Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1940, p. 5

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On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere, Mr. and Mtrs. Chas. Martin and Jeam had) tea with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson. After tea the neighbours and friends within that mile and a. quarter gathered, numbering altogether 29, to have a pleasant evening with Mr. Martin and family before moving to New- market. After a few games of Chinese Checkers and Crokinole were played a small programme was rend- ered .by the small members of the gathering. Mr. Buchanan, acting as chairman, called .on Masters Bruce Graham and Nelson Buchanan to sing a duet entitled “Mr. Martin had a farm”. Misses Marjorie and Edna Sanderson accompanied by their sis- ter Shirley at the piano sang “When He cometh”. Master Bruce Graham recited “Snuff it out”. Master John Buchanan gave two mouth organ solos, “Kentucky Balbe" andi “Nellie Gray”. After these few numlbers Mr. Buchanan asked Mr. and Mrs. On May 7th the choir have secur- ed the “Toll Brothers” for an even- ing's entertainment and education as they tell of their experiences in South America. All thOSe who see this item are asked to keep the date open‘, then come and bring your friends. There will be a small change which 'will be announced later. Choir practice was held at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Avison on Thursday evening after which a so- cial half hour was spent and re- freshments served‘ Practice will be held! in the S. S. next Thursday evâ€" enimg. J.F.A. executive is as follows: Hon. Pres, .Mr. Moffat Cockbui'n; Pres, Mll‘. .Ear] Empringham;'Vice- Pres, Mr. Walter Smith; Sec, Mr. Fraser Gee; Treas., Mr. Alvin Case- ley; Asst. Treas, Mr. .M. Jarvis; Social- Com., Messrs. W. Ridley, F. Bmmwell, D. Rumney, B. Wallace; Finance Com., Messrs. M. Jarvis, D. Rumney, Harry Banber; Auditors, Messrs. Cecil Nichols, Harvey'Goll- and; Social 1Com. for March, Messrs. W. Smith, M. Jaws, G. Mortson. Miss Shirley Sanderson and Mr. Boy-d Mount were elected as editors for the April clwb paper. get the year's programme lined up ready for the beginning of the year. The new J.W.I. executive is as fol- lows: Hon. Pres, Mrs. P. Willows; Pres, Mrs. M. Jarvis; lst Vice-Pres, Miss M. Avison‘; 2nd Vice-Pres, Miss M. Smith; Sec., Miss M. Case- ]ey; Treas., Mrs. D. Gee; Assistant Sec., Miss M. Avison; Pianist, Miss M. Sanderson; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. J. Snider; Song Leader, Miss Dorr- othy Oliver; Press Sec., Miss M.- Sanderson; District Director, Miss Viola Avison; Branch Directors, Mrs. W. Trussell, Mrs. M. Jarvis, Miss M. Caseley; Roll Call Captains, Miss M. Smith, Miss D. Knapp; Auditors, Mrs. M. Styrmo, Mrs. W. Rid'ley. Miss Marion Smith was appointed to represent our chub on the county executive. The ‘both meetings of the J.W.I. and; J.F.A. were well attended, many of the older men of the community being present. The J.F.A. would be pleased to see them at all meetings. How about some of the older women coming out, we have a few, but more would ‘be appreciated by the J.W.I. Tuesday night was the election» of officers for the year 1940-41, the year starting at the beginning of May. By having our elections now it gives the new executive time to g5,;,.;Flour » Phones: Day 139 Evenings 82W GRAINS SEED CLEANING The Best of Chick Growing and Laying Mashes GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE Robin Hdod ~ FLOUR A qou man1 w§n$l00°.° and arms wafeh jusf {Itsen ding in the CBC NETWORK ‘IJN PARADE" Aâ€"‘ ..__. A- RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL FROM A 3A0 OF THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle will be held on Saturday evening, March 16th at 8 p.m. art the home of Miss Marian Boynton. Any with suppr work not finished bring- it along as it will be a work meeting. All the ladies of the community welcome, young and old. The Easter‘Thank Offering meet- ing of the W.M.S. will be held? at the United Church Wednesday, Mar. 20th at 2 pm. Brown’s Cornest W.M.S. will: visit the branch that day am! slides will be shown entitled “Moving Millions”. The March WA. meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20th 1: Mrs. MacDonald’s. The roll call will be “one of the seven sayings from the Cross”. All the ladies are invited to the