' PAGE TWO “THE LIBERAL†Established 1878 AN DOME?†WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL ' THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. ' J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly NewspapepAssociation Subscription $1.50 per year w To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1940. ELECTION CLEARS THE AIR The people of Canada have spoken in no uncertain voice in favor of continuing the Mackenzie King governâ€" ment, and the decisive result gives Canada a strong gov- ernment with an unmistakeable mandate from the peo- ple. Many features of the campaign were distasteful to the people and there will be general relief that it is all over, and the hope is nation-wide that there shall be no more Political bickering until the conclusion of the war. Nothing is to be gained by post-mortems of the cam- paign but it might be worthy of mention that the 1940 war-time election will live in Canada’s history as one in which the calm reason of the Canadian people failed to be disturbed by the sensational appeals raised for politi- cal purposes. The calm, resolute voice of Canada spoke against swapping horses in mid-stream and vote-catching schemes which might have proved popular in peace-time proved unattractive to the voters. The nation-wide support gained by the govornment is evidence that Mackenzie King enjoys the confidence of the people to a very mark-ed degree, and his experi- enced-leadership appealed to the people rather than promâ€" ises of those seeking office. In North York Col. W. P. Mulock received a subâ€" stantial majority over his opponent, Capt. Rev. George Dix who came up from Truro, Nova Scotia to contest the constituency as a National Government Party candidate. The victory was richly merited and the people of the ride ing chose wisely in deciding to continue the services of so capable a representative in Parliament. *#****** WHICH IS GREATEST INVENTION? If you were asked which is the most indispensable of modern inventions what would you say? Would it be the telegraph, automobile, steam railway, aeroplane, radio, telephone, electric refrigerator, electric light, farm trac- tor, or what? ' Our guess is that nine out of ten people would say the telephone. We could manage without the telegraph if the tele- phone were left. We could go back to the use of horses for transportation. Many folks would be perfectly happy if there was neither a flying machine nor a radio, and we could get along, as our parents did, without electricity to light our houses and preserve our food. But what a tremendously different world it would be without the telephone, the greatest time and energy sav- ing, and distance smashing device ever conceived by the human mind. Railways, motor cars, radio, postal ser- vices, have all served to make communication more rapid between man and man. None, however, compares with the telephone for two way transmission of words and thoughts. The telephone puts the whole world at your elbow. It is now possible to ask Central for a friend in London, England, or in mid-Atlantic, and to be talking to him within a few minutes just as easily as if he were in the next room. Space between human beings has simply been annihilated. Of course, there are plenty of areas in the world where there are no telephones, and where men must travel long distances to carry on con- versations, but these are generally without other modern inventions as well. _ Such thoughts come to mind as the result of read ing one of a series of institutional advertisements now being published in this newspaper. It tells us that it is just sixty years since the Bell Telephone Company of Canada was organized. Since then largely as a conse- quence, the pace of Canadian life has greatly speeded up. The Victorian household with its leisure disappeared, and modern business steadily gained momentum. The telephone was born in Canada in the brain of Alexander Graham Bell of Brantford. It is therefore not surprising to learn that Canadians use the instrument more than any other people on earth. We make more calls per head of population than any other country. This is partly due to the fact that service charges are lower than in any other land. The Company has been well man- aged. Its record has been free from exploitation, stock splits, bonus shares, etc. Employees and customers have been given the benefit of increasing earnings"in good wages and better serviceâ€"Midland Free Press. ******** HEPBURN AND DREW HANDICAPS T0 MANION Commenting on the failure of the Hon. Dr. Manion in the elections the Globe and Mail this morning says: He was handicapped particularly in Ontario, where, undoubtedly, he looked for gains, and had to be satisfied with the same number of seats. He had to carry more than his fair share of the load in overcoming the adverse effects of the parts played by the two Provincial Lead- ers, who thought they were “wise guys," but were only foolish. That scrap of brown paper which was alleged to be the qunitcsscnce of Ontario opinion on Federal war manâ€" agement and became an excuse for dissolving Parliament proved to be a bugbear and boomerang. It was political opportunism which was resented even by those who were not whole-heartedly in favor of the King Government’s polâ€" icies. The performance became ludicrous by the action of Hepburn Ministers in voting for it with both hands and then, in effect, repudiating it by taking the platform for King candidates. Had Dr. Manion denounced unequI- vocally this petty spite-play he would have been better off. He bore it with credit to his fortitude but not his sagacity. He also had to stand for the abusive diatribes of Colonel Drew against Liberal candidates, and the parti- cularly crude and unwarranted attacks on the Minister of Defense. Colonel Drew's campaign hurt rather than helped. and Premier Hepburn's attitude was a weight around Dr. Manion's neck. The people. eager for a disâ€" passionate analysis of the war issue. were more impress- ed with the statesmanlike appeal made by Mr. King and his associates. l - questions. I unpredictable tasks. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WHY AND HOW OF THE RED CROSS The Canadian Red Cross Society is a vital part of Canada’s war effort. It has received from the public in.1 trust $4.8 millions with which toi carry out its work. The Red Cross says of the gener- ous response of Canadians in its official organ, “Despatchâ€: “The magnificent response may, on one hand, be interpreted as a vote of confidence in the work of their Red Cross Society on the part of the people of Canada; and, on the other, as a mandate to proceed with a broad and c0mprchensive programme of service to our men, to the armed forces of our Allies and to the vicâ€" tims of enemy aggression in Eu- rope." Since the Great War, Canadian Red Cross has rendered- 25 years of important ser- vice. It now faces a new war and outbreak of the last What will its functions be in the present conflict? What does it do in war and peace? How will its work be synchronized with that of other organizations ? Started in 1864 The Red Cross Movement com- menced in 1864 when the represent- atives of 16 nations met in Geneva to discuss suffering of wounded sol- diers on the battlefield. The Treaty; of Geneva was drawn up, making‘ the Red Cross the aiuxiliarry of the army medical corps. Duty of Red Cross is to provide voluntary workers, who would be trained; in peacetime. The insignia,f now so well known, was adopted, and 1 each nation at the Convention agreed‘ to respect its inviolability. The Can- adian Red Cross Society was formed in 1896 and it received a Dominion charter in 1909, making it an an- cillary of government during war- time. The present aims of the Society are described by the organization as fol-lows: “The Hitler war finds us, there- fore, with a large peacetime pro- gramme, which cannot be dropped or discarded, with the additional bur- den of making provision for all those necessary services to the troops, to prisoners-ofâ€"war, to the wounded in hospitals, etc., which do not come within the orbit of the Gov- ernment’s responsibilities.†Since 1918 the organization has branched widely into peacetime ac-‘ tivities. It has acted in providing relief in emergencies and it will now impose war work upon its peacetime structure. E†Many Questions Since the Red Cross Society com- menced its war work, numerous questions have reached The Finan- cial Post concerning the activities of the Society; what its relationship to other organizations will be on the home front; its peace and wartime programme and numerous other To obtain clarificatio-n of these points The Post submitted a ques- tionnaire to Red Cress embodying substantially the questions its sub- scribers have asked. These ques- tions and answers are given below. 'What is the function of Red Cross? By whom is it defined? By League of Nations, Canadian Department of National Defense or by any other international body? The Red Cross has many functions. It is not easy to define them definâ€" itely because to a large extent the function of the Red Cross is to meet emergencies as they arise, both in peace and war. The function of the National Red Cross is defined by its charter and by-laws which are the constitution of the Society. The C.R.C.S. is a self-governing associ- ation, and under its charter sets its own policies. The Red Cross is not officially connected in any way with the League of Nations. It is, by its charter, auxiliary to the Department of National Defense. anzl it is also a member of the Red Cross move- ment both as headed by the Inter- national Committee (It Gsneva, and the League of Red (‘rrss Societies. ll! * x How much dot-s Canadian Red Cross contr'liutc to the interna- tional organization and how is the latter supported? What docs it do? How does the Canadian organization determine what it will contribute to distress in foreign countries. such as Poland and Finland? Is it possible that Canadian funds contributed to Red Cross would reach Ger- many. other than as aid to Canâ€" adian prisoners of war? In 1938 the C.R.C.S. contributed Societies. and in 1939. $250. In 1938 the C.R.C.S. contributed 31,000 to $200 to the League of Red Cross Two Organizations There are two International Red Cross organizations: (a) the Inter- national Committee rcprcscnting the original organization of the Red Cross, all the members of which are Swiss, and which is recognized as the connecting agency between Na- tional governments and the National Red Cross Societies which number 61. It was through this Commit- tee that the original conventions or treaties were arranged which recog- nized the Red Cross as a sign of immunity for the persons, promises and property used in the service of sick and wounded in war, and guarâ€" anteed their immunity from attack by belligerents who were signatories to Red Cross international conven- tions. The scope of this immunity has been gradually enlarged to in- clude sick and wounded of navies. armies and air forces, and to cover all dealings with prisoners of war, including the exchange of prisoners. The medical and sanitary services of anmies, and the voluntary societies in these conventions. (h) The League of Red Cross SO- cieticsv. This second international or- ganization of the Red Cross was set up at the instigation of the five great powers after the Great War, in order to conserve the services of the Red Cross in time of peace as well as in time of war. It has head- quarters in Paris, first started by the voluntary contributions of the national Red Cross Societies, parti- cularly by the American Red Cross. Its object is the “promotion health, the prevention of disease and the mitigation of suffering in peace and war.