Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1940, p. 4

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J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer, the valu- able farm consisting of the East half of Lot 24, Concession 5, Township of Vaughan, containing 100 acres more or less. The land is in a good‘ state of cultivation and well wooded and there is said’ to be erected thereon an eight room frame dwelling, bank barn about 40x70, hog pen, imple- ment shed, and other outbuildings. This farm is located in a choice sec- tion of the township 0n good road, close to church and) school. Sale at 11 o’clock am. There will :be offered for sale by public auction, upon the premises, by No reserve, as sale is necessary to close estate. Mrs. Edith Ethel Mur- ray and‘ Roy Bowen, administrators of estate of William Deisman, de- ceased, c/o Campbell Line, Richmond Hill, Ontario, their solicitor herein. Terms of sale:â€"10% cash at time of sale and balance with-in 15 days. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sale. William Deisman Estate East Half Lot 24, Con. 5, Vaughan, near the Village of Teston SAT., MAR. 23rd, 1940 Helen Simpson Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District ' AUCTION SALE Special Notice DAVIES’ DRY GOODS 2518 YONGE STREET CATERING IN FUTURE TO LADIES AND CHILDREN ONLY, WE ARE DISPOSING OF ALL GENTS’ FURNISHINGS SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SACRIFICIAL PRICES MISS N. ORME (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 FARM PROPERTY The Property of PAGE FOUR J. F. Lynett There was a good attendance at SS. last Sunday. At the close of the meeting the superintendent callâ€" ed on Rev. D. Davis to make a short address. He spoke of the good‘ at- tendance at the convention held in King and made special mention of the oratoricah contest in‘ which 18 contestants entered. Evelyn Hare was the representative of Teston S. S. and the speaker complimented her on her excellent effort and in alp- preciation of this on behalf of the school supt. Mr. BOWen presented Evelyn with a handsome book, “The Merriweather Girls of Camper's Trail." Evelyn thanked the school for their present. Every year Allan Knight, a formâ€" er resident of this place, now of Wrigley’s, gives a treat to the boys and girls of the vicinity. This year they attended the hockey match in Maple Leaf Gardens between Marl- boros and Guelxph. Report says about one hundred went down and enjoyed the game. Station Y.P.U. Broadcasting The Young People’s Union was in charge of Eleanor Oliver. The spe- cial feature of the evening was a radio drama, “Let’s go to Church in India”, with Geo. Carley, Peter Rog- ers, Harold‘ G055 and Eleanor Oliver taking part. There was also a song service with Ruth Oliver at the piano. Memlbers had- an opportunity to .5,ng their favorite hymns. A very inter- esting and profitable evening was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Coulson MJlloy visâ€" ited with Mr. and Mns. Neil Malloy for the week-end. McClmlskey who has spent some time with her friend Mrs. Geo. Taggart returned ,to Toronto Satur- day. Frank Piercey visite‘ti with Mr. and Mrs. Lighrbbody over the week- end‘ in Toronto. ESTON ' Phone 119 AFTERNOON TEA The Women‘s Association of the Presbyterian Church plan to hold an‘ afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. G. Yerex, Saturday afternoon, March 16th. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.J. Di Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, March 17th 11 amtâ€"“Christ sets His Spirit Free.” (Th-e last of the: seven statements from the Cross). 2.39 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Compelled." Neither money, nor schools, nor tracts, nor churches can be sub- stituted for living men. FISHERVILLE Miss Ida Fowler of Fisherville will return to her sister’s home in Toronto on Friday after spending some time in the Western Hospital following a hip injury which occurr- ed on February 22nd. UNITED CHURCH Rev. C W. Follett, B.D. Pastor March 17th, Palm Sunday 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. “It is fin»- ished."