present. S. Wilson of Toronto and two grand- children, Muriel and Woodrow, and four sisters, Mrs. M. Perkins, Mrs. M. Nichol, Mrs. B. Sanderson and Mrs. R. Boynton‘. The late Mrs. Wilson before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth A. Lundy. She was born on the north farm now owned by Mr. J. Russell about 1% miles south of Victoria Square. In her girlhoodl days she was a member of Buttontville Metho- dist Church. After her marriage in 1889 to Mr. Wilson they moved over on the sixth line to farm for them- selves on the property now owned by Mr. J. P. Carr. There they re- mained 12.111 1920 with the exception of 1 year which was spent in Cashel store. In 1920 they had a. sale and moved to Gormley where Mrs. Wil- son died. The deceased in her later years became a merriber of Victoria Square United] 'Church where her other four sisters are still memlbers. Mrs. Wilson had made for herself a host of friends amongst both young and‘ old and! will be greatly missed. The community’s sympathy goes to those left to mourn her loss. On Tuesday evening the cengrega- tion of the Free Methodist church at Amitage presented' Mr. ami Mrs. Martin with a beautiful tanle lamp. On: Saturday morning- this com~ munity was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Homer Wilson of Gormley. Although Mrs. Wilson has been failing for some time, no One expected the end quite so soon. She leaves to mourn her husband and one son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. Signed Mr. and Mrs. A. Valliere,, Oscar and Bruce Anderson, Lorne Green, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson, Mir. anti Mrs. Clare Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill. .Mr. Valliere and Mr. Hill present- ed the gifts and Mr. and! Mrs. Mar- tin both thanked the friends kindly after which everyone joinedl in sing-- ing “Blest Be the Tie that Binds”. After the presentation Mr. J. Vall- iere let! us in a quiz game while 178- freshments were being prepared. So, dear friends, we ask you to accept this iron and toaster and cum wish is that they may tell you the many things that our words cannot express. Despite the many thousands of words in the English language there comes a time when these same words fail us, anch thiis is one of the occa- sions. We feel sure that our loss will be someone else‘s‘ gain, as you have all been splendid neighbours and‘ friends to us. You have ever been eager and willing to give assistance whenever it was requested" of you, and our neighbouring with you has ever been pleasant and agreeable. possessions”. We regret very much the circum- stances which have been the chief cause of your departing ffom our midst. We wish Mr. Martin a com- plete recovery from his» reCemt lengthy illness and‘ our earnest hope is that he may enjoy many years of health and comfort. We wish Mrs. Martin and Jean a pleasant time in their new home and community to where they are going and feel sure they will find there the same plea- sant associations they have enjOyed here. We your friends and nei‘gh'bcurs have gathered here this evening to bid you God speed as you depart for your new home. We feel that we shall each and everyone of us be much poorer when you have de- parted from the “fifth” line as we will have lost a friend and as the sage of old said, “He who has lost a friend‘ has» lost the greatest of his Martin and‘ Jean to come forward and' Miss Dorothy Valliere read the following address: To Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Jean:â€" ELOCUTION- and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall” Thornhill (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) MARGUERITE BOYLE All persons having claims against the Estate of William Deisman, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Farmer, who died on or about the 2nd day of Janu- ary, 1939, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of March, 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill this 7th day of March, 1940. Mrs. Edith Ethel Murray and Roy Bowen, administrators, c/o Campbell Line, their solicitor, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The Evening Auxiliary of the United! Church will hold‘ their Easter Thank-Offering meeting in‘ the Sun- day School room on Tuesday, Mar. 19th at 8 p.m. There will [be speâ€" cial music andv an outstanding- speak- er, Mrs. C. Maxwell Loveys, Home Mission executive secretary of the W.M.S., will give an address on “Visiting our Home Mission Fields”. This meeting is one of the Lenten services of the Holy Week to which the public are invited. The regular meeting of the Y.P.