Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1940, p. 5

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Majority for Dix 69 WARD 2, NORTH YORK TWP. 558 Majority for Mulock Majority for Mulock 83 WARD 3, NORTH YORK TWP. Dix Mulock 13 . . . . . . . . . . . 89 36 14 . . . . . . . . . . . 35 70 15 . . . . . . . . . . . 85 66 16 . . . . . . . . . . . 59 54 17 . . . . . . . . . . . 116 71 18 . . . . . . . . . . . 77 75 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 142 91 20 . . . . . . . . . . . 92 138 21131 107 22A . . . . . . . . . . 77 53 22B . . . . . . . . . . 63 54 23 . . . . . . . . . . . 141 165 24 . . . . . . . . . . . 170 171 929 Majority for Muloclfr . . . . . . - o u o . . . . . 1277 Majority for Dix 126 Figures released by V. A. Hall, Returning Officer for the Riding of North York following the Official count last Tuesd‘ay showedl the ma- jority for Col. W. P. Mulock, mem- Iber elect for this riding, to be 1815. The active service vote gave Mulock 66 and' Dix 104. This made the Mulock total vote 10,648 and the Dix total 8,883. The official figures by sub-division‘s are as follows: Majority for Mulock 145 KING' TOWNSHIP Majority for Mulock 241 EAST GWILLIMBURY TWP. Official Figures Give Mulock Majority 1815 in North York ELOCUTION- and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall” THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940. (Graduate of the Owen A. $351in Studfig) MARGUERITE BOYLE RICHMOND HILL I for Mulock 474 WOODBRIDGE . . . . . . . 143 1409 312 Dix Mulock 111 67 84 108 72 102 105 135 154 196 124 85 66 Dix Mulock 63 62 94 102 48 57 18 22 275 Dix 104 69 102 Dix 72 87 37 28 107 36 104 77 42 115 92 59 16 16 41 89 Thornhill 1492 Mulock 109 68 65 68 135 54 84 39 I 40 168 61 75 42 54 108 Mulock 198 92 130 1032 1151 1170 243 126 46 71 127 78 111 169 108 138 50 23 138 420 997 Majority for Mulocl; Majority for Mulock AURORA Majority St. George’s Majority 218 Majority f0;~ Mglpglf Majority David Kapflin‘ who for several years was proprietor of the Schom- berg and wale Creameries died in Toronto on Monday, March 25. He was born in Central Europe and came to Canada in 1905. He is sur- vived] by his wife, two sons, Charles and Maxwell andI one daughter. Mrs. Sadie Birmbaum all of Toronto. A carload of Victory No. 1 Seed Oats, certificate No. 69-5432, and Banner Seed Oats No. 1, certificate No. 69-3502 at the Elevator. These seed oats test around 45 lbs. Special price. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. Majority for Mulock 77 NORTH GWILLIMBURY TWP Dix Mulock 1A . . . . . . . . . . . 51 72 1B . . . . . . . . . . . 57 118 2A . . . . . . . . . . . 15 73 ZB . . . . . . . . . . . 23 60 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 59 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 91 325 Majority for Mulock [ajority for Mulock 378 WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP 948 115 jority for Mulock 209 VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Andrew’s Patrick’s fi welcome spirit of good- [EV-e me’r Y o“ GEORGINA TWP. Dix Mulock . . . . . . . . . 61 89 . . . . . . . . . 133 152 . . . . . . . . . 102 37 . . . . . . . . . 29 124 I r for Mulock 33 NEWMARKET TO FARMERS 825 for Dix 123 SU'I'I‘ON Wardâ€" .. . 141 .. 129 ... 101 Wardâ€" . .. 124 ... 112 ... 111 Wardâ€" ... 74 63 93 Dix 120 50 47 22 54 33 39 57 Dix Mulock Dix 89 68 87 244 Dix 114 25 87 59 78 70 27 64 53 24 44 89 69 77 40 77 Dix 86 176 206 156 104 422 245 255 Mulock 104 63 111 90 72 70 76 81 Mulock 134 81 6'2 Mulock 63 66 149 179 120 135 Mulock 120 63 124 64 8O 81 35 121 98 98 73 101 88 63 68 98 1375 1157 277 114 130 106 473 140 144 116 130 154 123 702 667 402 Another euchre was held! in St. Mary’s RC. Chm-ch Hall on Thurs- day evening of last week when prizes were won| fby, ladies, Mrs. J. Cook, Miss F.‘*Sheardlown, Mrs. J. O’N-eil; gentlemen, John Sawdhuck. Stewart Kidd, Stan» Moore. The C.G.I.‘T. are holding their an- nual Mother and Daughter Banquet on April 11th at 6.30 p.m. in the United] Church. Miss Margaret Scrimgeom a young missionary reâ€" cenrtly returned from ‘Tninid‘ad will be the speaker. All mothers and daughters- welcome. Price 25c. RICHMOND HILL W.I. The regular meeting of Richmond Hill Women’s Institute Willi be held; in the Municipal Hall om'Thursd‘ay, April 11th at 3 pm. Members are urged to be present to welcome the president, Mrs. Moore, who has re- cently returmed from Florida. Spe~ cial speaker, Miss Aileen Thompson, will give the address which has won her a flattering reputation as a speaker, “Am I My Brother’s Keep- er” is her subject. Margaret Scott has kindly consented' to give the recitation which won for her first prize at Richmond Hill in a Medal Contest also the cup from the Tem- perance Federation at King. Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett at- tendedJ the funeral service of Rev. Dr. T. AlIbert Moore, former Mod- erator of the United Church, which todk placert in Howardé Park United Church on Tuesday afternoon last. The nominating committee is ask- ing members to please {bring their nominating blanks. . DIED HALL, Annieâ€"At the home of her mother at ‘Thornhill, Friday, March 29th, 1940, Annie Hall, beloved daughter of Mrs. A. R. Hall and the late Andrew R. Hall. DIED HORNER, Joshuaâ€"At his late resi- "rrve, Richmond Hill, Saturday, March 30th, 1940, Joshua Homer, in his 73rd y-ear. All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret A. HiSIOp, late of the Township of Mankham, widow, who died on or about the 3rd day of June, 1939, are required! to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the underâ€" signed on or before the 6th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond“ Hill this 28th day of March, 1940. Jim Butler Jr. and Bill White, two well known; local boys, will deave on Monday for the Air Train- ing School at Galt. The Presbyterian W.M.S. will" meet tonight (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. G. Yerex, Yonge St, when Mrs. McClure of King will be the special speaker. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. McAllister wishes to attend her deep gratitude to neighlbors and friends for the many acts of kind)- ness, expressions of sympathy and condolence, the beautiful floral triâ€" butes tendered during the recent illness and loss of her dearly loved husband. She also wishes to thank the Vaughan council for the use. of the w plow in clearing the lane thus making it possible to use the home so dear to her late husband. Funeral was heldl on Monday. Ink termemt followed in‘ Mount Pleasant umetery, Toronlto. Red Cross Baking Sale, Saturday afternoon, April 6th. ‘Miss Jean Baker returned home Friday after spending the Easter holidays in Toronto with her aunt 'Mrs. Chas. Whitney. Funera'l from the above address ‘l‘ues‘d'ay, April 2nd, at 1.30, follow- ed‘ by service in Heise Hill church. interment followed in: adjoining cemetery. Surviving her are [two brothevrs, Albert McCluskie of Bolton and John McCluskie of New York. Funeral services were held at the Nashville Prestby-terian Church on Saturday afternoon. March 23, with interment being in Nashville Ceme- tery. The death occurred at Nashville on Thursday, March 2151:, of Mrs. J. Taylor in her 79th year. Mrs. Taylor‘s death came eight weeks af- ter her ‘late husband’s. She was a native of Ireland, being Miss Ch‘ris- ti'na McCluskle before her marrjage. Social and Personal Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS (Mrs.) M RS. J. TAYLOR HANNAH HO‘RWOOD Church Street, 7 {umâ€"Evemng Praypr and HOrRWOOD, mon. Preacher, the Rector treet, A11 cordially invited. Richmond Hill. Please note time of Sunday t THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CARD 0F THANKS Miss Clara. Teal desires to ex- press her sincere thanks to fniendcs, relatives and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy in the death of her uncle, Mr. J. Homer. Regarding the collection of waste materials, it will interest you to know that empty tooth paste tubeS, flavoring tubes and shaving area/m tubes can be converted into cash, being worth between 20 and? 30 cents per pound. Will you ‘save them and! notify any Red' Cross member and we will arrange to have them called for. The Red! Cross Baking Sale will be held‘ in the store of D. Hill & Co. on« Saturday _a'fternoon, April 6th at 3.30 p.m. The committee in charge will be present at the store at 2.30 p.m. to receive baking. Offf- ered for sale will he choice rolls and home-made bread, date loaves, eggs fresh fiom the farm, marma- lade, jellied tongue, doughnuts and Chinese chews, macaroons, tarts, a variety of pies, angel cake, sponge cake, chocolate cake, cookies and small cakes, and! home-made candy. Plan to help our Red! Cross lby pur~ chasing their delectable confections from the Richmond Hill panrtries‘. Remember the date, Friday evenâ€" ing, April 12th. The place, High School Gymnasium. The time, 9 o"â€" clock. We’ll be seeing y70u. York County Veterans Trumpet Band have resumed! activities for the spring and summer season‘s. 0n the morning of Sunday, April 14th Vimy Sunday, they will head) a parâ€" ad-e of Vaughan, King, Maple