Vaughan Relief Costs Show A . Big Decrease Report of treasurer J. M. MoDonh ald at the regular April meeting of Vaughan town--hip council held at Vellore last Monday showed relief expenditure for March to be the lowest for several years. The re- port showed 200 personal receiving municipal assistance drring the month: and the total cost was $1,â€" 345.72. A comparative statement showing the declining relieaf costs in the township showed“ expenditure for the month of March each year since 1936 to be as follows: March 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 345.712 March 1939 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,97‘6.57 March 1938 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 342.416 March 1937 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ,84‘3 .42 March 1936 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,454.08 During the day the list of those still on municipal relief was care- fully scrutinized and in the near future all anble :bodiedi men will be removed from the list. Road accounts for the month toâ€" talled! $2,037.78 much of which was for operating costs of snow plows and opening snowtbound roads. Reeve R. W. Scott and members of! council exrpressedl general satisï¬es tion with the .splend*i¢i' work done by“ the snow plow purchased‘ by the municipality early this winter. Ad‘- mitted‘ly it is a fatr superior outfit to any in the district and‘ the big storm of last week gave the outfit an opportunity to prove its worth. Working night and day it cleareci a way through the highest snow banks and when snow fighting in other municipalities failed the giant Vaughan plow kept working away and by 6 aim. Saturday morning all roads in the township were open to traffic. This made Vaughan snow-fighting record' much ahead of other municipalities in the county not so well equipped. A. communication was read from the Richvale Ratepayers Association Asking that steps be taken this year to repair streets in the Richvale district. The nece5sity for curtailing ex- penditure in- wau‘ time will be re- flected in Vaughan’s 1940 road pro- gram. The council has been advised by the Ontario Department of High- ways to cut its road appropriation from $5,000 last year to $21,000 in 1940. VOL. LVIV. A review of tax arrears revealed that at present there are some 81 properties liable for sale for taxes and «plans were made for holding the annual tax sale. . A-by-law to regulateereetion of buikï¬ngs~ in the township‘ Has been given its first reading and the Reeve intimated a special meeting would be held shortly when the by-law will ‘be given its second and third readings. - SOFTBALL EUCHRE A Euchre under the auspices of the Richmond' Hill Softball Club will be held‘ in the Orange Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, south entrance, next Thursday evening, April thh at 8 pm. Any citizen wishing to help the boys along can secure tickets now on sale from any member of the club. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated. Phone M0. 2172 THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€"â€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS WEDNESDAY 82: THURSDAY, APRIL 10 - 11 ALICE FAYE - \VARNER BAXTER “ CHARLIE MCCARTHY DETECTIVE " FRIDAY 8: SATURDAY. APRIL 5 ~ 6 EDGAR BERGEN - CHARLIE MCCARTHY CAPITOL THEATRE MONDAY & TUESDAY. APRIL 8 - 9 LANA TURNER - RICHARD CARLSON “ DANCING CO-ED †_ ALSO â€"â€" VICTOR McLAGLEN . SALLY EILERS “ FULL CONFESSION †â€" AND ~â€" GENE AUTRY - SMILEY BURNF-LL “ IN OLD MONTEREY †SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY DAREDEVILS OF THE RED CIRCLE 300 Seats All Evening 25c. _ ALSO _ “ CALL A MESSENGER †THE DEAD END KIDS “ BARRICADE †$1,345.12 1,976.57 2,342.46 2843 .42 ___1N__._ ____1N.__ WON ORA'I‘ORICAL CONTEST -' The Y.P.S. of the local Presby- terian Church under the leadership of Miss Eleanor “Banker, president, journeyed to Oakwood] Chumh, To- ronto, Monday evening to compete in the Public Speaking Contest, heltfl under the auspices of the Toronto District Y.P. Presbytery. The local Irgroup returned home highly pleased as- Bill Pollard' of the Richmond Hill group emerged? as the winner of the semi-finals, his subject being “Per- lsonal Evangelism;†Bill Pollard‘ now 'goes to the finals with the best wishes of all Y.P. groups in the district. ‘ LATE JOSH. HORNER The c0mmunity was saddened by the passing last Saturday, March 00th of Joshua Hornver, a life-long 'and' higllvly respected citizen of the district. A son of the late Mr. and? Mrs.