Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1940, p. 8

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He OMWW......... . 'I . - § § § § thtle Brothers; \(W 9\Q7§ CanadaNEEDSKing Mr. Irwin will address a publlc meetmg 1n me 10Wll51up 11am, Unionville, Wed. Evg., March 20th He will 'also speak over station CKCL 6.15 to 6.30 pm. on Mar. 15th, 19th, 20th and let. , x w Nxxxmxm .\&\. A TAGE EIGHT For For For For For For Irwin will address a public meeting in the Township Hall, a sound and effective trade policy; dependable and resolute administration of internal affairs; the preservatiOn of unity throughout Canada; a VOICE in parliamentary affairs. vigorous and energetic prosecution of the fair and reasonable allowances to soldiers Liberal Candidate East York. Yonge Street 'ord Sales and Service Authorizede Dr. Unsworth Jones, Cand‘id‘ate Ageni and dependants; Richmond Hill 88,000 Canadian workers and dependants benefit because the Ford car is made in this country. When you buy a Ford, more of your money stays in Canada. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTAng EUCHRE AND DANCE The final Euchre and Dance for the season sponsored by Buttomrille Red Cross will be held on Monday evening, March: 18th, at Township Hall, Unionville. Good: prizes. Ev- erybody welcome. EAST YORK MEETINGS The East York Conservative As- sociation announces the following meetings for National Government supporters: Friday, March 15, Find- lay‘s Hall, Thornhill, when the speakers will ’be R. H. McGregor, the candidate, Rev. G. M. Dix and Russell Neshitt; March 16th, Rat- cliffe‘s Hall, Stourffville, speakers, RTE-i: McGrégor the candidate, Rev G. M. Dix, and) H. Newman. Buy- British, Buy Canadian, and heLp win the war. The Firemen’s Ball is past history for another year and another suc- cessful event goes on record. ‘The large attendance evidenced popular- ity andl a desire to express: appre- ciation of the splendid service given by the Brigad‘e. Fifty-three tables: of euchrre competed‘ for honors, Mrs. Roy Lotton, with: a score of 103 winning first prize for the ladies and Davey MacKay led‘ the men with a score of 99. Other pvize winners were Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Velma Find- lay, Vera Weighill, Steve MacVoy, R. J. Duffield, Mr. Woodcock. The lucky draw prizes went to Mr. Gal- braith, F. Pollard, W. Couls‘on, J. Edger-ton, Stouffville; Mr. Brown, Toronto; Olive Martin, R. J. Cunn- ingham, Mr. Lotton', Markham; Vera MacKay, Gormsley; .H. Rahcliff, Stouffville. . Unionrville had another visit fromi midnight maraudiers om Sunday ev- ening when the C.N.R. station was ‘entered for the fifth time in the past few years. Breaking the glass in the door and turning the night lock made the way easy. However, the spoils were not to their liking ‘or perhaps getting a bit jittery, no losses are reported. This petty thieving seems to the getting the “habit in and) around Unionville and rather enhances our reputation. for a peaceful hamlet in] the eyes of the visiting- puibiic. Let us hope it may ‘be discontinued. Mr. Percy Bone was an interest-i ing speaker at the, meeting of the 'Iocal Horticultural- Society hem in the Township Hall! on Monday even- ing last. Urging the members to ‘grow more vegetables: in war time 'he warned that it must not be done at the the expense of spoiling our home surroundings. “Make our gar- den gay with flowers and show the World! our confidence in- victory.” Annual-s and perennials that anymne may grow with success were dis- cusseé by the visitor and! named' varâ€" ‘ ieties mentioned. A demonstration of dining room bouquets was also an interesting feature. Following the lecture, flow- ers, plants and gla‘d'iolii (bulbs, the gift of Mr. Bome, were draan for, the lucky members being Mrs. G. A. M. Davison, Miss Ad’a. Hutchison, Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Mrs. R. J. DuLf- field, J. H. Brown‘. E. Dixon, Mrs. S. Weatherill, Mina Sommerville. Reports of the conrve‘nrtion helki' reh‘ oently in the King Ed'wardl Hotel, Toronto, were given lby Mrs. S. Weatherill and Miss M. Sommerville. The Presidlent, Mrs. R. L. Stiver, was in- charge of the meeting. The secretary, Mr. A. E. Milner, an- nounced that a tree planting- pro- ject would Ibe continued this year. It was the unanimous d'esire of the members that the society assist in this splendid‘ work. The trees that were planted] last year have made good‘ growth andI co-operation of all citizens is invited to help keep our village beautiful. The work meeting of the Union- Vi‘lle Red Cross will be heldI on Mon- day afternoon next at the home of Mrs. A. K. Harrington. All ladies are invited to attend. The activity will include quilting and making- bed jackets or knitting. Ladies, take your choice! CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Ghurch School. 11 a.m.â€"“Christ and People under 30 years of age.” 7 p.m.â€"“Ohrist’s entry into Union- 8 p.m.-â€"Firesideâ€"Mr. Leslie Miller presenting lantern slide pictures of the community. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Chu~rch School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“Christ and People under 30 years of age.” ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLIEAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 7 pm.-â€"Evem'ng Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"C‘ School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Pubh'c Worship. ville. n Unionville of The Box Social held last Friday evening in the school by the Y.P.U. was quite a. success. There was a splendid programme. The boxes were very albly auctioned by Mr. E. Durie and brought over twelve d01- lars. The men of the church are plann- ing to hold a St. Patrick’s Irish Stew in the church next Monday ev- ening. Miss Mable Duery spent the week- end. with friends in Toronto. The Carrville Ladies’ Club held a birthday tea at the home of Mrs. Varley on.- Tuesdlay, March 12th in honor of its eldest member, Mrs. Kemp. A dance was held on Tuesday even- ing‘ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reid! in honor of the newly married couple, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Willie Baker. 3 Puhlwhcd by North York Lihurul As>uciat§nn O WWWWW LOOK at this LIST of INGREDIENTS Monarch Chick Starter CARRV lLLE LAN GSTAFF, ONT. serVicePHONE THORNHILL 72r11 FREEâ€"A 100 Page book on poultry and Livestock raising. Not an advertising folder, 3. real book. 2000 lbs. How can Chicks fail to thrive on this ration? No secret formula â€" No quack remedy â€" Just plain honest to goodness chicken feed. Made by the makers of Monarch Flour -â€" The Maple Leaf Milling Company. 200 500 250 65 60 40 200 100 100 50 100 160 20 100 5 30 ‘ 1o 10 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. GROUND OAT GROATS YELLOW CORNMEAL WHEAT SHORTS WHEAT MIDDLINGS WHEAT GERM CEREAL GRASS (Cerogras) YELLOW HOMINY FEED BARLEY MEAL SOY BEAN OIL MEAL GROUND PEAS WHEAT BRAN MEAT MEAL FEEDING BONE MEAL POWDERED MILK FORTIFIED COD LIVER OIL FISH MEAL GROUND LIMESTONE (Calcium Carbonate) IODIZED SALT for your copy. THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940. â€" CALL â€"â€" Lehigh Vglley JONES COAL Co. The Ful-O-Pep' plan helps poultrymen save up to 30% to 50% on cost of feeding new pullets. ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” Telephone 188

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