One thing for which we ought to be everlastingly grateful is that our political campaigns last only for weeks. Whereas those across the border continue .for months with increasing oratory.â€"Oshawa Times. with the Eastern wanships as the chief ceiltre. of pro- duction. It is expected 'that the demand this year for maple products will be greater than for several previous years. -' Prospects are bright for a good-run. Last year the yield was comparatively low due to unfavorable weather conditions. To get the best yield several hours of sunâ€" shine during the daytime followed by some frost at night are required. In 1939 the total yield of maple syrup was 2,302,200 gallons and the production of maple sugar was 2,900,200 pounds. The Province of Quebec accounts for about _80 per cent of the total output» of maple products There is still the occasional sugar bush in York Coun- ty but as we enjoy _this delightful spring treat we should pause to recall that this annual tapping of trees consti- tutes a major industry in Canada. It is estimated that 50,000 farmers in Ontario and Quebec are now busy har- vesting the annual crop of Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar and in all about 20,000,000 trees will be tapped. We cannot believe that defeat is possible. If there is a God in heaven Right must ultimately triumph over Might. Yet we have seen Finland fall. The seriousness of our task we have not yet realized. Victory will ulti- mately be ours, but it may be years before that happy day arrives. In the meantime we ask of our American neighbors, if they are not yet in their own interest will- ing to help us, that they do not hinder us in our fight to preserve their freedom as well as ours. We need all the aeroplanes and other machinery of war that they can sell us. We hope they will let us have the best they have Without quibbling.â€"Midland Free Press. It is difficult to understand why the American peo- ple cannot see that their own freedom is bound up in that of the allies. They have been so confused by anti-war propaganda that they are blind to the significance of cur- rent events. Should democracy fall in Europe, should freedom die there, this continent will be the last refuge for democracy, and it is doubtful if it could withstand the combined onslaught of the successful dictators who would be aided by traitors boring from within. The defeat of Finland by Soviet Russia is just one more chapter in the series of appalling disasters which have befallen the free peoples of the world. Looking back over the record of the past few years we may well take to our knees. Here are the countries which have fallen before the dictators and other aggressors. Manchuria Ethiopia Austria Albania Spain I Czecho-Slovakia Poland Finland China Whatever the issue was in Spain the fact remains that victory was won with the aid of Hitler and Musso- lini. China is not yet defeated, but millions of Chinese have been slain and vast areas of the country are in pos-,. session of the invaders. Sweden, Norway and Denmark were restrained by fear of Adolf Hitler’s hordes from go- ing to the rescue of their fellow Scandinavians, the Finns. Roumania lives in hourly dread of a combined Russian and German invasion. Holland, Belgium and Switzerland are mounting trembling guard on their frontiers against a possible Géi'man attaék _which would swallow themuholus bolus. Britain, France, the British dominions and what is left of Poland’s armies stand alone against the might of Germany and Russia. Already throughout Canada where military training camps have been established, Salvation Army recreation centres have been organized where the soldiers may meet under happy auspices to smoke, play games, read, write, mend their clothes, secure new socks, mufflers and other small comforts, which in time of active war service, loom so important. Who among these who served in France during the last war will forget the doughnuts and coffee served to all comers by the Salvation Army? And though not publicizing the fact, many of those old soldiers reâ€" member the Salvation Army sanctuaries where a man might go to read the Bible, meditate upon the uncer- tainties of the soldier’s life, and at times of crisis as on the eve of battle commune for a private moment or two with the Power over all other powers, civil or military, that exist upon this earth. Canadian War Veterans who served in the Great War of 1914-18, have none but grateful recollections of the kindly helpfulness of the Salvation Army. They may not have a good word for conditions in which they had to fight and live for those long weeks and months and years, in training, in reserve and at the