Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Mar 1940, p. 7

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'o=0:=o=o GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 PM. Phone HYland 2081 Open Eveningn Res. Phone 9788 OWWMWO 0. ¢ ‘ W” ORDER A NEW Spring Suit or Top Coat NOW BALING Hay & Straw 0. Matthews GOODISON FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS â€" THRESHERS ALL KINDS IMPLEMENTS Lam-If, Ont. Phone Thornhfll 73 Phone 49.] Having taken over Moore Bron. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1940. Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. Successor to Moore Bros. RICHMOND TAILORS PERCY ‘COBER Tailored clothes have a quality of distinction which is a definite asset to your personal appear- ance. It is possible to attain this dress distinc- tion without any increased drain on your budget by letting us take care of your clothing needs. Quality clothes, hand tailored to your measure from the choicest materials are now available at a very reasonable cost. Make sure you see us before you make the choice of your next suit or overcoat. EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€"â€" GLASSES FITTED Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley R.R. 1 {GEO at J. A. Greene 0:0] enema; Victoria Square; Mrs. Nelson Kerr, Vellore. There are four grandchilâ€" dTen. ed‘ was born in Oxfordshire, England and with his Wife Martha Elizabeth Moore of South Wales came to Can- ada in 1909. They settlecD at New- tomb‘rook, the Thomhill district andl later at Sherwood where they lived 13 years. In 1922 they removed! to Vellore. Mr. Beck was a farmer and a home loving man. He was of the Anglican faith but residing close by St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Vaughan, he attendedl that church, from which the funeral services: were held on ThurSCTay, March- 215t, in- terment in St. Paul’s Cemetery. Surviving are his wife and! four children, John at home; Mrs. Nelson Thompson, King; Mrs. J. H. Snider, Aiter a few weeks illness, Mr. John Beck of Vellore, father of Mrs. Nelson Thompson of Temperance- ville, passed away in the hospital on March 18 in his 65th year. Deceas- Down on the Townline, King and Vaughan, Mrs. Mary Adams observ- ed her 85th birthday. At present she is with her daughter at Pine Grove recovering from a serious mishap which occurred in January. Mrs. Adams keeps her own home and has always been quite capable until this time she checked the stove too closely. When mailman Ernest Cummins came with the morning mail he received no reply to his usual knocking. A neighbour seeing the delay, came across and together they entered finding Mrs. Adams in a semiâ€"conscious condition. She was revived and‘ Dr. Bigfonfl called. She regrets being absent from her own cottage but is regaining her strength and no doubt will be about in the spring managing affairs again. One daughter, Minnie, of Pine Grove, is the only one left of four girls. An‘ only grandson was kill'ed‘ in: the Can»- I adian West. i ers. White came to Canada as a bride seventy years ago from her home at Londbnderry, Ireland. Mr. White, five years: her senior, came from Antrim County, and! both were of Presbyterian faith. There were nine children born, five of whom are living. The children attended New Scotland school and] Mrs. White was an active member of the ninth line Presbyterian Church. A neighbor, Archibald Kelley, will celebrate his 9‘15t birthday this year. We wish .them both contentment and good health. To the family members we con!- On March 17th Mrs. Robert White of 8th line celebrated her Blst birth- day in the house she has occupied‘ for 68 years. Her daughter, Ellen- White and Mrs. Frank Wilson. live ‘Wlth her and within a short distance in the Township live the other chil- dren, Edward White, John Henry White and Mrs. Silas- Groombridge. There are seventeen grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren. The family are constant visitom and) al- though confined‘ to bed: for some time now, she thoroughly enjoys company and! is interested in all the happenings. Her eyesight is badly impaired, ‘but her hearing and mem- ory are excellent. Gifted with a contented disposition she is truly remarkable for her years. Richmond Hill King City District News 0:0] one i ‘R. Teasdale, Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Scientific 00., Science Supplies ‘G. M. Hendrie, Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Geo. McDonald, Swpmlies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gordlon Thompson, Music Swpplies Miss Simith, Victrola Records, etc. W. J. Gage '00., Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Underwood Elliott iCo., Typewriter Riblt [Glenn’s Drug Store, Books . . . . . . . . . . . :Ryerson Press, Books . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberal Printing Co., Stationery . . . . . . Hall, Suzpplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JE. Harris, Suprpl‘ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. M. Dent, Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1L tter Shop Supply 00., Ink . . . . . . . . . bSVmith Bros., Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1H. Austin, Sulpplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jClarke Irwin & 00., Books . . . . . . . . . . . i [National Stationers, Supplies . . . . . . . . . . Bel Jones Coal Co., Fuel . . . . . John Shear-down, Fuel . . . . . Village Treasurer, Lighting Village Treasurer, Water .. H. Stanford, Caretaker Miss Smith . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Broad . . . . . . . . . . . A. L. Teale . . . . . . . . . . J. Cotteril (Supply) Miss Hartman (Supply) J. Stewart Miss Shoat Miss Jones Miss Izzar‘ Miss Smith 7 All ekplzmamions and infomvation required by me have been! cheerfully given. In accordance with instructions received, I have completed! an audit of the Books and Accounts of the Treasurer of the High School Board of Education for the year ended December 3I1, 1939, and‘ attach herewith schednle showing statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1939. To the Council, To the Boancl of Education of the Village of Richmoml Hill. High School, Richmond Hill, Ont. Gentlemen: We were of the opinion on Mon- day evenng and Tuesday that King Township was severely hit by the March: winds and wild driftings. A general survey revealed a complete isolation of Schomberg andI Kettleby and isolation of King and Nobleton except from the south main high- ways from Toronto. Chaim-er Black, Road Suspervisor, seemed dishearten- ed on- Monday when the snow plow and twenty men were tied up, played out and suffering after a. whole night and most of a day’s work, the most of it in vain. Farmers have been greatly handicapped’ getting milk to the highways; bread and groceries from the stores They have taken sleighs, walked: for the mail and resorted to schemes of olden‘ days. Nevertheless the situation is alanming where sickness prevails. Dr. A. F. Kay of Schomlberg' was called to Lloydtown on Monday at 2 am. He walkedI the mile and a quarter and) back. . It was clear calm and cold and he manager to find Y. W. Brathwaite, Hardfware . . . . . . 1 Telephone Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inn’s Drug Store, Toilet Supplies .. H. Wood & Co., Soap and Disp. etc. Miner, Soot Compound and Cartage vey sympathy. Auditor’s Report of the Treasurer’s Accounts of the Board of Education of the Village of Richmond Hill for the year 1939 Shoebotham Jones . . . . . Izzard RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPTS FUEL, LIGHT AND \VATER COST OF OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES COST OF INSTRUCTION TEAJOHER‘S’ SALARIES THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES WAJGES Yours faithfukly, ALLAN W. WALKER, Ribfbom 12 Wellington St. East, The sad news of the death of Mr. W. J. McAllister has just came to hand, occurring Tuesday morning, March 26th, at the Western Hos‘ pital. It was felt that Mr. McAlL- ister was improving following a very serious operation a few days ago. The doctors looked! for his re- covery but apparently it was not 'Dwo significant events were the weddlings of March 26th in King City. The sun shone brightly on the brides and despite the storm tossed roads everything went Well. Eva Campbell and Buki Badger were married at A11 Saint’s Church; Hilda Jones and Howard Caimes Were married at Mrs. McClure’s by Rev. Mr. Burch. We have no particulars as yet. Last Tuesday, March 19th, a very Iange shower was given for Hild'a at her home art Eversley. A shower for Eva was scheduled for Saturday evenan but the road- to A'uIbrey’s was blocked and has not‘ yet been opened, so the event was. postponed. the road which had filled since noon beyond imagination. Township folk can have a. good rest this week as activities are postponed for a, time at least. Toronto, Feb. 12th, 1940. Amountam; and Auditor. $ 650.82 216.50 {161.48 38.87 1000.00 147.62 47 .18 87.10 82.00 2855 .68 1935.1 5 1889.08 1796.93 1796.93 1542.30 1571 .40 81 .48 13.50 61.211 7.50 131.54 10.72 28.417 33.20 74.1 0 23.70 79.49 10.65 2.67 11.90 8.80 $ 13482.45 $22,975.73 1067.67 1000.00 21212536 369.90 638.80 2750.37 The March meeting of St. Paul’s WM.S. Vaughan was held) at the home of Mrs. A~ Clameron witlh the ‘president, Mrs. J. A. McNeil, pre- siding. We were gald‘ to welcome some visitors. The meeting opened with hymn 192 followed by sentence prayers and! the Lord”s prayer in unison. The scripture reading was taken from Math. 28 with hymn 212. 