“ Danliel Horner he is the last surviving mentlber of the family, two brothers and two sisters having predeceased him. Born in Mankih‘am Township he farmed on: the home- stead practically all his life, and' 'frcm 1880 until 1918 was a very familiar figure in Richmond Hill as he supplied milk to residents here during that long period. G-enial and affalble he was widely known and delighted“ to talk and chat with his friends by whom he will be greatly missed. Deeply religious he wasa devoted' memlber of the old‘- order of the Ger- man Church and he gave freely of his time and' talent in‘ religious work. A keen student of affairs he was widely read! and well incfournedJ on a wide range of subjects. The funeral service on Tuesday was very largely attended! was con- ducted by Mr. Winger at the home and by Mr. Stover of Indianna at the Heise Hill Church. Interment followedl in: the He‘i‘se Hill cemeâ€" tery, the pallJbearers being David Patton, Frank Dolan, Charles Clark, Phillip Wiggins, Fred Clank, F. E. Sims. He is survived: by his niece Misrs Clara Teal, one grandmiece, Mrs. Sam Winger and five grand- nephews. A DISTINGUISHED CLERIC Re'v. Maxwell Dawe, M.A., B.D., Superintendent of Missions, and Secretary of Christian Education for the United Church in Newfoundland and Labrador, is in Toronto attend- ing the annual meeting of the Gen- eral Board of Missions, and! will spendI the week-end! in town the guest of Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Fol- lett. Mr. Darwe is also a fellow townsman of MI. John- Martin [of our local bank, and both are old (friends. The Rev. gentleman will occupy the pulpit of the Richmond Hill United Church on Sunday morning. ' The monthly meeting of Vellone J‘unlior Farmers and Junior Women’s Institute will be held’ on April 9th at 8.30 pm. The girls’ program will be in charge of Marion Phillips. The topic, Fashion Trend. The speaker for the boys’ program will be Mr. Vandenburg. Mr. Howard Patterson will be present at the joint meeting to supply musical numbers. Everyone welcome. UBITUARY VELLORE Yange at Castlefield "In Essentials. Unity ; RICHMOND HILL, LEGAL COSTS STILL HEADACHE FOR RICHMOND HILL COUNCIL Mr. Sheardown stated that he had spent over $125 cost out of his own pocket in order to try and straight- en the matter out. He pointed out that he started action in the county court and the village solicitor took ‘the case to a higher court. Svo, said, Mr. Sheardown, you have your so- licitor to blame for the higher cost, and not me. Mr. Sheaxdo'wn stated that he had] taken: his last bill to the taxing officer to rbe taxe-d‘. Coun- cillor W. Middleton asked Why the bill was taken to taming officer. Mr. She‘ardmwn replied that he wanted councill to know it was a fair bill. Reeve Trench read‘ the- judgment of the court which stated! no costs al- lowed, the Reeve claiming case was settled ’by court ruling. Mr. Shear- down claimed that he had been try- ing for eight years to have this mess cleaned‘ up and that the mun:- icipality had only themselves to bll‘a‘me for the position they were in. THe legacy of unSettled law-suits inherited by the Richmond Hill 1940 municipal council continues to take a great deal] ‘of attention and a dis- cussion relative to costs in the Sheard'o'wn case occupiedl a considâ€" erable period of the Mond'ay night meeting of the Town Fathers. Mr. Sheardown was present in support of his request for some $1083 costs in addition to those already paid to him. Reeve. Trench. and! members of council while anxious to avoid further court actions made it very clear that they did’ not intend 1:0 pay any such amount aifter which Mr. Sheard‘cwn threatened» to go ahead with the law-suit. Reeve Trench said! the village was willing to pay what the court ordered] but so far as he was concern-ed the tax- payers of Richmond Hill were not going to pay every out-of-pooket item submitted to council. Councillor Neal asked if sewage was still giving trouble and Mr. Shear- d‘own said it certainly was, but said council will never go on his propâ€" erty without his consent. Mr. Shear- down said! that his ‘billl covered’ enw tire court cost, including recent con- tempt of court action. Councillor Middleton claimed that Mr. Shear- dcwn said’ in January that there was no hurry albout fixing the drain until the ground was fit. Mr. Shear- down admitted this" but said he felt now was the time to fix it up. Mr. Sheardown‘ asked: “What a- bout the contempt of court action. Who’s going to pay that? Reeve Trench replied that the village was not paying any more than they had to. Mr. Sheardlown said‘ someone had to pay and it was not going to be him. Reeveâ€"You wouflsdI not let us put a trench through there to clea_nl it up. Mr. Shear-d‘ownâ€"Woulmyou like your back 153an alll dug up? Mr. Sheardown stated that the job done was- far from satisfactory