Zealous is he that his contribution may be worthy and adequate. STER DELA M AND ABLE FORITâ€"HE BIG TASK AHEA 116 187 R1 i1] 120 INSURANCE Johnston 8: Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS 0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments duwden Lumber & Coal (0.. urn ;.:'Mm:n «w ALI. KINDS I must do something to keep my thoughts fresh and growing. â€"â€"James A. Garfield VILLOWD A LE 4’.’ LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS “LATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE i RHLA RY. GUARANTEE BONDS :J‘EKLIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NOXTARIFF CO'S A. G. Savage MUM. Dunnumma [‘1 LANSING 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mean & Balliol Sts. Old Post Ofï¬ce Rxchmond Hill PAGE SEVEN H UDSON 0234 Board. etc.