Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1940, p. 6

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CATTLE My accredited herd, negative un- der Federal test. ‘IVHnyvale Archer, 185236, (son of Barginoch Blue Ribbon) winner at: Royal Winter Fair, Canadian National Exhibition and other '3 Brienvood- - Deuty’s Pet. 951811, milking and bred Dec. 20th 8 Beauty, 192551, in full flowfbred Dec. lst S'Linda, 192547, in full flow, vbred Feb. 4th m :Susie.N., 200158, in full flow, fbted Feb. 12th in Whitie, 202648,‘ in full flow, bred S'Linda, 192547, in full flow, vbred Feb. 4th m :Susie.N., 200158, in full flow, fbted' Feb. 12th in Whitie, 202648,‘ in full flow, bred Feb. 47th a: Grade Ayrshire Cow, due to caLf June 7th 13 Delilah, 208890, born Oct. 27th, 1937 Connie, 192553, in full flow , Elmscott Flora, 162050, in fuLl flow . . EC’Mapiecrest Happy Lady, 187705, due to calf April 25th 5 Smshine Hollow Bess, 106788, and bred Nov. 15th C Primrose, 193554, in full f10w .‘l Brienvood - Deuty’s Pet. 95811, AUCTION SALE 0f THOROUGHBRED AYRSHIRE CATTLE, HORSES, Etc. [Hill I. “The Shudow"â€"-evary Wed». CFRB. 9-9.30 pm MARY & JRM N. and M. L. NAUGHTON Lot 52, C011. 1, Vaughan, Yonge St., ‘Elgin Mills TERMS:â€"CASH No reserve as going out of Dairy Cattle J. H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer PAGE SIX OFFICE 10 A NATION ATAWAAZ 125505 60 N N Ti AL VE NME T 62% 2,401 R _\ a w-R: : .. A” " ‘jiégl ; r $.31; 7 ~ .::‘ . ,N... I 3-9»: :x. ;' h" . 515‘ a: .‘x .' rs" .r .; ' ' x: r V_ 4 A _ >, i V -.4 ~" ,_,‘ .1:“ “ n33: ' 4"}. V 2 V . Authorized by THURSDAY, MARCH 28th Sale at 1 o’clock D. RAMER & SON THE PRJOPERTY OF PHONES: National Government Headquarters, 140 Wellington Street, Ottawa as 16, 1939 18 Red‘ and White Heifer, born July 18, .1939 19 Red‘ and White Heifer, born July 12, 1939 20 Red and’ White Heifer, born Sept. 6, 193-9 The above four heifers are now beâ€" ' in: registered 85 & 261-W Quantity of Red Clover and! Alfalfa Seed and Sweet Glover Seed’ 1 Oliver to foal May 13th Clydesdale Colt, rlsing 2 years Bay Gelding, rising: 3 years Black Percheron Filly, rising 1 yr McCormick-Deleting Cream Serpar- ator, Model 3, 750 lbs. capacity, new Black Percheron Mare, supposed Daisy Archer, 217826,1born Sept. 20th, 1938 Lucinda, 217825, born August 11, 1938 Tidy. 218163, born' June 15, 1938 Red and White Heifer, rborn Mar. 2-furrow Tractor Plough HORSES WELL,IT IS BETTER T0 SPEND MONEY THAN LOSE CANADA TO HITLER CUT OUT WASTE Some varieties of barley have awns which are difficult to remove during the threshing process. The same is true of tough barley. cansequently the first essential when preparing to clean and grade :barley for seed is to remove as many of the awns as possible, states John D. MacLeod. Crops, Seeds and; Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. Toronto. The chief objection to their presâ€" ence on clean seed‘ is that they reâ€" tardl the flow of grain through the fanning mill and the seeder. Scour- ing of seed will remove ammxs, per- mit the seed! to flow evenly through the farming mill and seeder and; in- sure more uniform germination and' a more uniform crop. If a scou‘rer is not available, ad- vises Mr. MacLeod, the next best plan is to use a screen with- a round perforation as a. riddle. A screen with: a 12/64, 13/64 or 14/64 round perforation has proven the best. In order to get through this round per- foration the kernel must tip up. If ‘the perforation is not large enough. each kernel to which an awn is at- tached} must keep on moving until it eventually drops off the screen. An oilâ€"cloth laid on top of the riddle which: will permit the grain to feed: from the hopper underneath the cloth and on top of the riddle will keep awned' kernels from tipp- ing and will help in making 23. sepâ€" aration. This method has also prov- en helpful in removing oats from barley. It cannot be adopted, how- ever, in the case of mills, where the windr blows up through the riddle or top Screen. Heavier feeding and greater pitch of riddle will also help in making such separations. Barley will stand considerably more wind than will oats. and suf- ficient wind? should be applied to re- move as many oat kernels as poss- ible, also off type 4barley kernels. Grading scrééns