Trade in Your Old Tires We have now a new line of guaranteed tires at big discountsâ€" Sizes 25,000 mile type 30,000 mile type tubes 440/21 475/19~ 450/20 525/17 525/18 600/16 'PAGE EIGHT Truck Owners â€" aris AutOSupply NATIONAL BATTERIES $4.95 UP THORN HILL MOTORS Phone 86, Richmond Hill $6.50 7.50 7.80 8.75 8.75 9.85 THORNHILL . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.85...... 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.85...... l . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00...... 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.30...... 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.80...... 1 Consult us before buying your new tires $1.25 1.50 1.25 1.55 1.75 1.75 ONTARIO 'FHE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO I The Young People of Ca-rrvilLe held a sleigh riding Iparty 0n Tues: dray evening and went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waters for lunch. Mrs.- Brock Rear returned to her home at Barrfe after spending- .near- 1y three mondlhs With her mother Mrs. Hancock. Miss Josephine Delfbrocco has been in St. Michaer’s‘ Hospital for a couple of weeks and underwent a tonsil operation. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton attended the golden wedd‘ing' celebration of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stod‘d‘ard at Wood- vi le last Tuesday. We are sorry to report that Wal- ter Mitchell had his hand caught in the circular saw, but glad it is- do- in‘g nicely. Messrs. A. anti F. Everingham of Toronto Sipen‘t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Woods. - Little Gord-on VVood‘s‘ swallowed some Gillett’s Lye accidentally last week and was in the hospital a few days. His tongue was quite badly burned‘ but is healing nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke, Mrs. Hancock and Madelene Clarke spent Good Friday with friends at Newâ€" market. Mrs- Bert Mit‘Jd‘letcn and Marion are spending- a few days with Mr. and) Mrs. Walker at Edlgeley. MT. and Mrs. W. Bonue visited Mrs. Dannie at Victoria Square on Sunday. A Euchre under the auspices of Edgeley Red Cross will be held’ on Wednesday, April 3rd at 8.30 p.m. in Edgeley Hall. Six regular prizes, four freeze-cut prizes, 6 lucky frame- prizes. CARRVILLE EDGELEY C-4llB BASIS OF BRITAIN'S UNITY This war has shown the stre'ngthi of those intangible bonds which link the British Dominions to England. Under the Statute of Westminster, the Dominion of Canada and' South Africa are in-dopcndent of the Moth- er Country as to foreign policy, yet they, as well as Australia and New‘ Zealand' rallied instantly to its supâ€" port upon the ouflbrealk of war. There is good reason to believe that this was a major and most unpleasant surprise to Hitler, who was convinc- ed: that the British Empire would break up rather than be drawn into another European conflict. CONFL'CIUS GAVE SOME GOOD ADVICE ABOUT GOVERNMENT Confucius was really a wise old owl, although those who hear only the remarks, some sapien‘t, but mOSt- ly silly, which are going the rounds ‘as a result of the “Confucius Say†;fadl might be d‘oulbtful of it. , But even at a time when elec- ‘tions are in the air, it is perhaps instructive to take a glimpse at Con- fucius and his advice to rulers. Duke A had askedlz “What should be done to make the people loyal?†And Confucius repliedl: “Exal’t the straight, set aside the crooked, the people will be loyal. Exalt the Nothing would be less helpful, however, than to pretend that no strain has been put upon the unity of the Commonwealth by the war. That there have been serious stresses and even some cleavage is only too evident, and there is no effort to deny this in Whitehall. .‘c .m-‘--.<P.1l.v-<.1->-0.0.0-0-0.0-0-0.0-0.0.1-t_| Views of Others on Timely Topics i The stonmv over the sudden and philosophers. But as Lord\ Samue‘l unexpected elections in Canada. andlpointed' out the other day 1n d19- particularly the resistance by the'cussing German philosophy, the sucâ€" Nationalists in South Africa, as well cess of that experiment \vculd de‘ a-s questionings and unrest in India, pend on whether they were good‘ or illustrate the gravity of the test had philosophers. through which Britain’s Empire is The Chinese sage, however, gives passing. Sus a glimmering- of What he means. -4-----»-«»--_._oâ€"o-o. »â€"‘ A In Canada protests aroused by thel elections seem to have been moti- vated mainly by political considera~ tions. Nevertheless, the unity of the Empire is indirectly an issue, although it takes the form, not of whether Canada should continue to aid Engl‘andathis is questioned onlyl by a small minority â€"- but whether enough is being (lone to prove Can- ada’s determined 10yalty and1 active allegiance. Likewise in India the unrest and1 dissension brought to the surface by the problem of Indian aid to the Allies is to some extent political. The Congress leaders and other Na- tionalist elements are in a measure exploiting the present situation a- gainst England; that is to say, they are standing out against Indian par- ticipation in the war in the hope of obtaining from London more precise pledges of independence in return for the support which presumably they wouldl then give. In South Africa, on the other hand, the trouble goes much deeper. It is not merely a conrflict of per- sonalities “between General Smuts and General Hertzog, and it is much ‘more than a purely political or par- liamentary battle. Fundamentally, it is a problem arising out of the federal basis both: of the British Commonwealth andl of South Africa 1 itself. It is a test case of the abil- ity of the federal system to func- tion properly and to endure when exposed! to the heat of wartime fric- tion. For the present strain on South African unity results from the sharp racial and' national cleavage which goes back to the Beer War. The conflict in: Europe has once again brought to the surface this division. It has uncovered a situation too of- ten slurred‘ over, namely, that the Afrikaans-speaking people in the Union have differences not only of language but of outlook which have tended to make them