'being- sung. Prayer was led by Annie Kerr and a business pen'od followed. The roll call was answer- ed‘ by the word‘ “Risen”. The Easter program was taken. A poem was read by Miss Annie Kerr, “Is; any- one haprpier because you passed“ his way", after which Mrs. H. Dooks readJ a srplendid' parper, “An Easter lmessag'e”. Mrs. A. Cameron and .Annie Kerr sang a duet, “The Shep-i herd of Love". Mrs. J. McGilld'vray took the Gleanings from the Glad Tidings after which hymn 220 was sung- and‘ Mr. Bowman closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour was spent, lunch beinm‘ served' by the hostess and1 committee in charge. ,1 to be. It is a very great shOck t9 the community for Mr. McAllistei‘ was very highly esteemed; and [play- ed an active part in the best We of the vicinity. Great sympathy is felt; for Mrs. McAllis'ter. A Splendid congregation was pre- sent at King United Church on Eas- ter Sundlay evening. Capital Charges Administration Auxiliary Cost of Operationsâ€" Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel, Light and Water Supplies . . . . . . . . . . Cost of Maintenanceâ€" Supplies and Repairs Insurance . . . . . . . . Additions . . . . . . . . . Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1939 Balance on haru'i‘ Jan. 1, 1956 ReceiptSA as- per Schedule Cost of Instructionâ€" Teachers' Salaries Equirpment Postmaster, Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bank of Commerce, Excise Stamps T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Secretary’s Supplies Lilberal Printing '00., Printing H. A. Sample, Association H. S. Boardl J. Stewart, Postage and} Petty accounts . R. Gillies, Entrance Examination . . . . . W. Scott, Entrance Examiination . . . . . . . J. Stewart, Entrance Examination . . . . . Mrs. F. Davis, Plants for FIOWer Bed‘s Glovbe & Mail, Ad‘. for Teacher . . . . . . . Mrs. Wigmore, Flowers . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . Hy. Thomson, Secretary Treas. . . . . . . . Village Treasurer, Debenture Int. J. Stewart, Athletic Grant . . . . . . . J. Harbinson, Scholarship . . . . . . . J. Stewart, Scholarship Books T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Chairs Underwood Elliott 00., T: Miss E. Izzard, Piano Moyer School Supplies. In Emplbyers Liaibility Ins. Corp. N. J. Glass, Insurance . . . . . . . . J. R. Harrington, Insurance A. G. Saxvage, Insurance . . . . . . . A. G. Savage, Treasurer’s Bond T. Eaton Co. Limited, Hardware . . . . . . . . Sheppard .& Gill, Lumlber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. W. Booth, Repairing Motor . . . . . . . . . Davies Dry Goods, Table 'Oilcloth . . . . . . E. Harris, Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Y. W. Brabhwaiite, Hardiware . . . . . . . A. Hawkes, Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stan. Miller, Repairing Chimney . . . . . . . . Alf. Mills, Plumbing Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . J. Sheardown, Repairs to Drains . . . . . . . C. Willis, Rent of Roller and! Labour B. Mabley, Cartage of Roller and) Labour Sheppard & Gill, Flooring for Gym. P. Levale'r, Laying Gyim. Floor . . . . . . . . H. Stamford, Labour on Gyim. Floor J. Jefferson, Lalbour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Scientific ‘00., Repairs to P. H. Machin, Work on Athletic Field . . . . . COST OF MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS CAPITAL CHARGES ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES Inflc well caps Typewriters A BSTRAC T RECEIPTS AUXILIARY INSURANCE ADDITIONS GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS \cetylene and Electric Welding M Cutting ’ortable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill JONES COAL Co. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. LN ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Lehigh Valley “The Coal That Satisfies” E. P. Leno & Son 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 ANTHRACITE Telephone 188 . .$ 5411.00 $ 1000.00 1067.67 369.90 5 13482.45 538.80 $ 2750.37 21225.36 PAGE 1132.42 41 2.35 155.65 5411.00 269 .56 . 20.36 15.00 91.10 11.37 12.47 6.27 , 5.00 5.46 4.70 150.00 65.00 70.93 8.77 100.00 26.35 216.00 108.00 8.00 10.00 33.05 560.60 9.05 2.00 265.85 127 .00 10.00 5.00 13.50 15.79 6 .00 4.05 5.24 $ 14021.25 523975.73 24375 1 7O"! 5411 r5411 .00 ‘26 Q 269.56 1132.42 412.5 155.65 65.00

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