best for barley are 8 x 8 wires mesh; 8/64 and 9/64 zinc round. Every farmer owning a fanning mill should! write the CrOps, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Parliament Bld<gs., Tor-onto, for the pamphlet “Reconditioning- fhe fanning mill.” There is no charge. A letter to King township council, read an: the session last Saturday commended that body for its action in keeping township roads open this wimer. It was pointed» out that this year over 175 miles have been kept ploughed out, whereas in other years only 20 miles were kept clear. irst step is to remove as many awns as possibie, says J. D. Mac- Leod- â€" offers free pamphlet on “Recondfitionin-g the fanning mill”. xpert Describes Cleaning of Barley THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Newtonbrook United Church will hold its Easter Thankoffering meet- ing next Tuesday, March: 19th at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. C. O. Balcs, 2 Avondrale Ave., Lansing. The Easter Thankofferjmg meeting of the Girls' Mission Circle will be heldl next Tuesday evening, March 19th at 8 o’clock at the Parsonage. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith, W.M.S. presi- dent, will the-the guest speaker on this occasion. The young ladies of the church and‘ community are cor- dially invited. The regular meeting of the Golden Rule Mission Band will be held next Saturday afternoon at 2.30. A prac- tice for the Easter Pageant will fol- low the meeting. Miss Jean Dodd', missionary con- venor of the Y.P.U. was in charge of the Y.P.U. meeting last Monday evening and a very interesting pro- gram was presented. The Young People are having practice for a play which will be given- some time in April. VTh-e Women’s Association held a sewing meeting last Thursday and two quilts were completed. The 16th! annual GoodwFrid‘ay serâ€" vice will be held: on March 22nd at 11 am. in Newtombrook United Church. The local clengy will as- sist in the service. Rev. Dr. C. H. Dickinson, B.A., B.D., will be the special speaker on this occasion. A cordial welcome to all worshippers from Thorn‘hill to the City Limits. The monthly meeti-ng of the North York branch of the Canadian Red Cross was held’ recently and‘ splen- did renorts were receivedu A total of 1188 pairs of socks have been knit since war was declared! last September. During the last month the following articles were complet- ed: 27 navy scarves, 24 army scarves 39 sleeveless sweaters, 9 pairs of gunners’ mitts, 26 pairs wristlets, 3 Balaclava caps, 1 pair knee caps, 398 pairs of socks. The peacetime work is an important activity as well. Much assistance was given during the past month. The presi- dent requests that all ends of wool be returned with your finished art- icies as use can be made of them. The Duke of Kent School handed the president a cheque fer the Red Cross work amounting to 8102.00. The children collectedI papers and maga- zines, ma-de candy and' Valentines, monthly business meeting will be held on April 5th. At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Red Cross (Ontario Division) among fifteen persons‘ receiving honourary mention pins was Miss Mary Bathlgate who spent 23 years as sewing and work convenor of the local North York branch. Miss Bath- gate is still an active worker, ‘Together in the twilight we wander-l ed through a wood); I Our love as yet unspoken but deeply understood. I plucked a tiny wild rose that grac- . ed the woodland glad‘e And with the fragrant offering this vow to her I made: “You know the meaning of a rose and dear one, if I could, For you I’d gather every wild) rose blooming in this wood.” I placed the flower above her heart and bade that she retain This simple token of my love ’till we should meet again. She knelt and: from the rambllng briar, a fair and budding flower She took in turn to pledge her love for me that tw111ght hour. Together we picked roses to troth each other’s heart; Then, on the ruthless winds of fate, we two were swept apart. Between the pages of a book my | wild rose now is pressed. I gaze with longing on the flower her tender hand caressedâ€" And oft’ I gather in my dreams, while stars gleam bright above, Wild roses by the milliOn to bear unto my’ love. There will be special Palm Sunâ€" day services