Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Mar 1940, p. 4

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0:0 [@2517]; REE 9=°=O=Ol mon. Preacher, The Rector. 3 p.m.â€"Sund’ay School. 7 meâ€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Preacher, Rev. W. S. Pock- nell. Congregational services and helpful messages. All cordially 'nvitedl to worship with us. Choir practice tonight, Thursday. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Reetor: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.T1L 4 Markham Road Sunday, March 3151: Easter 1 11 aam.â€"\Morning Prayer and Serâ€" RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.J. D. Cunningham, 8.9., Minister Sunday, March 31st 11 a.m.â€"“The Stream of Life.” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“The Living Christ." There is a Father in. Heaven who loves us, a Brother Saviour who died for us, a. Spirit who helps Us ‘to be good, and! a Home where we shall all meet at last. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, March 3-1st 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School; All De< .partments. 111 a.m.â€"PuJinc Worship. “Bartholo- mew, the Devout Soul”. Series in associates of Jesus. 7 p.m.â€"Vesu)er Service. One hour. Inspiring“ music at all services. Mr. A. Melecci, organist and- choir leader. A hearty welcome to you and your friends. Used RADIOS Special Clearance Our store is well stocked with quality merchandise to meet the clothing requirements of men of this dis- trict. We also carry a full line of men’s, boys’ and children’s boots and shoes, rubbers, galoshes, etc..- Wghandle quality goods backed up by the established reputation of well known manufacturers. You can buy here with confidence, and we invite your patronage. Yfinge and Richmond Streets PHONE 18 F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON NEW 1940 ROGERS AUTOMATIC RADIOS COME IN AND SEE US MEN’S AND; BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES R. J. CRAIGIE PAGE FOUR 0:0: 0:10] Service was heldI from Wright & Taylor’s Fun-eraL Home, Richmond Hill, on Thursday, March 28, at 2.30. Interment Oak Ridges' Cemetery. PAxRK, George Ironside â€"â€" At his late residence, Second Concession, Markham, on Tuesday, March: 26th, 1940, George Ironside Park, dear father of Mrs. R. E. Cl-ulbley and Miss Bessi’e Park, in his 6‘7th year. iLO‘O‘Kâ€"Ci-ty Dairy 00., Toronto, are bringing a male chorus of 24 ‘voices ;to Township Hall, Unionville, Mon- d‘ay, April- 8th at 8.p.m. Program will consist of choruses, quartettes, solos, piano accordionist, ventrilo- quist, etc. Get your“ tickets early. 25c. and; 15c. V Richvale Red Cross ‘will hold" a Euchre in Rich'vale School on Mon- dlay evening, April Ist. Everybody welcome. On March 21 a miscellaneous Slhower was held! alt the home of Miss Helen Bowes for Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker (nee Miss M. Lily). A goodly number was present and an enjoyable evening was spent. The Y.P.’S. assisted at the United Church on Easter Sunday with speâ€" cial Easter music. A lovely bouquet decorated the altar. Owing to weather conditions the Y.P.S. was postponed until Good’ Friday night; A short sacred» pro- gramme was held under the direc- tion of “Mr. Chas. Shropshire. UN IONVILLE RICHVALE CON CORD WE DELIVER Richmond Hill 0:0] DIED MONDAY, APRIL lst 11 AM. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 28th day of Math, 1940. GEMS FROM LIFE’S SCRAPBOOK Not ‘by birth does one become an outcast. Not by .birth does one become a noble. Through dee‘dls it is that one 'be- comes an outcast. Through deeds it is that one Ibe- comes, a nolble. They are never alone who are ac- companied by nOIbIe thoughts. Capitalismâ€"If you have two you sell‘qne an}; buy a. bull. Anarchismâ€"If ydu have two cows everyybody milks them and takes a slice of steak. Nazismâ€"If you have two cow government shoots you and both. Here is how ,‘a student at Danforth Technical School, writing in the school magazine, defined the current isms in terms of cows: "Soc1alrsmâ€"If you have two cows you give one to your neighbor. Communismâ€"If you have two cows the government takes both and gives you the milk. ' Fascismâ€"If you have two cows you keep them, but the government takes the milk and then sells it back to'yqu. George Hurley, a former Toronto carpenter who has not lbeen in com» n'lunfusticn with relatives for albout fifteen yeans was found ill in his home in Chicago and taken to the Hospital. It was» also discovered he had about $35,000 in his possession. Relatives in the district who wish him a speedvy recovery are: a brothâ€" er, 'Mr. Michael Hurley who lives at Aurora, a brother Daniel in Mani- tolba, a sister Mrs. O’Connor of Toâ€" ronrto, a niece Mrs. Jack Gray of this place and also three sisters and a brother of Mrs. Gray. The sympathy of the community is extended to Wilfred Williamson and family in their recent bereavve- ment in the death of Mr. William- son’s father, Mr. W. H. Williamson of Nevwniarket. The funeral was held‘ on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Veenhon and family Were Toronto visitors: on Sunday and attended Divine Service. There was no mail on Tuesday, Election Day, as the carrier was urnalble to make the trirp owing to road. conditions. \Mrs. ’Iheo Tryssner had| the mis- fortune to have one hand injured with a finger and thumb cnushed' while revpaifin‘g a pump. Mrs. Alex. MacDonald and friend‘ Misls Norma Garner, Toronto, visit- ed‘ with Mrs. John Gray last Satâ€" urday afternoon. Friends here wish a speedy re- covery to Mr. Heise who has [been or» the sick list. Also to the Star Carrier, Stanley Deisman. Church service was. withdrawn Last Sunday. King Winter ruled the week-end and it was thought better to cancel the service although the caretaker was prepared for the reg- ular session. The Derisman farm was put up for auction last Saturday morning and was purchased from the Estate by Miss Hattie Deistman for $10,000. J. C. Saigeon was the auctioneer. The regular April meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore Vaughan Council TESTON DEEDS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND â€"Sutta ls? the takes COWS TUESDAY, APRIL ‘2N‘Dâ€"Auctjon Sale of 30 head Dairy Cattle, regis- tered! and grade Holrsteins, some with calves, some nearly dme; Brood ‘Sows with Pig-s, Seed! Grain, on Lot 34, Con. 2 Pickering, the propérty‘ of W. A. Beare. Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve, going out of the milk ribus‘h'iess. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, APR. 1-0â€"Extenisive auction sale of fully accredited, blood testedi Holstein cattle, horse/s, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc. the property of the estate of William Riley, west half of lot 2‘2. con. 5, North Yonk Twp., just north of Emery school. Sale at 12‘ o’clock noon. As this is a. large sale it will start on time. No reserve as farm is sold. ‘Terms cash. J. C. S-aigeon, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd«â€"Sa'.e of Farm Stock, Implements, the prop- erty of Mrs. William King, Lot 14, Highway 27, Vaughan Township. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. Manning MicEtwen, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, APR. 3â€"Postponed Auction sale of Fanm Stock, Imvpleâ€" ments, Grain, Pigs, Poultry, etc., the property of Moriarty Brothers, at Lot 27, Con. 3 Markham. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. A. POSTPONED AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, MARCH 29THâ€"Postponed auction sale owing to weather con- ditions, of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, furniture, dairy cattle, the property of the late Al- fired Charles Mason, Lot 33, Con. 2, Scanboro. Sale at 12 o’clock. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. J. H. and Ken Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, APR. 3â€"Postpone& Auction Sale registered Ayrshire Cattle, Grade Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, at Lot 23, Concession 4, Seanboro, 11/2 miles east of Clark’s Corners, the rproperty of David Couperthwaite. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, AiPRIL Nthâ€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock and‘ Implements, Threshing Machine and 10-20 Inrter- national Tractor, Grainl, Househxold‘ Furniture, at Lot 26, Com. 3, Mark- ham, the property of H. C. Bennett. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. No re- serv-e, fanm sold. A. 8. Farmer, auctioneer. MONDAY, APRIIIL lstrâ€"Auction‘ Sale of 40 head of Hogs, BroodI Sows, nearly due, some with pigs; and: 30 young pigs 8 weeks old; pig" pens in sections; Chevrolet half ton‘ truck, the property of John Lennie’ alt Scafiboro Village, East of Mark- ham Road. No reserve. Sale art 1‘ o‘clock. J. H. amf Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. 8 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, Yonge Street at Elgin Mills. Apply Shel.- don Walker, Ehgin Mills. ‘ modern conveniences, sun room, gar- age, close t\o church, school, post off- ice, store, $28 and $30 per month, possession Apr. and May 1. Apply 51 Drewry Ave., Newtonbrook. Phone Willowdale 94-4. The Shah ( <3th 8., new )1 “bridges in its HOUSES FOR RENT, 6 & 7 rooms, DUPLEX, five rooms, all 'conveni- SIX ROOIMED HOUSE, cl‘ean andl comfortable, 548 Richmond] ‘St., Rich- moml Hill. Apply A. E. Glass, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 220. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Yonge St., possession April lst. Apply Naughton Farm, Elgin- Mills, pho’ne Richmond Hill 127: acres of Land, 1/2 mile south of Edge- ley. Possession April 131;. Apply H. L. Whitmore, Maple, phone Maple 79r21. . SAT., MAR. 30thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, furniture, garden tools, etc. the property of Ernest Nichol- son, Ruggles Ave., Langstaff. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 1406, Richmond Hill. 5 ROOMED HOUSE including 1%. 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. A Farmer, Auctioneer. Sale Register TO KEN 'i of Iran recently d‘ed'i- highway which has 200 s 126mi1e length. HILL, ONTARIO forks, line shaft plete, gririder, 13 Apply J. Baker, Richmond Hill. GOVERNMENT ‘LOAN HOMES, built to suit purchaser, solid‘ brick, $2500 â€"â€" $250 down, $14.71 monthly. Higher!- price homes: if desired. Ap- ply G. H. Price, 110 Richmond: St, Richmond Hill. SEED GRAIN. Vanguard Oats Reg. No. 1; Efiban and Banner Oats, Gov. Standard No. 1; Nobanb Barley and‘ O..A.C. "181; Peas N0. 1. Terms cash. Clank Young, Milliken, phone Agin- cvourt 45W11. HELP WIN THE WAR Buy a Brood' Sow. 25 young York- shire sows 4 to 6 momths old weigh~ ing 150 to 200 pounds umbred, $25.00 each registered. Also a few older sows bred' and 4 nice young "boars. All from the best breeding stock in the country. Wychwoodl Farms, Concord, Ont, phone Maple 6814. BABY CHICKS from blood tested, pure-bred flocks. Buy Mecredy chicks again this year and be sure of a healthy, heavy-laying flock. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Rich- mond Hil‘l, telephone 1021'13. BUNGALOW or SMALL HOUSE with 10 to 20 acres of land, about $1,200. Victoria Square district pre- ferred. Box 46, Liberal Office. Goodness and philanthropy begin with work and never stop wanking. All that is worth reckoning is what we do, and the best of everything is not too good, but is economy and riches.