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The Liberal, 14 Mar 1940, p. 2

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an, 11.1» ubuvlvv VlLuvAwu .. During his terms as representative of this riding Col. Mulock has been always ready to lend every assistance to his constituents, and give his support to every worth- while cause in every community. We say without fear of successful contradiction and in all fairness to many of North York’s former distinguished parliamentary repre- sentatives, that never in history has this riding had a more sincere and hard-working member of Parliament than Bill Mulock. As it has been our privilege to be closeâ€" ly associated with him during his terms of office We wish to pay this tribute to his record of service. On every occasion we appealed to him on behalf of this constitu- ency he cheerfully, willingly and effectively gave of his time and effort on behalf of the people of North York. The success of his efforts on behalf of this riding has established without doubt that North York never had a more active and influential advocate in Parliament than Bill Mulock. Electors who desire the highest type of representa- tion in Parliament and who want devoted service from their elected representative must forget partisanship and endorse genuine merit and service in political candidates. This is the reason Col. W. P. Mulock should be returned on March 26th with the largest majority ever accorded a candidate in this constituency. Col. Mulock is not the “wandering-minstrel” type of political candidate. The Mulock name is known and hon- Ored in this County and for three generations there is a background of public service and loyalty to British ideals and British institutions which should be most reâ€"assuring to the elector seriously considering his duty at this criti- cal time in our country’s history. In Canada’s war Parlia- ment men of the sincerity, loyalty and character of Col. W. P. Mulock are needed as never before, and the electors of North York should give him an over-whelmin-g vote of endorsation on March 26th. SINCERITY IN PUBLIC SERVICE SHOULD BE "‘ RECOGNIZED The candidature of Col. W. P. Mulock, Liberal candi- date in North York is attracting widespread support in all parts of the constituency and as election day draws near it becomes more and more evident that the great majority of electors would have been satisfied to have tendered him ne-election by acolamation. Since first elect- ed to Parliament in 1934 the North York member has 'given his entire time to public life and his record of devoted service to his constituents and his country has been so outstanding that his supporters are not confined to any one party but include thousands Of all party affili- ations who recognize that real worth and sincerity in pub- lic life deserve endorsation. _ .‘ - vw- n-l 7 A \ a! F Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., L’I'D. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 | I GORDON YOUNG Limited PAGE TWO PHONE ADelaide 3636 - 166 Keating St., TORONTO Market prices paid for wom-out live Horses Delivered Our Piant Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge You’re in a quandary: your wife has left the baby with you and you’ve forgotten the exact time she told you to give him his next “bottle”. V‘“ How to get in :fl The best Waxgé THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. 1880 ‘V" 1940 y CANV‘V YEARS 01-" PUBLIC SERVICE 60 A HORSES “THE LIBERAL” touch with her imme- diately? Why, by tele- phone of course! The telephone is a great time and trouble saver in any home, and the "We cost is just a sq; few cents a day. __â€"._â€" If Mr. Robert Ripley of ‘Believe' It or Not' fame ever runs out of startling material to place before a puiblic that nothing can startle, he may buy a bird book and take a new lease on life. The .startlinag and] in- teresting information that abounds in birds lore is seldom .heard of, main- ly «because it is common place to the ornithologist. and! undiscovered to the average reader. This article is written with no more serious in- tent than to draw the veil from a few of the amazing facts that are found in am assemlbly of the thirteen thousand birds which inh-mbirt every corner of the globe, perhaps it will enable you to see a new side in the rather technical and scientific study of birds. To start with let us consider the size of birds. In the South Ameri- can Andes there is a bird‘, the 0011- dor, with a. wing spread of 15 feet, well over 5 times the spread of our largest hawks. And in the same region: is found a hummingbird with a wing spread of just over two and: a half inches. It would take almost 100 of these little birds to span- the wing spread of one Condor. And| in order to fly these small birds beat their wings at the rate of a mile a minute while the Condor can stay aloft for days wiflhout moving a wing, ridIimg the thermal currents and air waves. Here is a. complete analogy in birds. But in the mat» ter of flight and wings, other binds are as interesting. For instance the common chimney swift is one of the fastest living animals. Timredl‘with a stop watch over a two mile course, chimney swifts returning to their nests reached an average speed of over 200 miles an hour. ‘Compare this handtful of feathers and flesh to modern aeroplanes driv- en by hundreds of horsepower of powerful machinery. But while the swift holds the speed recond in hori- zontal flight the famous Duck Hawk or Peregrine Falcon of medieval! fal- conry has attained speeds of between fixe and six miles a minute in verti- cal dives on its prey. The duck harwk does not grasp its prey but hits- it with tightly bunched febt at a speed) almost half that of a bullet. Ducks hit in flight have been seen to burst in a cloud' of feathers as though struck by a high explosive bullet. Vie'ing' with the duck hawk and swift for speed records is the hummingbird. In. tests made by comparing the wing vibrations of a hovering hummingbird with a violin string it has been found that these tiny and apparently weak birds can move their wings at a rate of 600 strokes a second, 36000 times a