in‘ Newtonlbrolok United Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and' will give a temperance address in the Sunday School next Sunday at the 10 o‘clock session. Miss Thompâ€" son received the Silver Cup for her oratory address at the North York Temperance Federation Rally re- cently. E. P. Leno & Son GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Acetylene and Electric Welding 3nd Cutting Portable Machines for Outside Work' Phone 211 Richmond Hill pm. Miss Thompson of Richmond Hill N EWTON BROOK WILD ROSES â€"â€"I. F. Moore HMHIâ€"‘lâ€"‘HHtâ€"‘H Holstein Cow, due in March Roan Cow, full flow Red Cow, supposed to calf in April Red Cow, supposed to calf in April Roan Cow, supposed to calf in April Roan Cow, supposed to calf in April Black Cow, full flow, bred Yearling Heifers Durham Bull PIGS, SHEEP & POULTRY Number of Hens and Pullets Pigs about 170 lbs. Pigs about 175 Lbs. 7 Shropshire Ewes 1 Shropshire Ram, pure bred 1 Sow, Birkshire & Tamworth, due in March 1 Sow, Birkshire, due in March 1 Sow, Birkshire, due in March 6 Fat Pigs 6 Pigs, 200 lbs. 6 5 About About About Brown Gelding, 8 years Brown Gelding, 9 years Bay Mare, 11 years Bay Gelding, aged Dark Brown Gelding, aged CATTLE Holstein Cow, due in March Sow, Sow, Fat Pigs GRAIN )out 250 Bus. Oats )out 100 Bus. Barley )out 300 Bus. Wheat IMPLEMENTS M.-H. Binder, ’7 ft, good M.-H. Drill, 11 hoe Deering Roller, 3 drum Deering Rake Deering Mower, good McCormick Deering 4-horse Culti~ M.â€"H. Disc, outthrow Riding Plow, Farmer’s Friend Wilkinson Plow. No. 3 Fleury Plow, No. 21 Fleury Plow. No. 12, with wheels Gang Plow. Wilkinson, 2-furrowed 2 Dozen Grain Bags Hay Tedder, M.-H. Wagon Jack 1 Grass Pair Sling Ropes Lot vator, new M.-H. DISC, Duro Softened Water will give you smooth, lovely hands, luxurious soft hair and a clear complexion. Lime and magnesium present in the water supply of most cities has a harmful effect. These elements prevent soap from being completely dissolved; soap curds form to clog the pores, harden the skin and adhere to the hair. In Duro Softened Water less than one-quarter the quantity of soap used with hard water will create soft bubbly suds that rinse easily away. After bathing, shampooing or shaving in Softened Water, the skin is soft, the hair is fluffy and you have a really clean, fresh feeling. By having a attached to your water supply line in the base- ment, all lime and magnesium is removed. Duro Water Softeners, made in sizes to suit every type of home, are priced from $65.00â€"an’d the installation cost is very low. Sold and Installed by TERMS:â€"â€"CASH London Hamilton Toronto Beauty Treatments Available At Home AUCTION SALE ' FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, PIGS, SHEEP, GRAIN & FURNITURE WATER SflFTEMER WILLIAM DENNIE 30, Concession 4, Markham Township THURSDAY, MARCH 2181: Yonge St., Richmond Hill HORSES EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LTD. R. H. KANE ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer! BOREâ€"ILEE ONT., PHONE 'STOUF'N ILLE 6312 THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. 1e Sudbury ' Winnipeg Vancouver “km Set Harrows, 3 section _ ; Set Harrows, 4 section Hay Rack, 16 ft., good Spring Wagon Set Sloop Sleighs, M.-H., new Buggy M.-l-1. Truck Wagon Cutters High Wagon and Box Goocl Logging Chains Sets Doubletrees ‘ _ Set Scales, 1200 lbs. Neckyokes 4-Horse Doubletree, Ladders 3-Horse Doubletrees Set Stewart Clippers Set Bag Trucks Stringers, 10 ft. 1 Grind Stone 1 Iron Kettle 3 Barrels 1 Pig Box 1 Fanning Mill Number of Apple Barrels Forks, Hoe-s, Rakes, Pails and many other articles too numerous to mention 11913 Chrysler Car, in good- condition AHlâ€"‘mlorâ€"wHWlonvâ€"uâ€"Ipâ€"FHHF 5 Collars' t Number of Traces 1 Sideboard, ‘1 Organ, Dominion Number of Pictures ;1 Modern Sideboard 1 Dining Room Suite Eight Pictures, new Set Plow Harness Set Heavy Harness, brass mounted Sets Heavy Breeching Harness Sets Single Harness, good Set High Top Qollag‘s 1v Perfection Coal Oil Stove, 4~burner Butter Tray, Ladle and Printer Barrel Churn, large Vinegar Barrel, good Cream Cans Washstand, 'Bed, Spring and Mat- Sale at 1 o’clock Phone 92-R FURNITURE HARNESS .\\\\\,\v 2 Sets Hames

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