respond sym- pathetically to certain Nazi teach- ings, despite their own deep-rooted) individualism and love of lilberty. The question must be put, and: today is being asked, why the English- speaking population have failetfl to do more to win- them over, to awak- en a stronger loyalty to the demo- cratic idea-ls for which Britain is fighting, and on: which the unity of the Empire depend-s. That this need has been laid bare and is now more clearly seen. is an encouraging sign. Once the prdb- lem has been perceived, steps can be taken to solve it. The unifying force in South Africa itSeltf, as in the larger federation of the British I Let us see to it that our lives, like jewels of great price, be note- worthy not because of their width, .but because of their weight. Commonwealth, is the community of spiritual idealsâ€"ideals of law, lib- erty, democracy, justice. The strength of the unity, in both cases, depends upon the purity and; vital- ity of the ideal}. If there is a need for burnishing up these ideals in thought and for applying them with greater humanity in practise, surely this need, .once discerned, can be met. It is of the greatest import- ance, not only to South Africa and‘ the British Empire, but to the world, that every possible proof be given of the practicability of the federal system and of its ability to sur- mount the difficulties and resist the disruptive forces which war puts in its path.â€"-Christian~ Science Monâ€" i‘tor‘ â€"â€"Seneca But even at a time when elec- tions are in the air, it is perhaps instructive to take -a glimpse at Con- fucius and his advice to rulers. Duke A had askedl: “What should be done to make the people loyal?†And Conrfucius replied}: “Exal’t the straight, set aside the crooked, 'the people will be loyal. Exalt the crooked, set aside the straight, the people will \be disloy-al.†Confucius had; the id'ea “chat gov- ernment was a matter for gentle- men. But that depends, of course, on» what is meant by a gentleman. Plato, you recall, suggested that gov- ernment should be in the handls» of philosophers. But as Lord Samue‘l The Chinese sage, however, gives us a glimmering- of What he means. His reason for preferring gentlemen was: “Gentlemen cherish worth; the vulgar cherish dirt. Gentlemen trust in justice; the vulgar trust in favor." And uto Tzu-Chan he made this tribute: “In four ways he was a gentleman. His own' life was modest; he honored“ the man whom he served; he was kind! to the peo- ple; he was just in his calls upon them.†CRITICISM IS SO EASY 1 Thomas Richard Henry gets off the following in a, recent issue of .The Toronto Evening Telegram: 1 We heard a university professor lgetting‘ sarcastic the other day a- ibout small errors in newspapers. [ We won‘t stand for that. We’ll pick out the mistakes in the newspapers â€" but we won’t have an outsider taking cracks at the newspaper family. There may be a touch of ‘partern- alism in that; view, but otherwise the outlook Sleems sound in a troubl- ed] world.â€"40ril1ia News Letter. We just -ask you to consider the case. The newstpaipel‘man writes his story in a rush, just one step ahead LOOK at this LIST of INGREDIENTS Feed Service 2000 lbs. How can Chicks fail to thrive on this ration? No secret formula â€" No quack remedy â€" Just plain honest to goodness chicken feed. Made by the makers of Monarch Flour â€" The Maple Leaf Milling Company. 200 lbs. 500 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 60 lbs. 40 lbs. 200 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 160 lbs. 20 lbs. 100 lbs. 30 lbs: 10 lbs. 10 lbs. Monarch Chick Starte r FREEâ€"A 100 Page book on poultry and Livestock raising. Not an advertising folder, a real book. Ask for your copy. GROUND OAT GROATS . YELLOW CORNMEAL WHEAT SHORTS WHEAT MIDULI'NGS WHEAT GERM CEREAL GRASS (Cerogras) YELLOW HOMINY FEED BARLEY MEAL SOY BEAN OIL MEAL GROUND PEAS WHEAT BRAN MEAT MEAL FEEDING BONE MEAL POWDERED MILK FORTIFIED COD LIVER OIL FISH MEAL GROUND LIMESTONE (Calcium Carbonate) IODIZED SALT THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, .1940. CALL -â€" of the deadline: forthe edfltion.‘ He always does this even when he could have writte'n itthree days before. If he didn‘t wait for the last; minute to write it he wouldn't be a n‘ewspaperman. The copy read-er reads it swiftly with one eye on the clock watching the edition time. The printer sets it with one eye on the clock watching for quitting time. The proof reader slkims through it for errors, with one eye on the clock and the other on the pretty girl who reads the copy aloué to him. And steaming with the speed with which it has ibeen'hand'I-e-d, the ne'WS- paper s‘tory stands before the read- er in print, a half-hour atfter i't; was just a nebulous theory in the mind of some reporter. Then a univensity professor chortles with gife fbecause he finds a present. and a past tense playing hide and seek with each other in one paragraph. ' But take a university professor. When he sets out to write any- thing he takes six Weeks to write one short chasptef of a \book. LOOKâ€"City Dairy 00., Toronto, are bringing a male chorus of 24 voices ‘to Township Hall, Unionville, Mon- lday, April 8th at 8 p.m. Program wiI-l consist of choruses, qerttes, *solos, piano accord'iomist, ventrilo- .quist, etc. Get your tickets early. '25'c. and 15c. The printer sets it, then: the proafs come back to the professor. He reads them. His secretary reads them. His wife reads them. His married daughter made them Then he gets an expert tO' read them. 1 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 51.30 p.m.â€"Chu~rch School. 12.30 p.m.â€"“The Church Waits for Six years later the book is print- ed>â€"-with an éxtna page enumerating the mistakes that have been missed. He makes the mistakes appear learned and. respectafble, however, by ca-lling them “errataâ€. Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“Th|e Church Waits for Power." 7 pm.â€"â€""‘The biggest win of the season.†A service for the Unionville Crok- inole League. Power.†CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH LANGSTAFF, ONT. PHONE THORNHILL 721'11 Unionville