and he’d put a tractor a‘mfl plough in there and tear the whole works mp. He said» he could see it was no use talking to councim and he would commence action against the village in the morning. Mr. Sheardown then withdrew from the council [meeting The council then engaged in conâ€" éï¬derable discussion concerning the village solicitor. Councillor Neal said! he could! not see paying legal fees to two larwyers, the village so- licitor having to engage another‘ lawyer when they went to cOurt. It was then moved 'by Councillor W. Neal and seconded [by Councillor Middleton that the services of the village solï¬citor be- diislpensed with. Reeve Trench said he didn’t like the idea. and felt perhaps there was other ways that this matter could be. settled. Councillor-Neal replied that if you haven’t confidence- in a man that he could do a job why keep him? Councillor Middleton in;- aisted on the motion being put and stated that he was willing to stand on his own feet in this issue. After some considerable d’iscuSSion Reeve ITrench put the motion, but only councillors Neal and Middleton vot- ed in favor, while councillors Iï¬ttle and Wilson were against, Reeve Trench breaking the deadlock by voting against the motion. Coun- cillor Dr. Wilson then moved that the village clerk write to Mr. Jor- don, the village solicitor, for file on the entire Shem-down case, to be In Non-essentials, Liberty: In All Things, Charity" ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940. handed over to council for disposi- tion. This was seconded by Coun- c.llor Little with Reeve Trench in favor ancl Middleton anxl Neal against. A special committee was then named to deal w‘jth the arranging of defence should the action go through. (limplaints Re Snow Shovelling Councillor Little drew the atten~ tion of council to a numlber of com- plaints receiver! regarding citizens not shovellin‘g their snow, with the result that very often the walks were left in a dangerous and un- pleasant comdition. Conn. Middleton stated that it wasn’t fair when we have a [by-law, that some should do their ‘best to live up to the letter of the law and| others just didn’t seem to care, amd nothing- was ever. clone about it. Council clecided' to instruct the village constable to en- force all lby-lauws without fear or favor. Councillor Dr. Wilson moved, sec- onded by Councillor Neal that the village adopt Daylight Saving in ac- cordlanc'e with the City of Toronto. Carried. Dr. Wilson then drew the atten- tion of council to the practice of a number of citizens when there was a fire of rushing to the telephone to find[ out just where it might be. I wonder, said‘ Dr. Wilson, if these people realize just how they are plugging mp the wires. Supposing there’s a serious accident amd a. doctor or amlbulance is needed, all telephone lines would be Ibusy. Dr. Wilson thought if this was brought to the attention of the .people through the local paper this possi- bility might be avoided. In this all members of council concurred. it was felt by some members of council that there were too many repeaters. Wlhy, said Councillor Wes. Middleton, I’ve known of cases where transients have come into town, received meal tickets, that night, hung aro-undJ all the next day {bothering residents of the village near the park, ancl then {the next night come 'back for another meal ticket. It was decided to instruct the constable to see that these men left town the next morning. The accounts for meals for tran- sients caused! some discussion and Mrs. P. C. Hill and Mrs. Dr. Lang'- ‘staff, rqpresenting the local branch of the Red! Cross, sought permis- sion of the council, to hold! a Tag Day on May 24th. Reeve Trench commended the worthy cause and council members readily gran-tedl permission for the tag day on the 24th. Tenders were received for the re~ moval of ganba'ge, tlhe con-tract be- ing awarded to A. Chapman, who submitted the lowest tender. Mr. Cyri'l BaLker appeared before the council in connection with houses he is building on Roseview Aven-ue. Mr. Baker stated] that he is building four houses undler ‘dhe government scheme to provide cheaper homes for wonking men. He asked for special consideration in connection with the installing of water and sought an arrangement whereby he paid only for actual digging from street line in, rather than pay from centre of road as per custom. Reeve Trench said this would] not be fair to residents on the other side of the street who had already paid) their share. Councillor W. Neal said! to grant any such privilege would] be to establish -_a dangerous precedent to which thé other members of councilagree'd. Councillor Little submitted report of the Hydro survey. which recom- mended that. sectic'mal “switches be placed at strategic points in the village to save incdnvenjence to _oflh- _e.:_‘ sections ofathe towmwhen- rqpair wonk is being done. This was left in: the hands of the Electric Light Committee. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and' Mrs. James Rumble wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Beatrice Cowie to Mr. Harry Corner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Corner, Richmond: Hill, the wedding to take place on April 17. BIRTH BEA‘T‘TYâ€"On Tuesday, April 2nd, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty a daughter (stillborn). W “"mmeOOOOMOMWW In: spite Off the snow there was a goodl-y number out on Sunday to hear the new minister, 81 being present. Miss Vera Nichols entertain-ail a number of her friends last Tuesday and Thursday evenings. We are gladl to report a fair re- presentation of the surrounding ‘countryside exercised their limbs in cl'imlbing snow to reach Mr. Mar- tin’s sale on Saturday. Some art- icles as usual went below their value and others made up for it, so that altogether Mr. Martin was well pleased with the day. The family left Saturday evening for their new home in Newrrnanket. Our wish is a happy retire<l life. We are also glad to welcome the Heise Bros. and hope that their friendshlp anti ours will roll along as smoothly as neighbours should. Health, wealth and happineSS is our wish to these two young chaps. Don't forget the concert at the hall this Friday, April 5th. The pro- ceeds are to go to the church and1 the talent is a group of profession- als from Toronto. This will likely be your last social evening before the seeding, so come one and all and have a .good laugh before the stitff work starts. We are glad to Welcome the Rev. Mr. and] Mrs. McCa-usland into our community. Mr. McCausIand is' a retired! Baptist minister from Ott- awa district who has taken up resi- dence on the property formerly own-ed by Mr. G. Lecuyer. We understand Mr. Orla Heise has purchased] the property now; known as Mr. Bennett’s farm. This property a generation ago usedl to be known as the Henry Heise prop- erty. That makes Mr. Heise 1% mile of farm on the Victoria Square side road which wi'lL be quite handy to work. Reibins have returned from the south so surely spring is just around the corner and not such a long cor- ner either. The men of the 5th concession are busy digging snow these days in order for the roads to he passâ€" able for a team of horses to travel utpon. They are sorry to report that their usual boss, Mr. Buchanan, is’ sick in‘ throat. Our sylmlpathy goes to Mrs. J. Spider who recently lost a kind and loving- father, a quiet man who was always at home, and will be great- ly missed ‘by the family. 'The Easter Thank-offering meetâ€" ing of the->W.M.S. held on March 20th was greatly enjoyed by all who *They Make Deliciaus Tea VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES bed wi.tha a very bad‘ *TEA BAGS SINGLE COPIES 5:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE were fortunate enough to get there. Owing to conditions od.’ the roads the attendance was small. Slides were shown on Moving Millions which were very fine. Seven ladies were present from Brewn’s Corners Soâ€" ciety. Mrs. McDonald conducted the meehing. Lunch was served at th' clase and an enjoyable time spent. The regular monthly meeting of the W..M.S. will be hem at the home of Mrs. Ross Klinck on Wednesday afternoon, April 10th at 2 o’clock. The regular meeting of Vaughan and! Richmond; Hill branch of the York County Veterans Associartion was held in the Municdpal Hall on Tuesday evening last with President James Butler in the chair. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, chaplain of the branch, addmessed the gathering. The meet- ing extended congratulations to their County Presddent, Col. W. P. Mu- lock, on his re-electIOn as member for North Yonk. Arrangements were made for the Vimy Church parade to be held at Maiple on Sunday, April 14th. HORTICULTURAL NOTES A public mee'ldng' Of the Horti- cultural Society will be held! on Wedâ€" nesday evening, April 10th, at 8 o'- clock, in the Municipal Hall. A film on flower arg‘angement will be shown followed by a talk on Dahlias 'by Mr. Teal. Mr. Teal h'as enujoygd' great success in growing Dahlias and will be able to give valuable information about this flower. The film is sponsored by Coca CO]: Co. and should prove to be full of inter- esting information. The society expect a very enjoy- able and profitable evening and ask alb imerested to adIverti'se this meet- ing- as much- as possible so that there may be a good attendance. VETERANS MET No. 40.