â€"Mary Baker Eddy. LATE SEED POTATOES. Telephone Maple 54r11. HIOUISE AND LOT. 5 roomed: log house and 1 acre of land for sale. Small outbuildings. Located off lot 25 on 5th of York township, Jane St., 4 miles north of Westton. Apply W. and J. Wind‘as, MaIpIe. ICE. Apply Don Head Farms, Patâ€" terson, phone Maple MP2. '| 50 ACRE FARM, young- omhardl, good land. Aipply BOX 41, Liberal Ofiice. - bred. Apply George Julian, phon Maple 866. ‘ VANGUARD SEED OATS, Gov. tested, No. 1 rust resisting, good yielder, 75c. bus. Alp-ply Ge'o. Snidi- er, Maplxe RR. 1, phone Maple I773. MARRIED MAN wanted for Dairy Farm. Apply Liberal Office. HENS TO SET. Freeman Barker, Headtford, phone Richmond Hill 4713. WANTED TO RENT 150 to 200 ACRE FARM, must have good buildings. L. C. Burton, Rich- mond Hill RR. 1. 6 WHITE NAJNNY GOATS, all 2 HEN HOUSES nearly new, 10x12. Apply George Nutta-ll, Thornhill, telaplhone 52J. CHINA CABINET, Oak, in good condition. Apply 11 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. ' SPRINGER COWS, HoLstein & Dur- SET OF DOUBLE HARNESS, able part of the COAL AND WOOD. Iangstaff Sup- SEED OATS, early or late varie- ties; also cheaup horse. Argp-ly D. Doneral, RR. 1 Maple. ham. Summit Hotel, Oak Ridges, E. F. Thompson, phone King 391-13. 1/4 HP. MOTOR, hofibed' sash, garden tools, wheél hose, flower pots, glass. Glendon Fanms, Steele’s and Bay- view Avenue. months olch, pure-bred, registered; George Spring, Stop 14A Yonge 513., phone Thornhill 149. SEED OATS, Victory, government test No. 1, germination 98%, 75c. bus. Abraham Baker, R.R. No. 2 Maple, phone Maple 1563. 11/2 ACRES LAND, seven roomed* brin house, furnace, hydro, stable, garage, fruit trees, creek. Apply Mrs. Schell, Gormley P.O. ply C0,, phone Thornhill 73. 3 AYRSHIRE BULLS, 10 and 11 To cultivate kjndne THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first. insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each inSertion. .xIF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE WANTED with pulleys mm- inch, 8 gas (Drum. 60 Richmond St., s a vaIu- of life. 1e1 Johnson THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1940. SEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. BIG 4 CHECKS will make you Extra Profits. John Sheckleton writes, “Purchased Big 4 Chicks 3 years and have always raised 100%”. G. Ver- ini writes, “Our Big 4 Barred Rock Cockerels at 41/2 months averaged 6% lbs.” This is What makes the profits. Write for Catalogue and Low Prices on all Popular Breeds, Hyibrids, Started Chicks, Pullets and Special Low Prices on Day-old Cock- erels. Wesley Clark, Gormley R.R. 2, Ont. Phone Richmond Hill 4704. by experienced workmen. Prices reaâ€" sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. Let us hatch your chicks in: the lat- est and» most modern electric incu-‘ bator purchased at World’s Poultry Congress last year. Unionville Chick Hatchery, No. 7 Highway, phones ‘Unionville 2920, Stouffville‘ 2620. son, (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) PAINTING & DECORATING done Used Cars 1937 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Very nice. .. 1938 FORD V-B DeLUXE COUPEâ€" 1932 FORD“_\_’-8 TUDORâ€"Thorough- Little Brothers 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" A Good Car. 1931 DURANT SEDANâ€"Good valud Let us serve instead of rule, instead' of push at the door ‘ man hearts, and allow to eac every one the ‘same rights and 164195 that we claim for ours 1938 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"A Grand Car. ' 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In 'excellent condition. 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN in good condition. Cheap transportation. .Taylor’s Radio Sdles And Service Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174~W TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St... Richmond Hill Phane 226 Some Bargains in New and‘ Used Radios ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES General Jumbo Good Value. Buy Canadian, Buy British! ly reconditioned. MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM HATCHING $600.00 $550.00 $325.00 $250.00 $125.00 Stripping done by machine. $175.00 $495.00 $175.00 Tires.‘ Heater. 1e, Knit r of ht each an prlv ‘lves

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