min- ute. This is one of the hardest facts to believe and comprehend! in all bird1 life when you consider that a duck in flight beats its wings only about 10 times a second. The anatomy of thirds has many strange facts connected with it. For instance the great white pelican with a weight of over 25 lbs. has a skele- ton weighing only 24 ounces to sup- port its vast weight and powerful wings. Also of interest is the fact that in the neck of a common house Sparrow there are twice as many 'vertalbrae as in the neck of a girafle, “an animal who is nearly all neck. i’Less spectacular but just as inter- lesting is the speed with which a bird lives. Its body heat is very high, 115 degrees in some birds, its iheart beats very rapidly, its breathw ing, its motions and its voice are all speeded up to several times the speed of human functions. Naturally with such ralpid metabolism a. bird must refuel often. It has: been esti- mated that an adult robin after leaving the nest consumes 14 feet of earthworms a day, about 80 med- ium sized worms, Weighing almost the bird's weight, to keep it alive for the period of one day. Young crows in the nest consume at least half their own weight in food‘ per day, but, for potential energy the 'miniature house wren holds all re- cords. One Tbird, banded for obser- vation purposes, was observed to feed its 5 young 1,217 times in one day, averaging 10 plant lice per trip. Take a look at the next house wren you see with renewed respect and rejoice that the wrens in your gar- den mean 12,000 less plant lice per day in your prize plants. Those who have hunted wild fowl know with chagrin the unusual acuteness of a bird’s Vision. It is a well known fact that a, vulture flying at a height of several thou» sand feet can! detect the motion of a mouse in the grass below. The reason for this unusual eye sight is that while a. man has only one point of focus in his eye, birds have as many as three spots where images register. The owls have added even another addition to the unusual fac- LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO AMAZING BIRDS (By Farley Mowat) uIt'y of bind- sight, their eyes being built with iris that contract from haltf an inch in size to about the size of a pin prick. Contrary to public belied Owls can see in diary light by the use of this unique ap- paratus, in fact Owls in daylight can see better than can man. Feathers too make an interesting study. A very zealous scientist in the United States recently countedl the feathers on: 70‘ different kinds of birds. A pigeon. has somewhere around 3000 feathers, but the feath- ers themselves are really composed of minute feathers within a feather, Each feather a composite, the qu'ill gives of two rows of lbarbs which together form the vanes. Each of these ban‘bas has tiWO rows of bar- bu<les which connect with each other by rows of lbaribiclies. The almost inconceivable intricacy of this feath- er arrangement llS made understandi- able to a degree 'by considering- that on one primary feather of a pigeon there are 1,200 Ibanbs, that one l)an on the narrow part of the vane has roughly 550 bafibules, reganding this as two thirds of the size of the average lbafllb there are approxi- mately 990,000 barlbu'les on one fea- ther, multiply this by the number of "barlbioles and the figures Ibecome astronomical. To make the feas- ither ‘more interesting it should! 'be noted: that the feather as an organ,- fisn'i attains its maximum value only after it is dead. Nesting habits of birds are often unusual. For example the Bonaâ€" Ipartes gull, member of a family that usually nests on rocky ledges or sand pits, has changed} its mode of living until now it uses the albanâ€" doned! nests of robins and other 'birds set in trees far from wart-er. 'The burrowing O'wl of the West 'uses the deserted burrows of prairie dogs and lays its eggs underground, 'the combird: makes no nest «but lays its eggs in other birds" nests to be taken care of, Coats (builds floating 'nests anlchoredl to reedl bed's, and a species of Chinese swallow builds a .nest of its own gelatinous saliva. ' There a few of the everyday facts ‘in a bind’s life that are of unusual interest, but any bird book is a con- tinual source of more amazing in- formation. The person who accepts ‘birds as a hobby has accepted: a study as intriguing amfl fascinating as any study in the world. MARY & J iM? i - NO POLITICAL PATRONAGE A NATION ATAwlfl?‘ [255.0560 ERNMENT TI AL V (2/01? 34%. _ __ _ Authorized by National Government Headquarters, 140 Wellington Street, Ottc 0:01 9=0=0=°l Our store is well stocked with quality merchandise to meet the clothing requirements of men of this dis- trict. We also carry a full line of men’s, boys’ and children’s boots and shoes, rubbers, galoshes, etc. We handle quality goods backed up by the established repnlation of well known manufacturers. You can buy here with confidence, and we invite your patronage. REAP 13";ng [fete/z [Ha/75 Yonge and Richmond Streets =o=o===o=o= Clothing Needs GOOD seed is the first requirement fdr bigger, bettet V“ yields. That is why it pays to use Registered Seed. Registered Seed is pure as to variety and ensures crops of greater yield, hi her quality and better grade. Registered Seed is‘sold ml in scale containers, government-tagged, and government-impactle It requires no cleaning. It pays to use Registered Seed! For information regarding sources of supply of approved varieties write tozâ€"the District Supervisor, Plant Products Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture for your district, the nearest Dominion Experimental Farm, the Pravincial Department of Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. Food supplies are I’m artant in Wartimeâ€" T is year, plant and raise only the but! Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister MEN’S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AEND SHOES R. J. CRAIGIE No WONDER THE COUNTRY WANTS bOb MANION'; NATIONAL GOVERNMENT! YOU ARE JUST ABOUT RIGHT, MY DEAR THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. ‘Ol=l°=°=‘ Richmond Hill CTI "O

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