front, but they have nothing but fond recollections of the Salvation Army and its services. And now a new war finds the Salvation Army again preparing to go to the front with the soldiers, to render the social welfare services dictated by the Chris- tian spirit of kindness. The campaign across Canada was to raise funds to carry on the social and welfare work of the Army for Canadian soldiers in Canada and overseas and their de- pendents if need arises, in addition to its regular work among the poor and unfortunate at home in Canada. It is gratifying that suc'h a worthy cause received such a generous reception in this commUnity. Reeve T. H. Trench, chairman of the local commitâ€" tee in charge of the drive for funds for the Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign reports gratifying results. After a canvas of the town by a committee of willing workers Reeve Trench reports Richmond Hill‘s allocation has been oversubscribed. . J. Eachern Smith, Manager ie‘mber Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -~ To the Unitcd States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Appiication. TELEPHONE 9 Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00.. LTD. PAGE TWO DEMOCRACY’S SERIOUS PLIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940. SALVATION ARMY APPEAL MAPLE SYRUP SEASON SHORT BUT SWEET “THE LIBERAL†Schomberg Institute raised $13.00 at a Euchre last Friday for Red Cross purposes. Mr. AR). Williams has sold his farm to Mrs. Cain and family. Noble'ton Women’s Institute ex- pect to quilm four quilts at; the Hall on Thursday for the Red Cross dis- tribdting point, Schomlberg. At the February examinations at the Toronto Conservatory of Music pupils of'Mrs. A. Hill of Ndbleton were successful in Piano Group 'I‘wo, Donald Hoover and Lorne Sloan, both with honours. Mt. McCarthy and family of Soapbox-o are moving into the Me- Cabe farm this week on fifth line. The sOcial under the auspices of Strain-g9 Presbyterian Church, post-,- W. I. Seasoned players came from outside \points, Testoni via King, in spite of bad' roads. Prizes; were awarded to Mrs. Neil Malloy, Mrs. Fred' Boys and! Rhea Baguley; Wm. Harm, Jack Murray and Leslie Glass. The tournament will conclude during April. Thirty-three tables played euchre at; LaSrkay Ha‘ll, sponsored) by the Rev. Jno. Galloway was called to Chicago early this week to attend the funeral} of a cousin. on “Co-operation†during the last few years, anti none of them have proven quite as real as that prac- tised by an entire community for the past two weeks. It lC‘S been the type of coâ€"operation that leaves sheer joy and satisaelion in it; with wavke. Neighlbours have carried, on foot or by sleigh. their neighbours’ mail, the milk, the-“bread and food stuffs, the school childlren and‘ ev- erything that folks depend upon for dlaily living. Homes were opened‘ up to stranded strangers; nolbody went cold? or hungry or lonesome "and1 no one minded sharing and' none were reluctant to accept favours." All- the elements of goodwill and cheerful- nes-s were thrown into action and a new light thrown upon the screen. Independence fbecame a myth, and in its place “sharing†and helping. Every diay fresh stories of unique experiences crop up concerning last week’s power storm. Nothing tragic has so far come to light, (but the situation, all through the township, called for plenty of patience, perseâ€" verance and practical ability. We have listened to some fine theories New residents of the locality have taken up albodke at their respective homes, the new balbies at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Patton of Lalskay, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bey- nons at Tre‘mrperancevillle, Mr. and' Mrs. Leonard Harmon of Temper- anlcevi-lle. When the little l‘advies 'be- come grandmothers they will have a fine story to tell their grandchil- dren how, in 1940 when they came to King Township, the giant storm of the ages buried the countryside under mountains of snow. It also happened that a general electiOn took place at that time, and' the Temperan'ceville polling .booth was the centre of lively rsnxow stories. Folks walked over crusted‘ banks along the sideroadj on that day and anyone of them could! hang his hat on the telegraph Wire-s. Another wedding of immediate in- terest on Tuesday, March 2-6th was that of Eva Campbell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Camp- bell of King to Mr. Bordmel] Badger, only son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. William Baudlger of King. The ceremony was performed at All Sainnt’s Anglican Church by Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, the Rector. The bride was attired in an ensemble suit of blue, 'blue hat and! a'ocesvsories and a corsage of flowers. The bride’s attendant was Miss Jean Paton in rose shade gown and flowered‘ rose hat, carrying flowers, while Mr. Charles» Hately attended the groom. Following a reception the couple let for a honey- moonr trip and will reside in' King. After a. honeymom trip to Detroit they returned‘ to their home at the former Ivan Folliott farm where they will be fully settled by the end of this week. We wish them hearty congratulations. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel Ferguson wearing rose taï¬f‘eta. Mr. Cflydte Cairns olf Eversley, brother of the groom, was Ibest man. The [bride wore Iblus-h pink crepe ‘in high waistline d‘esign, v-s‘haped neckline, short f-ull sleeves and! brill- iant ornaments in relief motif. For travelling she wore a fitted 'blue wool collarless coat, blue hat with blush pimk trim and! black access- cries. A quiet wedding was solemm'zed'J. S. Lawson’s this week. at the home of the lbride's parents, Mrs. Jas. Wells housed four vis- Mr. and’ Mrs. ALbert Jones of Ervers- itorsi and Mrs. A. Hill of Nobleton, lrey on Tuesday, March 26th, when nine, last week, for a day or so dur- their only daughter, Hildla Ruth, be- ing‘ the blockade. came the bride of Howard[ Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitney and son of Mrs. Claims and the late daughter Frances of Fitzroy Har- William Caimsovaers-ley. Rev. M. bour spent Easrter holidays with E. Burch performed the ceremony. their mother, Mrs. G. H. Stone. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO King City District News Cairns-Jones was solemnized lbride's parents, Jones of Ervers- Heigh‘ ho! It’s the same old‘ ar-my game. In a. couple of days 'another man paraded sick and produced: two lice. He went happily on his way to en- joy five days’ leave. After the sixth man had reported with two lice good: for five days’ leave, the medical officer smelled a ra't. He did a bit of quiet sleuth- ing. He discovered that the first man was genuinely lousy, but he had sold his two lice to the second, who had sold them to a pal. The louse market was brisk for a few days at Lanlsdowne Park. The man went on leave. Next morning another man paraded: sick. He produced two lisce and informed the doctor he was lousy. So, think- ing quickly,_the doctor gave him five days’ leave and a. flock of in- structions. One morning a. soldier paraded: sick. He informed the army doctor that he was lousy. Two lice were found on the man. As the barracks was not equipped) with d‘elousing ap- paratus, not_expectin‘g anyone ‘t’o get lice inf Canada, the doctor thought the best thlng to do was send! the man heme. So,,he gave him five days’ 1ea~e andgé. lot of instructions about what toldo to get rid of the parasites. .Mrs. A. McClure, Mrs. Gelllatly, Mrs. Rolling and Miss Ferguson at- tendetfl Visitors" Night at the Wil- low dlale Presbyterian W. M. S. on Monday evening at Willowd‘a-Ie. A dozen or more of the Presbyterial‘ officers from Toronto were present including President Mrs. W. M. Hall, vice-president Mrs. B. Hunter, Mrs. Oliiph‘ant, Miss Agnes McLean and others. ‘The provincial presi- dent, Mrs. Willliams, gave an illus- trated] lecture on Formosa, describ- ing' in her inimritalblie way and} with- out notes, the slides of the “Beauti- ful Isle". Miss B. Hunter sanng two hymn numbers and the Willowdale C.G.I.T. group gave two chorus numbers. Mrs. E-l'len Anderson, the President, occupied! the chair, while the Rev. Mr. McLean, the minister, welcomed all. Here is a true tale of the soldiers at Ottawa: A very happy evening was spent concluding with refreshments ‘s-erved “,v the hostesses. ers. D. Ramvlings will entertain Eve‘rsley W.A. this week at her Home. The funeral! of the late Mrs. Fen- ‘K‘ll Rothwell of Snowi‘oall was held on Wednesday afternoon with in- terment in King Cemetery. De-cea‘sed was; formerly Miss Annie Cleland, daughter of Wm. Cileland, born» on the 7th of King and resided: in the township all of her life. The monthly meeting of the Inâ€" spectorate Teachers will be held at Schomlberg on Thursday .evening. Guest teachers are expected to at- ten-d. To Mrs. McAlli‘srter is expressed the sympathy from a wide circle of friends, that she bear valianrtly the separation from a wise and loving companion. King United Church was more than filled for the funeral of the late W. J. McAl-lisrter of King, held on Thursday last, interment aIt Bol- ton Cemetery. Rev. D. G. Davis was [assisted Iby a former minister and friend of deceaseld,'Rev. A. H. Hal- bert. Speaking of the late Mr. Mc- Allisiter’s life, Mr. Davis voicedl the opinion