â€"The Victorious Christ. 7 rp.m.â€"Vesrper service. One heur. Choice musical numbers 'by the choir under leadership of Mr. A. Melecci, organist and choir lead?- er. A hearty welcome to all. NOTEâ€"Services every evening durâ€" ing Passion Wee‘k up to Good' Fri- day when a pulblic service will be held in the church at 11 o’clock a.m. Come and share in these special Passion Week Services. Everybody welcome. Sunday, March 17 Palm Sunday 11 a.m.â€"â€"‘Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Subject, “The Escapable Christ” (Pilates Challenge). Rev. W. S. Pocknell. 3 p.m.â€"-Sunday School. 7 meâ€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Mr. Coleman will bring another of his searching messages. A spew cial invitation to young- people. Thé Rector will conduct all services. Good Friday, 8 p.m.â€"Serv1'ce of .pre- Tenders for the Removal of Re- fuse will be received at the Clerk’s office up to March 20, 1940. paration for Easter. Choir practice tonight, Thursday. Particulars as to the service re- quired may be obtained from the undersigned. Richmond Hill, March 7, 1940. TO FARMERS A carload‘ of Victory No. 1 Seed‘ Oats, certificate No. 69â€"5432, and Banner Seed Oats No. 1, certificate NO. 693502 at the Elevator. These seed oats test around 45 lbs. Special price. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. 4 Markham Road 8 ROOM‘ED BRICK HOUSE, Yonge Street at Elgin Mills. Apply Shel- don Walker, Elgin Mills. D'UPLEX. five rooms, all conveni- MODERN HOUSE in Richmond Hill. All conveniences and centrally locat- ed. Apply Box 64 The Liberal Off- ences, electric stove, pCSSess‘ion at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 1106, Richmond Hill. TENDERS WANTED ice. 5 ROOMED HOUSE including 11/; acres of Land, 17% mile south of Edrge- Iey. Possession April lst. Apply H. L. Whitmore, Maple, phone Maple 791'21. HOUSES FOR RENT, 6 & 7 rooms, modern conveniences, sun room, gar- SMALL MODERN APARTMENT, conveniently located, electric range. Possessionrimmediately. Apply Lib- eral Office. age, close to church, school, post off- ice, store, $28 and $30 per month, possession Apr. and May 1. Apply 51 Drewry Ave., Newtonbrook. Phone 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Yonge St, possession April lst. Apply Naughton Farm, Elginl Mills, phone Richmond: Hill 127: Willowdale 944 Harry Ireland Logs will be sawed at the rear of Palmer’s Grist Mill, Maple, in early spring. Custom Sawing ST. MARY’S CHURCH PHONE MAPLE 1972 T0 RENT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO A. J. HUME, Clerk. CUSTOM HATCHING Let us hatch your chicks in the lat- est. and\ most modern electric incu- bator purchased at World’s Poultry Congress last year. Unionville Chick 'Hatchery, No. 7 Highway, phones 'Union‘ville 2920, Stouffville 2620. EXPERIENCED MAN desires work on farm, married, life long experi- _ence. Apply H. B. White, Lang‘- staff. 100â€"150 ACRES with fair buildings, Richmond Hill area. Apply Box 44, Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARJM HAND for season, now smoker preferred. Apply A. E. Reaman, Maple R.R. No. 2 or phone Maple 560. COOK-GENERAL wanted, some ex- perience, must be clean, quick am‘l willing. Apply Randolph 7142 0“ Mrs. Dobson, RR. 2 Maple. “(ANTED TO RENT 150 to 200 ACRE FARM, must have good buildings. L. C. Burton, Rich- mond Hill R.R. 1. PURSE and sum of money lost at Wm. Leuschner’s sale on Tuesday. Reward given. Finder kindly phone Richmond Hill 47-24. MON., MAR. 18thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. the property of Frank Burry, lot 20, con. 4, Markham, 1% miles south of Victoria Square. Térms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- WEID. MARCH 20TH â€"â€" Extensive sale of farm stock and implements, including large herd of full flow and springing cows, full tractor equip- ment and plows, 5 Percheron horses, house furniture, hay and grain, be- longing to Chas. Martin at lot 22, con. 5, Markham, a mile and quarter south of Victoria Square on the fifth con. Sale is large and must start at 12.30 sharp. George Storey and Walter Craig, clerks, A. S. Farmer, Gormley, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 20thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, furniture, dairy cattle, the property of the late Charles Mason, Lot 33, Con. 2, Scamb0r0. Sale at 12.30 o’clock. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, MARCH 16th â€"â€" Reg. Clydesdale Horses, Farm Stock, Im- plements, Pigs, at lot 26, con. 7, Markham, the property of Jacob Wide‘man. No Reserve, as owner is giving up farming. Sale at one. Terms: Cash. A. S. Farmer, Auct. THURS, MA‘ROH 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, furniture, etc., the property of Wm. Dennie, lot 30, con. 4, Markham. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock, Implements, grain, furniture, etc” Lot 3, Con. 5, Vaughan, Edgeley, the property of ELwood Robb. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. J. H. and Ken Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 2711hrâ€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Pigs, Poultry, etc., the prop- erty of Moriarty Brothers, at Lot 27, Con. 3. Markham. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, MARCH Ziaâ€"Auction sale of valuable Farm Property be- ‘longing' to Wm. Deisman Estate, East half Lot 24, Cori. 5, Vaughan, 'near the Village of Tes‘ton. Sale at 11 o’clock a.m. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 27thâ€"Auction sale of herd- of registered Ayrshire Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, etc, on Lot 23, Con. 4, Scarboro,‘ property of David Comperthwaite. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, Auctioneers. sale of Thoroughbred Ayrshire Cat- tle, Horses, etc., the property of N. and M. L. Naughmon, Lot 52, Con. 1, Vaughan, Yonge Street, Elgin Mills. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. No reserve as going out of Dairy Cattle. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 28â€"Auction SAT., MAR. 30thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, furniture, garden tools, etc. the property of Ernest Nichol- son, Ruggles Ave., Langstaff. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Sale Register WANTED LOST ITHREE PElRCH‘ERON MARES, aged’ 2, 3 and 6 years, also 1 filly. Apply Henry Arnold, lot 14, con. 2 Mark- ham. COLLCIE PUP, price $2.00. Apply Box '59, The Liberal Office. ICE. Apply Don Head Farms, Pat- terson, phone Maple 241?. QUANTITY SEED BARLEY, 0.A. C. 21. Apply W. E. Heacock, Maple, p1.0ne Maple 1537. BALED HAY, nice quality Timothy, $12.00 per ton. Percy Cober, Gorm- ley, phone Stouffville 7313. COAL AND WOOD. Langstaff Sup- ply 00., phone Thornhill 73. 2 GOOD exchange 2, Maple ABOUT 25 BAGS Grade A Dooley Potatoes; also some seed' potatOes Apply J. F. O’Neifl, Elgin Mills. 5 RvO‘O‘MED LOG HOUSE and! 1 acre, outbuildings, Lot 25, Con. 5, York. Apply W. and J. Windas, Maple. 3 YOUNG SO'WS due in May. Apâ€" ply A. Hensen‘, Brathursd: St., half mile south: of Wilson Ave., phone Hudson 00-31. 60 TO‘NS ALFALFA & Red Clover Hay, mixed; 10 tons Timothy Hay; seed grain; quantity of mangolds; electric milk cooler; miscellaneous farm equipment. Phone 72 Aurora. HORSES; 1927 Ford half ton truck, and- Pine Railxs. McQuay Brothers, No. 7 Highway, 11/2 miles west of Unio‘nvi'lle. FLOWER POTS; pipe fittings; glass; Sheldon 4W" lblowerg new beehives; many kinds tools; 1 hyâ€" draulic barber chair. Glendon Farms, Greenhouses, Steele’s andI Bayviewv Avenues. months old), purebred, George Spring, Stop 14A phone Thomh-ill 149. SEED OATS, Victory, government test No. 1, germination 98%, 75c. bus. Abraham Baker, R.R. No. 2 Maple, phome Maple 1563. GOOD PElRCHERON HORSE, black, sound- in every way, 8 years old, action perfect. Phone 83132 Aurora. Lot 16, con. 3, Whitchurch. 1930 IARGE PANEL TRUCK, $65; 192:9 Rugby open truck, $40; hand waste paper baler, $3. Telephone ‘T‘hornhill 108r2. 