‘S. was held at the home of Mr. B. Witty Wednesday, March 6th. The dlevotional conven‘or, Mrs. Stan Kef- fer, gave a very interesting- proâ€" gram. The speaker for the even- ing 'was Mr. A. Fields of Toronto. IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM Mrs. George Crook and family wish to thank all kind‘ neighbors, friends and relatives for their great kindness andl sympathy shown, also for all the beautiful floral tributes received during their recent: loss of a loving husband and‘ father. ALLENâ€"In loving memory of our 4an father, John Matthew Allen, of "nionvilln. who passed away March "‘fh. 1939. The evening star shines on the grave of one we loved‘ but could not save; God took him home it was! His will, Forget 'him, no, we never will. â€"Ever rememfbered by his son: and d‘aug‘hter-in-law, Henry and» Della. Rev. C. W. Follett, Mdss Follett and Mr. Ashnfordl Wright, represent- atives! of Richmond Hill United Church, attended the joint meeting of the three Toronto Prestbyteries held] in Westminster-Central United Chumclm on Tuesday. Addresses were given by the Rev. Omend of North Bay, president of the Toronto Con- ference, and) Rev. J. H. Mutchmor, secretary of Evangelism and Social Service. 0n the evening of March 24th, which is Easter Sunday, the United Church Choir will present the third part of Handel‘s Oratorio, “The Mesisia ”. This work will be under the direction of Mr. Adelmo Melecci with soloists Mrs. D. Chamney, Misrs Nixola Fisher and- Mr. Wm. Merell of Toronto. The regular meeting of St. Mary‘s W.A. will be held) at the Rectory, 4 Markham Road, on Tuesday, Mar. 19th at 2.45 pmn. Members are askâ€" edI to bring in their donations for the bake which is to ‘be packed at this meeting. An afternoon: tea will ‘be held at ‘the home of Mrs. G. Yerex, Yonge Street, Saturday afternoon, March 16th from three to five o’clock un- der the auspices of the Presbyter- ian W.A. Everyone cordially in- vitedl. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mr. Harry Sayers is improving satisfactorily since his operation on Friday of last week in the General Hospital, Toronto, and wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Brett of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Rev. A. Hallbert of Newtomb-rook was the guest speaker at the United Church Young People’s meeting on Monday evening. EVENING AUXILIARY UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. Mrs. Gordon Challew of Toronto spent a couple of days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Buy Canadian, Buy British! DEISM AN, Deceased Notice to Creditors Social and Personal CARD OF THANK S (JUN CORD IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WILSON, Johnâ€"At his late resi- dence, Thornhill, on Friday, March 8th, 1940, John Wilson, husband of the late Mary Moffatt, in his 8‘2nd year. Mneral service was held at the above address on Mon-day, the lltlh inst, at 2.30. Interment followed in Maple Cemetery. DIED M'ASHINTER, Ethel Pearl Jones»â€" At her home, Lot. 31, Concession 2, Vaug‘han Township, on Wednesday, March 13, 1940, Ethel Pearl-1 Jones, beloved‘ witfe 01" Samuel R. Mashin- ter’, in- her 49th year. Fumeral on Friday, March 15, at 2 pm. Interment at Maple Ceme- Fare and one quarter for round: trip going any time Thursday, Mair. let, until 2 pm. March 25th. Re- turning leave destinationa up to midi-4 might Tuesday, March 26th. We have just learned that a num- ber of the members of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union in the City have been supplying apples, or- anges, etc., to the Veterans of the Great War in that institution and have had to refuse the appeal of new recuuits for ‘just one apple sis- ter’ as the supply is limited. Will you join with us in making it possible that every inmate may receive a gift of eggs, apples, little cakes, etc., and thereby showing our appreciation for the veterans who have done their bit amt to the re- cruits who will do their’s. The Easter gifts may be left at the homes of Mrs. J. P. Wilson and‘ Mrs. W. A. Wright on Saturday, March 16th and Monday, March 18. For particulars of fares and train: serivce phone railway ticket agents. EGGS AND APPLES FOR CHRISTIE STREET HOSPITAL For some years our local W.C.T.U. with the co-operation of the resi- dents of Richmond Hill have sent an Easter gift of eggs, fruit, etc. to the patients in Christie Street Hos- pital. A baking sale will be held' on: Sat- urdtay afternoon, April 6th under the auspices of the Richmond Hill RedI Cross; Society. Further details will be announced in a. later issue. The Richmond HilL Redd Cross So- ciety is please& to announce that the net proceeds from the recent Leap Year Dance amounted to the splen- did sum of $86.49. “Congratulations to Mrs. E. Mastâ€" ers, who was the possessor of the lucky permanent wave ticket, drawn by Miss Donnally at the Leap Year Pance. The Soofiety agknowleduges with sincere thanks proceeds from this draw amounting to $15.65. Red Cross Notes RAIL FARES FOR EASTER 'l‘he first hatch from above birds gave 64 7c of all eggs set with loss of only one chick in the first week. The persistent laying of these flocks tells better than words of the excellent startâ€" the sound growthâ€"and the steady, high production you can get with Master Poultry Feeds. Put your flock on the Master Feeding Programme NOW! Start your chicks on Master Chick Starterâ€"grow them on Master Growing Mash â€" and get steady, high production on Master Laying Mashes. We can supply you from fresh stock. Pen No. 2 of 107 birds, hatched March 2, 1939, started laying July 21, 1939. In Au- gust they averaged 55.7‘,1; in Sept. 65%; in Oct. 71.1%; in Nov. 69.1%; In Dec. 71.00;; in Jan. 67.6%. Pen No. 3 of 205 birds, hatched April 20, 1939, started laying Sept. 12, 1939. In Oct. they averaged 53.4%; in Nov. 77.6%; in Dec. 76.6%; in Jan. 70.8%. Mr. Bevan’s flocks are started on Master Chick Starterâ€"grown on Master Growing Mashâ€"and produce their records on Master Red Head Egg Mash C.L.O. and Master Breeder Mash up to time of this advertisement going to press. Mr. Bevan’s Master fed flock has averaged 70% hatches and production. And here’s the way Wm. Hocking’s Master-fed flock at West Hill has performed. He has three pens on Red Head C.L.O. and they’re going great guns! Pen No. 1 of 105 birds, hatched March 2, 1939, started laying July 21, 1939. In Au- gust they averaged 55.1%; in Sept. 76.1% ; in Oct. 77.192 ; in Nov. 78.4% in Dec. 76%; in Jan. 73.4%. the value (if Master Poultry Feeds Here’s what Leo. Bevan’s Master-fed R.P.O. flocks at Thornhill have done the last 3 yearsâ€"ON MASTER! RESULTS prove 56% of R.0.P. entry quali- fied. Averaged 252 ef’f‘?‘ per bird per year! Egg size averaged! 25.6 oz. per doz. 3 of the 'birds laid over 300 eggs in the year. WANTED 1936-37 W. R. DEAN THORNHILL, ONTARIO Drama. The tale concerns a small town minister who accused of munder. Comedyâ€"A scream from start to finish. Also CHARLES BICKFORD - OWEN DAVIS JR - DORIS DAY in “ THOU SHALT NO’I‘ KILL ” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAR. 20 - 21 TWO FEATURES This gives full measure of thrills and suspense. Also ANN SOTHERN - LEWIS STONE - WALTER. BRENNANjn “ A CALL ON THE PRESIDENT ” FRIDAY 82! SATURDAY, MARCH 15 - 1s ’fwo FEATURES Comedy drama, suggested by the book sister act by Fannie Hurst. This is a sequel to Four Daughters and Daughters Courageous. 1937-38 56% of R.O.P. entry quali- fied. Avemged 254 eggs per bird’ per year! Egg- size averaged 26.2 oz. per doz. Top \bird laid‘ 312 eggs Damon Runyon stbry- made into heart wéming comed‘y drama. _ Try __ RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR Permanent Waving. Finger Waving, Marcelling, Manicuring and Eyebrow Arching, etc. Open every evening except Wednesday For Appointment phone 119 GALE PAGE - LANE SISTERS - JEFFREY LYNN? JOHN GARFIELD in “ FOUR WIVES ” JOHN TRENT - MARJORIE REYNOLDS in ANOTHER OF THE TAILSPIN TOMMY SERIES “ DANGER FLIGHT ” SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT CHARLES BICKFORD - BARTON MacLANE in “ MUTINY IN THE BIG HOUSE ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 18 - 19 OLIVER HARDY For Guaranteed Satisfaction MISS E. ANDERSON TODAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 14 {DY - HARDY LANGDON in “ ZENOBIA ” â€"Forâ€" 66% of R.O.P. entry quali- fied. Averaged 261 eggs per bird per year! Egg size averaged 26.2 oz. per doz. laid 299. 1938-39 PAGE aids a boy

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