†There is a special clause in the Covenant of the League of Nations which pledges the signatories to the Treaty of Versailles to the estab- Cross Societies. Charter Enlarged The charter of the C.R.C.S. was enlarged in 1919 to include the “$10- gan" of the League of Red Cross Societies, and it is under this» en‘â€" larged charter that the C.R.C.S. has built up its whole peacetime pro- gramme, and enlarged the scope of its work both in war and in peace. The Canadian organization decides its contribution to distress in forâ€" eign countries by the action of the National Executive which is in close touch by letter, cable and long dist- ance telephone with its own Advis- ory Committee overseas; with the International Committee at Geneva; and] with the office of the League which has now also been moved to Geneva. The C.R.C.S. is also guided in its contributions by the amounts given by the British Red Cross and other Red Cross Societies. There is not the slightest possi- bility that Red Cross funds and sup‘ plies will reach Germany, as funds when sent to enemy-invaded coun- tries such as Poland, are handled by the International Committee’s re- presentatives on the field, by ar- rangement with the German and Russian governments. * * * Has the organization set its budget for the coming year? of the Red Cross are alike included, of lishment or support of national Red, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1940. .- How much has been spent to date? The question of the budget of the Society will occupy the attention of the National Executive Committee which is to meet in Toronto on Feb- ruary 15. At that time the National Commissioner, Dr. F. W. Routley, will present his report and recom- mendations. In his recent visit over- seas, Dr. Routley has been in touch with the war situation in England and France and also with the off- ices of the League of Red Cross So- cieties and the International Com- mittee in Geneva. He has had di- rect personal contact with the So- ciety’s Overseas Committee in Lon- don and the officials of the'British Red Cross. He has conferred with the overseas officials of the Canadi- ian government and of Canadian voluntary organizations, and has also had the opportunity of meeting in London the representatives of France, Finland and Poland. The work of the Society in Canada and overseas and its work in war and peace will be reviewed in the light of Dr. Routley’s overseas ex- periences and of the expanding pro- gramme in Canada; and a budget drawn up which will take into con- sideration the great variety of ac- tivities of the society and the ne- cessary financial provision to be made for carrying out its present and- future responsibilities. At the present time the divisions have not reported finally on their campaign receipts and their necess- ary expenditures. The national exe- cutive has made certain grants which will not, in all probability, be repeated and it is not possible to answer your question until the na- tional executive committee has met. I I? it Under existing circumstances how long will it be before it is necessary to make another ap- peal? To a large extent the Red Cross is organized to meet emergencies and no one can foretell the emergencies of war. The 1939 appeal was defin- itely made for the support and work of the Society over a six-months periodâ€"that is until the end of June, 1940â€"From The Financial Post. (To be Continued) l l At Maple F reighL Sheds FIRST CLASS BlRlEAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFE’I‘ERIA LAYING MASH. O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. Formula SALT Prices as follows: FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . BLOCKS IODIZED, each. â€" Also -â€" CAR MILL FEED Priced as follows: BR~AN . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.35 per owt. SHORTS . . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 per owt. MIDDLINGS . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt.. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. l ANTHRACI’I‘E COAL ORDERS I'HONE MAPLE 19W 1 car load of Pine Slabs and: Edgmgs cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each‘ I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All C. E. SMITH INSURAN CE LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE SURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill It’s dangerous to drive on weak, contaminated, winter-worn oil. Let us “spring condition†your car. It may lead to costly repairs. This 7 -point service won’t take long and it w0n’t cost you much. . .and it will put your car in tip-top shape for spring and summer driving. Come in today DOUBLE COUPONS DURING MONTH OF APRIL" ON CHASSIS LUBRICATION, OIL CHANGES, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES, WASHING AND TIRES AND TUBES. Cities Service Garage 29 Yonge Street Phone 12 by the school. in January educational other and ‘the International Committee, and in ‘ 1939, $1.250. eighth annual session of rium, which was officially opened in the presence of Alberta ' with the finest lighting equipment leaders, will be the scene of the, and there are dressing rooms, the‘music room. ‘theatre has a seating capacity of 700 and a modern stage fitted work rooms and he Banff School of Fine ArtS'This $50,000 building is made of] groups. has a new home which is as 1 native Rundle stone and is of thel modern as the splendid work done‘ chalet design which harmonizes The new audito- I so well with the surroundings. The co-operative effort. tions free of charge: ward Beatty donation of $2,500 to the Department of Extension of the l'niversity of Alberta made , possible the furnishing and equip school, from August lst to 31st. other meeting rooms for small‘ ment of the staze and theatre. Richmond Hill The building is truly a The Parks I Department deeded two lots worth $10,000 to the Banff School Board and supplied plans and speCIfIca- the Sir Ed-