of all who knew him, con- scientious fairthfulness and‘ loyalty to all his interests, whichwerei many and responsible; his exemrplary char- acter and‘ strict adherence to worthy principles marked the man andl placed him definite-1y among those whose influence in the comm-unity was for lasting good; The choir, on this occasion, rendered- a beautiful! hymn in a feeling manner. The palllbearers were close neigh- bours of the deceased. Mr. and] Mrs. Douglas Wellesley and daughter spent an! evening un- der the Wellesley parental roof, on the occasion of Douglas" «birthdiay, March 26th. ‘Mrs. F. Harper is visiting her mother and brother at Detroit. Miss Ruth Wells and a girl friend visited the fomer’s grandfather, Mr. A. B. Wells, last week. :Misvs‘ S. Angus spent a week-end recently with Mrs. D. Rarwlings. Miss Marjorie Stone spent a few days in Toronto last week. poned last week, is being held at J. S. Lawson’s this week. Mrs. Jas. Wells housed four vis- itorsr and Mrs. A. Hill of Nobleton, nine, last week, for a day or so dur- ing the lblockade. While in session last week the Halton County Council voted 3 grant of $450.00 to the Lorne Scots Regi- ment. Fumeral services were held at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Schom- berg, on Thursday afternoon with interment in the village cemetery, WALTER R. FULLER On Monday, March 25 the death occurred in the Toronto Western Hospital of Walter RuSSell Fuller of Slchomlberg. Mr. Fuller failed to recover from injuries received‘ in a truck-train collision a-t Weston ear- lier in the day. He was in his 39th year and is survived, by his widow, Annie Conmor Fuller, one son, Donâ€" ald, and two daughters, Margaret and Kathleen. That Jap-an leads all countries in the production of rayo-n and! that in 1936 it amounted to 130,000 metric tons? That Australia leads all other counmries in the production of wool by a wide margin and! that' in 1936 it produced 983,000,000 pounds ?' That the U.S.S.R. is the world’s greatest producer of. barley and more than doubled its nearest rival, the US. output in 1936437? That the United States is the greatest com producing country in the world and produces about four times as much as! its nearest rival, Argentina? That Brazil produces a great deal more coffee than any other country and that its production in 1936-37 was 3,476,654,000 pounds? That the Gold Coast far exceeds any other in the prodlmctionz of cocoa which in 1935-1936 reached! the grand total Otf 587,084,980 pound‘s? That Ceylon leads all other coun- tries in the production of tea. and that in 1937 it amounted to 333,- 200,000 llbs.? That the greatest wine producing country in the world is France and that in 1935-1036 it produced 2,009,- 663,720 gallons. That Culba produces more 'cane sugar them any other country in the world} and that the greatest year of sugar prodluction was in: 1928-1929 when: 5,775,031 tons were turned out. That country that in 663,720 That in 1932 the world! produced the gi‘eatest quantity of wheat dur- ing the past 4 decades, namely 5;- 582,000,000 bushels Yonge Street DO YOU KNOW GARFIELD YERE X You should acquaint yourself with the many new features of the new 1940 Apex THE NEW 1940 "Speed- liner†Beauty Line. The new Apex Pt'essure Cleansing Wringer, is an important pért of home laundry equipment. It squeezes out the soiled, soapy water and with it thousands of tiny particles of ‘dirt. No injury [0 buttons, buckles or the most delicate fabrics. There’s no place like home and no method ,surpassing the qew, modem Apex ele'ttric wash‘eg to keep clothes immaculately déan . . . to wash th‘em quickly, easily, thoroughly, erqnomicall]. Ififflliï¬w WIJH THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940. I Solicit Your Continua? Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and 0 Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasouble price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each Prices as follows: FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . . COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS IODIZED, each â€" Also â€"â€" CAR MILL FEED Prlced as follows: At Maple Freight Sheds E. P. Leno & Son GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Acetylene and Electric Welding tld Cutting Portable Machines for Outlide Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill FIRST CLASS BJRIEAD F‘LOU’R ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH. O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. O.A.C. Fomlfll SALT C. E. SMITH NUT AND STOVE COAL N0. 1 ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS I’HONE MAPLE 19W Richmond Hill $1.35 per ewt. $1.20 per ewt, $1.35 per cwt.