3 AYRSHIRE BULLS, BABY CHECKS from blood! tested, pure-bred flocks. Buy Mecredy, chicks again: this year and be sure of a healthy, heavy-laying flock. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 102r13. MCCORMICK DEERING CREAM SEPARATOR, model 3, 750 lbs. ca- pacity. This separator has nof: been used. Price reasonable. Portable electric sewing machine, Seamstress Vibrator, foot control. Mixss Naugh- ton, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 127. BIG 4 CHI'CKS will make you extra profits because they have outstand~ ing vigour, fast growth, market type, heavy egg production and' large eggs, Write or phone for catalogue and low prices on all Popular Breeds, Hybrids, Started Chicks, Pullets and Special low prices on day-old Cock- erels. Wesley Clark, Gormley RR. 2, Ont. Telephone 471-4. OFFERING OUR HERD of Fully Accredited Holstein Cattle. About half [pure bred, priced to clear, nong over $85. A quantity of clean seek!I Banner Oats and: some seed O.A.C. Barley. G. Walker & Sons, Wes- ton R.R. No. 2, phone MapLe 461-14, Ill/2 miles south of Edgeley on 5th. 8 FIGS eight weeks old. W. Rodick, Milliken, phone Agincourt 51J2. ONE 10-20 TRACTOR, entirely re- built; one 15-30 Tractor, entirely re- built; 1 No. 20 M.-H. allemite-greasâ€" ing' 13 hoe fertilizer drill, new; 1 I_H.C. 3-horse cultivator, spring tooth; 1 I.H.C. 9-tooth stiff tooth cultivator, nearly- new; 1 M.-H. 17- tooth spring tooth cultivator with tractor and horse hitch and power lift; 2 heavy wagons; 2 McCormick- Deering- Cream Separators, Nos. 2 and 3; 1 set of heavy harness, new; 1 Dodge 1/5 ton panel truck; one 1934 Ford sedan delivery truck. Ap- iply Floyd R. Perkins, 14 Church St, Richmond Hill, phone 73J. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines ox- less, 25 cents for first insertioniand 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE WORK HORSES or will for pigs. J. Baker, R.R. Phone Maple 1364. 10 and 11 registered: Yonge St, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. FRESH COW, good milker. Apply Wm. Baker, Lot 29, Con. 2, Mark- ham. ing room suite, 2 1: Telephone Thomhi‘ll HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Din- NEWFOUNDLAND DOG, pedigree, children's pet, dog cart and! har- mess. Telephone Thornhilll 51133. TWO GOA‘T‘S, to freshen latter part of March or early in April. E. Ins- ley, 208 Pleasant Ave., Newton- brook. SEPTIC TANKS installed, clean-ed and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jef-f- erson. SAW MILL for custom sawing. Logs can be left at any time. R. L. Nel- son, Gormley, RR. No. 2, 3rd GM. of Markham, 1 mile south of Germ- Iey. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea. sonable. P. Ingles 6! Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges realombio. Work guaranteed. Hugh Ynez, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hm. Woodbridge intermediates went down to defeat in their Ontario Rur- al Hockey League play-off against Beeton on Thursday night of last week. The game, played at Bolton, resulted in a 10 to 5 win for Beeton, giving them the round 18 goals to 13. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service Used Cars 1938 FORD V-S DeLUXE COUPEâ€" General Jumbo 'I‘ires.‘ Heater. Good Value. 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" 1937 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hi“ Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios 1932 FORD_V-8 TUDORâ€"Thorough- 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- A Good Car. 1929 FORD TUDOR -â€" Completely reconditioned. New Tires. 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In excellent condition. 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN in good condition. Cheap transportation. Little Brothers RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174â€"W MISCELLANEOUS Very nice. Heater. ly reconditioned. Ford Sales & Service $600.00 $650.00 $325.00 $250.00 $495.00 $125.00 $145.00 $175.00 beds, Chesterfield; l1 511‘33. ONTARIO

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