and Richmond Hrill veterans to Maple Presbyterian Church where the Rev. C. H. Bowman 01f Maple will preach. Sunday evening, April 14th, the York County Veterans Trumpet Band will lead the North Yonk Township Veterans to a Vimy church service to be held in Parliament St. United Church, Toronto, where the Rev. Capt. Frank Mesl-ey will preach. A number of other activities are in line for the Band in the near future, and every member of the Band! is urged to make a real effort to turn out to Iband practice. A DISGRACEFUL CONDITION It surely was a (black eye to To- ronto’s allegedI municipal rulers that the traffic of the entire city was tied; up tight by Wed, March 20th snow storm. For hours N-ortlh. To- ronto was entirely out off from the rest of the city by reason of the slippery conditions of the hills on the various streets and there was apparently no effort whatever to provide sand or anything else to re- lieve the situation. No wonder that Toronto taxpayers sometimes regret that they do not resfidle in- Richmond Hill or some up-to-date locality.â€" Hudson: Hex-aid. DANCE April 12th is fast approaching and Max Boag’s Omhestra. is tuning .up in: readiness for an evening of roll- icking rhythm. At the ‘Girls’ Red Cross Dance under the conrvemorâ€" ship of Miss Dorris Leno a few high- lights of the party will be novelty dances, prizes and sampmises, so if you’re in a dancing- m-ood‘ come anti mingle with: the balloons, flags and! flowers. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, Minister Sunday, April 7th 11 a.m.â€"“The Christian Circle.” 11 azm.â€"“The Christlan‘ Ulrcle.” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p;m.â€"-“Life in! His Name.” Only One who believes in us- utterly would‘ summon us to become as good) as God. 11 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, April 7th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. Sunday, April 7th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School TRUMPET BAND ACTIVITIES RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th 4 Markham Road Red Cross Notes a.m.â€"â€"*Pub1ic Worship. Guest speaker, Rev. (Maxwell Datwe, M.A., B.D., Supt. of Missions for Newfoundland' and Labrador. p.m.â€"â€"Vesrper Service. One hour. The pastor in charge. Mr. Meleooi and his choir have been rendering most inspiring music this season. Have you heard them? You’ll be sure £0 enjoy our worship of (praise. A hearty welcome to all. a.m.â€"Holy Communion ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) Easter vmd Ser- School Mystery melodrama based on the James Lee Wong stories by Hugh Wiley. This is the best of the Mr. Wong series to date. This one measures up to the high standard of the Hardy series. It is filleti with family wholes‘omeness, youthful: humor and d'l'a- matic passages. Used RADIOS ’Dhis picture is solid entertainment, a. we“ mounted and strongly dramatic story of a father-son relationshiip laid against a eoLlege background. Special Clearance Beautiful scenes of the snow covered! Alps furnish a>fitting backâ€" ground for the matchless skating of Sonja Hemie. Suscpenseful, convincing, refreshing entertainment for alll. ParisAutOSupply FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 5 - 6 . MICKEY ROONEY - LEWIS STONE - CECILIA PARKER m “ JUDGE HARDY AND SON ” COMMERCIAL TIRE ‘30., Limited 600 x 16 Guaranteed Tires . . . . . . 475 x 19 Guaranteed Tires . . . . . . 700 x 20 Slightly Used 'fi'uck Tires 30 x 5 Slightly Used Truck Tires . 700 x 21 Heavy Duty Tires . . . . . . Heavy Duty Truck Tubes . . . . . . . . . PHONE 18 RECONDITIONED CARS 1934 DODGE CONVERTIBLE COUPE, newly over- hauled, Snap . . . . . . . 1930 PONTIAC COUPE F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE MONDAY & TUESDAY» APRIL 8 - 9 GLADYS GEORGE - RICHARD DIX - RICHARD GREEN in “ HERE I AM A S’I‘RANGER ” A real treat for all, a laugh riot from start to finish. Also BORIS KARLOFF - MARJORIE REYNOLDS in “ MR. WONG IN CHINATOWN ” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 10 - 11 SONJA HENIE - RAY MILLAND in “ EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT ” SHOWS START AT 7.30 and 9.30 EACH NIGHT AUTO WRECKERS LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON NEW 1940 ROGERS AUTOMATIC RADIOS COME IN AND SEE US TODAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th LAUREL AND HARDY in “ A CHUMP‘AT OXFORD ” Phone 86, Richmond Hill SPECIAL THIS WEEK Distributors for WE DELIVER PAGE FIVE $350130 $150.00 $9.75 $7.10 $18.00 $12.00 $10.00 $2.00

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